When Cops Play Doctor: How the drug war punishes pain patients

The steady stream of celebrity stories about prescription drug abuse makes Americans keenly aware of the dangers of overdosing on medications like OxyContin and Vicodin. And from President Obama’s Drug Czar to California Attorney General Jerry Brown, politicians are calling for greater power to monitor doctor-patient relationships in order to fight the “epidemic” of prescription drug overdosing.

But maybe the real epidemic is underdosing. Countless Americans suffer with severe chronic pain because doctors are afraid to treat them properly.

Michael Jackson’s death unleashed a flurry of media stories about all aspects of the pop star’s life, including his alleged prescription drug abuse. On the same day countless millions watched Jackson’s star-studded memorial service, reason.tv interviewed another musician.

Seán Clarke-Redmond, a man who enjoyed an active live before the neurodegenerative disease ALS, often referred to as Lou Gerig’s disease, rendered him nearly immobile—he can no longer even play the piano.

The disease also left him in almost constant pain. Redmond is prescribed some medication, but not nearly enough to keep his pain under control. Dr. Frank Fisher says Redmond’s case is an appallingly common one.

“Chronic pain in America is an enormously under treated disease,” says Fisher, a Harvard-trained physician. “It’s a public health disaster.”

Pain specialists like Fisher and patients’ groups like the Pain Relief Network battle law enforcement officials who are forever on the lookout for “pill mills” and patients who misuse pain medicine. Fisher notes that the same medications so often associated with celebrity addiction are the same medications that combat pain most effectively.

Fisher has treated his patients with high doses of opioids-that is, until a swat team raided his clinic and threw him behind bars.

“They were trying to give me 256 years to life,” says Fisher who argues that fear of prosecution often prevents doctors from treating chronic pain patients effectively.

What allows doctors’ medical decisions to be overruled by police?

“What we’re dealing with is a mass insanity,” says Fisher. “We call it the war on drugs.”

“When Cops Play Doctor” is written and produced by Ted Balaker and hosted by Nick Gillespie. Director of Photography is Alex Manning, Associate Producers are Hawk Jensen and Paul Detrick.

The RETURN of the SWAMP ?

Michigan rep Cynthia A Johnson making threats against Trump Supporters 12-8 MI

BUT don’t worry … she has been PUNISHED…. she lost all her committee assignments thru 12/31/2020

according to the Congressional calendar  https://www.nab.org/documents/advocacy/2020CongressionalCalendar.pdf   … the House leaves for Christmas break on Thursday Dec 10,2020 — which is TOMORROW !!

COVID-19: Allergic Reaction Warning for Pfizer/BioNTech Vaccine

COVID-19: Allergic Reaction Warning for Pfizer/BioNTech Vaccine


UK regulators have issued a warning that people who have a history of significant allergic reactions should not currently receive the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.

The incidents relate to two healthcare workers who suffered allergic reactions after having the vaccine yesterday but who have since recovered.

MHRA Chief Executive Dr June Raine told MPs on the Commons Health and Science Committee: “Last evening, we were looking at two case reports of allergic reactions. We know from the very extensive clinical trials that this wasn’t a feature. But if we need to strengthen our advice now that we’ve had this experience in the vulnerable populations, the groups who’ve been selected as a priority, we get that advice to the field immediately.”

Pfizer UK said in a statement: “We have been advised by MHRA of two yellow card reports that may be associated with allergic reaction due to administration of the COVID-19 BNT162b2 vaccine.

“As a precautionary measure, the MHRA has issued temporary guidance to the NHS while it conducts an investigation in order to fully understand each case and its causes. Pfizer and BioNTech are supporting the MHRA in the investigation.

“In the pivotal phase 3 clinical trial, this vaccine was generally well tolerated with no serious safety concerns reported by the independent Data Monitoring Committee. The trial has enrolled over 44,000 participants to date, over 42,000 of whom have received a second vaccination.”

Trial Data

Data released by the US FDA show a small number of allergic reactions reported in both the vaccine and placebo trial groups (0.63% and 0.51%).

Commenting via the Science Media Centre, Professor Peter Openshaw, past-president of the British Society for Immunology, Imperial College London, said: “The fact that we know so soon about these two allergic reactions and that the regulator has acted on this to issue precautionary advice shows that this monitoring system is working well.”

Dr Raine also told MPs “data packages for the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine have been arriving”. She didn’t commit to a date for a decision but said “work is proceeding intensively, and with great scientific rigour”.

She was asked about the half dose, full dose approach that gave better results than two full doses. “Clearly we have a great interest into the possible reasons for the different doses having a different efficacy effectiveness readout. But the position is we will look at every piece of evidence.”

