CDC did not follow the Federal Advisory Committee Act in developing opiate dosing guidelines

CDC’s new opioid guidelines will be used by plaintiffs bar, WLF says

WASHINGTON (Legal Newsline) – A Washington, D.C.-based public-interest law firm that has been outspoken about the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s handling of an opioid guideline development team argues the agency’s new guidelines, which were issued this month, will “no doubt” have an effect on future litigation.

Richard Samp, chief counsel for the Washington Legal Foundation, argues plaintiffs law firms, including Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll PLLC, will use the CDC’s approval and release of the guidelines to their advantage.

“Will the plaintiffs bar use these guidelines in their pending litigation? I have no doubt that, yes, they will,” Samp told Legal Newsline.

The CDC released its new guidelines regarding prescriptions for opioid painkillers, such as Vicodin and OxyContin, March 15. The guidelines, which are voluntary, recommend primary care physicians:

* Use non-opioid therapy for chronic pain management, outside of active cancer, palliative and end-of-life care;

* Prescribe the lowest possible dosage when opioids are needed; and

* Always exercise caution when prescribing opioids, monitoring patients closely.

“Overprescribing opioids — largely for chronic pain — is a key driver of America’s drug-overdose epidemic,” CDC Director Tom Frieden said in a statement. “The guidelines will give physicians and patients the information they need to make more informed decisions about treatment.”

Samp says WLF takes no issue with the guidelines themselves, but the agency’s procedures used to develop the guidelines.

“We’re not medical experts,” he said. “We take no issue on whether guidelines should be issued, or what they should say.

“But we do recognize there is a broad spectrum of views as to what could be done, and the process used by the CDC did not provide a fair opportunity for everyone to participate.”

For one, Samp argues the CDC did not follow the Federal Advisory Committee Act.

FACA, which became law in 1972, governs the behavior of federal advisory committees.

Under the law, an advisory committee is defined as “any committee, board, commission, council, conference, panel, task force, or other similar group” that dispenses “advice or recommendations” to an agency or government official.

Committees composed of full-time officers or employees of the federal government do not count as advisory committees under FACA.

The CDC has argued that its Core Expert Group, or CEG, didn’t qualify as an advisory committee under the federal law.

WLF, in a 13-page letter sent to Frieden in November, countered that the CEG indeed fell under the definition and was required to comply with each of the law’s “numerous obligations,” including opening all meetings to the public; publicly releasing all documents that the CDC made available to the CEG; and preparing and publicly releasing minutes of all CEG meetings.

Instead, the CDC complied with none of the requirements, Samp and General Counsel Mark Chenoweth wrote in their letter for WLF.

“(The CDC) nominated this advisory group to help come up with these guidelines, but the group met totally in secret,” Samp said.

“Only after the initial draft guidelines were released did they say who was on the advisory group.”

A complete list of the Core Expert Group members and other internal documents surrounding the prescribing guidelines surfaced in September.

The names on the list included Jane Ballantyne, a paid consultant for Cohen Milstein.

Ballantyne, a retired professor of anesthesiology and pain medicine at the University of Washington, is a member of the International Association for the Study of Pain, or IASP, and in 2014 was named president of the Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing, or PROP. PROP’s mission, according to its website, is to “reduce opioid-related morbidity and mortality by promoting cautious and responsible prescribing practices.”

WLF, in its letter, pointed out that Ballantyne was one of “numerous” members of the CEG who were on record — well before joining the committee — as “strongly supporting the need to tighten opioid prescribing standards.”

“Conspicuously absent from the CEG, however, were physicians and others with experience in treating patients suffering from chronic pain,” Samp and Chenoweth wrote.

The foundation called Ballantyne’s inclusion the “most egregious.”

Ballantyne disclosed her services as a paid consultant for Cohen Milstein to the CDC, but didn’t recuse herself. The plaintiffs law firm is known for its class action lawsuits and has been hired by a number of state attorneys general in recent years, including some of those to whom it donated.

The firm currently is helping to represent the City of Chicago in a lawsuit filed against a group of pharmaceutical companies over the marketing of opioid painkillers, and another by the California counties of Orange and Santa Clara.

It also is trying to assist the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office in a similar investigation over drug makers’ marketing of the powerful prescriptions. However, a state judge recently struck down the contingency fee agreement between the attorney general and Cohen Milstein.

“Clearly, if the CDC issues guidelines that essentially urge states to change prescribers’ practices and to implicitly criticize past prescribing practices, that’s something you would expect Cohen Milstein in its lawsuits around the country against drug companies to tout,” Samp explained. “It’s in the direct financial interest of plaintiffs lawyers to have these CDC guidelines adopted.

