Discount Drug Cards – You Need To Know This

What You Need to Know About PBMS

Prescription Drug Price Relief Act of 2019

Prescription Drug Price Relief Act of 2019

This bill establishes a series of oversight and disclosure requirements relating to the prices of brand-name drugs. Specifically, the bill requires the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to review at least annually all brand-name drugs for excessive pricing; HHS must also review prices upon petition. If any such drugs are found to be excessively priced, HHS must (1) void any government-granted exclusivity; (2) issue open, nonexclusive licenses for the drugs; and (3) expedite the review of corresponding applications for generic drugs and biosimilar biological products. HHS must also create a public database with its determinations for each drug.

Under the bill, a price is considered excessive if the domestic average manufacturing price exceeds the median price for the drug in Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, and Japan. If a price does not meet this criteria, or if pricing information is unavailable in at least three of the aforementioned countries, the price is still considered excessive if it is higher than reasonable in light of specified factors, including cost, revenue, and the size of the affected patient population.

The bill also requires drug manufacturers to report specified financial information for brand-name drugs, including research and advertising expenditures.

Congress seems hell bend on reducing the out of pocket cost for pts… keep in mind that this is the same group of 535 elected officials that can’t manage our country’s budget and has spent some 14 trillion more than we took in over the last dozen or so years.  Our national debt now stands at 23 TRILLION and continues to grow at ONE TRILLION a year.

This is the same political body that granted the insurance industry an exemption to Sherman Antitrust law in 1945 with the  Some groups tried unsuccessfully to get this latter law repealed several times in the late 80’s.   Maybe because the insurance industry has one of the largest pots of money to fund lobbyists.

It is claimed that lobbyists spend 9+ million/day trying to influence members of Congress.

What Congress doesn’t understand is that the PBM ( Prescription Benefit Manager) industry which is one of our healthcare system’s for profit middlemen. They control the payment of about 80%-90% of all prescriptions filled in this country.  They control how much profit the pharmacy makes, they demand  kickbacks/discounts/rebates from the pharma … and they get it because if the pharma doesn’t PAY UP… their meds will not be on the PBM’ s approved formulary and only get paid for by a very time consuming PRIOR AUTHORIZATION PROCESS. That kickback/discount/rebate reportedly be has high as 50% of the price of the medication.

Actually the Feds started this process back in the 70’s when they decided that since Medicaid paid so much money for prescriptions… they deserved a 10% discount on all Medicaid prescriptions. Back then the PBM industry only controlled some 10% of all prescriptions… but.. the seeds of them also getting “money back” were planted.

Unlike those other countries that Congress wants to compare our prescription medications prices with… have some sort of a national health insurance.  So there is at least THREE LESS for profit middleman expecting to cover their managerial overhead and generate a profit.

They seem to expect that we can IMPORT medications from Canada… of course Canada only has about 10% of our population and who believes that the Pharmas won’t limit the quantities of the medications that they will sell to Canada… or any other country that we expect to import meds from.

Let’s look at a hypothetical… Congress forces a pharma to reduce their price from $100 to $20 … to match the price of what it is sold in other countries…  So the PBM sends a bill to the pharma for their 50% kickback based on the previous $100 price…  who believes that the PBM is going to accept 50% of $20 when they are use to getting 50% of $100 ?  Maybe pts will see that $40 show up in their copay ?  The pharma is not going to pay the PBM the $50 that they have in the past… when they are only generating $20.

This could go wrong in so many ways…

FDA Warns of ‘Serious’ Respiratory Problems With Gabapentin

FDA Warns of ‘Serious’ Respiratory Problems With Gabapentin

Life-threatening breathing difficulties can occur in patients who use gabapentin or pregabalin with opioids or other drugs that depress the central nervous system, as well as those with underlying respiratory impairment and the elderly, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned in a drug safety communication issued today. 

“Reports of gabapentinoid abuse alone, and with opioids, have emerged and there are serious consequences of this co-use, including respiratory depression and increased risk of opioid overdose death,” Douglas Throckmorton, MD, deputy director for Regulatory Programs at the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, said in a statement.

