Detroit Healthcare Fraud unit has revealed that it aggressively charges healthcare practices on the basis of statistics rather than actual patient care

19 Detroit Healthcare Professionals Indicted for Unlawful Prescribing

The United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan indicted nineteen healthcare professionals today, June 11, 2020. See Indictment Below.

United States v. Rankinpdf

The indictment alleges that between September 2017 and June 2020 the Defendants engaged in a scheme involving the unlawful distribution of opioids. The indictment alleges that the conspiracy was between medical clinics, rehab centers and pharmacies involving nearly two million controlled substances of a value of over $41 million. The Indictment alleges over forty-four independent violations of 21 U.S.C. 841(a) and it also alleges that the nineteen defendants engaged in a conspiracy to violate 21 U.S.C. 846 – controlled substance conspiracy. The indictment was issued by Detroit’s Healthcare Fraud Unit and will be prosecuted by Brandy McMillion and Mitra Jafary-Hariri, two federal prosecutors in that division. The Detroit Healthcare Fraud Unit is very experienced at prosecuting healthcare fraud and opioid trafficking cases.

All defendants are innocent until proven guilty and prior experience with the Detroit Healthcare Fraud unit has revealed that it aggressively charges healthcare practices on the basis of statistics rather than actual patient care. This practice is a new tactic by the DOJ and can lead to charging errors and unnecessary government scrutiny.

In order to convict health professional for unlawful distribution of controlled substances (sometimes referred to as running a pill mill) the Government must prove that the physicians prescribed controlled substances for “other than a legitimate medical purpose and outside the course of professional practice”. This is a very difficult standard to meet. The Government must show that prescriptions were not for pain but rather in order to achieve some other unlawful purpose.

To Learn More About the Standard See Our Resources Page Here

To Learn More About the History of the Controlled Substance Act Click Here

Defense of unlawful distribution charges requires a focused defense that highlights the patient care provided to each individual patient and knowledge of Federal Drug Laws, CDC Guidelines for Prescribing, and the standards of practice for pain management (ASIPP, ASAM, etc.). As this case progresses, there are sure to be a significant number of Michigan pain patients separated from their provider. Often, prosecutors and the DEA fail to consider this fact because they believe that all prescriptions issued in such a practice are unlawful.

To Learn More About Government Prosecution Tricks Click Here

Before agreeing to any plea to unlawful distribution, a physician must consult with an experienced healthcare defense attorney who understands the law, medicine, and applicable standards. If you are a provider facing Government scrutiny read this before considering a plea of guilty.

The case is pending before Judge Bernard Friedman and Magistrate David R. Grand. More updates to follow.

Ronald W. Chapman II@RonChapmanAtty is a healthcare defense attorney and specializes in representing physicians and other health professional in government investigations and indictments related to the practice of medicine. He speaks nationally on the topic and has appeared in national publications. He obtains frequent victories for his clients facing government scrutiny.

In reading the court papers the actual total of oral doses was 1,951,148 and out of the 19 charged – 6 had the legal right to prescribe.   The actual time frame involved is ab 34 months ( Sept 2017 – June 2020).

According to this.. it would appear that no pt records were reviewed, no pts had any in person physical exam.. this is a statistical conclusion of guilty. The charges were determined by a GRAND JURY.. and it is claimed that our GRAND JURY system is so designed that if a prosecutor wanted to get a “ham sandwich” charged… it would be quite possible.  As I understand our GRAND JURY system.. only the prosecutor presents “the facts” to the GRAND JURY from which the final conclusion/charges are reached.

The law suit only mentions the strengths of Oxycodone 30 mg and Oxymorphone 40 mg… the first is available as a IR & ER in that strength and the latter is only available as a ER.

So these 6 prescribers collectively – on average – prescribed 57,387 doses/month over the 34 month period.

Meaning that – on average – each prescriber wrote for 9,654 doses/month

Using dosing averages that would represent best practices and standard of care for chronic pain pts..  each prescriber would have 46 pts/month

Looking at 5 day work week.. each prescriber – on average – would be writing prescriptions for abt 9 pts/day.

The typical prescriber will see upwards of 30 pts in any given day.  So these numbers would suggest that LESS THAN 1/3 of the pt office visit would result in a opiate Rx written.  This doesn’t seem to describe what is typically described as what is a “pill mill”

These conclusions are based on averages and what information that was provided in the lawsuit… which there is a link to the *.pdf on the above link to the original article.


Pain-Warriors – the movie -to be released May 25th – pre-order now from Amazon

Pain-Warriors – the movie -to be released May 25th – pre-order now from Amazon

Dear friends ,

We DID it ! Pain Warriors is officially released , and available for viewing worldwide . A big thank you for everyone’s belief in us .

We need your support , at this crucial time of programming Pain Warriors across North America and beyond , while the film is fresh out of the door.

Our reviews on IMDb are up to 17 ! From my direct community outreach efforts , the past 2 weeks .

Good reviews , Lots of them , are what make us noticed and desirable to Media, cable TV and Netflix , etc.

