non-physician clinicians: are not trained to be substitutes of physicians

15 Doctors Fired From Chicago-Area Health System

At least 15 physicians have been fired from Edward-Elmhurst Health as the suburban Chicago-based health system moves to cut costs, sources told MedPage Today.

The doctors, who worked across its seven “Immediate Care” or urgent care sites, will be replaced by advanced practice nurses,

according to an email sent by hospital leadership that was shared with MedPage Today. The physicians were informed late last week that they would be terminated as of April 1, 2020.

A physician who spoke on the condition of anonymity said the doctors were “broadsided” by the news. While they harbored some concerns that a few of the slower urgent care sites might be turned over to non-physician clinicians, they weren’t expecting so many of the sites to be impacted and for such a large number of doctors to be let go.

In their email, hospital system CEO Mary Lou Mastro, MS, RN, and Chief Medical Officers Robert Payton, MD, and Daniel Sullivan, MD, pointed to patient cost concerns as the reason for eliminating the jobs: “Patients have made it very clear that they want less costly care and convenient access for lower-acuity issues (sore throats, rashes, earaches), which are the vast majority of cases we treat in our Immediate Cares.”

“Beginning in the spring of 2020, we will move to a delivery model in which care is provided by Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) at select Immediate Care locations,” they wrote.

Leadership also stated in the email that they are “working closely with these physicians to assist them with finding alternative positions within Edward-Elmhurst Health or outside our system,” but doctors noted that they face a saturated Chicago healthcare market and they’re likely to have to relocate.

Keith Hartenberger, a spokesperson for Edward-Elmhurst Health, confirmed the layoffs: “We continue to assess our care delivery models in the interest of providing cost-effective care to our patients. We shared with physicians that we have plans to change the model next year at some outpatient sites and are working with anyone affected to find alternative placement.”

The move is becoming a more familiar one as some health systems try to save money by relying more heavily on non-physician clinicians.

Last year, 27 pediatricians at a chain of clinics in the Dallas area lost their jobs and were replaced by nurse practitioners — even though the chain subsequently changed its name to MD Kids Pediatrics.

Rebekah Bernard, MD, wrote in Medical Economics that she spoke with three of the pediatricians who were fired: “They told me that they and their physician colleagues were completely shocked by the sudden firing. ‘We thought we were going to retire from this place,’ one told me.”

Also in 2018, Charlotte, North Carolina-based Atrium Health ended a nearly 40-year contract with a 100-member physician group, signing up instead with Scope Anesthesia, which says it’s dedicated to forming partnerships with certified registered nurse anesthetists. Atrium said it too was looking to reduce patient costs.

“This trend of shuttering hospital departments and firing physicians to save money is dangerous and short-sighted,” Bernard wrote.

Purvi Parikh, MD, of NYU Langone Health in New York City, and a board member of Physicians for Patient Protection, which advocates against other healthcare providers replacing doctors, said that

although non-physician clinicians “are vital members of the healthcare team, they are not trained to be substitutes of physicians and as a result diagnoses are missed and improper treatments and tests [are] prescribed.”

Parikh said patients “have the right to choose a facility that is physician-only or one with physician-led care. In Chicago, luckily there are other options among competitors.”

what part of Palliative Care do you not understand

Chronic pain patients and virtually anybody can copy this letter and use it to send to their legislators

Chronic pain patients and virtually anybody can copy this letter and use it to send to their legislators.  

Dear Congressman,


I am a chronic pain patient as well as an associate of the patient/doctor advocacy group Doctors (and patients) of Courage ( There are many people such as myself that are being denied proper pain treatment due to ignorance and misinformation about opioid pain management. Those of us who rely on opioid pain medications are being discriminated against. By preventing trained pain management professionals from doing their job, the government is forcing its own citizens to the street for self-medication, where they most probably will unknowingly receive illegal fentanyl laced pills. More and more suffering patients are forced off their medication and are committing suicide at alarming rates.

