President addresses the nation

Since Twitter, Face Book and others have banned the leader of our country from using the web… I thought that I would share this here

Is our members of Congress really paying attention to the wants/needs of our citizens ?

For those of you who have not been following the things in/around BIG TECH….there is a law that is referred to as SECTION 230, which basically prohibit big tech (Amazon, Google, Face Book, Twitter) from being sued for what is posted on their websites, unlike newspapers and magazines.  After the “dust up” on the capital last week, those big tech companies decided to terminal a number of accounts including President Trump, a group called WALKAWAY, a whole litany of some very known and powerful people.  There is a alternative website to that is a competitor to twitter.   President Trump and thousands of other people – including myself – dropped off Twitter and opened an account on PARLER – actually I have had an account on that website for a few months…  It appears that the “big boys” at the BIG TECH companies was not happy with this…  Apple & Android took the PARLER app off their app store. and a couple of days later, Amazon which is where PARLER had hired Amazon Web Services (CLOUD) as to where PARLER’s system/data storage was located. Amazon decided that they no longer wish to have PARLER on their web service and they gave PARLER a 24 hr notice to transfer their data off of their Cloud and then they pulled the plug…  At last word, every entity in the BIG TECH part of the world, is treating PARLER like they have leprosy. A company that is estimated to be worth a BILLION DOLLARS the “little boys” in BIG TECH… IMO – COLLUDED to get rid of some competition and get back at some politicians whose beliefs did not sync up with those “little boys”

After the vote of Congress last week, that challenged the outcome of the Nov election… a large number of companies announced publicly that they are cutting off their financial contribution to those same member of Congress we don’t know how many are going to do the same thing only why hiding in the shadows. For those of you in the community believes that the members of Congress who are suppose to represent you… are really representing those who contribute large sums of money to members of  Congress.  It is claimed that lobbyists spend 9+ million/day to try and influence the 535 members of Congress.  One can only come to the conclusion that those who pay lobbyist must believe that they are getting their money’s worth from Congress.

I wrote my Senators and Representative in DC…  about repealing section 230.  Rick Scott is the first response I got.  A letter explaining the outcomes of the recent ELECTIONS and the “dust up” at the capital last week…  NOT ONE WORD about SECTION 230 in Senator Scott’s letter. So is Senator Scott’s not well trained or since Scott is a Republican and those “little boys” in silicon valley gave NINE OUR OF EVERY TEN DOLLARS in the last election to DEMOCRATS campaign coffers ?

Those of you in the community who think that politics have no business in the community… IMO… are really not paying attention. Recently Senator Eliz Warren and four of her colleagues did a press release about a bill that they intend to introduce that would INTERFERE with chronic painers getting their pain medications.  Apparently, they are intending to stop the fabricated “opiate crisis” by denying chronic pain pts their necessary medications.   NO POLITICS INVOLVED HERE !

Dear Mr. Ariens,


          Thank you for contacting me regarding the 2020 presidential election. I appreciate the opportunity to respond.

          On January 6, 2021, the United States Congress convened in a Joint Session to count the states’ electoral votes for president and vice president. What transpired that day, as criminals and thugs stormed the United States Capitol, was disgraceful and un-American. It is not what our country stands for. Those responsible for inciting violence should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. We must always strive to protect our nation and the peaceful preservation of our rights, and we will never accept violence.

          I am eternally grateful for Capitol Police and all responding law enforcement officers for their tireless service. Their efforts kept us safe and allowed Congress to return the same evening to finish our work to finalize the electoral count for the 2020 election.

          Throughout the proceedings, I listened to all of the objections that were raised and the evidence and arguments that were presented on both sides. I heard from constituents across Florida and across the country and I’ve listened to their concerns about the way this election was carried out. I share many of their concerns.

