Maximum Opioid Doses: A Pharmacological Abomination

Maximum Opioid Doses: A Pharmacological Abomination

Despite irrefutable pharmacological evidence of the wide range in individuals’ metabolism of opioid drugs, states continue to impose “one-size-fits-none” laws. For example, Massachusetts, apparently not entirely at peace with the abolition of the Salem witch trials, became the first state to establish a seven-day limit on first-time opioid prescriptions. Others followed. It’s safe to say that no one is really paying attention to the science. So, here it is. Again.

The American Medical Association was two years late to the party when it issued its first statement (1) about the inappropriate use of CDC Guidelines to establish, among other things, laws that define a dose and duration limits for opioid analgesics. No one was listening. Since then things have gotten worse, not better, for pain patients. For example

Fortunately, the AMA has given it another shot. A June 16th, 17-page letter from AMA Executive Vice President and CEO Dr. James L. Madara to Dr. Deborah Dowell, the Chief Medical Officer National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (part of the CDC) has some real oomph to it (emphasis mine.)

The AMA emphasizes that simply focusing on recommendations concerning opioid prescriptions is far from sufficient to have a meaningful impact on the nation’s overdose and death epidemic.


Clearly, the AMA has stepped it up but whether this will make a real difference or will simply give bureaucrats a higher quality document to ignore is unknown.

States Continue to Ignore Science

When I first wrote about the scientific folly of legally setting fixed, maximum doses for opioids (or any other drug, for that matter) there were 33 states with some kind of legislation in place (or in planning stages). Now there are that 34 – approximately 34 too many – with some sort of legislation to limit opioid prescriptions. In March 2016 the state of Massachusetts, apparently not entirely at peace with the abolition of the Salem witch trials, became the first state to establish a seven-day limit on first-time opioid prescriptions. Thirty-three more followed with ghoulish variations of the law.

Pharmacy Benefits Managers Kick Pain Patients When They’re Down

Madara points out that prescription drug providers (PBMs) have stuck their balance sheets where they’re not welcome.

  • “Walmart’s policy includes a 50MME or 7-day hard threshold for opioid prescribing.
  • CVS Caremark’s policy has multiple restrictions, including a 7-day hard threshold for opioid prescribing •
  • OptumRx’s policy is aligned with 2016 Guidelines”

Drug stores telling doctors how much medicine the can prescribe? Madness.

Two Year, Zero Progress

It’s been nearly two years since I clearly spelled out why fixed limits were scientifically nonsensical; differences in people, drugs, and the absence of a sensible conversion table for MMEs. More than 10,000 of you read it, but apparently, no one with either the power or interest to do anything about it. (It’s WAY over the head of Andrew Kolodny, but for $725 per hour I’d be happy to (try to) explain it to him.

So, here is an abridged version of “Opioid Policies Based On Morphine Milligram Equivalents Are Automatically Flawed.” In case anyone out there is paying attention.

If you were a professional wrestling fan in the 1960s it would be hard to forget William “Haystacks” Calhoun. Calhoun, always a crowd favorite, had a signature move called “The Big Splash,” where he bounced off the ropes and hurled himself on top of his opponent, who was lying helplessly in the middle of the ring. Match over. Calhoun, who died in 1989 at age 55, was 6’4″ and weighed 601 pounds (1).

At the other end of the scale (literally) is Peter Dinklage, who played Tyrion Lannister in Game of Thrones. Dinklage is 4’5″ tall and weighs 110 pounds.

Would Haystacks Calhoun (L) and Peter Dinklage (R) both take two tablets of aspirin? Photos:, Digital Spy

Let’s suppose that both Dinklage and Calhoun have headaches. The recommended adult dose for Bayer Aspirin is two 325 mg tablets every four hours. Will this dose be suitable for both men? A website called Omni Calculator makes it possible to estimate the volume of blood in a person based on gender, height, and weight.

According to the calculator, Haystacks had 12,019 mL (12.7 quarts) of blood in his body while Dinklage has 3,105 mL (3.3 quarts). All things being equal, the concentration of aspirin in Dinklage’s blood would be four-times that in Calhoun’s from the same two aspirin tablets. Is Dinklage taking too much aspirin or is Calhoun taking too little? It is impossible to say, but it is all but certain that the ideal dose for each man will be different.

Why do I bring this up? Because pain patients in the US are getting a “big splash” thanks to a terrible policy that is based on terrible science. Maximum daily doses, recommended by the CDC in 2016 have been enacted as law. The maximum dose is based on a ridiculous concept called morphine milligram equivalents (MME) – the ratio of the “power” of the drug compared to that of morphine. This may sound reasonable (assuming that you think that the government should be allowed to dictate to physicians the amount of only one class of drugs – opioid – that they are allowed to prescribe. While MME values are touted as useful predictors of the total “opioid load” that a patient can receive, they are nothing of the sort. And MME-based policies don’t just fail because of differences in the size of patients; they fail for multiple reasons.

Flawed science,  meaningless results

Below is a chart published by the CDC, a “guide” (2) for physicians who prescribe pain drugs. It is a god-awful mess but is used nonetheless.

Morphine is normalized to 1.0 and the conversion factor reflects the relative potency of other opioid drugs. So, if the daily MME is 90 (3) then a patient may receive no more than 90 mg of morphine, 90 mg of hydrocodone, 60 mg of oxycodone, or 30 mg of oxymorphone per day.

Although the conversion table seems to be straightforward enough, it is based on an assumption that all opioids behave similarly in the body. But this assumption could not be less accurate. Once the profound differences in the properties of the drugs and the difference between individuals who take them are taken into account it becomes clear that the CDC chart flawed and the MME is little more than a random number.

Table 1. MME equivalents. Source: CDC

Not all opioids are created equal, especially in the body

Anyone with even a passing knowledge of pharmacology would immediately be skeptical of the chart. Let’s take, for example, the two drugs at the bottom. Although Table 1 tells us that oxymorphone is twice as “strong” as oxycodone it does not take into account a number of critical properties that paint a more complete picture of the fate of the drug once swallowed. In other words, there is no information about pharmacokinetics –  the effect of the body on the drug.


One of the many pharmacokinetic properties required to establish how a drug will fare within the body is called bioavailability – a critical determinant for whether a drug will be effective if taken orally.  Bioavailability is a measure of the how well a pill will be absorbed in the gut and subsequently enter the bloodstream. For example, if a drug has a bioavailability of 100% then all of that drug that was swallowed will end up in the blood (4).

