Mylan Pharmaceuticals Initiates Voluntary Nationwide Recall of One Lot of Alprazolam Tablets, USP C-IV 0.5 mg, Due to the Potential of Foreign Substance

Mylan Pharmaceuticals Initiates Voluntary Nationwide Recall of One Lot of Alprazolam Tablets, USP C-IV 0.5 mg, Due to the Potential of Foreign Substance


Company Announcement Date:
FDA Publish Date:
Product Type:
Reason for Announcement:
Potential presence of foreign substance
Company Name:
Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Brand Name:
Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Product Description:
Alprazolam Tablets, USP C-IV 0.5 mg

Company Announcement

Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. is conducting a voluntary nationwide recall of one lot (see table below) of Alprazolam Tablets, USP C-IV 0.5 mg, to the consumer/user level. This lot is being recalled due to the potential presence of foreign substance. Clinical impact from the foreign material, if present, is expected to be rare, but the remote risk of infection to a patient cannot be ruled out. To date, Mylan has not received any adverse events related to this batch.

Alprazolam Tablets are indicated for the management of anxiety disorder, the short-term relief of symptoms of anxiety, and the treatment of panic disorder, with or without agoraphobia.

Alprazolam Tablets, USP C-IV 0.5 mg, are packaged in bottles of 500. This batch was distributed in the U.S. between July 2019 and August 2019. The recalled lot is as follows:


Product Description and Strength


Lot number


0378-4003-05 Alprazolam Tablets, USP C-IV 0.5 mg Bottles of 500 8082708 September 2020

Mylan has notified its distributors and customers by letter and is arranging for return of all recalled products. Following are actions for wholesalers, retailers and consumers:

  • Wholesaler: Immediately examine your inventory, quarantine and discontinue distribution of these lots. In addition, if you have further distributed the product, please identify your retail level customers and provide a list of customers via Microsoft excel file to within 10 business days. Stericycle will notify your retail level customers that received the affected batches.
  • Retailer: Immediately examine your inventory, quarantine and discontinue distribution of these lots. Additionally, if you have further distributed the product, please identify the consumer and notify them immediately of this product recall. The consumer should be instructed to contact Stericycle at 1-888-843-0255 for the documentation packet to return the product.
  • Consumer: Please contact Stericycle at 1-888-843-0255 for the documentation packet to return product to Stericycle.

Consumers with questions regarding this recall can contact Mylan Customer Relations at 800.796.9526 or, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. EST. Consumers should contact their physician or healthcare provider if they have experienced any problems that may be related to using this drug product.
Adverse reactions or quality problems experienced with the use of this product may be reported to the FDA’s MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting program either online, by regular mail or by fax.

  • Complete and submit the report Online
  • Regular Mail or Fax: Download form or call 1- 800-332-1088 to request a reporting form, then complete and return to the address on the pre-addressed form, or submit by fax to 1-800-FDA-0178

This recall is being conducted with the knowledge of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Company Contact Information


Tania Burgess for America

Tania Burgess for America

I love and greatly respect my President Donald J. Trump. I served him for 18 mos throughout the 2016 Presidential Campaign traveling all over this great nation with him. I’d like to know why we have shifted the focus and narrative off the border, the drugs and crime that continues to flow into America from the Southern Border? Why are we suddenly focusing on legally prescribed pain management treatment of 50-80M legitimate pain patients? Why in the world would we attack a patient right to treatment? Why would we deny the elderly and cancer patients pain management being the two largest groups of pain patients in the country? Why would we take away their right of choice to choose their treatment? Why would we allow BigGov to interfere in the legally privileged relationship between a provider and patient? Why are we breaking our own Patient Privacy laws/Hipaa? Why are we conducting illegal search and seizures through pharmacies (Walmart, Walgreens) sending monthly patient med RX reports to state med board that then, they turn over to State AG and DEA? Why make patients suffer from their legitimate physical internal injuries or illnesses? Denying treatment that works to help patients live somewhat of a pain free day, why would we deny them to make them suffer in severe pain to the point of desperation to force them to a black market of illicit manufactured drugs coming across the border in massive quantities that are lethal and deadly? Do we want a real opioid death toll of epic proportions of 50-80M pain patients, not addicts? This administration along with DEA reports recently released admits the opioid crisis is the mass production in Mexico since 2014-2018 having increased their opium production? With Mexico, China and Afghanistan, the opioid crisis that we are facing is coming across the border and suddenly, we have turned a blind eye? Mr. President, I respectfully argue that this healthcare grab to control doctors to prevent them from treating their patients is absolutely absurd. Are there some bad actors? Of course but, the number of bad actors is far less than what’s coming across that border and you know that with all certainty. On another note, Addiction is a diagnosis that requires a thorough evaluation by a medical professional?

