Here’s a peek at the White House’s unreleased drug-pricing order – that probably won’t work !

This probably will not work as the President believes because there are several middlemen between the manufacturer and the pt who gets/needs the medications.  Two of those middlemen are insurance companies and PBM (Prescription Benefit Managers). They – sometime arbitrarily decide which medications they will pay for and/or demand kickeback/rebates/discounts from the pharma in order for the pharma’s meds to be on their approved formulary. So if Trump tries to implement a “favored nation status” to determine prices..  All of those Medicare Advantage and Part D programs are your basic for profit companies.  If the pharmas are required to cut their price to these entities… and won’t be in the position to pay those kickback, discount, rebates to those middlemen… the middlemen will just raise the premiums that pts pay, increase deductibles, increase copays.

Remember what happened when President Obama got his ACA (Affordable Care Act) with promises of everyone saving $2500/yr in premiums and being able to keep your doctor. Most people who were not “poor enough” to qualify for financial assistance on ACA’s premiums… they saw their premiums DOUBLE OR TRIPLE and their annual deductibles being upwards of approaching $10,000/per/yr.  Pts were unlikely to use be able to use their favorite doc or hospital and or other healthcare providers that they had used in the past or prefer to use.  The insurance companies – those who provided care under the ACA just shifted costs to people they insured.

The other option is as contracts with other country’s national insurance programs… the pharma just raise their prices over there … so that the “favored nation price” in other countries will start to rise… So in the end…. people in other countries will end up paying more for the meds and so will Americans… may be less than they were first raised to, but still more than they use to pay…  The for profit insurance/pbm industry will get their monies and profits.

Here’s a peek at the White House’s unreleased drug-pricing order

Partial text of an executive order the White House has refused to make public indicates the White House is using a more aggressive version of a payment demonstration for outpatient drugs to try to pressure drugmakers to the negotiating table.

President Donald Trump signed four drug-pricing executive orders on Friday, but the White House has refused to release the text of the most controversial order that aims to reduce the amount Medicare pays for some high-cost outpatient drugs. Trump said during the White House event that the order would go into effect a month after signing.

“But the fourth order, we’re going to hold that until Aug. 24, hoping that the pharmaceutical companies will come up with something that will substantially reduce drug prices,” Trump said Friday.

Trump held up the order for a photo op after signing it, and the text of two out of the order’s three pages was visible in a photo taken by Associated Press photographer Alex Brandon and reviewed by Modern Healthcare.

The visible text of the order details that presumably the HHS secretary would be directed to “implement his rule making plan to test a payment model pursuant to which Medicare would pay, for certain high-cost prescription drugs and biological products covered by Medicare Part B, no more than the most favored-nation price.”

The text of the order indicates the White House may pursue a more aggressive version of international reference pricing than it first proposed in October 2018.

The 2018 policy would in part tie Medicare Part B payment to the average price of a market basket of developed countries, while a most-favored nation approach could give the United States the lowest price out of a selected marketbasket.

The order text seems to line up with prior comments by HHS Secretary Alex Azar, who said in November 2019 that Trump was “not satisfied” with the average international price approach, and instead wanted the United States to get “the best deal.”

The text said the purpose of the demonstration would be to see if a most favored-nation pricing demonstration would “mitigate poor clinical outcomes and expenditures associated with high drug prices.”

So far, HHS has only proposed an advance notice of proposed rulemaking on its international reference pricing plan, and would have to propose a rule and finalize it before the policy could take effect. The proposed rule has languished under review at the White House budget office since June 2019. The rulemaking timeline makes it highly unlikely that it could be finalized by the end of Trump’s first term.

The visible text does not detail how a “most-favored nation price” would be calculated, and does not indicate any deadline for implementation. It is possible that details or a deadline were listed on the obscured page of the order.

The White House declined to comment on the partial text.

Trump said he planned to meet with drugmakers this week, but a meeting has not occurred. Pfizer Chairman and CEO Albert Bourla told investors on Tuesday that he was not interested in meeting with the White House to discuss the order.

“I don’t think there is a need for, right now, for White House meetings,” Bourla said.

Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America said the group remains willing to speak with the administration and discuss ways to lower costs for patients at the pharmacy counter.

“However, we remain steadfastly opposed to policies that would allow foreign governments to set prices for medicines in the United States,” said PhRMA spokesperson Nicole Longo.