          Specifically, the situation in Pennsylvania was of particular concern to me. The actions of the Pennsylvania Governor’s Administration and the courts in Pennsylvania pose a serious threat to the integrity of future elections. The Governor of Pennsylvania, along with state courts, made a decision to allow votes to be counted that came in after Election Day, even if they did not have a postmark, in defiance of state law. This is absurd, and cannot be tolerated. It also appears that Pennsylvania enacted policies in direct conflict with its own state constitution, which is also unacceptable. We simply cannot tolerate partisan political attempts to change the rules and tip the scales in our elections. In October, Supreme Court Justices Alito, Gorsuch and Thomas warned that the reckless actions of Pennsylvania’s Governor and Secretary of State might result in ‘serious post-election problems’ and they were right. Both of these matters are still pending at the United States Supreme Court. I voted to sustain the objection to Pennsylvania’s slate of electors because these important constitutional questions are still unresolved.

          This election has shown us that we need major reforms to our electoral system and that is why I proposed the Verifiable, Orderly, & Timely Election Results (VOTER) Act, which would address systemic problems in voting systems across the country and rebuild trust in our electoral process. It would mandate Voter ID in every state, institute measures to ensure timely results and create uniform national standards for voting by mail. I believe it is a strong path forward to prevent a repeat of the 2020 election and ensure Americans have faith in free and fair elections.

          Voting is fundamental to our democracy, and it is a sacred right that we must protect and cherish. I look forward to working with my colleagues in the Senate to get this legislation passed and ensure smooth and secure elections.

          Again, thank you for contacting me regarding your concerns. I am proud to represent all Floridians.


Rick Scott
United States Senator



You can follow my work in the U.S. Senate on Twitter. Additionally, please do not reply to this email as this mailbox unfortunately is for outgoing messages only. If you would like to contact me again, please visit my website.

This person got over 80 million votes, but how many were cast by legally registered voters ?

As seen on the web

Is it time for the community to focus on a NEW TARGET ?

I can’t count the number of times that someone with the community has says… “no one understands what I am going thru”

Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone understood “living with chronic pain” and the impact that the insurance/PBM industries have on getting proper treatment. Because of the McCarran Ferguson Act  the insurance/PBM industry is exempt from Sherman Antitrust.  While that law had a valid reason when it was passed in the 1940’s, that reason no longer exists …BUT… it is still a law on the books and numerous have tried to get it repealed since the late 80’s, without any luck. Mostly because the insurance/PBM industry has one of the largest pots of money to using for lobbying Congress.

The insurance/PBM industry has expanded the use of this law way past its original intent.  They can collude, fix prices and do other things that is ILLEGAL in the normal business world.  They directly/indirectly affect what your medications can cost you, if the particular medication that your prescriber wants you to have is even paid for or will only pay for a “similar” medication that the insurance/PBM industry will make more profits on.

One of the largest insurance/PBM companies is CVS Health, they own abt 10,000 community pharmacies, specialty pharmacies, mail order pharmacy, and the largest Nursing Home Pharmacy (Omnicare)  PBM Caremark, Aetna Insurance, Silver Scripts Part D insurance.

This one entity can dictate how much – or how little – their retail competitors gets paid for the prescriptions they fill for their own pts. They can dictate that pts end up paying higher co-pays if the pts don’t want to patronize one of CVS’ own pharmacies. Those in the insurance/PBM industry can mandate that you can only fill meds at one of their mail order pharmacies.

When I read about another independent pharmacy closing their doors because the insurance/PBM industry has made it unprofitable to stay in business,  many stating that the insurance/PBM were – on average – paying them 25% less than the cost of buying the medication(s) from the wholesaler… and… guess who ends up buying the closing pharmacy pt records/files ?  Typically CVS – but not always… just most of the time.

NOW THE NEW FOCUS…  how many of you and other have been in Face Book jail ?…  The BIG TECH – silicon valley have a similar law to protect them from being sued from what is posted on their various web venues — it is called section 230. Magazine and Newspapers are not protected by the section.  Our First Amendment freedom of speech only applies to the government limiting free speech.