Figure 1. (Left) The MME conversion factor used by the CDC for oxycodone and oxymorphone. Values are normalized so that morphine is 1.0. According to the table, a dose of oxymorphone is “worth” three times more than that of morphine and two-times that of oxycodone. PO means orally. IR means immediate release. Source: CDC. (Right). The bioavailability of common opioid drugs. Note that oxycodone is 6-8.7 times more bioavailable than oxymorphone. Source: Pruskowski,, Opioid Pharmacokinetics #307. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 19(6), 668–670(2016). doi:10.1089/jpm.2016.0024

Conversely, when a drug has poor bioavailability, for example, 10%, then most of the drug will either pass through the intestinal tract unchanged or be absorbed but then rapidly metabolized. Furthermore, drugs with low bioavailability have a greater variation from one individual to the next, making the pharmacology of a drug like oxymorphone even less predictable. The difference in bioavailability between oxycodone and oxymorphone is stark (Figure 1) even though chemically they differ only by a single carbon (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Oxycodone and Oxymorphone – Chemically, nearly identical. Pharmacologically, very different. The red circles indicate the only structural difference between the two – one methyl group.

Half-life and metabolism

Although critical, bioavailability is far from the only measure of an oral drug’s effect on people or animals. Table 2 shows three of the most common pharmacokinetic properties of oxycodone and oxymorphone. Although poor bioavailability – one of the most daunting obstacles on the long and difficult trip from the lab to the pharmacy – has led to the demise of countless experimental drugs in clinical trials there are plenty of other obstacles. Two of these are the crucial parameters half-life and metabolism.

Table 2. Three pharmacokinetic parameters of oxymorphone (right) and oxycodone (left). Source: Ref. (a). Ref. (b).

Table 2 clearly shows that oxycodone and oxymorphone, although putatively similar, behave very differently in humans. Oxymorphone, even though it is twice as potent as oxycodone (Table 1), is metabolized much faster; its half-life (5) is 1.3 hours, while oxycodone, although less potent, stays in the blood much longer (its half-life is 4.5 hours). Additionally, there are differences which liver enzymes carry out the metabolism. Oxymorphone is primarily metabolized by a liver enzyme called uridine 5′-diphospho-glucurosyltranferase (UGT) while oxycodone is primarily metabolized by two different cytochrome P450 enzymes called 3A4 and 2D6. The difference in metabolizing enzymes itself is a substantial concern when comparing two different drugs, but it becomes even more so when other drugs are part of the picture.

The only certainty is uncertainty

So, which drug is better for a pain patient? Do the MME values really reflect the drugs’ relative ability to relieve pain? Do half-life and bioavailability matter? Does the fact that different types of enzymes are involved in metabolism make a difference? The answer to all of these questions is “who knows?” All we are told is that patients cannot be prescribed more than 60 mg of oxycodone or 30 mg of oxymorphone per day.

Bear in mind that we have examined only two of the eight drugs on the CDC chart and only three of many pharmacokinetic properties of each drug. When other drugs and other pharmacokinetic properties are added to the mix It becomes patently obvious that the simple CDC chart provides us with numbers that are probably more artifactual than real. The chart tells us little about which opioid drug might the best for a single person or its optimal dose, let alone a diverse population. More on that below.

Polypharmacy: Drug-drug interactions

The primary site of drug metabolism is the liver. Within the liver, there are different families of metabolizing enzymes. By far, the most important class in humans is the CYP450 family (6) of enzymes. There are about 60 members in this class and these account for about 75% of the metabolic processes that occur within our bodies. Two of the most important subtypes (also called isozymes) of this family are called CYP3A4 and CYP2D6. The two are responsible for metabolizing many common drugs, especially opioids.

Table 2 shows that even two very similar drugs will behave differently when taken alone, but when other common drugs are taken, the variability of opioid blood levels becomes even greater; opioid-metabolizing enzymes can be profoundly affected by other drugs.  As a result, these enzymes can be inhibited (less metabolism) or induced (more metabolism), each of which will have a pronounced effect on the blood levels of an opioid. Figure 3 provides a summary of common drugs that alter opioid blood levels (7)

Figure 3. Drug-drug interactions of selected opioids with some common drugs. Source: J. Pruskowski and R. Arnold, Opioid Pharmacokinetics #307, Journal of Palliative Medicine Vol. 19, No. 6 (2016).

Some highlights from Figure 3 include:

  • Of the six opioids listed, five of them are metabolized by both 3A4 and 2D6. Morphine is not metabolized by 3A4.
  • The 3A4 isozyme is inhibited by many drugs, including antibiotics, antifungals, antidepressants. blood pressure drugs, and HIV antivirals. The presence of any of these drugs will either result in higher than expected opioid blood levels, an increased half-life of the opioid, or both. Inhibitors of 3A4 can increase blood levels of the opioid (except for morphine – it is not metabolized by 3A4), sometimes causing dangerously elevated levels of the opioid.
  • The 3A4 isozyme is also induced by other common drugs, such as anti-inflammatory steroids, HIV antivirals, anti-seizure drugs, and a tuberculosis drug. The presence of any of these drugs will either result in lower than expected opioid blood levels, a decreased half-life, or both. This can result in opioid levels that are inadequate for pain relief.
  • The 2D6 isozyme is inhibited by many of the same drugs that also inhibit 3A4 but also others, including those for allergies, malaria, and schizophrenia.
  • But the 2D6 isozyme is not induced by any of these commonly used drugs.

The clinical impact of drugs that inhibit 3A4 becomes apparent in a case study of a cancer patient who was being treated with fentanyl patches for pain. While hospitalized, the patient suffered a near-fatal overdose of fentanyl at a dose that would not normally be problematic; he was also taking an antibiotic to treat a bacterial infection (erythromycin) and an anti-fungal drug (itraconazole) to treat the fungal infection caused by the erythromycin. Both drugs are potent inhibitors of 3A4, which led to elevated levels of fentanyl, resulting in impaired breathing. Once the 50 microgram patch was replaced by a 25 microgram patch the breathing difficulties resolved.

Other studies (8,9) have demonstrated that concomitant use of an anti-fungal drug increased the blood levels of oxycodone four-fold, while a drug for tuberculosis greatly decreased oxycodone levels.

Genetics: Abundant differences in human metabolism of opioids

Perhaps the most important factor in determining the optimal dose of an opioid is the profound difference in the genetic makeup of individuals; some people may metabolize opioids 100-times that of others simply because of the impact of genetics on CYP function. Table 3 shows the range of variation of the rate of metabolism of four CYP enzymes.

Table 3. The range of individual variation of the rates of metabolism for four CYP isozymes. Note that the first two, 3A4 and 2D6, are the primary opioid metabolizing enzymes, as shown in Table 2.


(a) Pharmacogenomics of Cytochrome P450 3A4: Recent Progress Toward the “Missing Heritability” Problem. K. Kleinand Ulrich and M. Zanger Front Genet. 2013; 4: 12. (2013) doi:  10.3389/fgene.2013.00012

(b) Hart SN, Wang S, Nakamoto K, Wesselman C, Li Y, and Zhong XB (2008) Genetic polymorphisms in cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase influence microsomal P450-catalyzed drug metabolism. Pharmacogenet Genomics 18:11-24.