“That’s why we think it was a terrible mistake to include people like Jane Ballantyne on its advisory group, when she clearly has an interest in the outcome.”

Andrew Kolodny, a senior scientist at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University and PROP’s executive director and co-founder, has countered that Ballantyne is “one of the most respected pain specialists in the country,” which is why the CDC asked her to join its expert group.

No doubt in response to the public outcry over the development of its guidelines, the CDC announced in December it planned to publicly post the guidelines and seek comment.

“We received feedback from our partners that a formal public comment period would be helpful, and we are augmenting our process to incorporate a 30-day public comment period into our guideline development,” the agency said in a statement.

The public comment period ended Jan. 13, pushing back the agency’s original release date. The CDC had hoped to release the opioid guidelines in January.

Also in December, the CDC said it would convene the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control’s Board of Scientific Counselors, a federal advisory committee, to review the draft guidelines.

“I would like to think that the CDC’s decision in December to slow things down might have been based, in part, on our complaints,” Samp said. “But they never really corrected the problem.

“It again displays their misunderstanding of what is required by FACA.”

From Legal Newsline: Reach Jessica Karmasek by email at

Senators Manchin and Braun Are Attempting to Practice Medicine Without a License—And Fighting the Wrong War

Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Mike Braun (R-IN) are still trying to address the fentanyl and heroin overdose crisis—soon to be joined by a methamphetamine and cocaine overdose crisis—by denying chronic pain patients access to pain relief. They have just introduced a bill they call The FDA Opioid Labeling Accuracy Act, which would “prohibit the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from allowing opioids to be labeled for intended use of ‘around-the-clock, long-term opioid treatment’ until a study can be completed on the long-term use of opioids.”

Set aside the fact that most pain specialists agree that, in some cases, long-term opioid therapy is all that works for some chronic pain patients. The 2016 guidelines on opioid prescribing put forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have already been misinterpreted and misapplied by legislators and regulators, leading to forced and rapid tapering off of opioids in many chronic pain patients, causing many to resume lives immobilized by pain, and in many cases, seek relief in the black market or by suicide. It has gotten so bad that the CDC recently issued a “clarification” in April, reminding regulators that the guidelines were only meant to be suggestive, not prescriptive, and did not in any way mean to encourage the rapid tapering of patients on chronic opioids for pain management. Johns Hopkins bioethicist Travis Rieder, PhD delves deeply into this subject and relates his own experiences in his book, In Pain.

What the senators fail to recognize is that patients are not one-size-fits-all. Different patients respond to pain and to pain management differently. Their proposed legislation, if passed, will only serve to exacerbate the unnecessary suffering of patients in pain that the CDC is trying to undue with its guideline clarification.

Meanwhile, they should take a look at the government’s own numbers. The data show there is no correlation between the number of prescriptions written and the incidence of non-medical use of prescription opioids or prescription pain reliever use disorder. And less than 10 percent of opioid-related overdose deaths in 2017 involved prescription pain relievers unaccompanied by other drugs such as cocaine, heroin, alcohol, or fentanyl.

The continued war on patients by politicians and regulators will not get one IV heroin user to take the needle out of their arm. Senators Manchin and Braun need to recognize that the overdose crisis has been on a steady, exponential increase since the 1970s and shows no signs of stopping—and that its ultimate cause is drug prohibition

If they want to get serious about addressing the problem, they should switch their focus to harm reduction. A good way to start would be to repeal the “Crack House” statutes that prevent cities and states from establishing overdose prevention sites called “safe injection facilities.”

Opioid Labeling Bill Drawing Fire from Chronic Pain Advocates

Opioid Labeling Bill Drawing Fire from Chronic Pain Advocates

A bill introduced by West Virginia Democratic Senator and Indiana Republican Senator is drawing fire from chronic pain patient advocates.

The bill they call The FDA Opioid Labeling Accuracy Act would “prohibit the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from allowing opioids to be labeled for intended use of ‘around-the-clock, long-term opioid treatment’ until a study can be completed on the long-term use of opioids.”

Jeffrey Singer writing for the Libertarian Cato Institute said, “Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Mike Braun (R-IN) are still trying to address the fentanyl and heroin overdose crisis—soon to be joined by a methamphetamine and cocaine overdose crisis—by denying chronic pain patients access to pain relief.

Meanwhile, he continued, “they should take a look at the government’s own numbers. The data show there is no correlation between the number of prescriptions written and the incidence of non-medical use of prescription opioids or prescription pain reliever use disorder. And less than 10 percent of opioid-related overdose deaths in 2017 involved prescription pain relievers unaccompanied by other drugs such as cocaine, heroin, alcohol, or fentanyl.”