IF you haven’t been paying attention those big techs of silicon valley  Face Book, Twitter, Google, Amazon, Instagram and others have been playing games…  during the election period they put a lot of people in web jail. Many “talking heads” on TV have reported that they have loss tens of thousands of followers.  Less than a year ago a new competitor to Twitter came on line and promised a uncensored community …  After the crap at the capital last week, all of these tech companies decided to permanently SILENCE PRESIDENT TRUMP… no only closed his twitter account, they shut down some of the companies that the Trump organization has websites that sold products was shut down.  President Trump opened an account on PARLAR..  So the “boys” of silicone valley decided that they didn’t want Parlar to provide a web outlet to Trump..  Apple and Android took the Parlar app off of their app website a couple of days latter Amazon – where Parlar rented space on their “cloud” (Amazon Web Services) notified that within 24 hrs … they were pulling the plug on the Parlar website/domain.  There is a whole litany of other companies that followed suit and withdrew their services from Parlar.  This company is estimated to be worth ONE BILLION DOLLARS… yet this TECH BULLIES were able to just pull the plug because they did not agree with Trump’s politics… and their actions are protected by section 230.

Does this sound a lot like what the insurance/PBM industry is doing to the community?  There are a lot of people out there feeling a similar pain that the community has been feeling – from being controlled by people/entities that you have no/little chance of changing.

A new Congressional session starts in another week or so… and there are a lot of people in their country that are very upset and Section 230 is part of that anger… If the Congress can find the cajones to repeal section 230, they might be able to convince them to also repeal the McCarran Ferguson Act…. to put the insurance/PBM industry out of the “collusion game” ?


looking for patients who have experienced delays in getting their mail order meds

I’m  ( ) looking for patients who have experienced delays in one of the areas listed below and who would be willing to share their stories with a TV News reporter. Send an email to
Memphis, TN
Areas west of Memphis over to Jackson, TN and up to Dyersburg
Counties such as Fayette, Hardeman, Hardin, Haywood, Crockett, Lauderdale, Tipton, Dyer, Obion and others
-Arkansas (basically over to Jonesboro and any areas in Northeast Arkansas)
West Memphis/Crittenden Co
Forrest City
-Mississippi (all of northwest Mississippi and border Desoto County/ basically everything north of Jackson, MS)
Desoto Co (Southaven, Olive Branch, Horn Lake)
Tate Co
Panola Co
Marshall County
Tupelo, MS
Oxford, MS
Parts of the MS Delta

Something that needs to be shared

badge icon


Folks I’ve been speaking to this guy,

Greer Brigham

, and he seems to be on the up and up. Although reporters have screwed us over in the past maybe give this guy a chance and see what becomes of his article.

Please understand, I offer no promises as for all I know he is just another troll so please use common sense in talking with him. Also, make damned certain everything you share can be backed up with FACTS. It is only with TRUTH that these asinine policies will be exposed.

Greer Brigham
I am a journalist affiliated with Brown University, and I’ve spent the last year covering the impact of the VA’s Opioid Safety Initiative on veterans. My article highlights new data showing a very sharp spike in street drug and suicide deaths for those that lost their opioid prescriptions under the VA initiative.
While I have the data, I believe it’s equally important to share some of the faces and stories of people who were affected. If you are a friend or family member of a veteran who has passed away as a result of these VA cuts to opioid prescriptions — or know of others who may be open to speaking with me — please send me a message. Thank you.

Could issues/actions with section 230 help those with chronic conditions in dealing with the insurance/PBM industry ?

For those of you who are not following what is going on after the “activity” at the capital bldg.  Face Book, Twitter, Instagram have cancelled/deleted President Trump’s accounts. Section 230 was passed by Congress to exempt – what has become the big tech companies – an exemption from lawsuit because they were suppose to provide a uncensored medium … unlike newspapers, magazines and the like who can be held liable for what is published in their product.