She added: “We will be reaching a position on the basis of all completed studies and analyses. And of course, part of that will be to examine with great rigour the basis for the appropriate dosage regimen for UK people.”

COVID-19 Vaccine Has Potential Side Effects, Nurse Volunteer Says

COVID-19 Vaccine Has Potential Side Effects, Nurse Volunteer Says


Nurse researcher Kristen Choi, PhD, RN, experienced first-hand a “worst-case scenario” of potential side effects after receiving an experimental COVID-19 vaccine in a phase 3 trial. She says clinicians should be prepared to reassure patients if reports of similar experiences spread when vaccine rollouts begin.

“This was the highest fever I can ever remember having, and it scared me,” said Choi, with the School of Nursing at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Choi volunteered to participate in Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine trial in August. When she came back for the second dose in September she began to experience distressing symptoms.

The symptoms, she writes in a perspective piece published online today in JAMA Internal Medicine, started with immediate pain at the injection site. By nightfall, she felt “felt light-headed, chilled, nauseous, and had a splitting headache” and went to bed.

She woke up at midnight and the symptoms had intensified and she could hardly move her arm from injection-site pain. Choi slept fitfully and when she woke up at 5:30 AM her thermometer read 104.9 °F (40.5 °C).

By the next morning all symptoms had disappeared except for a sore bump at the injection site.

Because the trial was blinded, Choi wasn’t told whether she received the vaccine or placebo, but the symptoms left her with little doubt.

She told Medscape Medical News her reason for writing the article was to let anyone who will be administering a COVID-19 vaccine know that when a rollout begins some patients may experience the same side effects.  Disclosure forms are not enough to make sure people understand that what they may experience is normal, she said.

After all, even Choi, who administers vaccines and whose career centers on research, began to fear something was wrong when symptoms flared even though she was thoroughly briefed on potential side effects. She says rational thought for her went out the window when her fever spiked.

Experts Say Her Symptom Combination Is Unusual

Two vaccine experts told Medscape Medical News that Choi’s symptoms were the extreme case and the vast majority of people will not experience her level of discomfort.

But they both agree Choi’s message is an important reminder that healthcare professionals need to be prepared to answer questions when the rollouts begin.

Her story may also point out the need for creating a hotline for 24/7 access so that if patients do experience severe symptoms they can get answers right away, they said.

William J. Moss, MD, MPH, executive director of the International Vaccine Access Center at Johns Hopkins’ Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland, told Medscape Medical News that spotlights on individual cases of extreme side effects should be paired with spotlights on the experience of a patient with COVID-19 in an intensive care unit to give proper context.

“The type of side effects we’re seeing with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are typical of any vaccine, though there is a spectrum,” Moss said.

“The numbers I’ve seen range from maybe 2% to 10% ­­— maybe up to 15% — of people having these kinds of really noticeable side effects. Again all transient. But some people have more severe [reactions] than others.” Moss continued. He notes that any inflammatory response — or reactogenicity — is normal.

“What we don’t want is for people to be surprised by that,” he said.

An important point, Moss says, is that “these are always transient, lasting 12-36 hours, maybe 48 hours.”

Moss said people getting the vaccines should leave the vaccination location knowing a phone number to call if they experience severe symptoms so that they can talk directly with a healthcare professional at any time of day or night.

“I Would Do it Again in a Heartbeat”

Choi wants to be clear that her message is not meant to warn against the vaccine itself: “I would do it again in a heartbeat even if I knew I was going to have the same reaction,” she said.

Her message, rather, is that clinicians may be underestimating the effort it will take to be ready to correct misinformation; they should reassure patients that the symptoms come because the body is training itself to fight the virus.

Albert Rizzo, MD, chief medical officer for the American Lung Association, told Medscape Medical News that the side effects Choi experienced — especially all at once — are uncommon with the Pfizer vaccine as well as with the other two frontrunners by Moderna and Oxford/AstraZeneca.

“People should not expect to get that many side effects,” he said.

However, milder side effects, such as soreness at the injection site, are common, he said.

Part of the message to patients should include the risk–benefit balance: an emphasis should be placed on weighing the deadly risk of COVID-19 as well as the benefit of helping protect society at large against potential vaccine side effects, he said.

Healthcare professionals should partner with other trusted influencers within cultures, particularly among people of color, where trust of vaccines is particularly low, Rizzo said. Leaders who understand both the hesitancy and the need for the vaccine can help reinforce the clinical message.

The American Lung Association, for instance, is partnering in the Black community with church pastors and community health center clinicians.

“We can’t just from on high say this is an important thing to do,” he said.