“In response to these concerns, we are requiring updates to labeling of gabapentinoids to include new warnings of potential respiratory depressant effects. We are also requiring the drug manufacturers to conduct clinical trials to further evaluate the abuse potential of gabapentinoids, particularly in combination with opioids, with special attention being given to assessing the respiratory depressant effects,” said Throckmorton.

Gabapentinoid products include gabapentin, marketed as Neurontin (Pfizer) and Gralise (Assertio Therapeutics), as well as generics; gabapentin enacarbil, a prodrug of gabapentin marketed as Horizant (Arbor Pharmaceuticals); and pregabalin, marketed as Lyrica and Lyrica CR (Pfizer), as well as generics.

Gabapentin and pregabalin are approved by the FDA for a variety of conditions, including seizures, nerve pain, and restless legs syndrome and may be prescribed for unapproved or off-label uses in patients with other types of pain as alternatives to opioids, the FDA notes.

Reports submitted to the FDA and data from the medical literature show that serious breathing difficulties can occur when gabapentinoids are taken by patients with pre-existing respiratory risk factors.

Among 49 case reports submitted to FDA from 2012 to 2017, 12 people died from respiratory depression with gabapentinoids. All of them had at least one risk factor. This number includes only reports submitted to FDA, so there may be additional cases, the FDA says.

The agency also reviewed data from two randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials in healthy people, three observational studies, and several studies in animals.

One trial showed that taking pregabalin alone and with an opioid pain reliever can depress breathing function. The other trial found gabapentin alone increased pauses in breathing during sleep.

The three observational studies from one academic medical center found a relationship between gabapentinoids given before surgery and respiratory depression occurring after different types of surgery. Several animal studies also found pregabalin alone and with opioids can depress respiratory function.

“Our goal in issuing today’s new safety labeling change requirements is to ensure healthcare professionals and the public understand the risks associated with gabapentinoids when taken with central nervous system depressants like opioids or by patients with underlying respiratory impairment,” Throckmorton said.

According to the FDA, drug utilization data indicate a growing number of prescriptions for gabapentinoids. Between 2012 and 2016, the estimated number of patients who filled a gabapentin prescription increased from 8.3 million to 13.1 million annually, and the number of patients who filled a pregabalin prescription increased from 1.9 million to 2.1 million annually.

In addition, data collected in 2016 from an office-based physician survey showed that an estimated 14% and 19% of patient encounters involving gabapentin and pregabalin, respectively, also involved opioids.

Healthcare professionals should report side effects associated with gabapentin, pregabalin, or other medicines to the FDA’s MedWatch program.

Chronic Pain and the Opioid Crisis with Pharmacist Steve

Chronic Pain and the Opioid Crisis with Pharmacist Steve

Steve Ariens joins us today. He is better known online as Pharmacist Steve. 

Steve has been a licensed pharmacist for over 50 years. He’s worked at hospitals, nursing homes, and he owned and operated an independent pharmacy for 20 years.

Since retiring he has dedicated his time to documenting how the response to the opioid crisis has hurt chonic pain patients. This is is a personal issue for Steve as well, his wife has been a chronic pain pateint for over 20 years. 

We discuss the origins of the opioid crisis, who are profiting from it,  how those in pain are suffering from the government and corporate medicine’s reponsed to it, and how government intervention into the healthcare market and specifically the War on Drugs, have led to many of the problems we are facing today. 

Check out his incredible blog at:

and follow him on Twitter as well as on Facebook


You can check out the show notes at:

Thanks for Listening and let us know what you think.

Brad Miller

The Chronically Human Podcast 


Twitter data final to hhs

Thomas F. Kline MD, PhD                                                    JATH                                                                    Carolyn M. Concia, NP

David John Williams                          EDUCATIONAL CONSORTIUM, LLC **                 Jaime James Sanchez

                                                                                        6409 Pernod Way

                                                                                                 Raleigh, North Carolina 27613



                                                                                Pain Refugee Statistics

                                    DATA PERTAINING TO THE PAIN REFUGEE CRISIS

April 1, 2019

A crisis ten times the size of opioid epidemic has begun to occur and is worsening daily.  I am observing it with horror from my position as an independent chronic and rare disease specialist with more than 40 years experience and no ties to anything but my responsibilities to care for all of the patient, especially when suffering.