The drug-pricing orders were released shortly after former Rep. Mark Meadows took over as White House chief of staff. Meadows criticized the Trump administration’s international reference pricing proposal while he was in Congress.


All “games” have rules, goals, winner and losers… Some games one side is allowed to change the rules in the middle of the game

I have been a student of our bureaucracies for some 40 yrs.. They very seldom do anything in a “one and done” type approach… particularly when a large part of the population is going to be directly affected.

The included chart clearly demonstrates that OD’s went up dramatically, the line that noted when the CDC posted those guide lines is WRONG… it indicates 2012 when in fact it was 2016 – HOWEVER – 2012 was the peak of opiate Rxs being prescribed and the chart is correct that they dropped every year after 2012.

Apparently there are a few states who have passed so sort of law that is suppose to ensure prescribers that it is safer – less/no recourse for doing so, but I have asked many times that how can a state pass a law that will prevent the DEA from coming into state and use the Federal Controlled Substance Act to raid and shut down a prescriber’s practice and confiscate all his/her assets.  But I can’t remember anyone presenting a valid argument that they can prevent the DEA from coming into a state.

The CDC published their opiate dosing guidelines in 2016 and in hindsight it now seems more like a trial balloon … they knew that they didn’t have the statutory authority to do it, but – what the hell –  both the DEA and the VA wanted these guidelines and if no one challenged their legality in the courts… they could come back in a few years and claim that they had been grossly mis-applied  and so they were going to revise them… at the same time that Congress is taking  up new  bills… that will codify those CDC opiate dosing guidelines… and maybe even just made the new law to will automatically adopt any changes the CDC makes to those guidelines in the future.

Never mind that those MME conversion programs was developed using SINGLE DOSES on acute pain pts and really little/no application to properly dosing intractable chronic pain pts…  Never mind that there is such a thing as CYP-450 enzyme opiate metabolism and it is a proven fact that there is about 5-6 levels of speed of opiate metabolism in the body from poor to ultra fast. For century treating pts has been called the “practice of medicine”, but now we have the “cookbook formula” of treating pain.

Like all criminals, crooks, thieves and liars… they first some minor crimes at first and if they get by with it … they keep trying something BOLDER… they typically get to the point where after repeatedly getting by with criminal activity.. they try things that are more and more brazen…with bigger payoffs…  the vast majority end up getting caught.  But close to 50% of crimes remain unsolved and end up being cold cases…

Right now in the small town of Bardstown, KY there are three unsolved murders – one being a state trooper – after abt 5 yrs.

The DEA started 5 yrs ago reducing the pharma industry’s production quota that they are now producing abt 50% less now and they are already putting out press releases that they are going to reduce it farther in 2021.  maybe they will ignore these state laws because at the rate they are going in reducing pharma production quota by 2025-2026 there is going to be very little legal opiate produced.

The DEA won’t have to raid any more prescribers’ practices or pharmacies… the prescribers can write all the opiates that they wish… because there were be little/no opiates in the pharma distribution system. When the Pharmacist tells a pt that they are “out of stock” … he/she will probably being telling you the truth.

The DEA won’t have to worry about the drug wholesalers shipping suspiciously large orders of opiates to pharmacies.. after all we have some 60,000 pharmacies… that is a lot for the DEA to stay on top of…

DEA  has already lost their “cash cow” of Marijuana and if they can just move on to declaring Kratom has no valid medical value and will reclassified it as a C-I – which the control substance act only give that authority to our Surgeon General… and they will then be able to start chasing the diversion/abuse of Suboxone type products…. After all it is a C-III controlled substance so all the data as to the products are sold to via a wholesaler, the pharmacy that dispenses it and the doc who prescribed it … via the state’s PDMP. They will just have to create a new category of prescribers and vendors to go after…  and it doing so they will be meeting the primary goal/function of all bureaucracies … to perpetuate and grow the bureaucracy.

The CDC reports drug OD deaths..  they don’t bother delineating between legally prescribed meds, illegal meds and use/abuse of NSAID’s that it is claimed kill 15,000/yr… and we may never know how many of those deaths labeled at a DRUG OD… is in fact a SUICIDE – or as they would rather have it referred to as “death of despair”.