When did the government evaluate 50-80 million patients to suddenly diagnose them with addiction? When did the government becomes licensed to practice medicine to issue that diagnoses without an evaluation?

Fact, the addiction rate of prescribed pain medication is less than 3% among users. We’ve been treating serious medical conditions for years including, veterans coming home with internal life long injuries, limbs to half their bodies missing and wheel chair bound. We are suddenly calling a veteran an addict? We completely took away their PTSD and pain management treatment beginning 2009 by Obama through the VA and we are sitting here wondering why their committing suicide using it as some political attention grab? That’s not how we roll Mr. President. Based on solid proof,

the DEA issuing opioid death reports without any toxicology reports to verify whether an OD was from prescribed meds or illicit manufactured street opioids to leave it up to media to blow up this assumption that it’s prescribed meds?

To the rest of America, I truly believe that OUR President Donald J. Trump continues to be ill advised on this issue. There’s absolutely no way that my President would knowingly do anything to cause harm or pain to any American. There’s no way that he’d knowingly support the bureaucracy interference of our healthcare rights and privacy.

Level the playing field – NOT A ONE AND DONE PROJECT !

There has been some discussion in a few FB groups in particular about creating and funding a “legal defense fund”. To address the issue that many in the chronic pain community is dealing with is a multi-faceted problem. Federal rules/laws, state rules/laws and healthcare corporations (Insurance/PBM, healthcare corporations, chain pharmacies, CDC guidelines, and numerous interpretations and implementations of those guidelines.

Below is a very recent example of how some of these healthcare corporations are making policies that are going to adversely impacting the quality of life of many pts, many of whom are covered by the Americans with Disability Act.

What we are seeing a classic lawsuit tactics to force defendants into settling.  The first example was the tactics of several state AG’s against the company that first brought out Zohydro ER – a long acting Hydrocodone – no Acetaminophen – and did not contain an abuse deterrent.  The company was sued in a number of different states… forcing the company to hire law firms in each of those states to defend themselves.  This was a fairly young company and Zohydro was their only product… needless to say… the cost of defending themselves in all those states and paying for all those different law firms… caused them to file for bankruptcy.

We are seeing the same thing going on with the lawsuits against various pharmas, wholesaler and chain pharmacies over the opiate crisis.  Numerous cities, counties and states have filed lawsuits. I have seen where the number of plaintiffs being listed in the THOUSANDS.  It is all a “legal game” to encourage the plaintiffs to SETTLE .. rather than go thru all the costs of defending all of these lawsuits in all of these different states.  It is claimed that there is some 100 million chronic pain pts.. and that 80% are struggling financially… that leaves 20 million who are not struggling financially… and getting a $10/month donation from each of those represents a potential 200 million/month cash flow… even getting 5% to contribute would potentially generate 10 million/month.

The chronic pain community needs a law firm, PR firm and a lobbyist firm on the job. Since most/all chronic pain pts are considered a covered entity under the Americans with Disability Act and Civil Rights Act…

While you can’t sue the government, there is nothing that prevents the community from challenging the various laws/rules/regulations that are being passed by Fed/state legislatures. There is nothing in our legislative system that guarantees that any bill signed into law is constitutional, but our system is set up that as long as a law is on the books .. it can be enforced… until someone challenges the constitutionality in our court system and it is declared unconstitutional.

The DEA has its own PRESS RELEASE MACHINE   shouldn’t the chronic pain community have it own PRESS RELEASE MACHINE…?  While it is great that chronic pain pts occasionally gets a some press, but occasional press in various markets around the country … is no more than a “flash in the pan”

The question has to be asked, why are all of these various entities discriminating against chronic pain pts ?  Could it be that they are being encouraged – or intimidated by the DEA – to do so… and to date … they have suffered no adverse consequences.  Some of these entities – Insurance/PBM/HMO – actually makes more profit from denying care and not having to pay for that care.  Prescribers and chain pharmacies are less at risk of running afoul of the DEA and avoiding potential fines.