I have never seen a health care crisis develop of this magnitude without anyone seemingly knowing it is occurring.  I could never have imagined this happening within the United States of America.

The opioid crisis has nothing to do with office pain patients with one of many permanent, painful disease disorders.  Cardiac disease needs cardiac medication.  Painful disease needs pain medication.

On March 15, 2016 the CDC issued the “Guideline for Prescription of Opioids for Chronic pain” which started the cascade of disenfranchisement of potentially millions of legitimate innocent patients with very nasty painful rare diseases.

The “Guideline” has grossly interfered with the doctor-patient relationship by implying primary care doctors needed education in safe (read reduced) prescribing, as over prescribing by doctors was responsible for the opioid epidemic.  This is a terrible accusation and needs substantial establishment of validity before a federal agency would issue such serious statement.  To this date they have not provided the needed validity.  But regardless, the “Guideline” provided the accelerant for the wildfire that is actually getting worse each day as access to medical care for painful diseases is closing rapidly.

There are 10 million patients with painful diseases (Dr. Volkow)  such as:  Ehlers-Danlos, CRPS or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Adhesive Arachnoiditis from spinal injections, failed back surgery, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Chiari Syndrome of the brain being displaced, advanced inoperable multi-joint destructive disease, Central Pain Syndrome with Chronic Brain Inflammation (old title “fibromyalgia), pain syndromes following trauma, especially in Veterans with war wounds, Interstitial Cystitis, and about 25 more rare disorders.  None of these can be treated with Tylenol or with CDC “alternatives”.

No one has shown prescribing “too much” is the real reason behind the “overdose deaths” in street heroin addicts, a fact the CDC failed to disclose.  Of the 40,000 overdose deaths reported by the CDC 39,500 died from heroin addiction without medical care. None of the studies looked closely at Cause of Death, just association. Association may or may not be causal, which possibly could drop prescription overdose death rate in general population to near 0. Of 64 million people prescribed opiates 500 or less possibly died of OD.

In fact “opioid exposure” is like “demon exposure.”  It actually has nothing to do with genetically driven opiate addiction or Chemical Receptor Disease.  If it were true the $600 billion spent on substance control (CRS) would have worked by now.  The reason it has not worked and will not work is the pathophysiology of type 2 addiction or classical Heroin addiction is different from other addictions where exposure to substance is a factor.

Mass hysteria or Fear of Addiction Phobia has exploded pre-existing prejudices into a destructive mythology harming a large number of innocent bystanders – the pain refugees. This national fear is as bad or worse than previous fears of being possessed by the devil leading to hangings in 1692,  fears in the 1950’s communists in every walk of life,  fear in the 1980’s with “crack cocaine dope fiends” raiding communities in the 1980s, and the fear of catching HIV on every toilet seat.  

This mass hysteria is worse now, actual deaths are occurring from suicides to relieve pain caused by forcibly stopping effective, safe medicines.  Potentially millions of lives are being ruined people unable to function without proper treatment of the painful disease.  No one is counting these. No one really is seeking the truth.

CDC may say they didn’t really mean it that way, but they published a “Guideline” that looked much like a regulation when only the FDA has congressional authority to publish concerning any prescription drug.  I was and is taken with the zealousness of a real regulation – which it is not. Internally the “Guideline” does not discuss when to use opiates with the implication that they should never be used.

The “Guideline” is written as corrective actions for the wrongs of primary care doctors.  The doctors responded by stopping the opioid prescriptions as they did after federal narcotic police arrests in beginning in 1915 after the Harrison Act, a federal attempt to control pain medicines deemed by the police to be dangerous causing “highs’.  In the last three years two thirds of primary doctors have done the same thing – “send ‘em to pain management,” whatever that is.

CDC and their opioid avoidance consultants have tried to walk back the idea of forced tapering  in a futile and illogical attempt to reduce the heroin street deaths, a ludicrous, dangerous notion that cutting based on flawed thinking that back on substance exposure is what causes heroin addiction.  This is not true. It is doesn’t even make sense.  How can taking frightening sobbing people off medicines they know have saved their functional lives stop overdoses in street addicts.  There is something very wrong with logical thinking.  It sounds more polemic and it sounds policy based on fear of medicines for pain.