Please , if you, your spouse, family member or friend has viewed our film and you are not in the tail credits , leave a review NOW on the IMDb site link below. Time is of the essence.

We are in our peak selling time to broadcasters.

Thanks so much, Tina Petrova
May the force be with us ! Team Pain Warriors.

Here is the direct link below to the IMDb review page .

Are COPS getting a little KARMA ?

those in our legal system seems to be getting some of their “own medicine” … there is data after data that shows that <1% of those prescribed opiates for chronic pain will become addicted. 

How the media and “black lives matters” have turned on ALL POLICE FORCES… and now they are claiming that <1% of cops are “bad apples”, but it seems that few are buying that fact/argument.

Now the marches and protests are entering their third week.

I haven’t heard anything about holding US Marshals, FBI, DEA, and SWAT to a higher standard and reducing the budgets of these parts of our judicial system as being suggested as to what should happen to other police groups.

Perhaps the community of subjective diseases should take notice… particularly of the numbers that have been marching in the streets and how many days – in a row -they have been marching and so far what has been accomplished.. a lot of talk ?  Chicago recently had the most shooting in a single day in over 60 yrs.

And those in the community wonders why having a few dozen people show up for a protest and nothing happens …. and they wonder why ?

The Rapp Report

Welcome to The Rapp Report Chronic Pain Crusade blog. Here I will post podcast episodes, general information, statistics, and news on the opioid crisis and the negative effects it has on the chronic pain community. Our goal is to spread the information around to as many people as possible in order to educate and inform and hopefully enact positive change so that CPP’s can resume getting the treatment they so desperately need.
Feel free to share your own stories or articles. If you want your story told in the podcast, just let either myself or my beautiful wife, Dana Rapp know! Be sure to subscribe to the podcast at
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The rules are simple:
  1. Be polite. Be respectful. We’re in this fight together!
Thank you all for joining in this great crusade!


People Rarely Die After Using Opioids Prescribed for Them

People Rarely Die After Using Opioids Prescribed for Them

Although prescription pain medication is commonly blamed for the “opioid epidemic,” such drugs play a small and shrinking role in deaths involving this category of psychoactive substances. A recent study of opioid-related deaths in Massachusetts underlines this crucial point, finding that prescription analgesics were detected without heroin or fentanyl in less than 17 percent of cases. Furthermore, just 1 percent of decedents had prescriptions for the opioids that showed up in toxicology tests.

Alexander Walley, an associate professor of medicine at Boston University, and five other researchers looked at nearly 3,000 opioid-related deaths with complete toxicology reports from 2013 through 2015. “In Massachusetts, prescribed opioids do not appear to be the major proximal cause of opioid-related overdose deaths,” Walley et al. write in Public Health Reports. “Prescription opioids were detected in postmortem toxicology reports of fewer than half of the decedents; when opioids were prescribed at the time of death, they were commonly not detected in postmortem toxicology reports….The major proximal contributors to opioid-related overdose deaths in Massachusetts during the study period were illicitly made fentanyl and heroin.”

Since the researchers considered only active prescriptions, it’s possible that other decedents had been prescribed pain medication at some point in the past. It’s also possible that some of them were introduced to opioids through medical care and became addicted to them, later switching to the illicit drugs they took before their deaths. But that pattern does not appear to be very common.

A 2007 study reported in The American Journal of Psychiatry found that 78 percent of OxyContin users seeking addiction treatment reported that they had never been prescribed the drug for any medical reason. Other studies have found that only a small minority of people treated for pain, ranging from something like 1 percent of post-surgical patients to less than 8 percent of chronic pain patients, become addicted to their medication. A 2015 study of opioid-related deaths in North Carolina found just 478 fatalities among 2.2 million residents who were prescribed opioids in 2010, an annual rate of 0.022 percent.

That unusual scenario nevertheless figures prominently in discussions of opioid abuse and in criticism of pharmaceutical companies accused of causing the problem by exaggerating the benefits and minimizing the risks of their products. The focus on pain pill prescriptions is clearly disproportionate given their actual role in opioid-related deaths. It has led to policies that deprive bona fide patients of the medication they need while pushing nonmedical users toward black-market substitutes, which are far more dangerous because their potency is unpredictable.

Dr. Thomas Kline, MD, PhD: Medical Myths Revealed: Pharmacies MUST be better

almost weekly we are hearing more stories of pharmacists using one of 40 excuses that twitter is giving us. pharmacists have a duty and a right to interfere with prescriptive instructions and stop any prescription for cause, AKA not out of their own prejudge and fears. the courts have ruled that pharmacists can not refuse to fill because of moral beliefs. And that needs to include any phone reasons not based on a reason that finding Broadway covers picking out pain medicines to sabotage. This is raw discrimination and depriving somebody of needed prescription drugs is more than cruel.

Dr Mark promoting MJ in MT for various health issues

pained lives matter

Scientists retract study that found antimalarial drugs dangerous for coronavirus patients

Scientists retract study that found antimalarial drugs dangerous for coronavirus patients

Three authors of a large study that last month found antimalarials provided no benefit to treating Covid-19 infections, while increasing the risk of heart problems and death, retracted their findings.