Richard “Red” Lawhern Ph.D. left Senator Manchin’s office an email that in part said.

“Get your head out of a very dark place and withdraw the bill which would deny effective pain relief to patients already in agony. You are trying to ‘solve’ the wrong ‘crisis’ by restricting availability of the only class of therapy that works for the majority of those who suffer severe pain. And you are doing so despite conclusive proof that physicians prescribing to their patients did not cause and are not now sustaining our public health crisis.”

Manchin said in a press release: “I have introduced this bill today with Senator Braun to address how the FDA approves opioid prescriptions for treating different types of pain. Addressing the opioid epidemic has always been my top priority and I will continue to fight for legislation that helps West Virginians and our country fight this epidemic and I look forward to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to pass.”

Read Jeffrey Singer’s entire blog on Cato Institute.

According to Senator Manchin, “The FDA Opioid Labeling Accuracy Act would prohibit opioids from being labeled for intended use to treat long-term chronic pain, except for cancer pain, end-of-life care or when a prescriber has determined that all non-opioid treatments are inadequate or inappropriate.”

Here’s the text of the bill.

Surgeon General on twitter on opiates in pain management

1/? GM twitter! Let’s reset the discussion on pain management and opioid misuse. First, we must acknowledge/ I’ve always felt and said that we have a crisis of un and undertreated pain in the US, and it can lead to suicide, self medication w illicits, and other bad outcomes.
7:31 AM · Jul 13, 2019 · Twitter for iPhone


U.S. Surgeon General

Replying to

2/? We also have an overdose crisis in our country. It is NOW largely fueled by fentanyl, but there traditionally have been, and still are many people who first become dependent due to opioids prescribed to them – or diverted from others to whom they were over prescribed.

U.S. Surgeon General

3/? It both can be and is true that many people benefit from opioids, while others who are getting them are seeing more downside than upside. Not either/ or. Examples of the latter are many patients (especially peds) getting dental extractions, and most with migraines.

U.S. Surgeon General

4/? Thats why I highlight opioid alternatives where evidence suggests they provide as good or better risk/benefit. Im NOT anti-opioids, but pro better pain management. I want to ensure those who benefit from opioids get them, & those who might benefit from other meds get those.

U.S. Surgeon General

5/? I understand many chronic pain patients feel unheard- I HEAR YOU- and I am appreciative for your feedback. Whenever I speak on opioids, I ALWAYS discuss the need to protect chronic pain patients/ not pull the rug out from under them. We must NOT target the wrong people!

U.S. Surgeon General

6/? We must stop swinging the pendulum to extremes, and find a better balance between getting opioids to those who most benefit from them, while minimizing them for those who don’t. Opioids are BOTH being overprescribed to SOME populations, and under prescribed to others.

U.S. Surgeon General

7/? Eg overprescribing is well documented in OR setting. Many don’t need/take all opioids prescribed & when not properly stored/ disposed of, they can be diverted. It’s why as an anesthesiologist I highlight opioid sparing anesthetics- because for many we CAN


periop opioids.

U.S. Surgeon General

8/? Ive also tried to respond to questions/ comments on twitter in real time- a risk as some may feel my entire position is based on 1 reference/ study that is a specific reply to a different person/ question. We review the totality of the data before taking official positions.

U.S. Surgeon General

9/ I hope we can work together to achieve better pain management for all- those acute and chronic patients who benefit from opioids, & those populations for whom there are reasonable and often better alternatives (both pharmacologic and non pharmacologic). #betterpaincontrol4all

Column: Condemn the opioid epidemic, sure. But remember those of us in chronic pain who need help.

Column: Condemn the opioid epidemic, sure. But remember those of us in chronic pain who need help.

Column: Condemn the opioid epidemic, sure. But remember those of us in chronic pain who need help.

Chicago Tribune reporter Katherine Rosenberg-Douglas is injected with anesthesia ahead of a spinal injection procedure on July 2, 2019, at PrairieShore Pain Center in Lincolnshire. Rosenberg-Douglas needs aggressive pain management after breaking her back while rollerblading years ago.

Maybe it would be easier if I looked like I was dying.

Easier for the pharmacists, doctors, impatient friends, well-meaning family and the suspicious people who eye me up and down when I use my handicapped parking placard. It wouldn’t be easier for me — I already feel like I’m dying.

I broke my back while Rollerblading when I was 21. After three surgeries beginning at age 30, I’ve recovered enough that I’ve gone on to what looks like a normal life. I’m a married mother of twin 4-year-olds, so I am relatively stressed, but fortunately, I’m otherwise relatively healthy.