Since opioid prescriptions are declining, opioid-related deaths are rising rapidly each year. The government solution is not and will not fix the problem, it will only perpetrate it and more people will ultimately die. Most pain patients are not addicts. The opioids that are killing people and contributing to these horrific overdose deaths are not a result of pills diverted from pain management facilities, but are a result of illicit Fentanyl sold on the street. Arresting doctors and forcing people with severe intractable chronic pain to an early grave will not in any way stop the overdose rate from doubling the next few years.

Opioids are not the cause of addiction. Being dependent on a drug does not mean you are addicted.  Addiction is caused by toxicity and not by direct exposure to the drug. What does the body do with excess toxins? They have to be stored in the cells. That is genetically determined, and thus you get the genetic propensity to certain diseases. The fact that more people are not addicted that require pain medicines for their diseases actually proves that the medicine itself is not the cause.  Restricting opioids from patients with chronic pain has no effect on addiction rates. This is why even though prescriptions have declined deaths have risen and will continue to rise if this war isn’t stopped.

We need to make the DOJ accountable for not following Supreme Court decisions and committing professional misconduct convicting innocent people any way they can. Allowing innocent Americans suffering severe chronic pain to be denied relief will hurt our society. It will force countless of hard working Americans who could function and manage their condition with opioids into a life of misery. This opioid war does nothing to stop addiction. What this all means for those of us who suffer daily. Who will support these people who can no longer support themselves because they can no longer work, care for their kids? These are people who are now out of the workplace and confined to a bed because the pain is so great they can’t work. This so called solution will hurt our economy. SSI/SSDI claims will skyrocket and it will lead to the tax payers having to foot the bill and care for all these people who could have otherwise supported themselves with proper medical care and proper pain management. These laws do nothing to stop addiction. What these laws mean to people like myself. TOTAL DEVASTATION. Loss of job, home, children. I am now forced to live on government assistance. These policies are not good for America. We need to stop this now.

May the Lord bless you and keep you.


Linda Cheek

Teacher of The Seven Steps to Healing

Best Selling Author of Target: Pain Doc

How many FAKE DRIVER’S LICENSED are presented to healthcare practitioners EVERY DAY to get controlled meds ?

Officials Seize 500 Fake Driver’s Licenses That Would Have Gone To College Students

Officials seized 500 fake drivers licenses

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents in Philadelphia seized about 500 fake driver’s licenses that would have gone into the hands of college students.

The IDs were found Aug. 15 in international air cargo shipped from Canada, China and other South Asian countries, CBP reported Thursday. The shipment consisted of fake Nigerian driver’s licenses along with licenses from over 20 U.S. states.

Connecticut, New Jersey, Maryland and Florida were among the many states represented. Some of the licenses were obvious fakes while others could be scanned by barcode readers, CBP reported.

While counterfeit driver’s licenses can be used for obtaining alcohol illegally for underage minors, they can also be used for immigration fraud and theft, according to CBP Director of the Baltimore Field Office Casey Durst in the news release. (RELATED: Officials Strip Convicted War Criminal Of Citizenship After He Fraudulently Got Refugee Status)

Many of the licenses were given to university police and states for investigation while others will be destroyed.

CBP not only focuses on border security, but also enforcing legal trade. CBP in partnership with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) seized over 34,000 shipments that were deemed unsafe or counterfeit in fiscal year 2017, according to CBP data.



We need to measure the opioid crisis differently

In this counterintuitive talk, physician Stefen Kertesz outlines how efforts to reduce the prescription of opioids has had a negative impact on patients who rely on the drugs to combat ongoing pain. Stefan Kertesz is a physician in internal and addiction medicine at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and Birmingham Veterans Affairs Medical Center. His clinical work and published research focuses on tailoring care for people with addiction and homelessness. Over the years, Dr. Kertesz has become a national voice on behalf of patients with long-term pain whose care has been impacted by institutional efforts to reduce opioid prescribing. Dr. Kertesz continues to advance research on improving primary care, addiction, pain and overdose risk in vulnerable populations, and serves on teams to support the Governor of Alabama’s Opioid and Addiction Council. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

Doctors, patients: Efforts to block opioid addiction are also blocking treatment

MILWAUKEE — Just walking up to a pharmacy window is enough to send Tina Kasten’s brain into overdrive.