The authors said in a statement Thursday provided by The Lancet, the medical journal that published the study on May 22, that they decided to issue the retraction after Surgisphere Corp., the private company that provided the research data, refused to share the full, detailed data set as part of a review after outside researchers raised concerns.

“We always aspire to perform our research in accordance with the highest ethical and professional guidelines,” said the authors, Mandeep Mehra, Frank Ruschitzka and Amit Patel. “We can never forget the responsibility we have as researchers to scrupulously ensure that we rely on data sources that adhere to our high standards. Based on this development, we can no longer vouch for the veracity of the primary data sources.”

The authors also said they apologized for “any embarrassment or inconvenience that this may have caused.”

The Lancet said in a statement that it “takes issues of scientific integrity extremely seriously, and there are many outstanding questions about Surgisphere and the data that were allegedly included in this study.”

The peer-reviewed study analyzed medical records of 96,000 patients hospitalized across six continents with confirmed coronavirus cases from Dec. 20 to April 14. Of the total, 15,000 patients were treated with the malaria drugs alone or in combination with an antibiotic.

Its findings indicated the antimalaria drugs, which many doctors have used to treat Covid-19 patients, didn’t help and might even hurt patients.

Following the study, the World Health Organization paused enrolling patients in clinical trials testing hydroxychloroquine, although this week the organization said it resumed the trials.

More than 100 researchers have raised questions about the data behind the study and about Surgisphere, which had supplied it.

Surgisphere said it has petabytes of data from more than 100 million patients, culled from some 1,200 hospitals and institutions on six continents. Yet many researchers and some hospitals said they had never heard of Surgisphere.

The founder of Surgisphere, Dr. Sapan Desai, was the other author on the paper. Dr. Desai couldn’t be reached for comment.

Caught on camera: Family-owned pharmacy already hurting during COVID-19 hit by looters in SJ

SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO) — Garcia Pharmacy, a family-owned drugstore in Downtown San Jose, was targeted by looters on Sunday night.

The crime was caught on camera. A group of seven people got away with medication meant for hundreds of patients across the Bay Area.
While Garcia Pharmacy works to repair damage and care for its patients, there’s concern about where the prescription drugs might end up.

Just before 9 p.m.on Sunday, vandals are seen throwing a tire iron through the glass storefront of the pharmacy, which is located off East Santa Clara Street.

Surveillance cameras capture seven people running into the local drugstore.

In just two minutes, the group managed to cause almost $300,000 in damage, according to business owner and lead pharmacist, James Wong.

The crooks cleared out roughly 150 deliveries that were meant to go out to patients on Monday. They also damaged equipment and contaminated other medication.

“The window was smashed and everything inside was just a mess,” Wong told ABC7 News. “They shot off the fire extinguisher all over the medication. So, I have to destroy those medications, it’s not sanitary.”

Wong estimates the theft at $50,000. However, more than money, he’s concerned about the patients now going without treatment. He said the pharmacy services mental health patients, clinics, adult residential facilities, and more.

“One guy was actually taking the time to read the label and kind of knew what he wanted. The other individuals just seemed to grab everything they could,” he explained. “But they definitely came prepared. They threw a tire iron through the window, and they had duffel bags ready to take a lot of stuff. They cleared out all of our deliveries for Monday morning.”

Wong said there are thousands of patients who rely on Garcia Pharmacy from across the Bay Area, Sacramento County, and south to Salinas.

“We’re really behind because it was a whole day of cleaning up and the glass was all broken,” pharmacist Christine Tran said. “It was really horrible.”

By Tuesday afternoon, the shop remained closed as Tran and others assessed inventory, documented losses, and tried to make sense of the looting.

“It’s really cumbersome,” Wong added. “And it’s taking away time for us to even take care of our patients. We’ve had to really put a lot of people on hold.”

He continued, “There were medications all over the ground. I’m not going to give that to people. It’s wrong, and it’s not safe for anyone.”

Wong said the pharmacy was already struggling to get medications out on time because of COVID-19. Then protests impacted incoming shipments.

“I really do hope things get better for our community. It hurts everyone, the looting,” he said. “I’m for the protest, but the looting’s got to stop.”
Now, prescriptions meant for people who need them are in the wrong hands.

“It’s very dangerous. Some of these medications are controlled, some are non-controlled. Depending if they take it incorrectly, they’re going to hurt themselves,” he told ABC7 News. “They put it in the water supply, the water filtration can only do so much. It’s really, really dangerous.”

He continued, “There needs to be close supervision to these medications, it’s absolutely critical.”

Wong said it’s taken staff a lot longer to reconcile inventory, as the pharmacy is under strict reporting requirements.

He hopes Garcia Pharmacy will be back in business on Wednesday, with wrap-around boarding. It’s a new look to deter any future looters.

After the incident, Wong took to Reddit to write about the experience. His post attracted hundreds to comment and share their support.

For that post, click here.