I’m also on a fentanyl patch delivering slow and steady pain relief to keep me feeling like I can get out of bed, and morphine for breakthrough pain when life requires more of me than merely getting out of bed — and anyone who has ever had a 4-year-old knows each day is far more demanding than that. Just driving my kids to school or sitting for longer than 20 minutes at a time is a struggle.
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So is driving to the pharmacy, or to my doctor, both of which I must do every 30 days. To obtain a controlled substance in Illinois, one must visit a pain specialist because family physicians can’t prescribe this type of medicine long-term.
Chicago Tribune reporter Katherine Rosenberg-Douglas undergoes a spinal injection procedure on July 2, 2019, at PrairieShore Pain Center in Lincolnshire. Rosenberg-Douglas has faced increasingly onerous regulations in managing her pain amid the opioid epidemic.
Chicago Tribune reporter Katherine Rosenberg-Douglas undergoes a spinal injection procedure on July 2, 2019, at PrairieShore Pain Center in Lincolnshire. Rosenberg-Douglas has faced increasingly onerous regulations in managing her pain amid the opioid epidemic. (Erin Hooley / Chicago Tribune)

When we moved to Illinois in 2016, I had been on prescription opioids for almost a decade. I actually called up doctors and asked receptionists if they were taking new patients, and if the doctor prescribed opioids. After what I took to be stunned silence, I was either told they didn’t give that information on the phone or they couldn’t say because it was on a case-by-case basis.

I understand now that amid a deadly opioid crisis I must have sounded like a drug-seeker, though I just wanted to avoid wasting time or money. I have been dealing with this pain close to half my life, and we move often. I know how hard it can be finding a new doctor and transferring records to receive continuous care. In my first few weeks here I visited nine doctors, including neurosurgeons, orthopedic doctors and pain management specialists. They all agreed I needed strong pain medicine but said they weren’t the correct doctor to help me.
Relieving pain is a pain

The doctor I chose is about 30 miles from my home. He tells me it’s troublesome keeping up with his patient load as other area doctors leave the specialty. Thankfully, many pill mills have been shut down, but even good doctors have closed up shop as keeping up with ever-changing restrictions imposed by legislators has become increasingly arduous, my doctor told me.

Among the most asinine of guidelines pushed by various plans to end the opioid epidemic: A pain doctor’s records should show he or she is trying to reduce the number of medications and the dosage patients are on. If your formerly high cholesterol returned to a healthy level with a certain dosage, can you imagine your doctor cutting the dose in half on your next visit?
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It’s not clear to me what purpose the every-30-day visits serve, other than to pick up my written prescriptions — controlled substances can’t be called in. But just as these rules unnecessarily hurt those of us in real pain, they also won’t deter a junkie who wants a fix.
A monitor shows pain management specialist Dr. Richard Caner performing a spinal injection procedure on Chicago Tribune reporter Katherine Rosenberg-Douglas on July 2, 2019, at PrairieShore Pain Center in Lincolnshire. Rosenberg-Douglas has needed opioids to control severe pain for more than a decade.
A monitor shows pain management specialist Dr. Richard Caner performing a spinal injection procedure on Chicago Tribune reporter Katherine Rosenberg-Douglas on July 2, 2019, at PrairieShore Pain Center in Lincolnshire. Rosenberg-Douglas has needed opioids to control severe pain for more than a decade. (Erin Hooley / Chicago Tribune)

I also pee in a cup at the visit. I didn’t know the true purpose of the urinalysis until about a year ago. I thought it was to ensure I wasn’t taking anything other than what my doctor prescribed. But it’s actually to ensure I am taking my drugs, not selling my fentanyl and morphine.

There also are no refills allowed on controlled substances and no bulk prescription by mail. There are no early fill dates. Not even at 29 days instead of 30, not even if you will be out of town. And if you’ll be out of state? Better to rearrange that trip. An out-of-state pharmacy likely won’t fill your prescription.

Even if intending to pick up the medication after day 30, I can’t drop off the piece of paper in advance. I must turn it in and wait for it to be filled. If this sounds insignificant, remember, the people affected are in many cases dying, or living in so much pain that sitting an hour in a waiting room is excruciating.