One “talking  head” on TV this AM stated that he now has 60,000 fewer followers over the last few days.  Face Book shut down the website      and closed out the accounts of people associated with the FB page.

The #WalkAway Campaign is a true grassroots movement, founded by former liberal, Brandon Straka on May 26th, 2018. The #WalkAway Campaign encourages and supports those on the Left to walk
away from the divisive tenets endorsed and mandated by the Democratic Party of today.

Yesterday Parler  who started up a few months ago as a competitor to Twitter and  once again was suppose to be a uncensored platform and yesterday Apple and Android took their app out of their app store and they were notified today that GOOGLE – which is the server farm (CLOUD) where Parler leased space in which they operated from… that  Parler was being taken off of GOOGLE’S servers… basically terminating a business that has an estimated value of ONE BILLION DOLLARS.

I have seen very little out of the media about this and using the word COLLUSION… because COLLUSION is ILLEGAL in this country.

There has been many that have called for section 230 to be repealed and/or change that all those big tech companies in silicon valley are no longer covered by this section.  Some are calling for the breakup of these large companies, it has happen before…. they broke up MA BELL’s monopoly in 1984.

How does this apply to those dealing with chronic health issues and being denied/limited the medications/therapies that they need?   Congress gave  the insurance industry in 1945  an exemption to  The Sherman Antitrust Act by At the time, it was seemingly a worth while exemption for the insurance industry.  But the need for that exemption is no longer necessary, but the insurance/PBM industry have pushed this exemption way outside of the envelope of the law’s original intent.  There has been numerous entities trying to get the McCarran Ferguson Act repealed since the late 80’s.  I know of at least one Congressional session that it was included in HR1 – which always include the most important things that the House wants to take up for the opening Congressional session.  Unfortunately, the insurance/PBM industry has one of the largest buckets of money for lobbying Congress to get bills passed or defeated. 

Some in Congress may see the relationship between how the “boys” in silicon valley are acting with their monopoly and how the insurance/PBM industry is acting with their exemption from Sherman.  If the community had a non profit with a “war chest” to lobby Congress, maybe members of Congress could be shown how to “connect the dots” between how these two different industries are using their monopolist position to screw with a large portion of the USA citizens.

Just remember if you keep trying to communicating and educating your members of Congress  – via emails. faxes,phone calls – that there is a 40% chance that your member of Congress has a LAW DEGREE .. who is primarily interested in enforcing the laws and the DEA and the media keeps telling them that the opiate crisis is CAUSED by the prescribing of legal opiates.  The CDC regurgitates stats that Tens of Thousands of people OD on “drugs” and implying that all their deaths were from Rx opiates.  They don’t distinguish that abt 15,000 deaths are from bleed outs from the use/abuse of NSAID’s and the typical OD’s toxicology has 4-7 different substances, one typically being ALCOHOL and if there is a pharma grade opiate in toxicology ..there is only a very small percent that were legally obtained.

I expect with the new administration, that the cut to the opiate production quotas will be equal to or greater than any previous annual reductions.  I read yesterday, that Veterinarians are having problems in getting adequate supplies of medication to treat animals for pain and/or surgery.  We might even reach the point where we have to euthanize our fur babies because their time is up… we may have to return to the days when you just shot them in the back of the head… because enough meds will not be readily available for a humane euthanasia.

When ACA (Obamacare) was first passed, Part D prescriptions were suppose to be a 20%/80% split…the pt paid 20% and the part D paid 80%  on prescriptions by 2020.  What really happened… our Part D did not have a deductible in 2019 but instituted a $435 deductible in 2020… the deductible was more than the annual cost of premiums.  In 2021, they have started no longer covering two of my medications and at least one of Barb’s and several more are now in higher tiers – higher copays.  In 2020, I met my deductible in October.  I had to pay premiums for 12 months and basically got some coverage for TWO MONTHS.  If you think about it, meds that are now NOT COVERED,  just results in a higher annual out of pocket costs for the pts.