Choi reports grants from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality outside the submitted work. Rizzo and Moss have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

Amazon Pharmacy Boasts Big Discounts for Prescription Meds, but Probably Isn’t the Best Deal

Amazon Pharmacy Boasts Big Discounts for Prescription Meds, but Probably Isn’t the Best Deal


  • Amazon launched Amazon Pharmacy, a delivery service for prescription medications.
  • The service allows customers to purchase prescription medications with or without insurance.
  • It boasts that Amazon Prime members can save up to “80 percent off generic and 40 percent off brand name medications when paying without insurance.”
  • Experts say Amazon Pharmacy has the potential to improve drug pricing in the United States, but it likely won’t be a game-changer since it will work within the same system as other online pharmacies.
  • Despite its boasting, Amazon Pharmacy pricing doesn’t really offer much of a discount.

Amazon’s blue delivery vans have quickly become ubiquitous around the nation, delivering everything to people’s doors, from essential daily items to live insects.

Now, the world’s largest online retailer run by the world’s richest man is getting even further into the U.S. healthcare market by offering to send prescription drugs to its customers’ doors.

In announcing the new venture on Nov. 17, Amazon said in a statement that customers can purchase prescription medications with or without insurance.

It boasts savings for its 100 million Prime members of up to “80 percent off generic and 40 percent off brand name medications when paying without insurance.”

That membership also includes unlimited, free 2-day delivery.

“We designed Amazon Pharmacy to put customers first — bringing Amazon’s customer obsession to an industry that can be inconvenient and confusing,” TJ Parker, vice president of Amazon Pharmacy, said in a statement.

On the site, Amazon users can compare the cost of drugs to see what’s covered by their insurance, while also giving the option of paying entirely out of pocket — sometimes the cheaper route, especially if coupons are available from the drug’s manufacturer.

Amazon does say it won’t be delivering any drugs listed under the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Schedule II controlled substances, which includes opioid pain meds.

It also only sells 30-day supplies, while other online pharmacies allow for 90-day supplies.

But outside Amazon’s own distribution structure and size as a company, many familiar with the way Americans get their prescription drugs say it has the potential to create meaningful contributions to lowering drug costs.

But, so far, it’s essentially another mail-order prescription drug delivery service and not tackling larger issues in the United States’ notoriously high-priced drug market.

Amazon Pharmacy has potential, but likely won’t be a game-changer for prescription drug prices

“The larger issue is much more complicated,” Eric Levin, CEO of Scripta Insights, a service that analyzes data and identifies savings on prescriptions, told Healthline.

“Drug pricing is one of the most secret prices of them all in America. Just because Amazon has it, it doesn’t mean it’s going to be the best price or best for you,” he said.

Pharmacy isn’t Amazon’s first venture into prescription medications.

Amazon bought PillPack in 2018. That service is aimed at helping people manage their chronic conditions by receiving their multiple medications in presorted packages delivered directly to their doors.

Even then, as CNBC reported, pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) — the middlemen between patients and insurance companies — were worried about Amazon entering the prescription drug market “because it’s really the only company that could conceivably break up their control if it were to jump into the distribution market and pressure drug manufacturers to lower prices.”

While lowering drug prices is often a bipartisan campaign promise, spending on prescription medications in the United States continues to grow.

According to a 2019 report by the IQVIA Institute, which tracks spending on medications, net medication spending in the United States will increase from $344 billion in 2018 to $420 billion in 2023.

But those familiar with the prescription drug market say Amazon won’t be a gigantic game-changer in what people pay for their prescription medications.

Levin said Amazon is merely “putting a Band-Aid on the enormous problem of prescription drug pricing” and will only “feed the beast and contribute to the drug pricing problem in this country rather than disrupting it.”

“While consumers will enjoy lower prices on their drugs, the discounts are still paid for by the same PBMs responsible for the exorbitant cost of drugs to begin with,” Levin said. “Ultimately, this service won’t do anything to reduce costs in our broken healthcare system.”

Part of that broken system is the public’s ability to fully understand all the forces behind what goes into drug pricing.

That’s due in part because PBMs, whose prices they negotiate for things like private insurance plans and Medicare Part D, aren’t transparent in what the true cost is for the drugs they buy for these plans.

They’re also highly criticized for needlessly increasing the price of those prescription medications.

“They make it harder to understand,” Levin said.

And since Amazon is using the PBM model, many skeptics argue it’s not bringing much new to the game in terms of revolutionizing the way people — whether they have insurance or not — get their prescription medications.

Millions of Americans receive drugs by mail. But are they safe?

Millions of Americans receive drugs by mail. But are they safe?