(c) Westlind A, Lofberg L, Tindberg N, Andersson TB, and Ingelman-Sundberg M (1999) Interindividual differences in hepatic expression of CYP3A4: relationship to genetic polymorphism in the 5′- upstream regulatory region. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 259:201-205.

Given the wide range of CYP activity variability from individual to individual, it should come as no surprise that this difference profoundly affects opioid users, especially since CYP3A4 and CP2D6 are responsible for much of metabolism of these drugs. It is this genetic variability that is responsible for both poor metabolizers and rapid metabolizers of opioids.

For example, if the innate rate of metabolism by CYP34A of Patient A is 100-fold greater than that of Patient B, it will be impossible to define a standard dose, such as in Table 1, which would be therapeutically appropriate for either A, B, or both. Patient A will appear to have developed a tolerance for the opioid while Patient B will be far more sensitive to the drugs. Thus it is almost a given that any standardized dose will be too low for Patients like A and too high for Patients like B.

Problems and more problems:

This article is a cursory summary, not a comprehensive review of all the factors that combine to make opioid dosing anything but simple. Yet, the following are obvious:

  • Some opioid drugs will be absorbed and pass to the bloodstream very well and some will do so very poorly.
  • Even opioids that appear to be structurally and functionally similar will be metabolized at very different rates.
  • Other drugs can drastically alter the physiological response of a pain patient to a given opioid; the second drug may increase a person’s response to the opioid or it may decrease it.
  • Even under ideal conditions – two people taking the same opioid drug at the same dose, at the same interval, and taking no other drug – huge variations of innate metabolism from one individual to another will necessarily result in a wide range in clinical response to that drug.


The CDC MME chart, in fact, the entire concept of morphine milligram equivalents may be convenient for bureaucrats but because of differences in the absorption of different drugs into the bloodstream, half-life of different drugs, the impact of one or more other drugs on opioid levels, and large differences of the rate of metabolism caused by genetic factors, is not only devoid of scientific utility, but actually causes far more harm than help by creating “guidelines” that are based upon a false premise. When a policy is based on deeply flawed science, the policy itself will automatically be fatally flawed. It cannot be any other way.

HHS refers to Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, which protects patients from discrimination on the basis of “color, race, age, national origin, sex or disability

The Assault on LGBTQ+ Health Access

Estimates predict that 1.4 million adults in the United States identify as transgender. Today we unpack a recent rule proposal that could jeopardize these individuals’ access to healthcare and how the most accessible healthcare professional, the pharmacist, can advocate against this systemic discrimination.

On Monday, June 15, 2020, the Supreme Court of the United States made a monumental ruling that impacted LGBTQ+ rights in our country. In Bostock v. Clayton County, the Court decided that employers could not discriminate against LGBTQ+ workers. Specifically, it said that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which barred employment descrimination on the basis of “race, color, religion, sex, or national origin,” includes a prohibition of discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. This is a major decision coming from the court because it makes clear that so many policies that have been enacted by the majority of states, and have been advocated for by the Trump Administration and Republican Members of Congress, are illegal. In fact, before the ruling, if you lived in one of these 27 states, employers could legally discriminate against you on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity in employment, housing, and public accommodations. This ruling was the first Supreme Court Decision concerning any sort of protections for transgender Americans, and by establishing legal precedent, we hope that all attempts to deny members of the LGBTQ+ community access to equal opportunities are shut down. 

While this is great news, this win is sandwiched by a concerted effort by the Trump Administration to revoke health care protections for members of the transgender community. On Friday, June 12, the Trump Administration released rules cutting health care protections for members of the transgender community. The new rule essentially enables healthcare providers, medical facilities and health insurance providers to discriminate against transgender patients and removes any ability for patients to fight back. This is particularly concerning because studies have shown these individuals are already at a significantly higher risk of being discriminated against by a healthcare provider during their lifetime (70% will face this discrimination). While disturbing  in and of itself, what is worse about this rule is that it is being released while the nation is in the midst of a national conversation about the impacts of systemic racism in all elements of society, including healthcare, in the aftermath of the numerous murders of members of minority populations by police officers. 

The Fight For Equity in Healthcare

The Trump Administration has called their rule “The Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and Activities”, however, this does not align with the language of this rule, which in fact promotes discrimination in healthcare.

HHS refers to Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, which protects patients from discrimination on the basis of “color, race, age, national origin, sex or disability” in any “health program or activity” that receives financial assistance from the federal government.

The Obama Administration used this language to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orienation, pregnancy, and gender identity. Based on the original rule as written by the Obama administration, healthcare providers and insurers were required to provide medically appropriate treatment for members of the transgender community. 

The Trump administration’s argument is that in sex is binary and the sex assigned at birth is necessary for healthcare. They also go on to argue that providing healthcare to members of the transgender community may be confusing for providers. The argument here grossly mischaracterizes the healthcare needs of these individuals and undermines the commitment to lifelong learning that providers embark on when pursuing careers in health care. 

The new HHS rule also goes further and affects regulations pertaining to transgender health access, including cost-sharing, health plan marketing, and benefits. 

What about the Supreme Court Ruling?

Despite the decision from the Supreme Court, the Trump Administration moved ahead on Friday and finalized the rules with HHS publishing the proposed rule in the Federal Register, with a “start date” of August 18. This regressive and almost certainly non-coincidental move is especially boldfaced given the decision from the Supreme Court, which ruled broadly that laws that explicitly prevent discrimination on the basis of sex or gender also prevent discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. The legal argument here is the exact same, even if the context is employment versus healthcare. The distinction is technical at best and on very flimsy ground. If the legal precedent holds, then the word “sex” in Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act includes sexual orientation and gender identity. While HHS can reject any charge of discrimination by arguing that they “respect the dignity of every human being,” their actions speak louder than their words. We all know exactly what they are trying to do. 

What Can Pharmacists Do In the Meantime? 