I recently made this post  97% of Congress voted for this law designed to DENY CHRONIC PAIN PTS APPROPRIATE THERAPY       so this Congress has routinely voted for bills along party long, except when it came to voting on denying chronic pain pts adequate pain management and increase funding for the treatment of substance abusers.  If the chronic pain community had a lobbyist firm ON THE JOB in DC… this bill may have not gotten passed and signed into law.

Will the chronic pain community finally come together or remain on the side lines and continue to suffer ?




Millions of lawsuits coming ?

Often Mistaken But Never in Doubt. Dr. Debra Houry and CDC Guidelines on Opioid Prescription in Chronic Pain

Often Mistaken But Never in Doubt. Dr. Debra Houry and CDC Guidelines on Opioid Prescription in Chronic Pain

For people in pain, the following history is familiar.  After a year of political maneuvering and under-the-table influence peddling, the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) at CDC issued a “guideline” in March 2016, for prescription of opioid analgesics to adults with chronic pain.  The guideline was profoundly biased against opioids. It was almost immediately weaponized by over 30 State legislatures, multiple Federal and State drug enforcement authorities and State Medical Boards, as a basis for prosecuting – or persecuting – doctors who treat pain with opioid analgesics.    

In three and a half years since publication, hundreds of doctors have been driven out of pain management and hundreds of thousands of patients denied effective pain management. As the regulatory environment has turned ever more hostile, patients are dying at ever-increasing rates from medical collapse, unsafe street drugs and suicide.

Continuing this record of malfeasance and malpractice, Dr Houry – Director of NCIPC — — and many of her colleagues still refuse to admit their profound errors and the damage for which they are responsible.  After being publicly admonished by over 300 physicians [link,] including several past US drug “czars”, CDC issued a so-called “clarification” in March 2019.  In this document, CDC continued equivocating and doubling down on their errors.  CDC claimed that the guidelines had been “misinterpreted” in a manner never intended by the authors, as a “mandate” for imposing forced tapers on legacy patients already on doses of prescription opioids higher than the thresholds recommended for a risk versus benefits review. 

Bull Feathers!  This claim fails even the most generous sniff test.  

Anyone who writes policy should be familiar with a dictum that is well known in policy making communities.  Policy is written not only for clarity, but also to deny a convenient misunderstanding to those who are politically disposed to oppose or manipulate change for their own purposes – which anti-opioid partisans immediately and predictably did.  Even more tellingly, when the guidelines were issued, CDC ignored the recommendation of their own advisory board and failed to define any monitoring program to assess the outcomes of the changes they proposed.  I suggest that the logic behind this failure may have been that the authors hoped to avoid criticism for the harm they knew would likely occur, if the harm wasn’t measured and reported.

The CDC Guidelines were founded on several key assumptions – none of which are supported by either science or 20 years of CDC published data on prescribing and mortality.