One evening in mid-June, Megan Becker stepped outside of her Las Vegas home and scooped up a package containing her medication, a monthly injection to prevent debilitating migraines. 

It was a sweltering night – the temperature hovered just below 95 degrees. When Becker opened up the package, which arrived a day late, she found that the ice packs were melted and the medicine, which is supposed to be refrigerated, was warm to the touch.

“They literally just dump the box on my front stoop, regardless of the weather,” Becker, an English professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, said. “It’s just such expensive medication and it seems like such a careless way to deliver it.”

A shipment of Megan Becker’s migraine medication left at her door in late August. (Megan Becker)

Shortly after the drug, Aimovig, hit the market, Becker began picking it up from a nearby pharmacy. But last year, her health insurance confronted her with a choice: switch to the Express Scripts mail-order pharmacy and get it for roughly $50 per month, or pay out of pocket for the more than $600-per-dose medication. 

Becker fought to keep picking it up locally, but said she gave up after two months of what she described as maddening calls with Express Scripts. 

“I really, really, really did not want to get it this way and I was not given an option,” she said.

Millions of Americans receive their medications by mail but many, like Becker, find themselves forced to do so by their insurance plans or face the prospect of paying exorbitant amounts for the same drugs. 

An NBC News investigation found the growth of mail-order pharmacies has caused many people to feel trapped in a system that has left them with crushed pills, damaged vials and lifesaving drugs exposed to extreme weather.

A delivered package of refrigerated medication in Millerton, N.Y. (Kim Yarnell)

Interviews with more than 65 mail-order pharmacy customers across the nation revealed deep worries over how their medication is delivered — and no affordable alternatives. Many reported receiving drugs in flimsy packaging without temperature indicators, which can cost as little as a dollar per package. Others have had to plead with pharmacies to send them replacement drugs after receiving medication they thought arrived too warm or cold.

The industry is massive, generating billions in annual sales, but it occupies a gray area with little regulation and even less enforcement, NBC News found. 

“It’s a quagmire,” said Georgia state Rep. Ron Stephens, a pharmacist, who has sponsored multiple bills to increase patient choice when it comes to pharmacies. “If they’re sending it without a temperature strip, and you’re the recipient of insulin or a lifesaving drug, you’re taking your life into your hands,” the Republican said.

Extreme temperatures can degrade medications, potentially rendering them unsafe or ineffective for patients. Industry guidelines make clear that pharmacies should package and ship medications in accordance with their recommended temperature range. But many mail-order pharmacy customers have no way of knowing whether their medicine has gone too far outside that range for too long. 

“[Patients] just might think that they’re getting sicker or that it might be their fault,” said Erin Fox, director of drug information at University of Utah Health, who researches drug quality and shortages. “But it’s important to think about, ‘Could it be my medicine that is maybe not of high quality or potentially got ruined with high temperatures?”

After receiving organ transplant medication that felt hot, a mail-order pharmacy customer posted a photo to social media of a home thermometer reading inside the pill bottle. (Obtained by NBC News)

Proving that a drug had become ineffective or made someone sicker because it was exposed to extreme temperatures is nearly impossible, experts say. By the time such a possibility is considered, the medication itself would likely have already been consumed or thrown away, preventing it from ever being tested. Plus, experts say, without temperature tracking during shipment, there’s no way to know how the medication may have been affected by the conditions inside a delivery truck or the temperature outside someone’s home.

But some people believe they or their loved ones have experienced a decline in health after receiving medications through the mail, including the family of a young girl from North Carolina. 

‘You’re not a pharmacist, ma’am.’ 

Shortly after she was born, Sophie Dean was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis.

She was two weeks old when doctors put her on a lifesaving pancreatic enzyme to help her digest food and absorb nutrients. The medication worked, allowing Sophie to gain weight and grow.

But in 2015, when she was eight, her parents’ health insurance started requiring that they receive her medication through Express Scripts mail-order pharmacy rather than the specialty pharmacy that had been sending it to them previously.

Instead of receiving the medication in an insulated box with a device that indicated if it was exposed to potentially harmful temperatures, as her family had done previously, Express Scripts sent it without any kind of temperature indicator in a cardboard box or often just a thin, gray plastic bag, Erica Dean, Sophie’s mother, said.

And because the mail-order pharmacy didn’t notify them when the package arrived or provide them with a tracking number, the package would sometimes sit on the family’s porch for hours, baking under the North Carolina sun.

Sophie began suffering from debilitating stomach aches. Her appetite evaporated, her mother said, and her body mass index plummeted.