Say the pharmacy has in stock only some of the 150 morphine pills I take each month, something that happens to me every few months, because pharmacies try to keep quantities low to discourage robbery by drug seekers. If I agree to accept 90 pills, for example, I can’t get the remaining 60 without another prescription.
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Chicago Tribune reporter Katherine Rosenberg-Douglas is helped to her ride from friend Courtney Holbrook with the help of medical assistant Mario Flores after undergoing a spinal injection procedure on July 2, 2019. Use of a fentanyl patch has helped to correct a pronounced limp.My personal record for pharmacies visited in a single day is 14.
Doctors don’t decide if you need it, pharmacists do

Last month, I dropped off a prescription before I started work at 7 a.m. on a Sunday, and the pharmacist said she’d need to speak to the doctor so I probably wouldn’t get it until Monday. I had my doctor paged at 6:30 a.m. Agonizing hours passed before I called and pressed for the reason. She told me there were “great distances involved,” between my address, the doctor’s office and where I was visiting my parents for the weekend — although they’re all about a 45-minute drive, pretty standard for Chicagoland.

“It’s suspicious,” she said.

The previous month a pharmacist told me she wasn’t comfortable with the combination of fentanyl and morphine because, “It’s a lot of pain medicine.”

She filled the fentanyl patches but would not fill the morphine. When possible, I’ve used the same pharmacy chain for much of the past 10 years so there would be an easily accessible log of my prescription history, so I implored her to look. She said she had.

“If anything were to happen to you, I would lose my license, not your doctor,” she told me. I mentioned that without the morphine I’d taken for so long, she was putting me in a more perilous situation than if she did. True, she admitted. “But I have the right to refuse to fill any prescription for any reason, and I choose not to fill this for you.”

Then she gave me directions to a rival pharmacy chain’s store.
Chicago Tribune reporter Katherine Rosenberg-Douglas is helped to her ride from friend Courtney Holbrook with the help of medical assistant Mario Flores after undergoing a spinal injection procedure on July 2, 2019. Use of a fentanyl patch has helped to correct a pronounced limp.
Chicago Tribune reporter Katherine Rosenberg-Douglas is helped to her ride from friend Courtney Holbrook with the help of medical assistant Mario Flores after undergoing a spinal injection procedure on July 2, 2019. Use of a fentanyl patch has helped to correct a pronounced limp. (Erin Hooley / Chicago Tribune)
Pain you can’t see

I have a number of diagnoses. Failed back syndrome, a medical term that means just what it says and suggests surgery didn’t help. A “bone stimulator” was implanted during one surgery to encourage growth between pieces of cadaver bone and my own vetebrae, but too much bone grew in around my sciatic nerve, giving me sciatica, or a burning sensation from my rear down my left leg to my toes, which often are numb and tingling (I take another medication for nerve pain). My left leg has so much atrophied muscle that it drags behind my right and I had a pronounced limp, but the fentanyl patch largely has eliminated that by providing more steady pain relief. I am disabled, but no longer outwardly appear so, which, along with my age, probably accounts for the daily dirty looks people shoot me when I park in handicapped spaces.

I understand why police, politicians and many doctors want to combat the opioid epidemic, but I’m tired of people throwing around that term and lumping me in with a group of drug abusers.

I support the spirit behind their efforts, but can’t support any more regulation on controlled substances. We have now overcorrected, and anyone who requires pain medicine is looked upon as a criminal.

It was once hard to imagine being in more pain than I am, but the current regulations added a new layer of suffering. Please remember opioids exist for a reason, and don’t let it get any more difficult for those already in agony.



Congressional Bills Target Patient Care Access, Opioid Treatment

The legislation would improve patient care access and access to medication assisted treatment for opioid use disorder.

– Bipartisan legislation in the House of Representatives and Senate would abolish administrative barriers that keep some providers from prescribing medication assisted treatment, thus expanding patient care access and treatment for substance used disorder (SUD).

The Mainstreaming Addiction Treatment (MAT) Act would specifically get rid of requirements that state prescribers must obtain a waiver from the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) to prescribe buprenorphine, a key substance used in medication assisted treatment.

Additionally, the legislation would require the Secretary of the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) to create a national provider education campaign informing providers of the change in medication assisted treatment policy and encouraging them to integrate addiction treatment into their care offerings.

The legislation has been introduced into both the House and Senate, gaining bipartisan approval. House bill co-sponsors include Representatives Paul Tonko (D-NY), Antonio Delgado (D-NY), Ben Ray Lujan (DNM), Ted Budd (R-NC), Elise Stefanik (R-NY), Mike Turner (R-OH). In the Senate, Congresswomen Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) sponsor the bill.

“Medication-assisted treatment is the gold standard for treating substance use disorder, and we need to break down the barriers that prevent more health care providers from treating patients in need,” Hassan said in a statement on her website. “I urge my colleagues in the Senate to support this commonsense, bipartisan measure in order to expand access to buprenorphine and help more people get on the road to recovery.”

It is ironic that providers can prescribe opioids but cannot freely prescribe medications used to treat opioid use disorder, Murkowski pointed out in a statement.

