Epidural Steroid Injections / R.I.P. Dearest Jimmy / FDA-AADPAC

Epidural Steroid Injections / R.I.P. Dearest Jimmy / FDA-AADPAC

  It is claimed that there are 10 million of these ESI’s are given annually.  Both the FDA and the manufacturer of Methylprednisolone DO NOT RECOMMEND that this medication being administered as a ESI.

It is also claimed that abt 5% of pts getting these ESI’s will incur adhesive arachnoiditis   .. which is an INCURABLE, VERY PAINFUL HEALTH CONDITION and it is caused by the needle/syringe is inserted ONE MM TOO FAR..

Anything injected into the spinal fluid must not only be sterile and pyrogen free – as all injectable medications must be… it must also be PRESERVATIVE FREE and a SOLUTION…  methylprednisolone and that whole category of meds contain preservatives and is a SUSPENSION.

In the recent past CMS ( Medicare & Medicaid) was discussing/proposing to INCREASE what practitioners were paid for performing these ESI’s. I do not know if they ever finalized this propose increase.  They want to ENCOURAGE practitioners to provide more of these ESI’s.

“Non-Opioids Prevent Addiction In the Nation Act” or the “NOPAIN Act” H. R. 5172

Rep. Sewell, Terri A. [D-AL-7]

Rep. McKinley, David B. [R-WV-1]

Rep. Brindisi, Anthony [D-NY-22]


To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to combat the opioid crisis by promoting access to non-opioid treatments in the hospital outpatient setting.

This Act may be cited as the “Non-Opioids Prevent Addiction In the Nation Act” or the “NOPAIN Act”.

November 19, 2019

Ms. Sewell of Alabama (for herself, Mr. McKinley, and Mr. Brindisi) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned

is this the destination for chronic pain pts… because of less opiates being prescribed ?

December 25th, 2019, will be my start date for the VSED program, since my family is coming here from Texas on the 24th to be by my side for my passing. I want to thank everyone for their support.

For those who aren’t too busy, I wish to invite everyone to a live FB feed celebration of my life, that I will be hosting with my family, on Christmas evening.

Wow. While this all couldn’t be happening fast enough, this is still all just way too soon in my book. But, it’s either now, with family & loved ones, or alone, and I’m not giving this disease that. I’ll be making my own final decisions, ones that CRPS won’t be allowed to decide for me.


This was a post on FB by a 52 y/o divorced male suffering with CRPS.  CRPS is commonly referred to as the “suicide disease”.. because of its unrelenting high intensity of pain.  Could this pt going down this path is a direct/indirect action of the CDC/DOJ/DEA and their self-serving war on drugs?
The VSED program is basically a personal decision to die by stopping all intake of hydration or food. This chronic pain pts is having to go down their path because the state in which he lives does not have a death with dignity law.

Voluntary Stopping of Eating and Drinking (VSED)

To voluntarily stop eating and drinking means to refuse all food and liquids, including those taken through a feeding tube, with the understanding that doing so will hasten death. This is an option for people with terminal or life-limiting diseases who feel that with VSED their dying will not be prolonged. One of the advantages of this decision is that you may change your mind at any time and resume eating and drinking.

The US Supreme Court has affirmed the right of a competent individual to refuse medical therapies and this includes food and fluids. This choice is also commonly accepted in the medical community.

Independent Pharmacy Campaign

Pain Reliever Misuse Decreased by 11% in 2018

Pain Reliever Misuse Decreased by 11% in 2018


NSDUH Survey IndicatesPrescription drug misuse, including abuse of stimulants and pain relievers, decreased in 2018, according to the recently released 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). The annual survey, conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administra-tion (SAMHSA), a division of HHS, is a primary resource for data on mental health and substance use, including abuse of prescription drugs, among Americans. Key findings of the 2018 NSDUH include: ♦Past-year abuse of psycotherapeutics decreased from6.6 from 6.2%.♦Past-year abuse of pain relievers decreased from 4.1%to 3.6%.♦Past-year abuse of stimulants decreased from 2.1%to 1.9%.♦Past-year abuse of opioids decreased from 4.2% to3.7%.“This year’s National Survey on Drug Use and Health contains very encouraging news:

The number of Americans misusing pain relievers dropped substantially, and fewer young adults are abusing heroin and other substances,” said HHS Secretary Alex Azar. “At the same time, many challenges remain, with millions of Americans not receiving treatment they need for substance abuse and mental illness.