As equity takes center stage in the broader discussion of healthcare access, it is encouraging to see all healthcare practitioners focusing on how to eliminate disparities in healthcare. Over the last few months in the aftermath of countless episodes of police violence, we’ve seen more research being highlighted out about racial disparities in healthcare and some language from professional organizations highlighting a commitment to learn more about social injustices and challenges related to health care. We must do the same thing when it comes to healthcare disparities faced by the LGBTQ+ community. Pharmacists and other healthcare professionals need to take time to learn how to use inclusive terminology in order to make LGBTQ+ patients feel comfortable when discussing their healthcare needs, and provide better health access for our LGBTQ+ patients. Resources and webinars from organizations like The Fenway Institute, Southeast AIDS Education and Training Center, the LGBT Training Curricula for Behavior Health and Primary Care Practitioners from SAMHSA and the National LGBT Health Education Center are great places to start. You can also take a look at the Healthcare Equality Index by the Human Rights Campaign

Other steps pharmacists, students, and other healthcare professionals can take: 

  1. Revise health intake forms to be inclusive of a variety of sexual orientations and gender identities 
  2. Ask technology vendors to include sexual orientations and gender identities as a part of a patient’s EHR
  3. Allow patients to enter their own information into a database to give patients control over how they give this information to providers 
  4. Develop and display non-discrimination policies that include sexual orientations and gender identities
  5. Train all staff to respectfully interact with all patients, and ask all patients what their preferred names and pronouns are. 
  6. Create a welcoming environment within patient consultation rooms
  7. When asking about sexual and social histories, talk to all patients in an open, non-judgemental way 
  8. Ask open-ended questions when talking about appearance or sexual behavior, such as “Are you in a relationship?” instead of “Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend”
  9. Advocate for Professional Pharmacy Organizations to adopt policy opposing any local, state, or federal attempt to legalize healthcare discriminations based on sexual orientation and gender identity, and actively lobby against proposed rules that do
  10. Advocate for the inclusion content on providing care to members of the LGBTQ+ community in the curriculum of Doctor of Pharmacy programs

If our profession is serious about removing disparities in healthcare, we need to start with educating ourselves where there are gaps. We can do the work today to teach ourselves how to take better care of our patients, and then advocate for structural changes to better promote health access for all of our current and future patients.

This Supreme Court ruling may just muddy the waters every more, but what is interesting is that TESTOSTERONE is a controlled substance, whereas female hormones are not..  This could present pharmacists with another dilemma… when one subset of this group of pts need a control substance med to make the transition and the other subset medications needed is not. 

Since the vast majority within this pt group are not handicapped the chronic pain community might find some assistance in getting adequate therapy in regards to controlled substances because this group tends to be more politically active to cause change and can be more VISIBLE because their activity is not impaired by having a disability.


My way of thinking… a true story

I ran across this story that I had clipped out of a pharmacy magazine from some 30+ yrs ago. 

Unfortunately, It is a true story and what reminded me of this story is that I have been on a closed pharmacy FB page and someone started a discussion about filling/not filling high dose opiates for pts.

There were a few Pharmacist that take the side of the chronic painer, but the vast majority would not come off their lofty pedestal and they were not going to budge.

At least one made the statement… ” I don’t have to fill anything… if I don’t want to”

I have posted this article in the thread on that FB page… will be interesting to see where things go.

I wonder what would happen if pts printed this article out and as they left the pharmacy without their necessary medication handed them a copy of this article ?

This happened before there was a Americans with Disability Act and a time when addiction was not really considered a mental health disease and more of a choice.

A. Kolodny: “Outside of palliative care, dangerously high doses should be reduced even if the patient refuses”

Ronald D. Liebowitz
Office of the President, MS 100
Irving Enclave 113
Brandeis University
415 South Street
Waltham, MA 02453
Dear Sir,
I suffer from the spinal cord disease Adhesive Arachnoiditis.
There was testimony before the FDA in 2014 that the pain this disease produces is “Beyond all human comprehension” I can afford to go to the best, highly skilled doctors, so I have been well taken care of. I can drive, go to church and take care of my family. Opioid pain medications are a small but vital part of my treatment plan. Since I carry a genetic difference that makes my body metabolize opioids rapidly, I am prescribed a stable dose that is higher than the CDC suggested daily limit of 90mg of morphine equivalent.
Doctor Kolodny refuses to acknowledge that patients like me exist.
People are different in size, disease and pain tolerance. Removing opioid pain medications from the pharmacy, that are of a certain milligrams. Which Dr. Kolodny is now petitioning the FDA to do,is withholding adequate pain treatment from those who are different. E.G. people of large stature, people who absorb opioid pain medications at different rates ( CYP450 Enzyme Defects), different disease pain. All tools should be available for trained physicians. Removing these medications before new ones are developed and tested is neglecting to treat pain adequately for those who have tried all methods to reduce pain and have only found success in using prescribed opioid pain medications in adequate formulations to reduce pain to a tolerable level.

Without compassionate care and pain control I will die. I really do not care what I take to treat my pain and I have tried everything any doctor has suggested to get better, to manage this pain. Opioids have been the only thing that tempers it. I feel trapped, trapped in a Warsaw Ghetto of my own, filled with unspeakable misery and suffering with no way to escape the coming destruction, destruction the withdrawal of compassionate care will surely bring.
I am writing this to ask that you publicly speak out against the Nazi ideology coming out of Heller Opioid Policy Research Collaborative, Brandeis University.
Please let me remind you of what the world was like when Brandeis University was founded back in 1948.
Because those who don’t identify the mistakes of the past are destined to repeat the same mistakes
Brandeis University rose from the ashes of World War Two to be a beacon of open inquiry, justice, and truth.
It’s chosen motto: “ Truth even unto its innermost parts” (1)
Just a few months before Brandeis University’s founding, Doctor Karl Brandt, Hitler’s personal physician, who had been chosen to administer the German Aktion T4 program, was executed on June 4, 1948 along with 6 other doctors for crimes against humanity at the close of the Nuremberg trials. He had been found guilty of mass murder under the guise of euthanasia.
The German T4 program empowered physicians to kill anyone deemed to have a “life not worthy of living”. The program directed all psychiatric institutions, hospitals and homes for the chronically ill to murder those the Nazis referred to as “burdensome lives” and “useless eaters”. Authorities directed mental institutions throughout the Reich to “neglect” their patients by withholding food and medical treatment. The murder of the handicapped was a precursor of the Holocaust and Dr Karl Brandt was the driving force. Although the T4 program appeared to end on August 24, 1941 it continued underground killing around 200,000 and became a precursor of the final solution in which millions of Jews and other minorities were murdered by the end of the war in 1945.(2)(3)

Is the Heller Opioid Research Collaborative trying to save lives and reduce opioid deaths?
Or is their goal to change the present U.S policy of treating the pain of the most unfortunate citizens among us with opioids* to a policy where pain treatment is withheld, even if it leads directly to the patient’s death
It saddens me to say that, from the chronic pain patients point of view. Patients who are suffering from a plethora of this world’s most painful conditions, the war on drugs has become a war on pain patients. A modern day German Aktion T4 program which has been snuffing out the lives of pain patients daily under the guise of saving lives.

So Then?
What is the truth even unto its innermost parts?
One indisputable truth is that pain patients are dying at an accelerated rate and they will continue to die as long as those making the policy changes regarding pain treatment ignore what has been happening in the pain community.
A Second Truth
To ignore what has been happening in the pain patient community and the deaths these policy changes have been causing is encroaching on the fundamental human right to pain control of others.(7)
A Third Truth
To deny that right to pain control to a legitimate pain patient who is chronically ill is torture (7)
How, may I ask is denying pain patients compassionate pain control, and letting them die by suicide today any different than Hitler’s T4 program and the murder of the chronically ill by “neglect and withholding medical treatment”?

