FDA: precise risk of benzodiazepine addiction remains unclear, addiction does occur – CONCLUSIONS WITHOUT FACTS ?

FDA Orders Stronger Warnings on Benzodiazepines


The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) wants updated boxed warnings on benzodiazepines to reflect the “serious” risks of abuse, misuse, addiction, physical dependence, and withdrawal reactions associated with these medications.

“The current prescribing information for benzodiazepines does not provide adequate warnings about these serious risks and harms associated with these medicines so they may be prescribed and used inappropriately,” the FDA said in a safety communication.

The FDA also wants revisions to the patient medication guides for benzodiazepines to help educate patients and caregivers about these risks.

“While benzodiazepines are important therapies for many Americans, they are also commonly abused and misused, often together with opioid pain relievers and other medicines, alcohol, and illicit drugs,” FDA Commissioner Stephen M. Hahn, MD, said in a statement.

“We are taking measures and requiring new labeling information to help health care professionals and patients better understand that while benzodiazepines have many treatment benefits, they also carry with them an increased risk of abuse, misuse, addiction, and dependence,” said Hahn.

92 Million Prescriptions in 2019

Benzodiazepines are widely used to treat anxiety, insomnia, seizures, and other conditions, often for extended periods of time.

According to the FDA, in 2019, an estimated 92 million benzodiazepine prescriptions were dispensed from US outpatient pharmacies, most commonly alprazolam, clonazepam, and lorazepam.

Data from 2018 show that roughly 5.4 million people in the United States aged 12 years and older abused or misused benzodiazepines in the previous year.

Although the precise risk of benzodiazepine addiction remains unclear, population data “clearly indicate that both primary benzodiazepine use disorders and polysubstance addiction involving benzodiazepines do occur,” the FDA said.

Data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health from 2015 to 2016 suggests that a half million community-dwelling US adults were estimated to have a benzodiazepine use disorder.

Jump in Overdose Deaths

Overdose deaths involving benzodiazepines jumped from 1298 in 2010 to 11,537 in 2017 — an increase of more 780%. Most of these deaths involved benzodiazepines taken with prescription opioids.

Before prescribing a benzodiazepine and during treatment, a patient’s risk for abuse, misuse, and addiction should be assessed, the FDA said.

They urge particular caution when prescribing benzodiazepines with opioids and other central nervous system depressants, “which has resulted in serious side effects, including severe respiratory depression and death.”

The FDA also says patients and caregivers should be warned about the risks of abuse, misuse, addiction, dependence, and withdrawal with benzodiazepines and the associated signs and symptoms.

Physicians are encouraged to report adverse events involving benzodiazepines or other medicines to the FDA’s MedWatch program.

State Regulators Punish Doctor for Cutting a Pain Patient’s Opioid Dose and Dropping Him After He Became Suicidal

This is typical of how ASS-BACKWARDS our bureaucratic system is…  the doctor signed a settlement agreement with the state medical board that included a reprimand, a $1,000 fine, and “at least 12 hours of education in prescribing opioids for pain management and in pain management record-keeping.  The pt is still out in the cold concerning pain management.  At 280 mg/day of Oxycodone both long & short acting dosage forms… would suggest that this pt is either a ultra fast metabolizer and/or a CRPS pt and probably still suicidal.

These medical licensing boards’ primary function is to protect the safety of the general public. Does anyone think that the outcome of this issue served the particular pt who was the center of this settlement  or any other pt of this prescriber ?  The personal cost to this prescriber is probably worth a couple of days’ pay… no suspension of license for a period of time, no supervisor of practice for a period of time…  so apparently the prescriber can go back to practice and treat other pts in a similar manner and if they don’t file a complaint with the medical board… no further consequences to the prescriber.

The article’s headline makes is sound like the medical board did something IMPORTANT and all the board did was “WHITE WASH” the problem.

State Regulators Punish Doctor for Cutting a Pain Patient’s Opioid Dose and Dropping Him After He Became Suicidal


The decision by the New Hampshire Board of Medicine suggests state officials are beginning to recognize the harm caused by the crackdown on pain pills.

A New Hampshire doctor recently got into trouble with state regulators because of the way he treated a pain patient. But in a refreshing twist that suggests state officials are beginning to recognize the harm caused by restricting access to pain medication, the New Hampshire Board of Medicine reprimanded and fined the doctor not for prescribing opioids but for refusing to do so.

In May, the New Hampshire Union Leader reports, Joshua Greenspan, a Portsmouth physician certified in pain management and anesthesiology, signed a settlement agreement with the state medical board that included a reprimand, a $1,000 fine, and “at least 12 hours of education in prescribing opioids for pain management and in pain management record-keeping.” The settlement stems from a June 2018 complaint in which a patient reported that Greenspan, “after treating him for years and prescribing the same dosages of pain medication, suddenly reduced his medications, which led to increased pain and anxiety, and suicidal ideations.”