“You freak out,” Kasten said, using words like “anxiety” and “stress” to describe how she feels when she tries to pick up her prescription.

Kasten, who lives in Manitowoc, takes Suboxone as part of her treatment for heroin addiction. She said she has experienced delays in filling her prescription a half-dozen times over the last year.

Thirteen other patients described similar experiences in Wisconsin to the FOX6 Investigators. They did not want to be identified, citing the stigma of addiction.

Doctors, counselors, and pharmacists in Wisconsin say efforts to fight opioid addiction are inadvertently making it difficult to get addiction treatment.

The ‘devil and the angel’

Suboxone is a medication that contains buprenorphine and naloxone. It is used in combination with counseling and behavioral therapy to treat opioid addiction.

Drugs like Suboxone work by partially acting like an opioid and binding to the same receptors in the brain.

“That’s what allows it to be so useful in addiction treatment,” Dr. Selahattin Kurter said. Kurter is the executive director of West Grove Clinic, which provides mental health and addiction treatment.

“[Suboxone] doesn’t give you the euphoria associated with opiates,” Kurter continued. “But it protects you from the cravings and withdrawals.”

Kurter is Tina Kasten’s doctor. Kasten credits the combination of Suboxone and therapy for her addiction recovery.

“I didn’t have the cravings all the time,” Kasten said. “It wasn’t constantly on my mind like, ‘OK, am I going to use? Am I not? Am I going to use? Don’t do it. Oh, but you should.’ It’s like the devil and the angel and Suboxone tells them to be quiet and go home.”

“I put the work in to deal with the emotions and deal with everything that led me to be a drug addict,” Kasten added. “The Suboxone didn’t do that work. I did. But the Suboxone helped.”

But there is a danger patients could abuse Suboxone or illegally sell it for its opioid-like qualities; it is a Schedule III drug, which the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration says could lead to “moderate or low physical dependence or high psychological dependence” if abused.

“It can be used to help somebody get rid of the addiction to opiates, it itself can be addictive,” Dr. Hashim Zaibak, pharmacist and CEO of Hayat Pharmacy said. “So the pharmacist has to balance between the risk and benefits of Suboxone and that can be a challenge.”

Red flags

As the opioid crisis spread, there was a push for Medicated-Assisted Treatment (MAT): The combination of drugs like Suboxone and therapy.

The Director of Wisconsin’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Program says the state has seen a 66% increase in Suboxone dispensations since 2016. A federal rule change expanded the number of patients that providers can treat with MAT, and gave more providers the ability to use MAT.

The Department of Health Services has also been facilitating training to give health providers the ability to prescribe buprenorphine, the active ingredient in Suboxone. Data from the Department of Health Services says one year ago, there were 850 available buprenorphine prescribers in Wisconsin; now, there are 1,117.

While these measures made it easier to have initial access to drugs like Suboxone, other measures made it more difficult to take the medication home.

To curb opioid abuse, pharmacists are guided to turn patients away if there are too many “red flags.” Examples  include cash payments, returning too frequently for refills, signs of doctor shopping, family members receiving prescriptions from the same prescriber, and driving long distances to fill prescriptions

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration says it is a felony offense for a pharmacist to deliberately ignore a questionable prescription when there is reason to believe it was not issued for a legitimate medical purpose.

Dr. Kurter says these measures are important to prevent opioid abuse, but also says it’s easy to forget that one patient’s “red flag” could be another patient’s reality.

“So many patients actually need to travel distances because there’s no provider in their rural communities,” Kurter said.

‘Sometimes, that voice is a scream’

Wisconsin has more than 1,000 in-state, actively licensed pharmacies. The northern part of the state has fewer pharmacies; not all of them carry Suboxone.

Nine of the 14 patients the FOX6 Investigators spoke to said they have to drive 20 miles or more to their pharmacy; eight said at least once, a pharmacist has cited the distance as a reason to turn them away from filling their Suboxone prescription.