Connecting Americans to evidence-based treatment, grounded in the best science we have, is and will remain a priority for President Donald Trump, for HHS, and for SAMHSA under Assistant Secretary Elinore McCance-Katz.” A recorded presentation of the data, along with a written summary and the full report are available on the SAMHSA website at https://www.samhsa.gov/data/nsduh/reports-detailed-tables-2018-NSDUH.Additional Efforts Needed to Improve Naloxone Access, CDC Says A new Vital Signs report published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that naloxone dispensing has grown dramatically since 2012, with rates of naloxone prescriptions dispensed more than doubling from 2017 to 2018 alone. However, the rate of naloxone dispensed per high-dose opioid dispensed remains low, with just one naloxone prescription dispensed for every 69 high-dose opioid prescriptions.The researchers for the report examined dispensing data from IQVIA, a health care, data science, and technology company that maintains information on prescriptions from 50,400 retail pharmacies, representing 92% of all prescrip-tions in the US. According to their analysis, dispensing rates were higher for female recipients than for male recipients, and higher for persons aged 60-64 years than for any other age group. The researchers also found that the rate of nal-oxone prescriptions dispensed varied substantially across US counties, with rural and micropolitan counties more likely to have a low-dispensing rate. “Comprehensively addressing the opioid overdose epi-demic will require efforts to improve naloxone access and distribution in tandem with efforts to prevent initiation of opioid misuse, improve opioid prescribing, implement harm reduction strategies, promote linkage to medications for opioid use disorder treatment, and enhance public health and public safety partnerships,” the report states in its con-clusion. “Distribution of naloxone is a critical component of the public health response to the opioid overdose epidemic.”The Vital Signs report can be accessed at www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/68/wr/mm6831e1.htm.

If you notice there is no mention of chronic pain pts getting any treatment


IV Tylenol As Good As Moose Urine For Post-Op Pain Control

IV Tylenol As Good As Moose Urine For Post-Op Pain Control


Summary: In the mad dash to remove opioids from modern life, some researchers are willing to try anything, even Tylenol to control pain. How well does IV Tylenol work for post-operative pain from spinal surgery? Although the data are not complete it is safe to say that it’s no better than moose urine.

OK, I may have taken some license with the title but not with the science. Here’s the real title of a November 2019 paper in Pain Medicine News: ‘Post-op Pain Unaffected by IV Acetaminophen After Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery.” I prefer mine.

This is hardly the first time I have jumped ugly on Tylenol (acetaminophen). Aside from reducing children’s fevers and maybe working synergistically with Advil, there is no evidence that it is effective for treating any kind of pain (See Tylenol Isn’t So Safe, But At Least It Works, Right?) and plenty of evidence that it does nothing at all. 

What’s that part about it not being so safe? ACSH friend Dr. Aric Hausknect, a New York neurologist and pain management specialist suggests this in a not-so-subtle way. 

“Tylenol is by far the most dangerous drug ever made.”

Pain In The Time Of Opioid Denial: An Interview With Aric Hausknecht, M.D. 7/30/17

Yet, despite overwhelming evidence that Tylenol (acetaminophen) is an abject failure as a pain drug, hospitals and physicians, who are desperate to avoid opioid use no matter the circumstances, keep shoveling it into the mouths and veins of Americans. Just one of the many instances of medical insanity brought about by ignorant (or self-serving, you pick) edicts forced upon us by PROP (with generous help from “Clueless Tom” Frieden’s CDC) beginning roughly a decade ago. 

Speaking of PROP, don’t you think it’s time that they got a new image? These guys are all over the news and it’s getting stale. They need to re-brand. Here, I’ll help.


Original image: Iranian.com

Back to the Tylenol.

Let’s take a look at what we already know – that giving Tylenol for pain is a waste of the water it takes to swallow the pills and that giving it IV during or after surgery is ideologically-driven stupidity. 

“Although previous literature supports the benefit of including multimodal analgesia as part of an intraoperative pain management plan, our results failed to identify a measurable effect of perioperative acetaminophen alone on opioid requirements or pain scores.” 

Eugenia Ayrian, M.D., Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California 

Here are two non-surprises: 1) Tylenol doesn’t work; 2) When you see the term “multimodal” there’s a pretty good chance that you can substitute “a whole bunch of other crap that doesn’t work” and not be far off the mark.

“While intravenous acetaminophen may benefit a carefully selected subset of patients undergoing surgery, prospective carefully standardized studies need to be done to determine which patients will have the greatest benefit.”  (Also from Dr. Ayrian)

“Carefully selected subset?” Why does the following image come to mind? 

Photo: US Air Force Academy

According to the article, Dr. Ayrian and colleagues initiated a prospective randomized trial (first-rate) which somehow turned into a retrospective study (anything but first-rate) – no small feat. How did this happen? Prepare yourself.

The trial (187 patients) was supposed to compare pain levels of patients who underwent “minimally invasive” spinal surgery, for example, a discectomy, where the damaged part of a herniated or bulging disk is removed. Three groups were randomized: IV acetaminophen, oral acetaminophen, or neither. Then this happened (emphasis mine):

“However, due to the high cost of IV acetaminophen, a shortage of remifentanil and the disapproval of the research committee, the trial was stopped before completion.”

Do you see any problems here?

  1. The hospital can’t afford enough IV Tylenol for ~60 patients?? It costs 40 bucks for a 1,000 mg bottle. 
  2. They ran out of remifentanil, which, like fentanyl is used to maintain general anesthesia. What are they using instead? 

Is this the Keck School OR? Image: Viralnova.com

  1. I don’t know what they did to piss off the research committee but it must have been a doozie. This does not happen often.