  1.  CDC writers claimed that opioid analgesics are not effective in managing long-term pain.  This is an obvious and outright lie.  In 2017, “nearly one in three beneficiaries received at least one prescription opioid through Medicare Part D. Thirty-one percent of beneficiaries—14.1 million of the total 45.2 million enrolled in Medicare Part D—received opioids.”  [link]   However, we see no indications of increased rates of either addiction or mortality attributable to treatment, despite the alarmist misinterpretation of this statistic by HHS/CMS.  Likewise, if the shortage of long-term trials data for opioids was a concern as CDC claimed, then it should also have been a concern for non-opioid medications and behavioral therapies, because long term trials for these alternatives are equally rare.  CDC omitted this inconvenient fact from its guideline, thereby violating its own standards of research reporting.
  2. Also missing from the CDC guideline is any mention of the effects of genetic polymorphism in the expression of six key liver enzymes that regulate metabolism of 90% of all medications, especially opioids.  Variations in these enzymes can produce a very broad range of the minimum effective dose from patient to patient.  There can never be a one-size-fits-all standard dose, even for specific medical disorders.  In typical physician practice, dose must instead be tailored to the individual by titrating up to effective levels, while managing side effects.   As recognized by both the American Medical Association in November 2018, and by Dr Josh Bloom of ACSH, Morphine Milligram Equivalent Daily Dose (MMED) is not a useful metric and many patients benefit from dose levels well above those identified by CDC.
  3. CDC also claimed that alternative means of treating severe pain are available and are preferable to opioids.  This claim is likewise a bald-faced lie.  The evidence of effectiveness in medical literature for non-pharmacological or non-invasive alternatives to opioid analgesics (acupuncture, chiropractic, behavioral therapies etc.), is abysmal.  Improvements in pain are at best marginal and temporary.  Non-drug therapies have never been evaluated as substitutes for opioids, and no Phase II or Phase III multi-center trials have occurred.  The most that can be said for such therapies is that they help a few people part of the time, when used for mild to moderate pain in coordination with a program of analgesic or anti-inflammatory drug therapy.
  4. The CDC writers also claimed that prescription opioids are inherently addictive and dangerous, noting that when prescribing rose from 1995 to 2010, overdose deaths also increased markedly.   Unfortunately for the CDC thesis, the two trends were totally unrelated – as conclusively proven by their own published data.  Multiple sources demonstrate that addiction is rare in medically managed patients [link] [link] [link]. Overdose deaths are instead dominated by illegal street drugs (fentanyl, heroin) and by multiple self-administered drugs and alcohol. 

Fewer than 0.6% of post-surgical patients treated with opioids will later be diagnosed with a substance abuse disorder. [link] Less than 1% of post-surgical patients will renew their prescriptions for longer than 13 weeks [link].  In the largest demographic study ever published for opioid-related overdose mortality, patients prescribed opioid drugs had a mortality rate of 0.022% (22 deaths per hundred thousand population per year, in the entire State of North Carolina). [link]  These results are reinforced by a two-year study of all opioid related deaths in Massachusetts, that found only 1.3% of opioid overdose victims had an active prescription. [link]

Published demographic data from the CDC also disprove the silly notion that our opioid “crisis” was created by careless doctors over-prescribing to their patients. [Link] [Link]  Because painful conditions occur much more often in seniors than in youth, people over age 62 are prescribed opioid analgesics six times more often than youth under age 19.  But overdose-related mortality rates in youth are six times higher than in seniors.   Overdoses in youth have skyrocketed during the past 20 years while remaining relatively stable in seniors.  There is no possible way these demographics can be explained as a consequence of prescribing.  You can’t get there from here.  Prescribing did not create our opioid crisis.  Period!

Much has recently been made of yet another guideline released in September 2019 by the Department of Health and Human Services.  Dr Houry oversees Dr Deborah Dowell, a principal author of both the CDC Guidelines and a “Guide for Appropriate Tapering or Discontinuation of Long-Term Opioid Use”.  This new guide urges much more careful evaluation of opioid risks and benefits, and more gradual tapering schedules for patients than has been the rule to date.  However, the apparent improvement in policy is largely illusory, given that CDC continues to assert a false cause and effect relationship between prescribing and overdose mortality. 

Dr. Houry and her CDC colleagues have again doubled down on enormously destructive policy.   Given the low absolute risk of bad outcomes for people treated with opioids, and the almost total absence of proven-safe and reliable alternatives, involuntary tapering of patients should become vanishingly rare.   Involuntary discontinuation of long term opioid use is properly viewed as a fundamental violation of human rights and medical ethics.

We may well ask, “what should be done now?”  Several solutions suggest themselves.  First, we need National legislation implementing the AMA public repudiation of MMEDD as a measure of merit and holding physicians safe from unjustified persecution by DEA.   Let’s direct DEA to address the real problems – imported illegal street drugs — and get them completely out of the business of setting opioid production quotas or investigating doctors. [link] State Medical Boards have the latter mission already.

As part of this legislation, guidelines on opioid prescription should be taken out of the hands of the CDC which has made a royal mess of them.  Instead, we need a bottom-up rewrite by National Academies of Medicine and FDA.  This time, several patient advocates should be voting members of the review. 