According to the settlement agreement that Greenspan signed, the patient “had suffered from chronic pain for many years, stemming from a number of different sources, including back and leg pain from a fall, testicular pain after a surgery, neck and back pain from a motor vehicle accident, and chest and shoulder pain following coronary bypass surgery.” A previous doctor had prescribed the patient two 80-milligram tablets of OxyContin, an extended-release formulation of oxycodone, plus four 30-milligram tablets of immediate-release oxycodone, per day.

Although Greenspan initially continued those prescriptions, in April 2018 he informed the patient that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) had imposed a cap on opioid prescriptions of 90 morphine milligram equivalents (MME) per day. Based on the conversion factor used by CMS, the patient was receiving more than four times that amount: 420 MME per day.

But as the medical board noted, that 90-MME rule, which did not take effect until the beginning of this year, is not a hard ceiling. Instead the CME requires pharmacists to consult with prescribing doctors before filling prescriptions that total 90 MME or more per day. Greenspan’s confusion is understandable, however, since CME initially proposed a stricter limit, from which it retreated in response to strong objections from doctors and patients.

The 90-MME threshold is based on 2016 prescribing guidelines from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that have been widely misinterpreted as requiring dose reductions for patients who already exceed that arbitrary cutoff, even if they have been functioning well on those doses for years. That perception has led to involuntary dose reductions and patient abandonment across the country. The CDC belatedly repudiated that misunderstanding of its advice in a statement and a journal article last April, three years after issuing the guidelines and one year after Greenspan erroneously told his patient that the federal government was demanding dose reductions.

After Greenspan cut the patient’s daily dose by 40 milligrams (60 MME), the patient found that his pain was no longer well-controlled. According to the settlement agreement, the patient repeatedly complained about unrelieved pain and on one occasion visited a hospital because he was having a “tough emotional time.” Greenspan “made no referrals or recommendations regarding these issues, but instead reduced the patient’s dosage by another 20 mgs.” The Union Leader describes what happened next:

Later that year, the patient failed a pill count and was admitted to a hospital for threatening suicide.

That’s when the doctor told the patient he was no longer comfortable prescribing opioids for him and would no longer treat him. He also “reported his concerns about (the patient’s) well-being” to the local police department and the man’s primary care doctor, according to the settlement. He also sent a prescription for an opioid withdrawal drug to the patient’s pharmacy.

The board found that Greenspan’s handling of the case violated ethical standards of professional conduct.

That conclusion highlights how concerns about the “opioid crisis,” reinforced by real or perceived demands from the government, have perverted the doctor-patient relationship, making physicians agents of the war on drugs, which is inconsistent with their professional duties. The medical board’s decision suggests that New Hampshire regulators understand the dangers of those conflicting priorities. Perhaps not coincidentally, New Hampshire is also fighting the Drug Enforcement Administration’s demands for warrantless access to prescription records.

Bill Murphy, a local pain treatment activist, told the Union Leader the resolution of the complaint against Greenspan “sends the right message to physicians in New Hampshire,” who need to understand that “the guidelines are just that—guidelines—and not hard-and-fast rules.” At the same time, Murphy expressed sympathy for doctors who feel pressured to reduce opioid prescriptions and worry that they could lose their licenses, livelihoods, and even their liberty if they are identified as outliers. “I think in the end they do want to help people,” he said. “They feel like they’re caught between a rock and a hard place.”

[This post has been updated with additional details from the settlement agreement.]

Month of May deadliest month EVER in Ohio


Month of May deadliest month EVER in Ohio

pt with suffering horrible spasticity.. is doing death with dignity this Friday Sept. 25th – UPDATED


I’d like to introduce my sister Christine. She has suffered horribly with a undiagnosed rare disease. She was featured on 60 minutes 7 years ago. Her disease has progressed to her being quadriplegic and blind. She suffers horrible spasticity!! Her muscles are torturing her. She lives in Washington State and is doing death with dignity this Friday Sept. 25th.
She has had problems getting oxycodone and diazpam and cannot choose.
I’m posting the 60 minutes clip. Her last YouTube clip and a movie she made a couple years ago. I reached out to the Dr who runs the program at the national institute of health that was in the 60 minutes show. He responded to me this morning and wrote the most beautiful letter to my sister. Thank you for taking the time to watch my posts. No one should ever have to choose death but that’s where she is and will be free of pain Friday Sept 25th and of course my heart is breaking ..
In loving memory of my baby sister Christine. She fought a cruel rare undiagnosed disease for many years. Paralyzed from the neck down yet had severe spasticity causing her muscles to torture her.
She was featured on 60 minutes in 2007 at the Undiagnosed Disease clinic at The National Institute of Health. They were not able to diagnose her.
She was the strongest bravest person I’ve ever known! I would tell her often that shes my hero!
May you rest peacefully in the arms of God Chrissy!! I love you and will miss you terribly. But I know you are free now.
No more suffering  I love you 

The community is not going to get any relief from a President Biden ?