Whether the CDC regulations are valid is a moot point.  As a result of demonizing 50 centuries of the opiate pain medicine, and as a result of blaming primary care doctors, and as a result attempts to remove opiate pain medicine as the drug of choice, we have nearly annihilated the use of “God’s Medicine” in the words of Sir William Osler, father of Internal Medicine.

The following descriptive data is taken from my twitter following.  There are approximately 25,000 people in this group of chronic painful disease patients.  The data is sidewalk interview type data with those choosing to respond providing the data.  Each question had between 200 and 500 respondents.  This information is offered a beginning point.  We need to further define this serious and widespread injury to potentially millions of people.

The CDC was tasked by its Scientific Advisors to follow up to see if any unintended consequences were occurring. It has been three years.  No reports have been seen.  The unintended consequences of destruction of lives and suicide deaths remain unknown but until proven otherwise the estimate remains in the millions of American citizens, mainly women. These are people who did nothing to deserve being caught in the crossfire of opioid zealotry.  

Some facts:

1.  Ten million people in the US need to take daily opiate medication, of the 25.3 million with daily pain lasting longer than three months with 15 million already trying alternatives.

2.  Four different surveys, including my own Twitter poll indicate 60-70% of the ten million are being actively tapered off opiate pain regimens without medical reason.

3.  When asked why the doctors were tapering for no reason patients reported they were told it was due to the CDC and DEA.  (“I cannot lose my license over this, you will need to deal with your pain”)

4.  Fifty percent of the ten million with legitimate long term, incurable painful diseases are completely taken off medicines that should never have been taken away lacking a medical reason.

5.  Two thirds of primary care doctors have quit prescribing opiate pain medicine in the last three years

6.  Picking up the slack, pain specialists now bursting at the seams to help those denied access for their disease, are being raided by federal and state drug squads for “having too many patients”, and “prescribing more than any other doctor” – a crime I never heard of.  Punished for helping out.

7.  This data to follow is informal and should have been obtained by the CDC.  But, the obvious is not always an illusion>  Reading the stories of 28,000 pain patients makes me believe these these probes are more than likely portray the truth.

These statistics are from those patients who have been tapered down or off their pain medicines:

–After tapering 89% had more pain, 11% less pain or no change 302 12-27

–Sleep was worse in 92%  (sleep deprivation is a new secondary disease from tapering)

–70% were forced to taper against their will with their strong protestations and tears ignored

–Dependence or having withdrawl is pretty much the same as addiction. 18% yes 2-4 82% no

— 2/3 of patients require more than 90mg Mme per day (CDC never checked if 90mg would work)

      (FDA, the rulemaking agency for opiates has not recommended tapering and by law and regulations  has no maximum amount or dose)

–Those doing “fine” after the tapering  15%

–negative impact on parenting – 78%

–negative impact on sexuality – 88%  (78% stopped having sex altogether)

–negative impact on  social activities like PTA, church, civic activities:  57% stopped activities,  major reduction 36%, no change 3%

– -“big” problems with relationships – 92%

— weight gain 45%, weight loss 35%, no change 20%

–considered an addict for taking pain medicine- 50% said yes

–Flagged in computers as “drug seekers” – 43%

— agree or disagree with the statement made by opiate opposed doctors that long term opiate medicine is ineffective:  82% disagree

–Percentage of painful disease patients refused medication because they did not have cancer -69%

–Statement by CDC Director Thomas Frieden MD that “doctors are the cause of the opioid epidemic” – 82% disagreed

–Veterans: after two months off meds or tapered are you better for it? Yes better 13% worse 29% a lot worse 58% 112 1-17

–Antidepressant helped: quite a bit 9% maybe helped some 22% did not help 69%

Side effects of antidepressant: major 53% mild to moderatle 26% none 26%

–Do you know a vet: 12% no tapering 51% Stopped, 37% reduced 141 1-14

–Percentage receiving “adequate pain medicines”  17%

– suicide numbers – unknown.  CDC is reporting sharp rise in suicides especially in women.  About 70% of the population of chronic painful diseases are women, reflecting similar weighting in autoimmune disease.  CDC has not reported and data on why the increase in suicides.  It must be assumed to be related to pain so great as to make life  not a life until proved otherwise. One CDC person interviewed indicated the notion of medication tapering suicides said they were not studying this.  Google “medium suicides” for case reports.