Equally important, the Veterans Health Administration should be directed to stand down from enforcing involuntary tapers on their patient population.  Additionally,  HHS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services rule changes authorizing insurers to obstruct high-dose prescribing should be withdrawn.  Finally, Dr Houry and all of her CDC/NCIPC division chiefs should be fired for malfeasance, due to their evident disregard for public health and patient rights.

What I have not seen – and I may have missed it – that no one has came out and questioned – or validated – that CDC actually had the statutory authority to generate and publish these guidelines. The CDC primary charge is to deal with communicable diseases and the treatment and/or prevention.  Subjective and/or mental health diseases or neither communicably nor preventable.

Comprehensive Addiction Resources Emergency (CARE) Act. The CARE Act

From: <> On Behalf Of Daniel Raymond
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2019 2:49 PM
To: OSNN <>
Subject: [OSNN] Fwd: Responses Due by COB Wed., 10/30: CSOO Letter to E&C Re CARE Act of 2019

Hi everyone –

Kelly Corredor with the American Society of Addiction Medicine is asking for organizational sign-ons to the attached letter, encouraging the House Energy & Commerce Committee to move forward the Comprehensive Addiction Resources Emergency (CARE) Act. The CARE Act would provide $100 billion to address the overdose epidemic over the next 10 years, along with a provision for direct federal price negotiations with naloxone manufacturers to broaden access to and availability of naloxone.

Rep. Elijah Cummings introduced the CARE Act in the House and was its primary champion on the House side (Sen. Warren introduced the Senate version); with his untimely passing, there is a need to ensure that the CARE Act remains on the agenda for Congress.

If your organization can sign on to this letter, please contact Kelly directly at by 5 pm ET on Wednesday, 10/30.



Daniel Raymond
Deputy Director of Planning and Policy
Harm Reduction Coalition
22 West 27th Street, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10001

Direct: (212) 377-9121
Mobile: (646) 283-8929
Fax: (212) 213-6582


October __, 2019

The Honorable Frank Pallone


Committee on Energy and Commerce

2125 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515

The Honorable Greg Walden

Ranking Member

Committee on Energy and Commerce

2185 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515

Dear Chairman Pallone and Ranking Member Walden,

The undersigned organizations in the Coalition to Stop Opioid Overdose (CSOO) and other undersigned organizations are writing today to voice our support for the Comprehensive Addiction Resources Emergency (CARE) Act of 2019. With the recent and tragic passing of its lead House sponsor, Representative Elijah Cummings, only with your leadership, can we keep the ideas in this legislation alive.

CSOO is a coalition of diverse organizations united around common policy goals to reduce opioid overdose deaths. CSOO members aim to elevate the national conversation around opioid overdose and work to enact meaningful and comprehensive policy changes that support evidence-based prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and recovery support services.

As we know too well, the morbidity and mortality statistics related to addiction, and in particular addiction involving opioid use, are astounding. In 2017, there were a record 70,237 drug overdose deaths in the United States, two-thirds of which have been linked to opioids.i Moreover, for three years in a row, life expectancy in the United States declined largely because of rising drug overdose deaths.ii While preliminary data indicates that drug overdose deaths may have slightly declined last year,iii drug overdose deaths remain at historic highs, and synthetic opioids continue to pose a significant threat to life.iv Given these alarming statistics, we need your leadership to pass legislation like the CARE Act of 2019, which provides bold actions that would help to turn the tide of our country’s addiction and overdose epidemic and save lives.

Modeled directly on the Ryan White Act, the CARE Act of 2019 would provide $100 billion in federal funding over the next ten years to states, local governments, and other organizations and institutions to support federal research and programs to prevent drug use while expanding access to prevention, harm reduction, addiction treatment, mental health services, and recovery support services. This level of authorized funding is critical in order to build comprehensive systems that are both effective and sustainable. The CARE Act would also incent systemic changes to facilitate adoption of evidence-based

practices and grow our mental health and addiction services workforce. For example, the bill would facilitate the implementation of nationally recognized level of care standards for addiction treatment

programs and new standards for recovery residences and improve training for healthcare professionals who care for patients with mental health and substance use disorders in communities across the US.