Others, like Kasten, say they’ve been turned away because the pharmacy did not have the medication available.

“If they have it, great,” Kasten said. “If not, you’re SOL.”

The measures to prevent opioid abuse make it difficult to get the prescription quickly switched to a different pharmacy. Those same efforts are the reason patients receive just enough Suboxone to last until they can fill their next prescription; they get turned away if they attempt to refill too early.

As a result, Kasten says she has gone up to five days without her medication.

“It totally takes them off their tracks of recovery,” Dr. Kurter said. “Because they’re so focused on the withdrawal, and their physical pains of withdrawal, and the emotional pains of withdrawal, oftentimes, patients will likely relapse with the drug that they were offending in the first place.”

“It’s definitely not a, ‘Oh shuckey, darn. Let’s wait until next week or tomorrow,'” said Jaimie Hauch, licensed professional counselor. “It’s usually ‘I need this medication today.'”

Hauch works at West Grove Clinic and says the emotional impact of not being able to access treatment medication is just as important as the physical impact.

“Here, these people are trying to make positive changes, and then there’s a bump in the road that derails those positive changes,” Hauch said.

“You have one day that you’ll be OK because it’s still in your system,” Kasten said, describing what it feels like when she has to wait to get her Suboxone prescription filled. “But after that, I mean, you have sweats, headaches. You sneeze all the time. You’re throwing up.”

“There’s that little voice since you don’t have your safety net, that little voice like, ‘Well, if you just do this, you’ll feel better. You’ll get your homework done. You’ll get your kids taken care of,'” Kasten added. “And sometimes that voice is a scream.”

Getting answers from pharmacies

Kurter says he supports efforts to prevent doctor shopping and pharmacy hopping, but he’s concerned that inconsistencies will negatively affect his patients’ treatment if they continue to have difficulty getting their medication.

“I think it’s important for pharmacies to identify what their rules are and what their protocols are,” Kurter said.

The FOX6 Investigators asked CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, Pick ‘N Save, Costco, Aurora, Meijer, and Hayat pharmacies about their policies related to opioids, specifically dispensations for drugs like Suboxone.

Denial of care… continuing and growing ?

Dear Steve,

I have pudendal neuralgia (on my right side) and interstitial cystitis. I’ve been following your work for awhile and I was one of the patients who spoke to the Department of Health & Human Services Pain Task Force in DC last year. I also follow Red Lawhern, (along with other excellent researchers on this topic), and have been an advocate on behalf of myself and others for the last 3 years or so. 