Besides, most of those who die from something… are most likely “high cost medical care”… treating their mental health of addiction with medications, or putting them in jail/prison, or chronic painers are believed that they will never be part of a productive manner of our society – pays taxes –  so they have been classified as a “taker” and will never again be a “maker” in our society.

RPh to pt: your penalty for filling your opiates 2 days early every month – 9 days of cold turkey withdrawal

Hey Steve, 
I want to say thank you for you feed back. It was greatly appreciated l, but also was quite helpful! 🙂 
I did take your suggestion. I’ve reached out the VP of Publix, Dain Rusk. I wrote a lengthy email. (I even wrote that I’ve contacted the National Pain Report; a former Reputable pharmacist (you)  and to intimidate them a bit. 
So, I emailed them last night. 
This morning before my husband was about to start his work shift, he got a call from Robert Mark (I think hes a supervisor of Publix pharmacy) located in Lakeland, Fl. 
He spoke to my husband and said she had have asked you if you were out of your meds. I had a talk to with her. And he was apologetic. My husband went to tell him about his medical issues (previous motor cycle accidents)  ultimately, he said they should be working on it, and will have it ready for you. 
I cant thank you enough for your feedback and moral support on this matter. It changes lives for the greater good. People shouldnt abuse power. Clearly, that’s what that female pharmacist was trying to do.
So thank you again, Steve. 🙂 you are making the difference 
Warmest Regards,

This has got to be one of more bizarre emails that I have received over the years…  I am not going to call out this fairly large  (1250 stores) privately owned grocery store chain that is almost exclusively in the south eastern part of our country. I would think that if the VP of pharmacy services for this chain knew what this female pharmacist is doing to pts… 

This is a chronic pain pts that has been able to continue to work, but now since this pharmacist decided to “correct” the “extra” doses that this pt had filled at another one of their pharmacies and has told the pt that he needs to be in COLD TURKEY WITHDRAWAL FOR AT LEAST 9 DAYS.

Even if/when he gets his opiates back.. it is probably going to take several days for him to regain his pain management and stability back to  his life. Ignore the physical issues that he may go thru … up to and including death… here is about 10 working days that he is probably going to lose  not going to work… THAT IS FINANCIAL DAMAGE.  If he doesn’t get fired for not being at work for two weeks or being there and not really getting much work done.  FINANCIAL DAMAGES is what law firms focus on… when suing someone.

I am sure that this pharmacist will defend her position that NO ONE CAN FORCE A PHARMACIST TO FILL A PRESCRIPTION… which I will defend… however… we have a very serious and growing pharmacist surplus and I am not sure if the state that this pharmacy is in a “right to work” state which basically means that you can be fired for just about any reason.. included to the boss doesn’t like the color of your hair or eyes and many other very nebulous reasons.

I gave this pt a link to find a independent pharmacy as well as a link to all the pharmacy boards…since I don’t know which state they are talking about and I was able to find a new article with the name of the VP of pharmacy services for this privately owned grocery store chain.


Hi Steve, 

I read some of your blogs and see you’re a seasoned retired pharmacist. I have a question for you that you may be able to answer: 
My husband has been on pain meds that manage his broken back for several years. He also has a total left hip replacement . He has been going to the same doctor, along with the same pharmacist for a length of time. He is prescribed a opiate . Has been on the same med for years,  no changes. 
We recently purchased a home to be closer to work. Were both work as small business bankers.
He filled his rx last month to the new pharmacy that’s closer to home( same corporation to previous) our local  grocery store.  
FF to this month…
He filled his Rx this month. 2 days early, to implement his schedule, as his schedule can vary. By the time he dropped off his rx,  he came home to get a phone call from the pharmacist saying, ‘She cant fill his rx 2 days soon because the “State wont permit.” That he fills his rx 2 days early every month, and because of that….he “has to wait until the 17th of the month to fill it. (9 days out) and after that, he can then fill it 2 days early, going forward.”
That means my husband would be out of his prescription for over a week?!
That’s so bizarre!!
 Is this legal? 
 My husband is not confrontational, so he   agreed, clearly. Pharmacist said she’ll put   it in the system to be filled on the 17th.
 I find there to be some unusual behavior, as I’ve done alot of digging, and research, and never in my years have I heard anyone say that to me, him, or anyone! I cant even find anything relative on the interwebs  stating a pharmacist can delay your rx over a week out from the actual due date, due to previous early fills. (2 days) which is perfectly valid, other wise, no pharmacist would have ever filled it! Or they would have at least expressed that to him!
Please let me know what you think. I’d love to hear your feedback. 
Warm Regards 

McGill pain scale

have your prescriptions been transferred to a pharmacy other than your preferred pharmacy without your knowledge or consent ?