Please ask yourself.

If these deaths of pain patients had occurred in Nazi Germany as part of Karl Brandt’s T4 program, would the military tribunal at Nuremberg have found him guilty of crimes against humanity?
If we are looking for the honest truth. We would have to answer Yes!
I have talked to Dr Kolodny and when I brought up the fact that the new CDC guideline was killing pain patients at an accelerated rate, he vehemently denied it was doing that, and demanded that I provide him with the names of pain patients who had taken their lives after losing pain control. More recently in his tweets Dr Kolodny issued this challenge to the pain patient community. He first said “Outside of palliative care, dangerously high doses should be reduced even if the patient refuses.” He then asked “ Exactly where is this done in a risky way?” … and … “I’m asking you to point to a specific clinic or health system that is forcing tapers in a risky fashion.”
I understand many patients responded by sending replies to his twitter account only to have their comments deleted and be blocked from further posts.
So I will answer that challenge in this letter regarding events at Benefis Pain Management in Great Falls, Montana recently. Upwards of 1000 chronic pain patients were abruptly tapered or cut off completely. Shortly afterward, Byron Spece of Lewistown, Montana killed himself.
Here is his obituary
The account of his death and interviews of family members were published online in a story by Pain News Network and you can read that here:
Another Montana pain Patient suicide was the death of Robert Mason who shot himself after losing his pain doctor. You can read or listen to the Montana PBR account of his death here:
Dr. Stefan Kertesz, an addiction medicine specialist at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine had to say about patient suicides . “A significant number of chronic pain patients are killing themselves, and that should be a concern to society at large when people die as a result of something done to care for them.”

There are many more if you would care to know that I was hoping to share with you as our group has been keeping a list but I have to tell you that many in the pain community believe that there is an undercover T4 program designed to put chronically ill patients to death under the guise of preventing opioid deaths that is being managed by Heller and there was strong objection to sharing our list with the person who many believe is the driving force behind these deaths.

The state of Montana  leads the nation in suicides. Around 40% of them are patients with medical problems, terminal illness and, or under treated pain patients ( 2014) (5) because it is almost impossible for a pain patient to find treatment there. No doubt that number will grow when we are completely cut off from pain control as the CDC and Dr Kolodny continue their attack on pain patients.
Please let me refer to the words of Justice Louis D. Brandeis the Founding father of Brandeis University:
“ The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in the insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well meaning but without understanding” (6)
Dr Kolodny certainly is zealous.
But if Dr. Kolodny is really interested in preventing opioid deaths and addiction as he claims, why has he been silent about the flood of illicit fentanyl analog pouring into the country, which even the CDC has admitted is the major cause of recent overdoses?
Why has he been so silent about deaths caused by withdrawal of care in the pain patient community?
Why has he been silent about the profound physiologic effect serious untreated pain has on the endocrine, cardiovascular, immune, neurologic and musculo-skeletal systems?
It is called involuntary passive euthanasia and unless someone will stand up for me, for us, unless you stand up for us our lives are lost.
A final truth to think about is this:
If nothing is done to put a stop to this modern day genocide of pain patients, it will be a stain on the Brandeis University reputation that will be a legacy remembered long after Germany’s T4 program is forgotten.
* Now used as a last resort when all other treatment options fail in harmony with the World Health Organization 3 step ladder which is the world’s gold standard for treating pain (4)
Brandeis Education Mission and Purpose
Karl Brandt – Wikipedia
T4 Program Nazi Policy – Encyclopaedia Britannica
Practical Pain Management Editor’s Memo: The WHO 3-Step Ladder Still The Gold Standard In Pain Management – Forest Tennant MD, DrPH
Karl Rosston – Montana State Suicide Prevention Coordinator – Missoulian
Justice Louis D. Brandeis – Brandeis University
Human Rights Watch World Report 2010 – Abusing Patients -Health Providers Complicity in Torture and Cruel, Inhumane and Degrading Treatment.
(8) The Opioid Crisis- Patients Pushed to the Brink -The Bulletin
(9)Complications of Uncontrolled, Persistent Pain – Practical Pain Management – Forest Tennant MD DrPH

The above letter was sent by a pt who is dealing with intractable chronic pain to Brandeis University
Here is a list of known suicides that I have amassed on my blog



This is what happens to chronic pain pts when they can’t get anyone to prescribe/dispense opiates to control their pain. If this pt dies of a stroke or heart attack… will their death certificate say that they died of “natural causes” or due to lack of appropriate care ?

I can’t count the times that I have heard from chronic pain pts that are being forced to lower or eliminate their pain management meds and their blood pressure starts rising and their PCP will start loading them up with different blood pressure meds. – sometimes 4-5 different types of meds and still their blood pressure remains at a level that is above acceptable levels.

It is generally considered “bad medicine” to add medication to a pt’s treatment plan to treat side effects of one or more of their therapies is causing…

Shouldn’t the rising blood pressure as their pain medications are lessened/eliminated be considered a side effect ? Here is a list of all the normal bodily functions that can adversely effected by under/untreated pain.

MAYBE PAINED LIVES REALLY DON’T MATTER to many healthcare professionals and many within various bureaucracies ? This pt made a FB post that going to a ER or Immediate care center would probably not get the pt any sort of treatment.

The Rapp Report: Chronic Pain Awareness The Rapp Report: Chronic Pain Awareness

E08: Live Interview With Tennessee Senate Candidate, Kent Morrell 06/19/2020E08: Live Interview With Tennessee Senate Candidate, Kent Morrell

We interviewed candidate for United States Senate from the Great State of Tennessee, Kent Morrell, live on the air. 

Kent is running on the Republican ticket. Being a Republican myself, we examined what exactly it means to be a Republican and expressed our disapproval at the current state of our party. Kent hopes to restore true Republican values, values such as limited government and the return of individual liberty as a United States Senator. If you live in the Great State of Tennessee, home of such famous historical figures as David Crockett, and you believe in the ideals and principles of limited government and if you value individual liberty, vote for Kent Morrell. 

The opioid hysteria has allowed the Federal government to balloon at an astonishing rate into our medicare system. Now there is more government than ever before in American history keeping millions of Americans suffering from excruciating pain every day from the treatment they deserve. As Kent and I discussed live on the air, we are endowed by our Creator with unalienable rights, that among these rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And to protect these rights, governments are instituted among men. Kent will fight for liberty. Kent will fight to restore the rights of the people, not just chronic pain patients, but to all Americans, and push back against an out of control, over-inflated government. Washington DC isn’t just in Washington DC anymore. You can find the Federal government in almost every aspect of your life. (Even this podcast. The FCC regulates my airtime.) Help Kent take on the cause of liberty, the same noble cause taken up by the first Republican President, and our greatest President, Abraham Lincoln. 