“By removing barriers to life-saving medication-assisted treatments that have been clinically proven to help patients safely reduce or even end their dependence on opioids, we can ensure Americans struggling with substance abuse have access to the treatment they need to fully recover,” she said.

The bill will also have positive implications for patients living in rural regions who often struggle with geographic barriers in place between them and physicians.

“This bill also addresses some of the geographical challenges that many face in Alaska, by allowing community health aides and practitioners to offer MAT working with a provider through telemedicine. Overcoming addiction is already difficult enough,” Murkowski said. “I’m proud to support this effort to increase access to recovery services and save lives.”

Passing such legislation will be critical to quelling the nation’s opioid epidemic, according to Representative Paul Tonko. Over 70,000 people died from an opioid overdose in 2017, he reported in a fact sheet about the House version of the bill. Meanwhile, only about one in five individuals are receiving the opioid treatment they need right now.

“The devastation of America’s opioid crisis has touched every part of our country, and access to treatment is a matter of life and death,” Tonko said. “Our national response needs to rise to meet the unprecedented scale of this crisis.”

Industry efforts to address the opioid epidemic stretch beyond Congress. Earlier this week, United Health Foundation announced a partnership with the Helen Ross McNabb Center and the University of Tennessee Medical Center to expand patient access to behavioral health providers.

The $1.05 million grant will allow the Helen Ross McNabb Center to expand the University of Tennessee’s emergency department services catered toward substance use treatment.

Specifically, the grant will help the Center drive patient education among those presenting in the ED with substance use disorder, refer at least 250 patients to outpatient treatment centers per year, and hire addiction specialists to work within the ED to consult on patients.

“Every day we see the devastating effects of substance abuse and addiction on East Tennesseans,” said Jerry Vagnier, president and CEO of the Helen Ross McNabb Center. “We are grateful to have a partner like the United Health Foundation to help us expand the reach of our resources and services to meet the needs of our neighbors and their families. Together we will improve the lives of the people we serve.”

should SUGAR and INSULIN be classified as a CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE ?

Lawmakers Look To Address ‘Staggering’ Diabetes Costs In Wisconsin

Bipartisan Bill Calls For State Health Officials To Create Action Plan To Reduce Diabetes
By Shamane Mills
  • Friday, July 12, 2019, 5:55am

It’s a health problem that a Wisconsin lawmaker calls “staggering” and which is expected to get worse. 

Two out of five people living in Wisconsin are expected to develop type 2 diabetes in their lifetime, a disease the Wisconsin Department of Health Services estimates costs $5.5 billion annually in health care and lost productivity.

“This is something that is going to be affecting us all and it is a train that has not been able to be slowed down,” Rene Walters, diabetes education supervisor for UW Health, told state lawmakers on Wednesday.

A bipartisan proposal which got a hearing before the Assembly Committee on Health would require the state’s Health Department to develop a “diabetes action plan” with data on prevalence and prevention compiled in a report for lawmakers every two years.

More than half the states in the U.S. have assess the burden of the disease and make policy recommendations under diabetes action plans, according to the American Diabetes Association.

“These issues are costly to our state and affect a lot of people and, for the most part, type 2 diabetes is preventable,” said state Rep. Tyler Vorpagel, R-Plymouth.

He said lawmakers should do “anything we can to saves the state money and makes their lives better.”

Rep. Melissa Sargent, D-Madison, called the costs “staggering” and noted that 1,300 people die from diabetes in the state every year.

Under the proposal, the state’s Health Department would receive $107,600 to gather and analyze data and prepare biennial reports for lawmakers.

Those testifying at the committee hearing had different views on why diabetes has been such a stubborn problem to solve.

Anand Iyer, who runs Welldoc, a company that produces health and wellness software, said the problem isn’t going away with traditional methods and needs to be addressed differently.

Walters said the nature of the problem leads to inaction. Common ways to combat diabetes — diet and exercise — are personal and require change, he said. That’s something many find hard to do.

Harris, Senators Press HHS About Public Health Impact of “Fentanyl-Related” Scheduling

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Senators Kamala D. Harris (D-CA), Dick Durbin (D-IL), Mike Lee (R-UT), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Chris Coons (D-DE), Mazie Hirono (D-HI), and Cory Booker (D-NJ), all members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, sent a bipartisan letter to Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Alex Azar about their concerns that the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and Department of Justice (DOJ) have not adequately consulted with public health agencies in connection with the Trump Administration’s recent request that Congress legislatively place all “fentanyl-related” substances into Schedule 1 of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA).