I’ve been fortunate that I’ve been able to maintain a good medical team, though I must admit I live in fear of my pain management doctor being raided by the DEA even though he does all the due diligence possible. 
I ran into an interesting problem the other day and I’m not sure if I have any recourse. I would appreciate it if you can weigh in. I’ve been taking 2 schedule 3 pain medications along with a very, very low dose of Klonopin daily. I’ve been taking this combination for awhile with no concern expressed by my doctors office or pharmacy. In fact, all of the doctors on my team are supportive of my protocol. 
My doctor tried to call my Klonopin in to Wegmans pharmacy  last week, as we have in the past. My doctor was told that they will no longer fill a benzodiazepine with an opioid pain reliever. My 3 doctors were surprised and I decided to call the pharmacist myself. After talking with the pharmacist at length to reassure him about my medical condition and explain that I’m one of the patients that takes my medication as prescribed… he acquiesced that they could continue to fill them as long as I kept my dose low. 
He told me that the pharmacy had been harrassed by the medical board and were all in fear of losing their license if they filled a benzodiazepine and pain medication together. He also cited the CDC guidelines that discourage (but do not entirely prohibit) the combination. 
Red Lawhern provided me with some research from UNC Chapel Hill that proved that the drug combination was generally safe when used as directed, but the pharmacist was not swayed. They simply had too much fear of the regulatory bodies that could take their license. My pain management doctor showed the pharmacist research that suggested that my incredibly low dose could not possibly cause an overdose, but again, the pharmacist was not swayed. 
Do I have any recourse? I felt uncomfortable when I realized I needed to disclose my diagnosis in order for him to fill the prescription. I also felt uncomfortable that my pharmacist was allowed to question the sound judgment of 3 different doctors who know me well. I certainly don’t mind my pharmacist asking questions and verifying things with my doctor, but I think that creating an overall rule that they will not fill this combination of medication goes too far. 
However, they seem to be embolded by the current CDC recommendations. I am having a hard time understanding this when those guidelines were only created for primary care doctors and not meant to be used by specialists or pharmacists. 
Can you give me some advice? I do understand my pharmacist feels stuck in the middle of a regulatory mess. I am trying to be empathetic but I think I need to report the situation if you think it would help other patients. 
Best regards, 
This pt has been going to a grocery store chain pharmacy and it would seem what they are running into is that the corporate HQ has been intimidated by some part of some bureaucracy and/or they are concerned about being drug into the law suits that are currently going after the pharmas and wholesalers. I suspect that the chain pharmacies and the insurance/PBM industry can’t be far behind in the law firms going after more money ..because they will claim that they facilitated the opiate crisis by providing and/or paying for opiates for pts who had a valid medical necessity.
This seems to confirm what I have suspected for some time,  some corporations have went so far as to turn their employee pharmacists into nothing more than puppets to the corporate demands on what meds or combinations of meds will or will not provide to certain pts.   Has these corporate demand being instigated by the DEA or by their legal council ?
From what this was stated by this pt… this corporation has taken upon itself to basically revoked the professional discretion of their employee pharmacists and impose their opinions,  Which since the corporation can only have a permit to operate a pharmacy not the practice of pharmacy they have appeared to exceed their legal authority.
However, we have a very serious and growing Pharmacist surplus and it is claimed that the 140 odd pharmacy schools are graduating 15,000 new pharmacist each year and there are MAYBE 10,000 open job slots to be filled.  Many of these new Pharmacists having SIX FIGURE student loans hanging over their heads.
So those Pharmacists who have a job, know that they can be easily replaced by young and eager – in debt – Pharmacists may accept a lower hourly rate.
To date, the corporations that are taking such actions have no reason to fear pts being denied care… no one has sued them…  Actions that have no consequences, typically are repeated until there are consequences.
Here is a website to help pts find independent pharmacies where they will be dealing with the Pharmacist/owner and unlike the corporate pharmacist that collects a paycheck every couple of weeks… regardless if they deny filling valid Rxs or not … only get paid when they fill legit prescriptions for pts with valid medical necessity.  The over whelming majority don’t have “deep pockets” … so there is nothing for the bureaucrats to fine…  if they do fine the independent it would probably mean a closing of the store because they cannot afford to pay the fine.

ACLU supporting illegal immigrants while ignoring the inhuman treatment and discrimination of our handicapped/disabled citizens ?

Three years of the Trump administration, Steve.
We told President Trump that if he acted on any of us his unconstitutional campaign promises, we would see him in court.

And we did – filing 140 lawsuits and 100+ other legal actions. We’ve won many of them, but the fight is ongoing.

In fact, next year may be the toughest yet. Trump is doubling down on his agenda, abusing power, and behaving more erratically in hopes of winning reelection.
But what we’ve accomplished together in these three years gives me hope. Here are just a few reasons why:
• Separating families seeking asylum is perhaps the cruelest out of all of Trump’s anti-immigrant policies. So we sued and got a court ruling barring the practice. We’ve helped reunite more than 2,000 families since then. The legal fight continues as we press the administration to reunite the thousands of others that remain separated. We won’t rest until we’ve reunited them all.
• As a candidate, Trump promised to overturn Roe v. Wade, and in response, seven states have enacted laws banning abortion. We’ve challenged five of these bans, and got injunctions on every single one. Thanks to our collective action, abortion remains legal in all 50 states. We anticipate more state bans in the year to come, and we’ll be ready.
• The president tried to rig the census by adding a question about citizenship to intimidate immigrant participation. The impact would have been dire: By deterring tens of thousands of immigrants from filling out the form, the question would have resulted in congressional under representation and less federal support for districts where immigrants live. But we fought the administration all the way to the Supreme Court, and won. Together, we preserved the integrity of our democracy.
Wins like these are powerful. But what gives me the most hope are the people behind this work: our relentless team of lawyers, organizers, policy analysts, and our supporters – you’re a big part of this.
Steve, you allow all of this to happen – whether you’ve made a donation or a phone call to Congress, showed up at a rally, or spread the word about the most pressing civil rights battles we face.
So when Trump doubles down on his attacks in the coming year, we have the team ready to fight back – to defend our right to abortion, seek asylum, vote, or exercise any of our constitutional rights and liberties. We will continue to secure our freedoms and advance equality.