If anyone in the community thinks that Biden is going to help those in chronic pain …. in this video ..he states that he not going to provide any guidance to the justice dept… Does this mean that the DEA will have no leash or muzzle and do what they damn please…. they have been reducing production quotas for 5 days… On that track…. by 2025 -2026 that could mean that all oral opiates will have ZERO PRODUCTION QUOTAS… the only opiates that will be allowed is injectables and restricted distribution to hospitals, day surgery centers and the like…

IF ignorance is BLISS… USA has a lot of “very happy people” – or – a lot on too many drugs/alcohol ?

I wore this hat out in public and about 21 people said I love your hat and about 12 people said how the hell can you wear a hat like that. I’m pretty sure most Americans can’t read lol


We Must Fight – President Reagan – enough said !!!



Biden says that we must follow what science says

Here are two different scientific opinions/studies on the source of COVID-19 …  One stating that it is a man-made variant and the other stating that it is natural mutation.  Maybe we need to do like Real Clear Politics does…. creates a poll of the average of all the various political polls that are taken. We collect all the various opinions from various scientists and/or scientific studies and if one of the conflicting theories has more opinions… we chose that as “scientific proof”.   Dr Fauci is now 79 y/o… should his many years as Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases   give some added credibility to his opinion.  After all he has held that position since 1984 – he goes back to Reagan days.  Or is he taking the safe route… since he is 79 y/o and doesn’t want to have a “stain” on his reputation at the end of his career, because at some later date his opinion is proved to be wrong ?  So he makes statements such as there is no double blind clinical study to prove that something does or doesn’t work.. Such a study will take 10-15 yr and we will most likely be long gone before such a study can be done.  So he can neither be right nor wrong if he pushes for a study to prove a certain action based on some unproved hypothesis.  “We must do what science says to do”… is such a simplistic statement, but who in their right mind … would use that logic to make decisions what could affect – possibly good or bad – 300 + million in our country.   Making the correct decision could be done just as easily as flipping a coin.

Chinese virologist claims she has proof COVID-19 was made in Wuhan lab


The new coronavirus was not man-made, study shows



Money spent…. promising made… promises broken… business as usual

Joe Biden claims that he is going to only raise taxes on people with over $400,000 .. apparently to help pay for his proposed “medicare for all”…

But according to this, there is only 32,000 families that makes > $400,000….  as a nation we spend abt $10,000/person/yr for medical care…. meaning  no premiums, no deductible, no copay would cost us abt $3.2 TRILLION/yr for this program.  That amount of money is equal to our entire Federal taxes cash flow and we are currently – and for the past 11 yrs – have been spending a EXTRA TRILLION/YR.

So those people who make > $400,000/yr would only have to pay $10 million/yr each to pay for the medicare for all programs.

But he has also stated that he is going to rescind all the Trump tax cuts… so everyone who got a tax break from those new tax rates …. they will go away… so is that RAISING TAXES ON EVERYONE ?

It is claimed that abt 50% of all families PAY NO FEDERAL INCOME TAXES…

Having health insurance and getting adequate healthcare services are not the same… just ask a lot of chronic pain pts that have health insurance but can’t find a prescriber that will treat their pain and/or their insurance will not pay for their meds and/or will limit on how many doses that they will pay for each day.

Of course, > 50% of all physicians are >55 y/o… and many of them will just elect to retire … leaving most pt care to ARNP, PA, NP – middle level practitioners.

Most likely, Joe will go back to what he knows best – ACA – where we were promised that every family would save $2500, but only those who were poor enough to qualify for “financial assistance” and put on a Medicaid program… was able to save money…  every one else got their premiums to double or triple and deductibles went up to $10,000/person/yr…. and everyone got limited choices of hospitals and practitioners

Because,,  ACA was basically two parts – state Medicaid programs & private insurance – and a lot of Medicaid programs have been “farmed out” to private insurance (HMO).

All anyone has to look towards as a template as to what a “national insurance” could be is the VA prgm and Medicare Advantage prgms … enough said.

Remember the “open mike moment” with Joe whispering in Obama’s ear when they were announcing implementation of ACA …” this is a BIG F….ING Deal”

Reported nearly 200,000 have died from COVID-19

On average we have 7500 people  DIED EVERY DAY… so at 6 months since “they” have start counting  COVID-19 deaths abt the first of March… in a six month period…  we will have 1,365,000 deaths from ALL CAUSES.

Does anyone – except me – believe that they should be reporting the total number of deaths – FROM ALL CAUSES..

What if it was reported that all deaths in this period were about the same as the average year… wouldn’t that suggest that the COVID-19 has really not been that lethal ?  But they don’t report those numbers.

Of course, in a typical 6 month period abt 250,000 people will die from the use/abuse of tobacco/Nicotine…. no daily death count kept on those numbers.

It has been reported that as high as 220,000 deaths in a 6 month period from MEDICAL ERRORS.  https://www.cnbc.com/2018/02/22/medical-errors-third-leading-cause-of-death-in-america.html