“We are concerned that the failure to engage necessary health experts vests far too much authority to a law-enforcement agency and may result in action that will deter valid, critical medical research aimed at responses to the opioid crisis, including efforts to identify antidotes to fentanyl-analogue overdoses and improved treatment options.  We are also concerned that by sweeping a broad set of substances onto Schedule 1, with no scientific consultation, we risk erecting unnecessary research barriers to drugs that may have great potential to society, and criminalizing substances that have no psychotropic effects,” the Senators wrote. 

Walmart Should Get Out of Pharmacy

Walmart Should Get Out of Pharmacy

Walmart has terminated hundreds of pharmacists and technicians! But before addressing this action, let’s identify an extremely important event that has had a large influence on Walmart’s not being able to operate its pharmacies as profitably as it wants to. Walmart recently withdrew from the network of pharmacies participating in CVS-Caremark’s prescription plans because of its determination that the reimbursement it was being provided was too low. However, within just several days Walmart and CVS-Caremark reached an agreement. If Walmart insisted on appropriate compensation from CVS-Caremark and other health insurers and pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), it would not have to be terminating pharmacists and technicians, and its customers would be much better served. If Walmart as the world’s largest retailer can’t successfully operate pharmacies because of the mandates/demands and inadequate compensation from PBMs and health insurers, can anybody?

Walmart caved in to CVS-Caremark, as did Target, another huge and otherwise successful retailer, several years ago when it sold its pharmacies to CVS. The PBMs and health insurance companies are destroying the quality and scope of health care, and by not challenging them, Walmart and Target are complicit in the responsibility for this debacle.

Walmart terminations

It is surprising that the Walmart terminations have not received more media attention. However, the coverage in Bloomberg News (Matthew Boyle; June 26, 2019 and updated on June 27) identifies pertinent information as well as the lack of transparency on the part of Walmart. The article quotes a Walmart spokeswoman as saying the company “is aligning our staffing with the demands of the business. I don’t have a lot to share right now, other than we are on a transformational journey on how we operate our pharmacies and serve our customers.” The spokeswoman would not specify the number of jobs being cut.

The Bloomberg News report identifies a source who is familiar with the decision as saying that the pharmacy cuts will represent less than 3% of all health and wellness staffers in the U.S. This statement appears highly deceptive. The number of “health and wellness staffers” at Walmart has to be much higher than the number of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, thereby creating a larger denominator from which pharmacy cuts representing less than 3% is calculated. “Less than 3%” is seemingly intended to suggest that the number of individuals terminated is small. Walmart should reveal the percentage of pharmacy cuts based on the number of pharmacy staffers rather than health and wellness staffers. However, that would look bad and raise even more questions as to whether the significant reduction in pharmacy staff will increase the risk of errors and harm to customers.

The numbers of pharmacists and technicians who have been terminated or have had their hours reduced are more likely in the many hundreds and possibly thousands. Posts on social media and message boards suggest that the cuts may include as many as 40% of senior pharmacists.

The Bloomberg News report includes a comment of the Walmart CEO at a gathering of investors in October, at which he stated that the company wants to find ways to increase its “share of wallet” in the $3.5 trillion market for health spending in the U.S. My loose translation of that statement is: Get the money, even at the expense of our customers and employees.

Responses of Walmart pharmacists and technicians

Hundreds of comments from Walmart pharmacists and technicians have been posted on social media sites and message boards regarding the actions taken and the manner in which they were communicated. For understandable reasons, most are provided anonymously, and the following represent a very limited representation of the distress and anger experienced.

“I was called to the back by the district manager several hours into my shift He gave me the talking points, went back to the pharmacy, handed me my license, and I was on my way home in 10 minutes! I thought our store was doing well!”

“‘Accompanied’ out of the building in front of staff and customers, desperately trying to hang on to my dignity. Failed miserably.”

“I got laid off yesterday as a pharmacy tech after 25 years of loyal service.”

“My exit interview wasn’t honest. I was encouraged to reapply full well knowing no positions will be posted within the 2-month window so IF I ever went back to Walmart it would be at drastically reduced pay.”

“Has anyone got any kind of paperwork from being let go? I’m having a hard time trying to get any kind of paperwork with my name on it.”

“The corporate email sent out this week said all the layoffs and changes were done to benefit customers. Well, my pharmacy has no more cashiers, no more pharmacist overlap, and tech hour cuts, but the script counts aren’t going down. Customers used to 20 minute waits will start leaving when the minimum reaches 1 hour+. Benefits only the shareholders.”

“Now with all of the staffing shortages its only a matter of time when big mistakes will be made due to the rush and stress of vaccinations, 90-day adherence, and pushing to get scripts out fast! With no cashiers at our busy store, we have techs trying to be both techs and cashiers and still get things done. One pharmacist per day at our store, long hours, no breaks, and his license on the line if a mistake is made.”