David Cole
ACLU Legal Director
P.S. It’s tough to capture all that we’ve done together in the past three years, but I attempt to in this piece I wrote. Give it a read and learn more about how we fought the Trump administration together.

Doesn’t this email, that showed up in my email inbox, give you the warm fuzzies ?  ACLU filing 140 lawsuits and 100+ other legal actions…  I am not aware If any action initiated by the ACLU to provide assistance or protect anyone in the chronic pain community or other pts that are dealing with subjective diseases.

millions of pts dealing with human rights violations and civil rights violations and some pts given no choice but suicide because of their under/untreated unrelenting pain.

How many chronic pain pts have reached out to the ACLU to only be told that they don’t have the resources to provide any help ?

According to this letter apparently illegal immigrants well being is a much higher priority than many of our country’s own citizens.

what can happen when you deal with a nameless/faceless mail order pharmacy ?

An example of why not to use Mail Order Pharmacies…

“Patient’s niece wanted me to help her uncle since he was so confused about his meds. Saw this and nearly fainted.

Those fridge items you see were just sitting on a table by the bed.

Unopened boxes from AMAZON PILLPACK. “They have tried to tell them not to send any more but they keep coming” she says.”

What Are Medicare Opioid Guidelines?

What Are Medicare Opioid Guidelines?

The opioid epidemic affects people of all ages. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 130 Americans die from an opioid overdose every day. While drugs like heroin and illicitly-manufactured fentanyl account for the majority of cases, 35% of deaths were attributable to prescription opioids like methadone, hydrocodone, and oxycodone in 2017.

Interestingly, that same year, there was a 10.5% increase in opioid-related deaths due to prescription opioids for people 65 years and older (i.e., people eligible for Medicare). That is why the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is introducing new Medicare opioid guidelines to curb the trend.

Opioid Use in Medicare Beneficiaries

Multiple studies have shown a rise in prescription opioid use in Medicare beneficiaries in the past decade.

A 2018 study in the British Medical Journal looked at opioid use data from 2007 through 2016 for 48 million people covered by either commercial insurance or Medicare Advantage plans. The researchers teased apart data for those who were eligible for Medicare based on age compared to those who qualified based on disability.

Age-eligible Medicare beneficiaries had a 12% to 15% increase in prescription opioid use over that time compared to a 26% to 39% increase for disabled Medicare beneficiaries.

Overall, the prevalence of opioid use increased by 3% for people on Medicare but showed no change for people on non-Medicare commercial plans.

A study in the Journal of Managed Care and Specialty Pharmacy in January 2019 focused on claims data for more than 15.5 million beneficiaries on traditional fee-for-service (FFS) Medicare between 2010 and 2011. The researchers used diagnostic codes from these claims to identify cases of misuse and abuse of prescription opioids. Approximately half of all Medicare beneficiaries used at least one prescription opioid during that time. Misuse and abuse were seen at a 1.3% rate and was more prominent in disabled Medicare beneficiaries, accounting for 76.2% of those cases. 

Overall, these rates were higher than previously recognized data for commercial insurance (0.65%), Medicaid (0.87%), or the Veterans Health Administration (1.1%).

The data seems to suggest that Medicare beneficiaries, whether they are on traditional Medicare or Medicare Advantage, are more likely to be prescribed opioid therapies and are at higher risk for abuse. Medicare opioid guidelines may help to decrease opioid use in at-risk individuals.