–Problems filling their doctors’ prescriptions at the pharmacy -33%

–Major “life changes” – 68%

–Tapered off or down on pain medicines  but still doing “ok”    6%  94% worse

— Forced tapering without a say so-  76%

— tapering effects on employment- no change 3%, negative effect 36%, had to quit job 61%

–once tapering was found to increase pain and decrease functioning how many had their original doses restored- – 13%, 76% of practitioners refused to restore  to previous effective levels

— Percentage of “doctor shoppers” who are addicts – 40%, percentage who are pain patients -60%

— Percentage of patients currently looking for doctors but cannot find one— 65% (of ten million presumably)

CDC recommends using alternative, second line treatments first, not a standard medical practice I am familiar with..  Generally we physicians like to treat with the most effective first, back ups if the drug of choice fails.  As a result of the stampede to more expensive, higher risk and reduced effectiveness we asked several questions in each poll–

–Back surgery, was it “worth it”? – yes 23% , 77% no

–Neck surgery, was it worth it?  – 68% no, 32% yes

–Physical Therapy helped – 10%,  PT made it worse 43%

— Alternate medicines worked as well as the opiates:  5%  yes, 95% no

–Lyrica – effective in only 8%, noticeable side effects 72%

–Neurontin, side effects in more than half, worked in only 13% little or none 35% side effects bad 46% side effects minimal 6%

–Spinal Stimulators implanted by surgery, “was it worth it”? – no in 86% (40-50K dollars)

–ketamine infusions – effective in 50%  

–Morphine pumps “did it relieve pain”? – 50% yes, 50% no (30-50K dollars plus monthly fees, surgical risks)

–Injection treatments, “would you recommend to others with the same diseases?”  47% said no (high risk of addisonian adrenal suppression and adhesive arachnoiditis, a disastrous lifelong disease)

–Radiofrequency ablation, “was it worth doing?” – 79% said no, 21% said yes  (extremely painful and expensive procedure)

–of those without addiction how many felt euphoria when starting: 16%, euphoria later

–euphoria from gabepentin: heard of this? 24% yes 296 1-2

Most patients are referred to pain clinics.  The status of licensing requirements is unknown. People who no longer are treated for their pain by their regular doctors, traditionally the ones who treated pain prior to 2015, who now go to “Pain Clinics” are asked to respond on twitter polls.

Contracts, pill counts, urine-analyses were traditionally reserved for opiate addicts.  It is not clear why these methods are forced on the pain patients abandoned by their primary care practitioners.  They report the following:

–forced to sign addiction style pain contracts -80%  restricting what pharmacies to go to,  forced birth control, etc  one person committed suicide after an ER relief prescription was refused by the pharmacy due to restrictive pain control (google Medium Suicides)

–numbers reporting good care at the pain clinic- -25%, not so good in 25%, “terrible” care 50%

–Number of pain clinics not prescribing actual pain medication – 25-31%

–Number of pain clinics offering “injections only” – 41%

–Number of pain clinics refusing to prescribe pain medicines until patient agrees to injections first–34%

–Number of pain clinics prescribing pain medicine according to FDA guidelines- 18%

–Number of patients that were not sent to Pain clinics by their primary care and followed in the office for the pain treatment – 19%, with 63% were “referred out”

–50% have to pay $100-$300 for each pain clinic visit after insurance pays

–Forced to have addiction type urine tests  in spite of no one ever reported to addict already on pain medications with false positive and negative rates leading to discharge from pain clinic and labeling as drug seekers on EHR records damming the patient for ever in receiving pain medication for any reason.

