Every chain pharmacy is understaffed, techs are underpaid. Pharmacists are overwhelmed

As a retail pharmacist for 18 yrs with a massive company. I would highly recommend that anyone who can, transfer their prescriptions to a local independent pharmacy

The brick and mortar chains are cheating customers and employees, while earning a windfall of cash for the executives only.

Every store is understaffed, techs are underpaid. Pharmacists are overwhelmed.

Demand better healthcare!

Pharmacist Job Outlook: It’s Worse than You Thought studentloanplanner.com/pharmacist-job At a minimum, it seems as if a net 10,000 pharmacists will be entering the labor force yearly with nowhere to go

CVS: The pharmacy was 1,200 scripts behind and eight days behind in prescription refills


I have read statements from numerous statements from numerous chain pharmacists that typically pharmacist’s shift is from opening to close – normally some 12-13 hr shifts and when they leave at the end of their shift..there is still a few hundred UNFILLED Rxs left in the computer que that was not filled by the end of the day.

I have read from pt statements that when they come to pick up their Rxs after calling in a refill a few days before and it is still not ready and when they do finally get their refill.. the date on the Rx label can be a few days before they tried to pick up their Rx and it was not filled.   Not to justify a such lag time … it could be done so that if a prescriber has to be contacted regarding a refill with no authorized refills left … that process can be initiated and/or if the pharmacy computer system auto replenishes inventory… that would help assure that the needed medication can be in stock… when the Rx finally gets to be filled.

Historically, there has always been what is called a PIC ( Pharmacist in Charge) who is responsible to the state’s board of pharmacy for the legal operation of the Rx dept that they are listed as PIC.  Back when these designations were developed into a pharmacy practice act, the vast majority of pharmacies were independent pharmacy… so the PIC was typically the pharmacy owner.

Some states have changed this designation from PIC to “responsible pharmacist”… and since chain pharmacies dominate the market place… the pharmacist that is responsible to the state’s board of pharmacy for the legal operation of the Rx dept … is now responsible for everything and IN CHARGE OF NOTHING… just the way the corporate management of chain pharmacies likes it.

When a pt patronizes a independent pharmacy… typically they are dealing with the Pharmacist/owner and often the tech staff has been there for years… because the Rx dept is well staffed and the staff is well paid.  We had our own independent pharmacy for 20 yrs and when we sold out to a chain… my primary tech had been with us at least 12 yrs and they said that they would keep her hourly rate and benefits and was told that she was going to be the HIGHEST PAID TECH in the entire chain pharmacy and this chain was in the top 5 in the USA as far as the number of stores that they had.

It is YOUR HEALTH…. It is YOUR LIFE…. It is YOUR CHOICE …. chose wisely !!!

Amazon opens online pharmacy, shaking up another industry- should healthcare remain locally ?

I have always had a concern about mail order pharmacies.. first of all… all medications have temp storage requirement typically in the mid-50’s to mid-70’s. These storage requirements have to be met by the pharma, wholesaler & the pharmacy.  But, when a pharmacy hands off a packaging of Rx meds to a delivery service… NO ONE has a obligation to maintain those storage requirement.   Normally, if a pharma, wholesaler, pharmacy allows Rx meds to be outside of the required temp range for > 24 hrs the product is consider adulterated and NO LONGER SALEABLE.

From this article and others that I have read, Amazon appears to be “pushing ” paying cash for Rxs.  If this Amazon pharmacy has a contract with your health insurance and you pay cash… it won’t applied to your deductible and highly possible if you submit your cash receipts to your insurance company they will not reimburse you and apply to your deductible because Amazon pharmacy has a contract to bill the insurance for the pt.

Encouraging pts to PAY CASH the Amazon pharmacy will not have to deal with the BS from insurance companies in getting a Rx claim thru the system and with a charge card .. Amazon will get their money in – at most – a couple of days instead of having to wait 2-3 weeks for the insurance company to pay and then reconcile their payment against what was billed and won’t get docked with those unpredictable DIR fees.