Sophie Dean, 13, has taken pancreatic enzymes with meals since she was two weeks old. (Kenzi Abou-Sabe / NBC News)

“I started to think, ‘OK, wait a minute.’ We were told when she was two weeks old, ‘Don’t even keep the enzymes in the car because it’s not safe. They won’t be as effective,’” Dean said.

She called the pharmacy asking them to ship it a different way, but she said an Express Scripts representative told her, “You’re not a pharmacist, ma’am.” 

Dean said she called again and again. “It was a script, every time. I knew exactly what they were gonna say every time I called,” she said. 

“My option was either fill it like they tell me to, or sell my house and my kids and my organs,” Dean said, “That’s just one medication she’s on, and not the most expensive one.”

And then something strange happened. When Sophie landed back in the hospital with severe lung inflammation in 2017, she regained her appetite.

“The doctor is baffled,” Dean recalled. “And he comes in and he says, ‘Ms. Dean, I don’t understand. Enlighten me. What’s going on?’” 

Dean explained that after Sophie was placed on the hospital’s supply of enzymes, her discomfort during mealtimes had all but disappeared. 

“At that time, my take was the enzyme source needed to be reviewed,” Dr. Patrick Sobande, Sophie’s then-doctor, said in an email. 

Soon after, Sophie’s family secured an exception allowing them to fill the prescription at a local pharmacy. She continued gaining weight, and in the last three years, her mother says she hasn’t had the same digestive issues.

A bottle of Sophie Dean’s pancreatic enzymes, which she takes to help treat cystic fibrosis. (Kenzi Abou-Sabe / NBC News)

Definitively linking Sophie’s digestive problems with how her medication was delivered would be nearly impossible, multiple pharmacological experts said. The medication is gone — ingested by Sophie long ago — and can’t be tested for changes in potency before and after transit. And there are other potential explanations for her discomfort that aren’t easily disproved. 

Cystic fibrosis specialists have long warned families about pancreatic enzymes’ sensitivity to heat. 

“Even before mail-order pharmacies, when it came to enzymes, we very explicitly told families never to leave them in their cars, never to leave them in a hot spot in the house,” said Dr. Greg Sawicki, an associate professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School who runs the Cystic Fibrosis Center at Boston Children’s Hospital. “It could have very much been that the enzymes were denatured or not working effectively because they were not being stored or shipped properly.”

When asked about Dean’s and Becker’s cases, a representative for Express Scripts Pharmacy said that when patient issues arise, “our team works quickly to resolve them, just as we did with these patients.” 

In an interview, Wendy Barnes, Express Scripts’ head of home delivery, said all medications are shipped with tracking information and if a patient’s drug is damaged during transit, the company will expedite a replacement to them, which is what happened with Becker’s warm migraine medication.

“Everything we do is to serve our patients. We want nothing more than for them to have the medication that they need in a timely and efficacious manner,” she said.

“While we are getting it right the majority of the time, any time we’re not, we absolutely need to do better,” she added. 

As for Dean’s and Becker’s inability to fill their prescriptions locally without paying out of pocket, Barnes said Express Scripts is not the one imposing the requirement to fill long-term medications by mail. “Those decisions are ones that are often made by someone’s employer or their health plan,” she said.

In a statement, Express Scripts said that only about six percent of its patients are in plans like Dean’s where patients have to use mail service for maintenance medications or pay out of pocket. The rest can choose to fill prescriptions at a local pharmacy, Express Scripts said, but it will likely cost about 30 percent more than doing so by mail.

‘Sorry for the inconvenience’

Sending drugs by mail is not new. The Department of Veterans Affairs has been shipping prescriptions since the 1970s. But in the last 20 years, the number of users nationwide has roughly doubled, with federal data showing an estimated 26 million people receiving their medication by mail.

Much of how prescriptions work in the U.S. is now determined by companies like Express Scripts — called pharmacy benefit managers — which work with insurers and employers to negotiate drug prices, and often operate their own mail-order pharmacies. Many patients are effectively forced onto their services, particularly those with long-term prescriptions for chronic conditions, either by financial incentives to fill those prescriptions by mail or because coverage is withheld if they don’t.

Dr. Thomas Kline, MD, PhD: Medical Myths Revealed Twelve forces trying to take you off your demon opioids base on medical ignorance and fear

So who is helping? Not these frightened timid health care people, afraid of the police and the Boards. Time to do something. Time to assist the 10 million with permanent painful disease syndromes, with the only thing that has worked for 4000 years – opiate pain medicine. Sit tight the National Pain Council is forming to go charging into the problem millions strong. You will hear from me soon the details. We at JATH educational have been asked to join as the research arm.


Andy Wakefield warns humanity about the coming wave of coronavirus vaccines


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