“Mr. Sam Walton (the founder of Walmart) said ‘There is only one boss – the customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.'”

“I bet Sam Walton would be rolling over in his grave if he could see what his company has become.”

“Walmart was the company who started the $4.00 prescriptions years ago. If they would have only raised it over time, they would be able to pay for adequate staffing and keep long-time, loyal employees.”

“Walmart just paid $282 million to settle and try to silence an international bribery scandal.”

“I am not a young pharmacist. I have been doing this for 20+ years. It has taken a toll on my body – standing for 12 hours a day, with less breaks than are legally mandated – all have contributed to knee/back/joint problems. . . I am a single parent with kids. And no job. In a saturated market. I think I’m going to have to sell my house, and most of the things in it. This has dramatically impacted me and my children. I have no illusions that I will find another job anytime soon, or that we will even have a home to live in. Devastated!”

These comments and the hundreds of others are all important. However, the last comment above has such an disturbing impact that I had to interrupt my reading, and resume reading more comments at a later point. Walmart executives must be made to recognize that the actions they take because of their mistakes have devastating consequences for individuals who have served their company well. However, they avoid personal responsibility to the point that a number of the individuals terminated observed that the manager who informed them of their firing said that the decisions were made by computers.

Actions Walmart should take

All of the comments posted by former and current Walmart employees should be compiled in a document titled, “How NOT to treat employees and run a business.” Every Walmart executive and manager should be required to read it in its entirety.

Walmart has attempted to operate pharmacies, and it has failed! It has placed its customers at risk, and treated its pharmacists and technicians horribly. Walmart, as a company should now get out of pharmacy before it makes things even worse for its customers, pharmacy staff, and the profession of pharmacy. Rather than doing what Target did in selling its pharmacies to CVS, Walmart should sell its pharmacies and first offer them for purchase to its current and former pharmacists.

North Dakota has it right!

North Dakota has a law that requires majority ownership of pharmacies to be held by licensed pharmacists. There have been numerous attempts to overturn or circumvent this law that have been led by Walmart, Walgreens and others (please see my editorial, “Voters in North Dakota Should Oppose the Challenge to the Pharmacy Ownership Law!” in the September, 2014 issue of The Pharmacist Activist). These challenges have failed, and residents of North Dakota are served well by this law.

Other states should enact similar laws for new pharmacies, and existing pharmacies when ownership is changed. To protect the safety of the public, state boards of Pharmacy should require Walmart and other chain pharmacies that are substantially reducing pharmacist and technician staffing to submit reports of errors that occur.

Daniel A. Hussar

Mother says local pharmacy gave her wrong pills for son who has autism

Mother says local pharmacy gave her wrong pills for son who has autism

CARTERSVILLE, Ga. – A Cartersville mother has an important warning for others after she says a local CVS pharmacist filled her 13-year-old son’s prescription with the wrong medicine.

Susanne Epps Jones told Channel 2’s Alyssa Hyman that her son, Elijah, is on the autism spectrum and has been taking the same medicine for eight years.

“I was scared. I wanted to know how it was going to affect the other medications that he’s been taking, what were the side effects. I didn’t know anything about the drug,” Epps Jones said.

Epps Jones said the pharmacist filled her son’s prescription with medicine commonly used to treat Parkinson’s disease.

“I immediately took him to the emergency room,” Epps Jones said.

She told Hyman that fortunately, Elijah is OK and only had mild side effects.

Epps said when she picked up his prescription, she had no reason to think anything would be different

I do take my responsibility. I should have inspected it more, but they looked the same size, shape and color. I didn’t think anything of it,” Epps Jones said.

She told Hyman that the pills and the bottles were so similar, she didn’t notice that it was the wrong prescription until four days later.

The directions on the bottles are the same, and the names of the medicines look similar.

“I trust my pharmacist to be filling the right prescription,” Epps Jones said.

Hyman contacted CVS to ask about the medication mix-up. A corporate spokesperson sent her a statement that said:

“When Ms. Jones notified our pharmacy about her son’s prescription on Friday evening, our pharmacist apologized and attempted to contact the prescribing doctor, however the doctor’s office was closed for the weekend.

“Our district leader has been in touch with Ms. Jones multiple times since the incident occurred to apologize, follow up on her son’s health condition, and ensure that he receives the correct medication.

“Prescription errors are a very rare occurrence, but if one does happen, we do everything we can to learn from it in order to continuously improve quality and patient safety.” 

As for Epps Jones, she wants to remind everyone to check their medication.

“You get into a pattern after eight years of taking the same medicine every single month. I will now, from this day on, and we’re changing pharmacies,” Epps Jones said.