If this Amazon pharmacy functions like most mail order pharmacies, filled Rxs may not reach the pt for up to TWO WEEKS and what does their statement mean that theywill offer commonly prescribed medicationsDoes that mean NO CONTROLLED MEDS ?  The DEA states that it is RED FLAG for a pt to pay cash for a controlled substance if they have insurance.


Amazon opens online pharmacy, shaking up another industry


The company opened an online pharmacy Tuesday, giving Amazon shoppers the chance to buy their medication and order refills on their phones and have it delivered to their doorsteps in a couple of days, just like a book or toilet paper.

The move propels Amazon into a new business, potentially shaking up the pharmacy industry as it has done to everything from book sellers to toy stores and grocers. Big chains like CVS and Walgreens rely on their pharmacies to bring them a steady flow of shoppers who stop by frequently to pick up their medications.

Amazon said it will offer commonly prescribed medications starting Tuesday, including creams, pills, as well as medications that need to stay cold, like insulin.

Shoppers have to set up a profile on Amazon’s website and have doctors send prescriptions to the Seattle-based e-commerce giant.
ONLINE SHOPPING SURGE COULD LEAD TO HOLIDAY DELIVERY DELAYSMost insurance is accepted, Amazon said. But Prime members who don’t have insurance can also buy generic or brand name drugs from Amazon for a discount.Amazon has eyed the health care industry for some time. Two years ago, it spent $750 million to buy online pharmacy PillPack, which organizes medication in packets by what time and day they need to be taken. Amazon said that PillPack will continue, focusing on shipping medication to people with chronic conditions.

Apparently the COVID-19 didn’t get the memo about it being gone in a few weeks – this dated 04/2020

And something that not many doctors are talking about lately is one of those that apparently is a symptom caused by some vaccines. And it is that although within the study impotence is not taken into account as a determining factor within vaccines, the trend seems to indicate the opposite. That is why at UK Meds they take this problem very seriously and try to deal with it by offering the most effective product against this problem, being one of the best sellers in the United Kingdom.

Stand and Fight Podcast – Darleen H. Palmer forced reduce dosages and SUICIDE

Click on the link below to listen to a 32 minute pod cast that details how a ultra fast metabolizer intractable chronic pain pt was forced to decrease his dose OVER 75% and he ended up committing suicide… evening behind a young wife with FOUR KIDS.


In this episode Darleen shares the story of her husband Adam. He caught a rare disease from a tick called Rocky mountain spotted fever which left him dependent on pain meds to function. The problem became dealing with the insurance companies and his struggle to find common ground with them. In the end her husband took his own life. Now she is her to tell his story and to help other families in need. She is now a single mother of 4. Sometimes we don’t think about the 1% who live with an insane amount of pain on a daily basis. They need medication just to function. Myself being a recovering addict i always fight for everyone to be drug free but this conversation helped me with the other patients who actually need it. A voice clip of the husband’s suicide goodbye message is on this podcast so if you are vulnerable or feel you might be triggered please don’t listen or listen with a friend.

Trial by Fire-CRPS documentary


RSD/CRPS is a condition that needs much attention. Charles saw this dire need and wanted to contribute to get that need filled. Charles has talked to many, heard scores of stories and researched the condition; with this knowledge, his heart was moved to get involved and become an advocate for the condition through the love of his mother and the heartfelt for the countless others suffering. This moving piece takes us on a journey that will impact the perspective of how we view healthcare and the caregivers of those suffering daily. We walk with Charles as he helps his mother through her own treatment and life changes. We will also meet others fighting to stay alive from this deadly disease. We will fight to help this project move the health care system to figure out ways to help those who need the funding or the health care coverage to get the needed treatment to allow them to live. We will expose what at times seems like Guinea pig-type of treatments that at times can do more harm than good. This is a story that needs to be told and this documentary will open the eyes of many around the world that never knew of this condition and bring hope to those with CRPS. For more info on Charles and his work visit. To work or book Charles visit http://charlesmattocks.com PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL AS WE ARE LOOKING AT DOING ANOTHER FILM BASED ON CRPS AND RARE DISEASE, GET THE LATEST UPDATES. All rights and music belong to our company.