These provisions, among the others in the bill, are urgently needed and will move us closer to a future where all Americans living with mental health and/or substance use disorders are able to receive the high-quality care they need and deserve.

We would like to thank you for considering the CARE Act of 2019, and we look forward to working with you to secure its passage or the passage of substantially similar legislation.


American Society of Addiction Medicine

*Not a CSOO member 

i Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. “Key substance use and mental health indicators in the United States: Results from the 2017 National Survey on Drug Use and Health”. September 2018.

ii Dyer Owen. US life expectancy falls for third year in a row BMJ 2018; 363 :k5118

iii Ahmad FB, Escobedo LA, Rossen LM, Spencer MR, Warner M, Sutton P. Provisional drug overdose death counts. National Center for Health Statistics. 2019.

iv Pardo, Bryce, Jirka Taylor, Jonathan P. Caulkins, Beau Kilmer, Peter Reuter, and Bradley D. Stein, The Future of Fentanyl and Other Synthetic Opioids. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2019. Also available in print form.

All of N America is in denial of care ?

23 Seniors Died After Receiving Flu Shot Sold by Pharmacies

23 Seniors Died After Receiving Flu Shot Sold by Pharmacies

Package insert for Fluzone flu vaccine marketed to seniors reveals 23 seniors died during drug trial

The annual marketing campaign pushing people to receive flu vaccinations is in full force. CVS Pharmacies is offering a 20% off shopping pass if you purchase a flu vaccine.


As you can see in the screen shot above, taken from the CVS website, senior citizens over the age of 65 are being targeted to get the “high-dose” flu vaccine.

The FAQ at the CVS website defines the “high-dose” flu vaccine: “Containing four times the amount of antigen (the part of the vaccine that causes the body to produce antibody) in regular flu shots, high-dose flu shots, along with the additional antigen produced, are intended to create a stronger immune response.”

The name of this flu vaccine that is marketed for seniors is called “Fluzone.” You can find it being marketed to seniors at all the major pharmacies in the United States.



Package inserts for flu vaccines show a multitude of side effects, including death, and yet they are marketed the same as over-the-counter drugs with no prescription needed. Why?

Because in the United States vaccines enjoy complete immunity from lawsuits in the market place. If you are injured or die from a vaccine, you or your family cannot sue the manufacturer of the vaccine. This law enacted by Congress, was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2011.

Therefore, they are marketed with the same marketing techniques as any other high-profit product. With the baby boomer generation moving into their senior years, today’s seniors are seen as an especially lucrative market.

So financial incentives like discounts on other products, as CVS is doing, is quite common in order to boost vaccine sales.

Walgreens has a different program that especially boosts sales of vaccines:


While vaccine rates in the U.S. among children are close to 90%, rates in other parts of the world (where pharmaceutical companies do not have immunity from the law for adverse effects) are much lower. So, in partnership with Walgreens, a non-profit organization (Shot@Life) buys up the vaccines and sends them to these countries for free (who doesn’t want something for free, especially when you live in a poor country??)

This is a brilliant marketing plan for the pharmaceutical companies, as the U.S. government gives the organization buying the vaccines non-profit status, allowing them to receive tax deductible donations to pay for the vaccines. Walgreens is probably a contributor to the program as a tax write off.

With legal immunity to market dangerous products, don’t expect those doing the marketing and making the profits to warn you of the side effects. You need to find this information yourself, usually from the Internet.

For those pro-vaccine forces that warn people how dangerous it is to get information from the Internet, the information we are about to share is directly from the FDA website (at least at the time of this writing – they have been known to remove items from their website if it gets too much publicity and makes them look bad), and you can look it up yourself.

The high-dose Fluzone vaccine being marketed this flu season to seniors, which has four times the amount of antigens that the regular flu shot has, as well as the non-high dose version, had 23 seniors die during drug trials.

The package insert for the high-dose Fluzone flu vaccine is found here (for now).

In the section documenting adverse effects, this is what is written:

Within 6 months post-vaccination, 156 (6.1%) Fluzone High-Dose recipients and 93 (7.4%)  Fluzone recipients experienced a serious adverse event. No deaths were reported within 28 days post-vaccination. A total of 23 deaths were reported during the period Day 29–180 post-vaccination: (0.6%) among Fluzone High-Dose recipients and 7 (0.6%) among Fluzone 1 recipients. The majority of these participants had a medical history of cardiac, hepatic, neoplastic, renal, and/or respiratory diseases. No deaths were considered to be caused by vaccination.