We have received several recent examples of patients who have had their prescriptions transferred to a pharmacy other than their preferred pharmacy without their knowledge or consent. Has this happened to you?

Please take a few moments to complete a brief survey. Your responses will help inform Fight4Rx about how widespread this problem is and to advocate for policies to ensure your choice of pharmacy is respected.

Your stories are impactful and extremely helpful so please take a few moments to complete this short survey.

Take the survey here.


Thank you for your time and input.

Problems With Implanted Spinal Cord Stimulators Prompt FDA Action

Problems With Implanted Spinal Cord Stimulators Prompt FDA Action

Between July 27, 2016, and July 27, 2020, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) received a total of 107,728 medical device reports (MDRs) related to implanted spinal cord stimulators (SCSs), including 497 associated with patients’ deaths, 77,937 with patients’ injuries, and 29,294 with device malfunction. If you want to know more about injuries and treatments associated with spinal cord, read here.

As a result, the FDA has sent a letter to healthcare providers reminding them of the importance of conducting a trial stimulation period with patients to confirm adequate pain relief before implanting the device.

Implanted SCSs are used for the management of chronic, intractable pain of the trunk and/or limbs associated with a variety of conditions.

The most frequently reported patient problem ― failure to achieve or maintain adequate pain control (28%) ― highlights the need for patients to undergo and demonstrate an adequate trial stimulation prior to implantation, the FDA says. Other common patient problems included pain (15%), unexpected therapeutic effects (11%), infection (7.5%), and discomfort (6%).

The most frequently reported device problems ― charging problems (11%), impedance (high, low, and/or unspecified, 11%), migration (7%), battery problems (6%), and premature discharge of battery (4%) ― are consistent with those expected with battery-powered stimulation devices intended for longer-term implantation and therapy, the agency notes.

The 497 MDRs coded as a patient death represent 428 unique events reported during the 2016–2020 review period. These events were associated with devices implanted between November 2005 and July 2020.

The patients who died were 69 years old on average and had comorbid conditions, including cancer; chronic diseases, including Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, dementia, and heart disease; and acute illness or injury, including influenza, infection, suicide, and substance abuse.

In roughly 30% of the deaths for which times to event were available, the death occurred within 30 days of implantation. “However, none of the reports provide enough information to conclude that the device caused or contributed to the death,” the FDA says.

On the basis of the MDRs, the FDA recommends that healthcare providers take the following actions:

  • Conduct the trial stimulation as described in the device labeling to identify and confirm satisfactory pain relief before permanent SCS implantation.
  • Only implant permanent SCSs in patients who have undergone and passed a stimulation trial. A stimulation trial usually lasts 3 to 7 days; success is usually defined as a 50% reduction in pain symptoms. Patients should be informed about the risks for serious side effects and what to expect during the trial stimulation.
  • Before implantation of any SCS, discuss with the patient the benefits and risks of the different types of implants and other treatment options; provide the patient with the manufacturer’s patient labeling and any other educational materials for the device that will be implanted; and inform the patient of the risks, benefits, and what to expect during the use of the SCS they will receive.
  • Develop an individualized programming, treatment, and follow-up plan for SCS therapy delivery with each patient.
  • Provide the patient with the name of the device manufacturer, the model, and the unique device identifier of the implant they received.

Healthcare professionals and consumers can report adverse reactions or quality problems they experience using the devices to the FDA’s MedWatch program.

AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine study put on hold due to suspected adverse reaction in participant in the U.K.

AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine study put on hold due to suspected adverse reaction in participant in the U.K.

A large, Phase 3 study testing a Covid-19 vaccine being developed by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford at dozens of sites across the U.S. has been put on hold due to a suspected serious adverse reaction in a participant in the United Kingdom.

A spokesperson for AstraZeneca, a frontrunner in the race for a Covid-19 vaccine, said in a statement that the company’s “standard review process triggered a pause to vaccination to allow review of safety data.” 