The Federal Government Targets Opioid Use

The federal government is taking steps to address the opioid epidemic by introducing Medicare opioid guidelines. The Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment (SUPPORT) for Patients and Communities Act was passed in October 2018. The legislation is multi-pronged and aims to decrease opioid abuse in a number of ways.

This includes, but is not limited to, creation of new and expansion of existing programs to treat substance use disorders, increasing funding for residential treatment programs for pregnant and postpartum women, authorization of grants for states to improve their prescription drug-monitoring programs, expanding the use of telehealth services, and funding research and development of new non-addictive painkillers and non-opioid drugs and treatments. 

For Medicare beneficiaries, SUPPORT may have significant implications. The legislation allows CMS to refuse payments for opioid medications if it is determined that someone is at-risk for abuse. This involves looking at the dose of opioid medications relative to morphine (morphine equivalents), the number of medical providers prescribing an opioid drug to a given person, and the number of pharmacies used to fill those prescriptions for that person.

Looking at data in six-month intervals between 2011 and 2014, CMS noted that opioids were overutilized by 0.37% to 0.58% of the Medicare population and were associated with a mortality of 3.91% to 7.55% over that time.

Unfortunately, the method CMS uses to identify those people at risk for opioid abuse may not be very sensitive, meaning that it can miss a lot of cases.

Also, many people were flagged as being high-risk even when they never came to develop a substance abuse disorder.

Medicare Part D Policy Changes in 2019

New Medicare Part D policies have been introduced in 2019 to further address prescription opioid use. People with chronic pain syndromes will especially want to take note.

  • If you are receiving a new opioid medication for acute pain, you will be limited to a seven-day supply. If more medication is needed, a medical provider will need to seek Part D approval through a “coverage determination”.
  • If you are prescribed long-term opioid medications, you may be required to get your prescriptions from a designated medical provider(s). The goal is to improve care coordination and to decrease the risk of overprescribing.
  • A safety alert will be triggered at the pharmacy if you take an opioid medication and a benzodiazepine at the same time. Both classes of medication have addictive potential. Taken together, there is also an increased risk of overdose.
  • A safety alert will be triggered at the pharmacy if you receive a dose or quantity of opioid medication that exceeds a certain limit, depending on the drug in question.

These rules will not apply to everyone. Residents of long-term care facilities, people being treated for cancer-related pain, and beneficiaries in hospice, palliative, or end-of-life care will be exempt from these Part D policy changes.

A Word From Verywell

The federal government is taking steps to curb opioid abuse. CMS is not only refusing to pay for opioid medications in high-risk cases but they are also changing several Part D policies as they relate to prescription opioid coverage. While these Medicare opioid guidelines won’t apply to people residing in nursing homes, people receiving treatment for cancer-related pain, or people receiving end of life care, there are many people who rely on long-term opioid therapies for chronic pain.

These policy changes could make it harder for them to get the treatment they need. If this applies to you, be sure to speak with your healthcare provider to explore your best options.

I have a lot of VERY MIXED EMOTIONS about this… there are a number of  VAGUE STATEMENTS in this article… It all depends on someone who has the ability to enforce these things make a decision as to what they mean.

what does a designated medical provider(s) actually mean ? Does this mean that CMS – or some other entity – determines by some statistical number docs who a pain pt can see ?

This is something that Medicaid has done for a long time for verifiable pt who is a doc/pharmacy shopper.

This whole process maybe a pilot program for how if/when we go to a national health insurance and how they will be able to control cost – think ration care.

They already are putting in this process that they are going to use the MME calculators which I recently posted about The Myth of Morphine Equivalent Daily Dosage   that basically stated that those calculators are basically  CRAP !  But things that are incorrect or flat out bad… has never interfered with the government  following thru with its agenda.

This is just another good example of until the chronic pain community comes together and puts their dollars together and create a non-profit and hire a law firm, PR firm and lobbyist firm to be on the lookout and possible prevent such things from being implemented… various parts of the bureaucracy is going to STEAMROLL over the community.