This statement stating that 23 seniors died, which really should be headline news but is buried in a package insert on the FDA website, begs several questions:

1. By what basis can they conclude that “No deaths were considered to be caused by vaccination”??

2. If, as it is implied, the majority of these 23 deaths were caused by pre-existing conditions, why were there no deaths in the first 28 days? Shouldn’t the deaths, if not attributable to the vaccine but pre-existing conditions, be equally spread out through all time periods?

3. How does the medical history for these 23 seniors compare to the medical history of those who did not die? Were there any significant differences? The range of symptoms given in the package insert can very well cover almost all seniors during the flu season. And what about those who died that were not among the “majority” who had these pre-existing conditions? A majority could simply be 12 out of the 23.

Besides death, which is just one “serious adverse event,” there were 226 other “serious” adverse events, for a total of 249 serious adverse events, out of only 3,833 participants.

If this does not constitute a dangerous drug that should probably not even be on the market, then I don’t know what does. And yet, it is sold to unsuspecting seniors and others like candy at these drug stores.

One of these other adverse side effects (besides death) is Guillain-Barré syndrome, which has symptoms similar to polio. If you are brought into an emergency room with the paralyzing effects of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), the first question the doctors will ask you is if you just received the flu shot. Read one story here of how one man went from being able to bench-press 275 pounds to struggling how to walk after receiving last year’s flu shot: Miami Man Contracts Guillain-Barré Syndrome, Nearly Dies After Getting Flu Shot. Also, if you look at the majority of damages being paid out to those damaged from vaccines in the U.S. Vaccine Court, Guillain-Barré syndrome from the flu vaccine is #1, and almost equals all other awards for damages combined. (See: Flu Shot Causes Polio-like Guillain-Barré Syndrome: Are Rates Higher Than the Government Admits?)

The CDC would like you to believe that the risk of GBS from the flu shot is only one out of one million. But if that is the case, why is there a warning on package inserts of flu vaccines, and why is it the first question EMTs ask when dealing with GBS emergencies?

The package insert for Fluzone states: “If Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) has occurred within 6 weeks of previous influenza vaccination, the decision to give Fluzone High-Dose should be based on careful consideration of the potential benefits and risks.”

I wonder how many vaccine sales people at these pharmacies give “careful consideration” to this adverse side effect, or any others, before injecting you?

Be informed this flu season! Educate yourself before vaccinating!

Thanks to ExperimentalVaccines for pointing out this package insert information on YouTube.

Leaving a lucrative career as a nephrologist (kidney doctor), Dr. Suzanne Humphries is now free to actually help cure people.

In this autobiography she explains why good doctors are constrained within the current corrupt medical system from practicing real, ethical medicine.

One of the sane voices when it comes to examining the science behind modern-day vaccines, no pro-vaccine extremist doctors have ever dared to debate her in public.


My pain is not being covered because I am an aging white female being put in my place

My Story: Why Isn’t My Pain Covered?

My Story: Why Isn’t My Pain Covered?

My chronic pain treatment has not been covered since the CDC guidelines were published.

But the reasons my pain is not covered are different. It’s because of what I am. I’m an older white female.

Let me explain.

I have arthritis all over the place, yes; and this is the most common debilitating pain problem in the United States. I’ve had knee replacement surgery; my hands have had multiple surgeries for they are awash in stage IV arthritis. My spine, hips, SI joints, hips and left knee all have arthritis.

I have gone to extraordinary lengths to protect my bones and joints from both arthritis and osteoporosis. I strength train rigorously every week—as I have for 30 years. I also upholster furniture, alone, with my hands. If you saw my hands you would never suspect I have severe arthritis.

I am a psychotherapist. I specialize in treating professionals with dual diagnoses: professionals with substance use disorders. I understand addiction pretty well. I also understand professionals pretty well. And I have to say today I am ashamed to be part of my profession. Not because I am like those that precipitate these feelings in me. Because I am not like them. I am a pain patient and my pain is not being covered and I am furious and terrified about it.