In a follow-up statement, AstraZeneca said it initiated the study hold. The nature of the adverse reaction and when it happened were not immediately known, though the participant is expected to recover, according to an individual familiar with the matter. 

The spokesperson described the pause as “a routine action which has to happen whenever there is a potentially unexplained illness in one of the trials, while it is investigated, ensuring we maintain the integrity of the trials.” The spokesperson also said that the company is “working to expedite the review of the single event to minimize any potential impact on the trial timeline.”

An individual familiar with the development said researchers had been told the hold was placed on the trial out of “an abundance of caution.” A second individual familiar with the matter, who also spoke on condition of anonymity, said the finding is having an impact on other AstraZeneca vaccine trials underway — as well as on the clinical trials being conducted by other vaccine manufacturers.

Clinical holds are not uncommon, and it’s unclear how long AstraZeneca’s might last. But the progress of the company’s trial — and those of all Covid-19 vaccines in development — are being closely watched given the pressing need for new ways to curb the global pandemic. There are currently nine vaccine candidates in Phase 3 trials. AstraZeneca’s is the first Phase 3 Covid-19 vaccine trial known to have been put on hold.

Researchers running other trials are now looking for similar cases of adverse reactions by combing through databases reviewed by a so-called Data and Safety Monitoring Board, the second person said.

AstraZeneca only began its Phase 3 trial in the U.S. in late August. The U.S. trial is currently taking place at 62 sites across the country, according to, a government registry, though some have not yet started enrolling participants. Phase 2/3 trials were previously started in the U.K., Brazil, and South Africa.

There are a number of different reactions that can qualify as suspected serious adverse reactions, symptoms that require hospitalization, life-threatening illness and even death. It was also not immediately clear which clinical trial the adverse reaction occurred in, though a clear possibility is the Phase 2/3 trial underway in the U.K.

While it’s still unclear how severe and rare the adverse event may be, the finding could impact how quickly efficacy data from the U.K. trial will be available. Those data are considered integral to any bid to seek an emergency use authorization for the vaccine from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration — and potentially jeopardize President Trump’s efforts to fast-track a vaccine ahead of the November election.

A Phase 1/2 study published in July reported that about 60% of 1,000 participants given the vaccine experienced side effects. All of the side effects, which included fever, headaches, muscle pain, and injection site reactions, were deemed mild or moderate. All of the side effects reported also subsided during the course of the study. 

The vaccine  — known as AZD1222 — uses an adenovirus that carries a gene for one of the proteins in SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19. The adenovirus is designed to induce the immune system to generate a protective response against SARS-2. The platform has not been used in an approved vaccine, but has been tested in experimental vaccines against other viruses, including the Ebola virus. 

The Phase 3 trial in the U.S. aims to enroll about 30,000 participants at 80 sites across the country, according to a release last week from the National Institutes of Health. 

It was not immediately clear what steps were being taken at study sites across the U.S. in response to the hold. Clinical holds in ongoing studies often involve a pause in recruiting new participants and dosing existing ones, unless it’s deemed in the interest of participant safety to continue dosing.

In the statement from AstraZeneca, the company spokesperson noted that “in large trials illnesses will happen by chance but must be independently reviewed to check this carefully.” The spokesperson also said the company is “committed to the safety of our participants and the highest standards of conduct in our trials.”

History is said to repeat

US Border Patrol agent arrested and charged with trafficking over 350,000 pills believed to be fentanyl

US Border Patrol agent arrested and charged with trafficking over 350,000 pills believed to be fentanyl

  • A US Border Patrol agent assigned to Tucson, Arizona, was arrested and charged with drug trafficking after he was found with thousands of pills and substances that tested positive for cocaine, heroin, and fentanyl.
  • Roughly 350,000 pills that tested positive for fentanyl were found in bags that were transferred from the agent’s car.
  • Agents found nearly $330,000 in his home and $40,000 in his vehicle.
  • Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.

A US Border Patrol agent assigned to Tucson, Arizona, was arrested and charged with drug trafficking after he was found with thousands of pills and substances that tested positive for cocaine, heroin, and fentanyl.

Carlos Victor Passapera Pinnot, 53, left his home around 3:15 a.m. on Sunday and drove to the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, where he placed two duffel bags into another vehicle, the Justice Department said in a press release.