What do you get when you have a national health emergency with a FOR PROFIT healthcare system ?

kaiser permanente: S CALF – If it involves controlled medication you won’t get diagnosed , they also lie on your chart and black ball you from all care of you switch DRs

I have Kaiser SoCal but prior to the last two years I had a private dr in Texas and took pain medication, 6 mg of Xanax & ambien for 7 years. No overdose no narcan required. I moved back to Ca after surviving a brutal attack now having anxiety so bad I am having psychogenic blackouts and the ambulance is coming to my job. Kaiser refuses to give me more than 2mg of Xanax even though it’s become physically dangerous s they also refuse to properly diagnose the blackouts as well as the very obvious adhd I’ve always had. If it involves controlled medication you won’t get diagnosed , they also lie on your chart and black ball you from all care of you switch DRs. I have fought them like crazy for proper care and they refuse to do anything stating I refused their treatment plan which is a lie. I already take gabapentin and have tried hydroxozine which is a joke for anxiety at my level, increased gabapentin is not going to stop the severe stress skyrocketing my cortisol and me passing out. I can’t believe there aren’t major groups fighting Kaiser for their horrific treatment.

I realize that not all readers of my blog read all the comments… but this is not the first time that I have received a similar comment – or email – from a pt that has health insurance from Kaiser Permanente telling about similar denial of care from them.

Kaiser Permanente is considered a HMO

Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)

and the definition of a HMO:

A type of health insurance plan that usually limits coverage to care from doctors who work for or contract with the HMO. It generally won’t cover out-of-network care except in an emergency. An HMO may require you to live or work in its service area to be eligible for coverage.

HMOs often provide integrated care and focus on prevention and wellness.

Does the care that this pt is claiming to be receiving has a focus on PREVENTION & WELLNESS ?

Note from TED talk: Please do not look to this talk for medical advice

COVID-19 policy recommendations for OUD, pain, harm reduction

Read on to *2, you’ll see great news! Share this far and wide Please!
Also there are a few links about a briefing for stopping the barriers for vital pain medications.
COVID-19 policy recommendations for OUD, pain, harm reduction
Updated Nov. 2, 2020

The AMA is providing the following policy recommendations to help states and others with specific policy recommendations amid the COVID-19 global outbreak. These recommendations are to help guide policymakers reduce the stress being experienced by patients with an opioid use disorder (OUD) and pain as well as support efforts to continue harm reduction efforts in communities across the United States. Read about examples of these efforts.

Featured updates: COVID-19
Track the evolving situation with the AMA’s library of the most up-to-date resources from JAMA, CDC and WHO.
“2. Protecting patients with pain
Adopt DEA guidance (PDF) authorizing physicians to prescribe opioid medications to existing patients without an in-person evaluation; authorize the prescription to be sent to the pharmacy via telephone.
Waive limits and restrictions on prescriptions for controlled substances, waive for the period of state and national emergency the restrictions on dose and/or quantity as well as refills.
Waive requirements for electronic prescribing of controlled substances, including requirements for an in-person evaluation for patients requiring a refill; provide liability protections for physicians who prescribe controlled substances for current patients the physician believes in good faith is stable and compliant with taking his or her medications.
For patients with chronic pain, waive testing requirements and in-person counseling requirements for refills; allow for telephonic counseling to fulfill state prescribing and treatment requirements.
Enhance home-delivery medication options for patients with chronic pain.
Issue brief: Reducing barriers to vital pain medication during the COVID-19 pandemic (PDF): The AMA is strongly urging legislators, regulators, governors and policymakers to remove additional barriers to pain treatment to help ensure that patients with pain have access to the treatments prescribed by their physician while remaining safe, reducing travel and unnecessary exposure to potential infection.”