Which gives me a chance to simultaneously endorse a really good movie while voicing some mild reservations about the hospital in question:

Ford vs Ferrari – excellent!   Keck School of Medicine – maybe not so much. Now we know why they were driving so fast.


It didn’t.

Data from paper presented in graph form. Different dose forms, time interval… doesn’t matter. It made no difference whether surgical patients got Tylenol. None.


For those of you who are on the edge of your seats waiting to see the moose urine data, I must report with great sadness that, like the Keck School, we too suffered from logistical problems. In our case, it was a supply shortage. Estelle wasn’t up to the task.



Pharmacy workload puts patients at risk: union

Pharmacy workload puts patients at risk: union


More patients, budget cuts and lack of new hires are putting patients’ health at risk according to a survey of institutional pharmacy technicians conducted by the province’s largest health care workers union. The Federation of Health and Social Services (FSSS-CSN) unveiled the results which shows 88% of respondents report being constantly pressed for time due to a heavy workload.

There are 987 Senior Pharmacy Technician Assistants (ATSP) and Pharmacy Technical Assistants (ATP) in the public health and social services network who are responsible for preparing medicines in network facilities and must constantly adapt to new systems and technologies while being entrusted with more responsibilities.

“The weight that senior technical assistants in pharmacy have on their shoulders is shifting to services to the population. When a hospital pharmacy fails to respond to requests, patients wait longer and the risk of error increases, “says pharmacy technical assistant and regional union vice-president Marie-Line Séguin.

Respondents were near unanimous in noting that their work has become more demanding over time caused mostly by lack of staff, increase in patients and structural changes. Patients are increasingly put at risk of medication and transcription errors say 87% of respondents, with half of all technicians reporting delays in responding to requests from pharmacists and/or physicians.

Nearly three quarters reported having done overtime in the last six months and 79% say they went to work sick in the last 12 months, and 97% report that absent colleagues are not replaced. Workers say wage increases, increased staffing and continuing education are the leading solutions to the crisis.

Chicago police blame Facebook for illegal gun and drug sales

Chicago police blame Facebook for illegal gun and drug sales


CHICAGO >> Private Facebook groups have “emboldened” sellers of illegal drugs and guns to connect with potential buyers over the social media site, Chicago police said today, as leaders announced that a two-year undercover investigation led to more than 50 arrests.

Police leaders, including Chicago’s new interim superintendent, also accused Facebook of failing to help prevent illegal sales of guns. The social media company banned private sales, trades and exchanges of firearms in 2016, but investigators said they found dealers using private groups and messages to quickly sell firearms and drugs at prices higher than street values.

First Deputy Superintendent Anthony Riccio said Facebook agreed to shut down groups identified during the Chicago investigation but that it also should kick members of those groups off the site.

“Facebook often cites privacy concerns when they are confronted with the facts of our investigation,” Riccio said. “The truth is, Facebook is harboring criminals. These criminals know how to use the privacy Facebook affords them and they profit from the sales of illegal drugs and dangerous guns.”

Riccio also said police have been frustrated by Facebook’s removal of fake profiles that investigators use to pose as potential buyers.

Facebook spokeswoman Sarah Pollack said the company quickly responds to “valid legal” requests from police.

“Illicit drug and firearms sales have no place on our platform,” Pollack said. “We remove content and accounts that violate our policy and catch over 97% of drug sale content and over 93% of the firearms sales content we remove before it is reported to us.”

The company’s instructions for law enforcement say a subpoena is required to share a subscriber’s records including name, email addresses and location information on recent log-ins; disclosing contents of an account requires a federal or state search warrant. The site also says all Facebook users must use “the name they go by in everyday life,” and fake accounts will be penalized.

Facebook says it uses detection technology to find content that violates its policies banning the sale of drugs or firearms, including posts in private groups.

Chicago police leaders have blasted Facebook after previous investigations of illegal guns and drug sales on the site. In 2017, then-Superintendent Eddie Johnson said the company was failing to cooperate with police cracking down on the activity.

Tension over law enforcement’s use of social media networks exists in other areas too; for example, police in Memphis were sued by the state’s branch of the American Civil Liberties Union in 2018 for using an undercover Facebook account to monitor protest groups’ activities.

Personal privacy advocates say Facebook could do more to protect users from that type of police activity and keep meeting its baseline responsibility to hold law enforcement to the same rules as everyone else on the platform.

“Police shouldn’t get to follow different rules than members of the public,” said Dave Maass, a researcher for the Electronic Frontier Foundation. “They may say ‘Oh, this is to cut down on gun sales.’ The next thing you know, you’re searching social media for information on First Amendment activities or whether they’ve been driving while texting.”

Charlie Beck, Chicago’s interim police superintendent and the former head of the Los Angeles Police Department, said Tuesday that Facebook users’ privacy rights don’t “trump the rights of the general public.”

“Another person’s rights have to stop where the safety of another individual becomes in jeopardy,” Beck said. “That’s what laws are all about.”


Dr. Thomas Kline, MD, PhD: MYTH #2 Opiates don’t work for chronic pain