Administration finalizes requirement for hospitals to post rates paid by health plans

Administration finalizes requirement for hospitals to post rates paid by health plans

  • By January 2021, hospitals must post online the rates they negotiate with individual health plans and rates for 300 “shoppable services.”
  • A hospital advocate has promised to challenge the new requirements in court.
  • A separate proposal would require health plans also to post rates negotiated with individual providers.

The Trump administration will require hospitals to post online the rates they negotiate with health plans, as well as rates for 300 “shoppable services,” by 2021.

The final rule from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), which prompted one hospital advocate to immediately promise to file a lawsuit, requires hospitals to post online all their standard charges (including gross charges, payer-specific negotiated charges, de-identified minimum and maximum negotiated charges and discounted cash prices) for all items and services in a single digital file and in a machine-readable format.

Details of price posting requirements include:

  • Describing each item or service
  • Displaying prominently and clearly identifying the hospital location
  • Ensuring the data is easily accessible, without barriers, is free and does not require an account or password or for a user to submit personal information
  • Updating the data at least annually

Additionally, hospitals must post online their standard charges for at least 300 “shoppable services” (including 70 CMS-specified and 230 hospital-selected) that the hospital provides. This information must be made available in a consumer‑friendly manner.

“CMS believes these requirements will allow healthcare consumers to make apples-to-apples comparisons of payer-specific negotiated charges across healthcare settings,” a CMS fact sheet stated.

The posted rates must include charges for services that the hospital customarily provides in conjunction with a primary service that is identified by a common billing code.

CMS will deem a hospital compliant with the new requirements if the hospital maintains an Internet-based price estimator tool that meets specified requirements, including real-time estimates for consumers on their costs for a shoppable service offered by the hospital.

Failure to comply with the requirements could lead CMS to impose fines of up $300 per day (totaling $109,500 annually) and to publicize a hospital’s lack of compliance on its website.

The rule also established a process for hospitals to request a hearing before an administrative law judge to appeal the civil monetary penalty. The judge’s decision can be reviewed by the CMS administrator.

What was tweaked?

The final rule included some changes from the proposed rule, most significantly delaying implementation of the new requirements until Jan. 1, 2021.

Other changes included:

  • Modifying definitions for the de-identified minimum negotiated charge and the de-identified maximum negotiated charge
  • Modifying the definition of shoppable services to remove reference to a “service package”
  • Allowing hospitals that do not provide 300 services that can be scheduled by consumers in advance to list as many such services as it provides
  • Modifying the data elements of standard charges that hospitals must publicize
  • Removing the separate requirement to list all associated ancillary services

What’s next?

Within a couple hours of the rule release, the Federation of American Hospitals (FAH) promised to join individual hospitals in suing to stop implementation of the new requirements on the basis that CMS lacks the authority to establish them.

“This final regulation on hospital transparency fails to meet the definition of ‘price transparency useful for patients,’” Chip Kahn, president and CEO of FAH, said in a written statement. “Instead, it will only result in patient overload of useless information while distorting the competitive market for purchasing hospital care.”

Beth Feldpush, senior vice president for America’s Essential Hospitals, said the new requirements would “unfairly advantage health plans in negotiations with providers and threaten essential hospitals’ ability to participate in networks and maintain access to services.”

“These policies undermine hospitals’ ability to negotiate equitable payments while giving consumers little actionable information with which to make informed care decisions,” Feldpush said in a statement.

Insurer requirement also proposed

A separate proposed rule would require health plans also to post the individual rates they negotiate with providers.

Although, there was no implementation date provided, an administration official said the rule would go into effect one year after the end of the 60-day comment period, which follows its publication in the Federal Register.

The rule also would allow health plans with provisions that encourage consumers to shop for services from lower-cost, higher-value providers, and that share the resulting savings with consumers, to take credit for such “shared savings” payments in their medical-loss ratio calculations, according to a CMS fact sheet.