–How many have problems getting your pain meds at pharmacies: at chain pharmcies 55% at independent 1% 115 sample of 15k 12-16-17

— repeating the poll in a different way: now many in general have had problems filling your prescriptions at pharmacies- 33% have had a problem 31% at chains 2% at independent pharmacies 225 sample from 15k 12-17-17

— “honestly now, pulling no punches do you believe over prescribing by doctors is contributing to overdose deaths Yes 18% No 82% 284 votes of 15k 12-22-17

–the CDC and PROP Believes long term medication continues to be taken after three months just to hold off withdrawal Agree 18% Disagree 82% 273 votes of 15k 12-20-17

–of you looking for new doctors to prescribe pain meds how many docs/np’s/pa’s have you contacted 1-10 34% more than 10: 9% eventually successful 15% still looking 42% 122 votes

–are you getting proper and adequate treatment for your painful disease? yes getting good treatment 21% No not getting adequate treatment for your painful disease 79% 175 votes 12-23-17

–Reactions by doctors and practitioners when telling you are going to be tapered against your will: neutral 41% vindictive 29% nice or sad 24% gleeful 6% 228 1-22

–How many of you have been denied pain medicine because you don’t have cancer 69% 251 votes

–Medical society with plan for board protection 23 votes 17% yes

In general painful disease patients are also reporting:

–34% take both benzodiazepines and opiate with no problems reported in  87%, problems in 13%

–Two percent report benzodiazepines work best to relieve pain, opiates work best 52% and the combination of benzodiazepines and opiates work best in 36%, with neither working in  10%

–Outcomes with opiate pain medicine:  89% reporting “good”

–Numbers of patients in the universe of twitter followers officially disabled from their painful diseases: 53%

–requiring more than 90mg MME for pain control: 63%

These twitter polls were conducted by JATH over the last two years.  Many of the polls were validated by other polls outside of JATH.  The polls cannot be dismissed by saying they were not properly done.  The obvious is not always an illusion.  Are these randomly stratified samplings – no.    This information is provided to issue an alert.

Opiate drugs have an addiction rate of 0.5% – a major side effect but which can be managed easily if caught early.  If each prescriber would merely ask their patients if they have ever had an opiate we would stop new deaths from opiate addiction.   With this simple question no more teenagers will die due to ignorance of the pathophysiology of opiate addiction and the different types.  There is no such thing as “addiction” or “drug abuse”, but there are types of addiction  which are very different and need to be treated differently just as we do with the two types of diabetes.  

If the answer to the critical question “ever had a pain killer before” is YES the person will never opiate addict.  If the answer is NO they will have < 1% change for genetically determined opiate addiction.  The prescriber needs to warn “no” patients to report back if they have other than a sedative effect from the narcotic especially if they “go on a magic carpet ride”   If they do,  they have opiate addiction disease, type 2.   They need not seek out heroin and die.  No new cases of addiction need to die.  Ninety percent of opiate addiction occurs in teenage years.  Why? – First exposure.   Opiate addiction differs from other forms of addiction as it is triggered by the hidden propensity for immediate addiction.  This is why the news stories report the addiction from the doctors prescription – first exposure, not “substance exposure”.  

Thus identified, the patients can be medically treated in the office. Opiate addiction is serious side effect, but it is not fatal like many serious side effects of other prescription drugs.  We need to ask more about the facts of the two types of addiction and why they are different.  We cannot apply one solution for both.  This is where the mistakes have been made, and money wasted for 100 years.   We need medical facts, pathophysiological facts before we subject millions of people to the withdrawal of medical treatment without rhyme or reason.   It is their choice to take the risks or not take the risks, not the government, not doctors cowed into harming their patients, not the drug police.

Of any new idea,  Einstein said that some things are easy to understand but hard to believe.  This is offered in that light.  I have seen it.  Heads are in the sand. A nationwide tragedy  is really happening on a scale no one could ever imagine.  