Be sure and check out Kent’s website and DONATE to his great and noble campaign!


CVS Health’s profits in ONE YEAR— 250 BILLION DOLLARS

This year (2020) we changed from Silver Scripts Part D – that is part of CVS Health along with the PBM Caremark…

Part D prgms have deductibles this year for the first time in years… so far year to day – even after paying a $435 deductible on our prescription meds our out of pocket cost with our new Humana Part D program is abt HALF…

Last week I picked up two Rxs for Barb and last year CVS charged us $41.00 copay for the two… this year Humana charged us $3.00 for the two.. in fact one of the two had a $0.00 Copay.

We still are patronizing the same independent pharmacy that we have been using for the last several years.

Naturopathic health іѕ оftеn neglected аѕ merely bеіng a раrt оf thе alternative medicine terminology. Mаnу people stray frоm alternative medicine bесаuѕе thеу fear thаt іt іѕ ѕоmеhоw nоt аѕ reputable аѕ conventional medicine. Wіth mаnу people discovering alternative medicine fоr thе fіrѕt tіmе, аnd tо great results, іt mау bе tіmе fоr a change іn thаt paradigm. Naturopathic medicine іѕ a medical philosophy thаt іѕ аlѕо known аѕ naturopathy. Essentially, thоѕе interested іn naturopathic health practices utilize thе improvement оf health thrоugh thе treatment оf thе bоdу аѕ a whоlе unit. Thіѕ approaches thе body’s оwn capacity tо heal itself аnd, thrоugh alternative medicine, creates a medical philosophy thаt wоuld mоvе thе bоdу tо act іn light оf difficulties. Thе bоdу wоuld mоvе tо act аnd fight a cold, fоr example, bесаuѕе оf naturopathic medicine. For the best naturopathic treatment from Neurvana Health Naturopathic Clinic, You can do visit.

In looking at the pharmacy receipts from last year… Silver Scripts only paid about 20% of the total cost of our prescriptions with the vast majority showing that Silver Scripts paid the pharmacy NOTHING… We where picking up the entire cost of the Rx.

The most recent Rxs the one that was a $3.00 copay Humana paid the pharmacy $67.00 and we paid $3.00….

This might partially explain how CVS Health is able to show that much profit.

Silver Scripts and Caremark/PBM are one of the top three in their respective categories

When open enrollment comes around in Oct…those who are traditional Medicare and have a Part D plan might wish to use this website to check out where your medications could be obtained at a lower out of pocket expense


The perceived prevalence of OIH in clinical practice is a relatively rare phenomenon

Opioid Induced Hyperalgesia, a Research Phenomenon or a Clinical Reality? Results of a Canadian Survey


Background: Very little is known regarding the prevalence of opioid induced hyperalgesia (OIH) in day to day medical practice. The aim of this study was to evaluate the physician’s perception of the prevalence of OIH within their practice, and to assess the level of physician’s knowledge with respect to the identification and treatment of this problem.

Methods: An electronic questionnaire was distributed to physicians who work in anesthesiology, chronic pain, and/or palliative care in Canada.

Results: Of the 462 responses received, most were from male (69%) anesthesiologists (89.6%), in the age range of 36 to 64 years old (79.8%). In this study, the suspected prevalence of OIH using the average number of patients treated per year with opioids was 0.002% per patient per physician practice year for acute pain, and 0.01% per patient per physician practice year for chronic pain. Most physicians (70.2%) did not use clinical tests to help make a diagnosis of OIH. The treatment modalities most frequently used were the addition of an NMDA antagonist, combined with lowering the opioid doses and using opioid rotation.

Conclusions: The perceived prevalence of OIH in clinical practice is a relatively rare phenomenon.

Furthermore, more than half of physicians did not use a clinical test to confirm the diagnosis of OIH. The two main treatment modalities used were NMDA antagonists and opioid rotation. The criteria for the diagnosis of OIH still need to be accurately defined.

CVS is Destroying the Profession of Pharmacy – Part 4

CVS is Destroying the Profession of Pharmacy – Part 4

CVS recently reported a 9% increase in same-store sales during the first quarter. During part of the first quarter many retail stores had to close/lockdown because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of the purchases in CVS stores were for a wide variety of products and other merchandise that have no relationship to healthcare needs and products. However, unlike many retailers that were required to close during the lockdown, CVS stores have remained open as an essential retailer during the pandemic for the sole reason that they include pharmacies. Not only did CVS experience a large jump in sales, but it announced that it planned to hire 50,000 people in part-time, full-time and temporary roles to keep pace with the demand. This situation is occurring at the same time that many smaller retail stores have had to remain closed and may not be able to reopen because of financial losses. In the interest of the safety of their patients and employees, many independent pharmacies have restricted prescription and other healthcare purchases to curbside pickup or deliveries and/or limit the number of individuals permitted in the pharmacy. CVS reaps great profits from having pharmacies, but harasses its pharmacists and technicians in requiring faster and greater assembly-line productivity in selling prescriptions without consultation. As noted in Part 3 of this series, CVS has betrayed and abandoned its own pharmacists and technicians, as well as the profession of pharmacy.
Ignoring safety
CVS wants others to think they have taken appropriate precautions to protect the safety of their customers and employees. It has failed to do so. It was slow in providing equipment and materials for the protection of its employees, and the implementation of cleaning procedures is woefully inadequate even now. A company can have very comprehensive policies/statements regarding cleaning/sanitizing, but when there is insufficient staffing to perform these tasks, they don’t get done. Where are all those 50,000 workers CVS said it was hiring? If CVS or another retail store is not able to provide a safe location, it should not be permitted to be open until it does. A California congresswoman recently wrote a letter to the CEO of CVS that includes the following statements:

“I am alarmed and disappointed by the conditions that exist in your facilities and for your delivery workers. I am sending along these pictures that show the unsafe conditions.”

In many areas of the country other retail establishments have been permitted to reopen with restrictions as long as appropriate precautions are observed (e.g., customers must wear masks). In my limited travels away from my home, I have been to stores with large signs on the doors saying, “No mask, no entrance.” At CVS, although employees are required to wear masks and customers are requested to, store employees have been instructed to not deny entrance or service to customers who do not wear masks. The message is that CVS management is willing to place CVS employees at added risk for the purpose of not losing a sale. Prior to the pandemic, it was the customers who were at primary risk because of the occurrence of errors resulting from the stressful workplace environment due to management negligence and metrics. Now it adds additional risks for its own store employees that go beyond the stress, burnout/moral injury, and other health issues they were already experiencing. Recently, a former CVS employee came back to the CVS store and committed suicide. The news has been suppressed but the situation is being investigated.