My pain is literally killing me. Not lessening my will to live. Not making me depressed or anxious. MY PAIN IS KILLING ME.

Since my pain stopped being properly treated, I have been incapacitated between 24-36 hours a week, every week. It is as though I entered a time warp. I am aging at an astonishingly rapid rate. It is abnormal. Since my pain has not been adequately treated my level of functioning has declined beyond any other experience with illness that I have had. I have not been able to do my taxes in four years! Never before have I been unable to do my taxes.

I believe that one of the reasons chronic pain patients have been vilified is so that addictions professionals can have more patients and make more money. And that they are currently doing just that at the same time they fail to properly treat pain. The greed that accompanies a human being’s willingness to lay claim to a patient and keep her in pain in treatment in order to make more money is pretty repulsive to me. But I believe that is one part of the puzzle. If I was not an addiction specialist, I probably would not believe this. Imagine how popular I am in my field.

I also believe this is happening because it makes the DEA feel like they have some sort of handle on the problem identified as increased death due to opioid use. In other words, DEA agents and other people in positions of responsibility for drug control blame treating pain patients for changing the social mores, the social tolerance of opioid use. If our society had not become so lax, we would not have all these overdoses. People would not dream of using heroin laced with fentanyl if the stigma had not been altered by treating pain patients with opioids.

And there is another reason, perhaps the most significant reason why this is happening. Two social groups that suffer from chronic pain the most are aging white females and people of lower Socio-Economic-Status. two social groups are comprised of human beings that are not wanted, not valued by our society. Aging white females and people of lower SES are getting bullied by the amendment and administration of the pain policies in the United States today.

I have spoken to physicians who treat pain and their response to my challenges is pretty interesting. Upon approaching one physician with a sterling reputation for treating pain with the questions I have about the failure to treat my pain properly (I have extenuating circumstances, by the way) and he made no effort whatever to answer my questions. He met me with bristling hostility. Now, I did not approach him in the manner I am writing this article. I approached him as a humble patient suffering with pain that I do not believe is being properly medicated. I asked questions articulately and perhaps without the level of meekness he would have liked. But he just bristled with hostility. There was no way IN THE WORLD he was going to address my points. Because he couldn’t. There is no justification for the way my pain is mismanaged. And he hated me for making that clear.

My pain is not being covered because I am an aging white female being put in my place.

The Part D prgms are not going to tell you that you are paying too much – unless you ask !

If you don’t compare your med costs under Part D – YOU MAY BE VERY SORRY !

Few days ago I make the above post …

Since then I had 5 prescriptions filled for Barb and myself at the local independent pharmacy that we patronize… currently and for the last 13-14 yrs we have had Silver Scripts Part D .. .which is part of CVS Health and Caremark is the PBM… which is also part of CVS Health..  Those five (generic) prescriptions we were charged abt $130 total for all five…

I looked up the price under the website as to what the costs would be when we switch to a new Part D program as of Jan 1, 2020.

Most/many/all of the Part D prgms in 2020 will have a deductible… Those same five prescriptions under the new Part D prgm would be abt $80 during the deductible period and abt $30 after the deductible has been met.

I knew that we were paying more using our local independent pharmacy than going to a CVS pharmacy when we had the Silver Script insurance.. the closest CVS store was 8-12 miles away…while our independent is about ONE MILE AWAY and will deliver if we need it.

Sure we could use mail order to have meds delivered to our door, but have you ever looked at the label and storage requirements of any medication – including OTC’s ?  Most have a temperature storage requirement by USP, NF & FDA in the 60 F – 80F range.  The manufacturer, wholesaler and pharmacy are legally required to maintain these storage temperatures … BUT… when your prescriptions are handed off to a commercial delivery service… they have no obligation to maintain those temperature storage requirements.  When is the last time have you seen a air-conditioned USPS, Fed-X or UPS delivery truck ?

I am not disclosing which new Part D prgm we are going to because savings may very… in fact … I could have saved a few dollars by signing up for a different Part D prgm than Barb, but chose not to because I did not want to have to deal with two different programs.  The part D prgm that we signed up for indicated that I would not even have enough Rx cost to even meet the annual deductible.  No such luck with Barb’s necessary medications 🙁