Thomas F. Kline MD, Ph.D

Chronic and Rare Disease Specialist

Raleigh, North Carolina


Email:    Intelligent discussions are welcome

**JATH Educational Consortium LLC is a Raleigh based research group providing unrestricted data to the medical community and the general public for policy making and improvement of medical care

Myth #6 Pain Refugees taken off opioid. Who are they? .. Thomas Kline MD

Myth #6 Pain Refugees taken off opioid. Who are they? .. Thomas Kline MD


In 1915 thousands of doctors were arrested, and jailed when the federal drug police didn’t like doctors treating addicts. Narcotic police make up medical crimes. Arrests were reversed by Supreme Court in 1925 268 US 5, Court saying federal government had no place in state regulated medical issues. 104 years later – doctors are arrested for overprescribing a medical infraction without statutory basis.

Myth #4 Are Heroin Addicts Evil… Thomas Kline MD

or is it an irrational Fear of Addiction Phobia that makes us afraid when other addictions: alcohol, cocaine, amphetamines are more dangerous. He “takes drugs” dependent on which drug. Two classes of addiction are presented for the first time to begin to understand the horrible pain refugee crisis

Is this typical of how a national health insurance works ?

How the NHS won‘t give mother life extending cancer drug

How the NHS won‘t give Bonnie a cancer drug that will extend her life – yet spends millions on treatments that don‘t work

Bonnie Fox was denied a vital drug on cost grounds

Bonnie Fox is dying. In April 2015 she gave birth to Barnaby, her first child. Four months later her joy turned to horror when, after experiencing problems breastfeeding, she was diagnosed with advanced and incurable breast cancer.

That was 19 months ago. Since then Bonnie, 39, has been through six months of debilitating chemotherapy and is now on the twin ‘maintenance’ drugs, Herceptin and Perjeta.

For how long is anyone’s guess — ‘the longest I have heard is 12 years, but I have also heard of women for whom they’ve stopped working after a year’, says Bonnie, from Croydon, Surrey.

Juggling treatments and baby-care, Bonnie has returned two days a week to her demanding job as a project manager, and in June last year she married her partner and Barnaby’s father, Ash, the manager of a Waterstones book store.

Now she has one all-consuming ambition: to live long enough to be there for Barnaby’s first day at school.

Her best hope of that is an ‘end-of-life’ drug called Kadcyla, which ‘would buy me more time with my little boy . . . with Kadcyla I might even see him get to school, which, for me, would be a huge milestone to reach’.

But Bonnie can’t have Kadcyla. On December 29, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) announced that, at a cost of £90,000 for each of the 1,200 patients who, like Bonnie, could benefit from the drug, the price was ‘too high in relation to the benefits it gives for it to be recommended for routine commissioning in the NHS’.

‘Cheated once’ by fate, Bonnie says she now feels ‘cheated again: I was relying on that drug’.

Then she read the news that the NHS is paying silly money for other drugs which, with joined-up negotiating, it could be getting for far less.

As much as £380 million a year is being wasted by GPs alone because they’re paying over the odds for drugs that have had their prices hiked by pharmaceutical companies, according to Dr Andrew Hill, a senior research fellow in pharmacology at the University of Liverpool.

The fault, he says, lies with NHS England for failing to track and act over these price hikes.

And that’s just prescriptions in the community in England. Factor in hospitals and all prescribing in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, says Dr Hill, and ‘I wouldn’t be surprised if we’re talking about a billion pounds here in overcharging’.

Dr Hill’s team analysed prices paid for 300 drugs from 2011 to 2015. The biggest price rise they found was the 2,340 per cent increase in the cost of the thyroid drug carbimazole, which cost the NHS an extra £29.8 million in 2015. The cost of the antidepressant drug nortriptyline went up 419 per cent in the same period, landing the NHS with an additional bill of £25.5 million.

‘You would think the NHS would be able to control this,’ Dr Hill told Good Health. ‘This is such an easy opportunity to save money.’

And when you consider the hopes of patients such as Bonnie, this waste is simply immoral.

‘I’m very pro the NHS, it’s been wonderful to me and my family, and I do appreciate it has so many conflicting demands,’ says Bonnie. ‘But when I hear about wastage like this, it is so frustrating.’

One of the many ironies of waste is that while some patients are being denied treatments the NHS can’t afford, others are getting care they don’t need.

As Professor Terence Stephenson, chairman of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, has put it: ‘One doctor’s waste is another patient’s . . . lack of treatment.’