The front-line CVS pharmacists and other employees who place themselves at risk for the sake of more profits for their employer are heroes who should be recognized and rewarded! CVS management that works with no risk from their suites or home offices should be terminated and replaced with management that values its employees and customers.
Pharmacy hero Joe Zorek
Joe Zorek is one of my pharmacy heroes whom I first came to know when he was a student at the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. Joe worked for CVS for 43 years and was the pharmacist-in-charge for 37 years at the store that was the highest-performing CVS store in his district. Joe’s accomplishments and service to his customers, community, and CVS are all the more remarkable because he experiences the challenges of multiple sclerosis (MS) that is exacerbated by standing for long periods of time. Therefore, it was necessary for him to be seated while he worked during certain periods of the day. The arrangement in which he was seated while he fulfilled and exceeded the responsibilities of his position description was unacceptable to his district leader, and the resulting harassment and the additional stress from management-imposed metrics resulted in a relapse of Joe’s MS. It was necessary for him to take disability leave, but with the expectation that he would return to his position. At the conclusion of the period of disability CVS terminated Joe Zorek.

Joe retained an attorney and sued CVS. In spite of strong CVS pushback, the strong persistence of Joe and his attorney over 5 years resulted in a settlement. The terms of the settlement are confidential (a condition imposed by CVS) and I don’t know the terms or the amount of the settlement. However, I am aware of the going hourly rate for skilled attorneys and the settlement has to be substantial. Joe is “silenced” because of the terms of his settlement, but his wife Paula has been a great source of encouragement and suggestions for many current and terminated CVS pharmacists and technicians. Both of them are heroes in their courage to challenge CVS management and in their advocacy for so many colleagues.
Selected comments from CVS pharmacists and technicians
The following are a small sampling of comments I have received:

“We are told we may use 2 masks a week even though the package says single use only. A sheet is provided to document that the counters and keypads have been sanitized hourly. That lasted about a week and now some days it is not done at all because overworked staff with reduced hours do not have time to do it.”

“I submitted an ethics line complaint about understaffing and risk of patient safety. They responded ‘where is this?’ And I said ‘everywhere.'”

“This CVS response (to Ellen Gabler’s article in the New York Times) is so vague, nonspecific, and full of ignorance that it makes me sick. At the same time, it further fuels the fire within me to expose CVS for the ethics-less sweatshop it is.”

“How many more deaths and articles written will it take for management to do the right things?”

“We are nothing but disposable bodies in this company and the sad thing is that there are unemployed pharmacists who will gladly take our spot with a big pay cut.”

“I ask my district leader for more help. He responds, ‘Nope. Maybe CVS isn’t the right place for you if you need more help.'”

“In spite of almost 20 years working for CVS, I still love being a pharmacist. I just hate my job. I am afraid. Afraid so much that I don’t have the fortitude to reveal my identity. I am afraid I will NOT find another employer if I am terminated by CVS. I know this because I have tried to find other positions.”

“I was written up for not meeting quota on calls and not getting people to refill prescriptions THEY DO NOT NEED.”

“I feel that I am committing fraud with the calls I am required to make and filling items that are not wanted.”

“I was brutally honest on those surveys. I was unemployed 3 months later. They are NOT anonymous.”

“I know 3 pharmacists who responded to the CVS surveys honestly and all of a sudden their scores went down and they were reassigned to other stores or floating duties.”

“The survey is described as anonymous but when you work in a rural pharmacy and there’s only you and your manager, you better bite your tongue.”

“I know of a pharmacist experiencing anxiety who went into very early labor after the pharmacy supervisor threatened her job if all prescriptions are not finished at night.”

“I am a tech and my #1 goal/job is to protect and support my pharmacist. My store has some of the best techs I have ever worked with, and we simply cannot keep up. We are always understaffed and always scrambling, and the pharmacists jump in to help the techs. Then we get patients yelling at us and corporate’s response to us is to reprimand us.”

“In my job as a tech the stress sent me into emotional overdrive. Eventually I landed in a psychiatric unit for 5 days due to the stress of not only my job but also not making enough money in spite of asking for raises.”

“In my estimation, EVERYTHING changed the day when the former CEO retired.”

(Editor’s note: I remember when CVS started and was an advocate for the professional role of its pharmacists and the profession of pharmacy. If the founder of CVS was aware of what CVS has become, he would be turning over in his grave. Oh! My mistake – he is still alive.)

Daniel A. Hussar


CVS Places Consumers at Risk of Harm, And is Destroying the Profession of Pharmacy! – PART 1

CVS Places Consumers at Risk of Harm, And is Destroying the Profession of Pharmacy! – PART 2

CVS is Destroying the Profession of Pharmacy – PART 3*

CVS is Destroying the Profession of Pharmacy – Part 4

CVS is Destroying the Profession of Pharmacy: Part 5!

CVS is Destroying the Profession of Pharmacy: Part 6

CVS is Destroying the Profession of Pharmacy – PART 3*

CVS is Destroying the Profession of Pharmacy – PART 3*


Along with Rite Aid, Walgreens, and Walmart!

*Editor’s notes: 1) The first 2 parts are in the February and March 1 issues of The Pharmacist Activist; 2) Reader responses to the editorials have been so supportive and valuable (Thank you) that I will continue the recent schedule of publishing two issues each month.

When you think CVS management can’t get any worse in damaging its own reputation and that of the profession of pharmacy, it finds a way to do it. Where to begin in the voluminous files of messages and news commentaries regarding CVS and other chain pharmacies just since March when I wrote my last editorial about CVS? Let’s start with some headlines regarding lawsuits and selected quotes:

“Blue Cross Blue Shield insurers sue CVS, alleging drug pricing fraud” (Axios Health; May 28, 2020; Bob Herman).

“…the pharmacy chain overcharged them based on ‘artificially inflated prices’ for generic drugs and concealed the true cash prices of those drugs.”
BCBS alleges “CVS offered lower cash prices on generic drugs to compete with Walmart and other low-cost pharmacies, but told insurers those cash prices were significantly higher than they actually were.”
“People enrolled in CVS’ cash discount program in 2015 got a 90-day supply of blood pressure medication nadolol for $11.99. But CVS told BCBS of Florida that the cash price was $180.99 and overcharged $169 as a result, according to court documents.”

“Big Pharmacy Chains Also Fed the Opioid Epidemic, Court Filing Says” (New York Times; May 27, 2020; Jan Hoffman).