The driver of the second vehicle was stopped by law enforcement officials, and the bags were searched.

The contents included substances that tested positive for an assortment of drugs, including 21 kilograms of cocaine, one kilogram of heroin, and one kilogram of fentanyl. Roughly 350,000 pills that tested positive for fentanyl were found in the bags.

Pinnot was arrested that same day, and his home was searched. Agents found nearly $330,000 in his home and $40,000 in his vehicle, the Justice Department said. The FBI, Department of Homeland Security, and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) took part in the investigation.

If convicted, Pinnot could face a minimum prison sentence of 10 years and a maximum of life in prison.

Other Border Patrol agents have been arrested on charges of possessing drugs. In 2018, a Border Patrol agent based in San Diego, California, was charged with possessing heroin, according to KMGH-TV. Agent Brandon Herrera was found unconscious in a pickup truck parked on the street, law enforcement officials reportedly said at the time.

In a separate incident in 2016, Texas-based US Border Patrol agent Eduardo Baza Jr. was arrested on suspicion of lying about a drug bust nearly a decade earlier, according to KUTV.

Bazan admitted to being a part of a drug ring, one that confiscated authentic cocaine from dealers and then created a watered-down version. That weaker substance was planned to be seized by officials and the stronger drug would be sold in the black market, according to The Dallas Morning News and The McAllen Monitor.

Obama/Biden is DA BOMB: Tehran 3.5 months away from weapon: international sanctions on Iran that were lifted as part of the 2015 nuclear agreement

A general view of a heavy water plant in

Iran Caught Stockpiling Enriched Uranium Needed for Bomb

The United States has evidence that Iran is stockpiling enriched uranium, the key component in a nuclear weapon, in direct violation of international restrictions on Tehran’s use of the fissile material.

Nuclear experts predict that Iran is now just 3.5 months away from the “breakout time,” a measurement of how close the country is to having the technology and materials to construct a nuclear weapon. It also now has the fuel to potentially construct two separate bombs.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) disclosed on Friday that Iran has nearly doubled its stockpiles of enriched uranium, generating concerns about the country’s continued progress on a nuclear weapon. Iran granted the IAEA access to several contested nuclear sites that had previously been off limits. A report on Tehran’s nuclear activities was shared with the United States and other United Nations members.

It is just the latest attempt by Iran to breach restrictions written into the original nuclear agreement governing the amount of uranium it can enrich and keep in the country. Iran has also been building advanced ballistic missiles, contrary to U.N. regulations. The revelations about its uranium enrichment are likely to provide fresh grist for the Trump administration as it seeks to reimpose a set of international sanctions on Iran.

A State Department official, speaking to the Washington Free Beacon only on background, said the IAEA’s report “highlights Iran’s ‘significant nonperformance’ of its commitments under the Iran deal that led the United States to take decisive action to restore U.N. sanctions on Iran.”

The official would not comment on specific claims in the report until it is made public by the IAEA.

However, the official said there is conclusive proof that Iran is violating its commitments under the nuclear deal.

Iran’s enriched uranium store “now exceeds by 10-fold the limit set in the [nuclear deal],” according to the Institute for Science and International Security, a nuclear watchdog group that has closely tracked the IAEA’s inspections. The group said “Iran’s estimated breakout time as of September 2020 is as short as 3.5 months.”

“A new development is that Iran may have enough low enriched uranium to produce enough weapon-grade uranium for a second nuclear weapon, where the second one could be produced more quickly than the first, requiring in total as little as 5.5 months to produce enough weapon-grade uranium for two nuclear weapons,” the group said Friday.

The State Department official said the administration will keep increasing pressure on Iran until it backs away from the pursuit of a nuclear weapon.

“There is no reason for Iran to expand its nuclear program other than to engage in continued brinkmanship,” the official said. “We will continue imposing maximum pressure on the Iranian regime until it ceases its destabilizing activities and negotiates a comprehensive deal. That is why we took decisive action last month to initiate the ‘snapback’ of U.N. sanctions on Iran.”

As part of its pressure campaign at the U.N., the Trump administration has sought to reimpose international sanctions on Iran that were lifted as part of the 2015 nuclear agreement. The success of this effort remains unclear in light of opposition by European powers, as well as Russia and China.