The healthcare think tank, The King’s Fund, has highlighted 16 NICE guidelines about sticking to treatments that actually work which, if followed across the NHS, could save £1.9 million per 100,000 of population — in England alone that’s a saving in excess of £1 billion.

Some of the useless, wasteful treatments and procedures given to patients include X-rays for diagnosing lower back pain, and a plaster cast on small wrist fractures in children.

These ‘will heal just as quickly with a removable splint’, according to a report published last October by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges. The academy published a list of 40 treatments and procedures ‘of little or no benefit to patients’, but costly to the NHS.

For example, it said, tap water ‘is just as good for cleaning cuts and grazes as saline solution’.

Sometimes these needless — and wasteful — treatments can do more harm than good. As reported in the Mail last month, 800,000 people in the UK have been on antidepressants for two years or more, with no clinical reason for taking them.

Similarly, an estimated 250,000 people have been on highly addictive tranquillisers for months or even years, despite clear official guidance that no one should take them for longer than four weeks.

Apart from the financial cost (the combined bill to the NHS of the over-prescription of antidepressants, tranquillisers and opioid painkillers may be £160 million every year) there is the human cost to the thousands left to struggle alone with dependency and withdrawal.

Chris Ham, chief executive of The King’s Fund, says that while evidence suggested the NHS was ‘one of the most efficient health systems in the world’, there is ‘still significant scope to improve productivity and reduce waste’.

With the NHS facing ‘huge financial pressures’ it was ‘essential to focus on getting the best possible value for patients from every pound spent . . . for example, through addressing the overuse of certain drugs and treatments or [ensuring] patients are seen faster and don’t need to stay in hospital for so long.’

More galling, perhaps, is the money wasted on the significant variation in executive pay and perks. Take John Adler, chief executive at University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust. From just over £245,000 in the financial year to 2015, his total salary and pension package almost doubled the following year to a whopping £485,000 — an astonishing increase of almost 98 per cent.

Yet the trust’s financial review for that year conceded, it had ‘not met all of our financial and performance duties for 2015/16’ and it recorded a deficit of £34.1 million.

What’s more, a Good Health investigation last month revealed Adler’s trust was one of the ten with the largest number of medication errors in NHS England — 2,449 in 2015, causing harm to patients in 185 cases.

In most cases, such errors were blamed by experts on unsafe staffing levels among nurses.

The trust says Adler gets the going rate for the job. Tell that to the chief executive at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, who has almost 3,000 more staff to manage than Adler’s 14,000, yet gets a more modest £272,000 pay-and-pension package.

It’s a similar story at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, where the chief executive struggled by on £250,000 less than Mr Adler and has 2,000 more staff to manage.

Mr Adler’s not the only senior manager doing well. A survey of boardroom pay in the NHS last year found that 355 trust directors in England received average salary increases of 2.3 per cent — considerably more than the 1 per cent pay cap imposed on nurses since 2010.

A spokesman for NHS Improvement, the organisation that oversees trusts, said that while the NHS ‘needs strong and capable leaders to meet the challenges it faces’, when it comes to executive pay levels ‘we expect trusts to exercise restraint and we strongly discourage new appointments at the highest pay levels’.

Yet another form of waste that costs the patient and the NHS dear is infection rates. Infections cost money because of the extra surgery and care involved. Infection rates vary wildly, for no obvious good reason. And so do other costly things.

In September 2016, Public Health England identified 102 inexplicable ‘unwarranted variations’, many of which were costing the NHS money. For example, it found that for no obvious reason, the number of days patients being kept in hospital after fracturing a thigh bone ranged from ten to more than 30.

The longer stay, which simply isn’t necessary, increases the risk of contracting hospital infections and blocks beds badly needed by other patients.

And the NHS is in the grip of yet another hugely ambitious IT project, with hospitals poised to plough millions of pounds into new systems, converting hospitals, GPs and pharmacies to electronic records, online appointments and prescriptions to make the NHS paperless by 2020.

It’s as though the disastrous £10 billion National Programme for IT, introduced in 2002 with exactly the same ambitions and finally scrapped barely four years ago, never happened.

NEXT WEEK: How the NHS could save millions simply by saying sorry when things go wrong.