Click to access issue-brief-reducing-barriers-vital-pain-medication.pdf

Biden coronavirus adviser wants US to distribute vaccine globally before it’s available to all Americans

For those of you who read my blog and are disabled… if this part of the President-elect team – his coronavirus  adviser – gets his way… your are going to be put way down the list of getting a COVID-19 vaccine… NO MORE AMERICA FIRST ?

Even if he doesn’t get his way… it would seems that those “high risk individual in the general pouplation” will be about THIRD in line… to get the COVID-19 vaccination… and it is to be given in two shots – one month apart…  So if everything goes well… immunity should come up to full effectiveness sometime late spring – early summer.

Biden coronavirus adviser wants US to distribute vaccine globally before it’s available to all Americans


Oncologist Dr. Zeke Emanuel, one of 10 advisory board members named to Democratic President-elect Joe Biden’s coronavirus task force, has pushed the U.S. and other countries to not hoard a coronavirus vaccine.

Emanuel, who served as a key architect of the Affordable Care Act under the Obama administration, co-authored a paper in September in which he encouraged officials to follow the “Fair Priority Model,” which calls for a “fair international distribution of vaccine,” rather than what he and his co-authors characterized as “vaccine nationalism.”

The model allows the country that produces the vaccine to hold onto enough of a supply to keep the transmission rate below 1%, but says that beyond that, the vaccine should be distributed internationally. That means giving away or selling doses of the vaccine before it’s available to every citizen in that country, Emanuel explained to Scientific American.

“Reasonable national partiality does not permit retaining more vaccine than the amount needed to keep the rate of transmission (Rt) below 1, when that vaccine could instead mitigate substantial COVID-19–related harms in other countries that have been unable to keep Rt below 1 through ongoing public-health efforts,” the Science magazine article titled “An ethical framework for global vaccine allocation” argues.

“Associative ties only justify a government’s giving some priority to its own citizens, not absolute priority,” Emanuel wrote with his co-authors.

The Trump administration had said that the U.S. will share any coronavirus vaccine it develops with other countries after American needs are met and that the U.S. will not coordinate with the World Health Organization (WHO) on distribution.

“Our first priority of course is to develop and produce enough quantity of safe and effective FDA-approved vaccines and therapeutics for use in the United States,” Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said during an August visit to Taiwan.

“But we anticipate having capacity that, once those needs are satisfied, those products would be available in the world community according to fair and equitable distributions that we would consult in the international community on,” Azar said.

Congress approved nearly $10 billion for the Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed, which is working with private companies to produce and distribute a vaccine in the U.S.

On Monday, Pfizer and BioNTech’s coronavirus vaccine moved a step closer toward approval, with the company announcing 90% efficacy in its phase 3 clinical trial.

Emanuel and his co-authors argued against a proposal by the WHO to distribute vaccines globally at a rate proportional to each country’s population, and dismissed the belief that high death toll could be avoided by providing vaccines to countries based on “the number of frontline health care workers, the proportion of population over 65, and the number of people with comorbidities.”

The WHO proposal fails to consider the fact that death is not the only form of harm, Emanuel argued, and that prioritizing seniors at higher risk would mean sending a disproportionate amount of vaccines to wealthier countries, where average life expectancies tend to be longer.

Instead, Emanuel and his co-authors advocated for focusing on preventing premature death, the consequences of school and business closures and reducing general transmission of the virus.

Emanuel came under focus over the weekend after a 2014 essay he wrote, in which he outlines why he doesn’t want to live past 75, resurfaced. 

Emanuel, 63, wrote that “by 75, creativity, originality and productivity are pretty much gone for the vast, vast majority of us” in his essay titled “Why I Hope to Die at 75.”

“Since 1960, however, increases in longevity have been achieved mainly by extending the lives of people over 60. Rather than saving more young people, we are stretching out old age,” Emanuel wrote.

Biden is 77.

Other coronavirus task force advisory board members selected by Biden include Rick Bright, who said he left his position at NIH under President Trump over the administration’s embrace of hydroxychloroquine, and Dr. Atul Gawande, former CEO of Haven, a health care venture founded by AmazonBerkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase in 2018.

Emanuel did not respond to Fox News’ request for comment at this time.