“A new court filing…asserts that pharmacies including CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens and Giant Eagle as well as those operated by Walmart were as complicit in perpetuating the crisis as the manufacturers and distributors of the addictive drugs.”
“The retailers sold millions of pills in tiny communities, offered bonuses for high-volume pharmacists and even worked directly with drug manufacturers to promote opioids as safe and effective, according to the complaint filed in federal court in Cleveland by two Ohio counties.”
“CVS worked with Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin, to offer promotional seminars on pain management to its pharmacists so they could reassure patients and doctors about the safety of the drug.”
“From 2006 through 2014, the Rite Aid in Painesville, Ohio, a town with a population of 19,524, sold over 4.2 million doses of oxycodone and hydrocodone. The national retailer offered bonuses to stores with the highest productivity.”
“Walgreens contract with the drug distributor AmerisourceBergen specified that Walgreens be allowed to police its own orders, without oversight from the distributor. Similar conditions were struck by CVS with its distributor, Cardinal Health.”
“Despite being repeatedly fined by the DEA (for failing to report suspiciously high orders), the companies continued to sell outsize quantities of opioids.”
“Walmart devised a workaround to that reporting requirement. In mid-2012, it fixed a hard limit on opioid quantities it would distribute to its stores, foreclosing the need for its pharmacists to report excessive orders. Yet Walmart simply allowed its stores to make up the difference by buying the remainder of their large opioid orders from other distributors.
“The chains “rewarded pharmacists for churning volume rapidly and, in some instances, pointedly ordered them never to refuse a doctor’s prescription.”
“Supervisors ignored store pharmacists who warned about pill mill doctors, including those who were ultimately convicted.”

CVS Class Action Employment Lawsuit (California)

The lawsuit alleges 10 claims against CVS for California Labor Code violations, and also alleges that CVS engaged in unfair competition by violating the California Labor Code for profit while its competitors were following the laws as required.

Other litigation against CVS
For CVS’ own summary of litigation, I encourage you to access the CVS Health report (Form 10-Q) that it filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission for the quarterly period ended 3/31/20, and read the section on “Litigation and Regulatory Proceedings” on pages 28-33. Yes, 6 pages are needed and CVS must have an army of attorneys that it pays far more than its pharmacists, but not its executives.
CVS “Transform Health 2030” Report
On May 14, CVS issued its 13th annual corporate social responsibility (CSR) report and unveiled Transform Health 2030, the company’s new CSR roadmap for the next decade. The report identifies many excellent programs for which the beneficiaries are very needy and deserving organizations and individuals. These commitments of CVS have a value of millions of dollars.

I read the report in its entirety, and the content reflects several additional important, but unstated, messages. The word “pharmacist” does not appear even once in the lengthy report. The words “pharmacy” and “pharmacies” only appear in two of the many sections of the report that may be accessed by those with the persistence to click on two links. The two sections are “Developing our diverse workforce” and “NBA Point Guard and Former Villanova Wildcat Donte DiVincenzo Helps CVS Health Kick Off Free Health Screenings in Philadelphia.” The word “pharmacy” is included once in the press release, as an example of the CVS “commitment” to a Healthy Planet, in the following statement:

“Removed BPS from CVS Pharmacy customer receipts to increase their recyclability, while enrolling 1.1 million customers in digital receipts in 2019 for a savings of 48 million yards of receipt paper.”

Think of how much more impressive that number would be if CVS had thought to express the length of receipt paper in inches (or centimeters if CVS could properly and fairly use ‘metric[s]’) rather than yards. There is a rumor that all the receipt paper that has been saved is to be used in making CVS brand toilet tissue, but I have not been able to confirm this.

One must question how the CVS wealth was accumulated in an amount so substantial that it is able to give millions away. CVS pharmacists, I, and many (but not enough) others recognize that its wealth has been accumulated at the expense of TMC (too many to count) customers who died or were harmed as a consequence of errors at CVS stores, pharmacists and pharmacy technicians who were terminated and can’t find other employment, and current pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and managers for whom the abysmal working environment is excessively stressful and even suicidal for some.
It is clear that CVS has forgotten its roots and has abandoned the profession of pharmacy. It is now time for our profession to abandon CVS, and the following recommendations are provided to start this process:

CVS and other pharmacists with entrepreneurial interests should offer to buy or have a long-term lease to own the Pharmacy Department in CVS stores, so that the pharmacies can be operated properly, professionally, and profitably.
Boards of Pharmacy, the DEA, and other law enforcement agencies should conduct very thorough investigations of the CVS organization and stores to identify illegal, fraudulent, dangerous, unprofessional, and unethical practices that place customers and employees at risk.
The Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice should conduct investigations of the monopolistic, anticompetitive, and illegal practices of CVS Health, and take action to require the divestment of Caremark, Aetna, and Omnicare (and other lesser-known subsidiaries that reduce competition) if CVS wishes to continue to own pharmacies.
Pharmacy organizations and colleges of pharmacy should reject any grants or financial support (including meeting exhibits and “unrestricted” educational grants) from CVS because of its continuing actions that are so destructive to the profession of pharmacy. It may be too late to save the independent and smaller chain pharmacies that have closed or were acquired (often by CVS) because of the anticompetitive and destructive actions of CVS, but every effort must be made to save independent pharmacies and the rest of our profession.
States and Boards of Pharmacy should enact legislation and regulations that require pharmacists to hold the majority ownership in pharmacies. North Dakota has set the standard that other states should follow.
Pharmacists and other employees who have been unfairly terminated by CVS should individually and/or collectively explore legal action. Some former CVS pharmacists have already been successful in taking these actions, but it requires determination and patience. Pharmacists who are aware of attorneys who have been helpful and successful in these efforts are requested to provide their names and contact information to me at the email address below, and I am also actively exploring the best options to pursue this.
More whistleblowers are needed. Current concerned pharmacists should document in detail medication/dispensing errors, as well as illegal, fraudulent, unethical, unfair, and excessively stressful management-imposed programs, activities, and workplace environments.

Daniel A. Hussar

Editor’s notes:
1) The next several issues of The Pharmacist Activist will include comments from anonymous (but with identities that I can confirm) CVS and other chain pharmacists, as well as from physicians and other healthcare professionals who are impacted by decisions and actions of CVS and other chain pharmacies.
2) My editorials regarding CVS and other chain stores are motivated by the purpose of supporting pharmacists in these stores, and the criticisms are directed at executives and other managers in policy-making positions.
3) Although the primary focus of this editorial is on CVS, pharmacists at Rite Aid, Walgreens, and Walmart should also be considering the above concerns that are pertinent to their employment. Future issues of The Pharmacist Activist will address concerns at these companies, including the continued sale of tobacco products.

CVS Places Consumers at Risk of Harm, And is Destroying the Profession of Pharmacy! – PART 1

CVS Places Consumers at Risk of Harm, And is Destroying the Profession of Pharmacy! – PART 2

CVS is Destroying the Profession of Pharmacy – PART 3*

CVS is Destroying the Profession of Pharmacy – Part 4

CVS is Destroying the Profession of Pharmacy: Part 5!

CVS is Destroying the Profession of Pharmacy: Part 6