Audit report raises concerns with effectiveness of prescription drug registry

Audit report raises concerns with effectiveness of prescription drug registry

An audit of the state’s prescription drug registry found several issues that hinder the system, making it not as useful as it could be in identifying misuse and abuse of prescribed medications.

Auditors found indications of doctor and pharmacy shopping, including one person who filled nine prescriptions in a 30-day window at four different pharmacies.

They also found more than 1,000 likely incorrect birth dates for people in the system, and prescribers writing prescriptions without licenses, though representatives with the state Board of Pharmacy said auditors didn’t take into account everything that could have led to their findings.

The Montana Prescription Drug Registry went into effect in 2012. It is administered by the Board of Pharmacy, which is under the Montana Department of Labor and Industry. The cost for the registry over the last seven years has been about $1.8 million, and it’s now primarily funded by fees paid by prescribers and pharmacists.

The registry tracks medications that are prescribed and dispensed within the state or to Montana residents. It had been voluntary until the most recent state Legislature passed a bill to require every person who is licensed to prescribe or dispense prescription drugs to register. That takes effect this fall. Previously, the registry had been used by about 54% of those who were eligible.

The registry is mainly used by medical providers and pharmacists to search a patient’s medical history to learn about their past and current prescriptions. It has a secondary use by law enforcement officers, who obtain subpoenas.

The registry could also be used to flag people who are shopping around for multiple doctors and pharmacies in order to obtain and potentially misuse or divert medications.

Auditors, however, found the Board of Pharmacy does not review or analyze the data in the registry to find those potential abuses. State law allows for that type of proactive use, but does not require it.

The system instead relies on doctors and pharmacists to “make their own conclusions” about a patient’s records, according to the audit.

Auditors tended to qualify their findings in the report by saying that other problems within the registry — such as a lack of oversight or review of the accuracy of information put into the system — could skew outcomes.

Still, they raised concerns about records showing 4,410 patients who went to four or more pharmacies or prescribers in a 30-day window, and 8,814 who did the same in a 60-day period. That type of behavior could indicate doctor or pharmacy shopping to misuse or abuse prescription drugs.

In one example, a patient got nine prescriptions for high-strength opioids from four doctors in a 30-day window, and filled the prescriptions at four different pharmacies in Kalispell, Helena, Spokane and Whitefish. In a single day, the person had two prescriptions written for OxyContin from two different doctors.

In another case, a person got 11 prescriptions from nine prescribers in a 30-day stretch and filled them at five pharmacies.

Auditors also found concerns with missing and nonsensical data, as well as inconsistencies in data reporting. The department disputed some of how auditors interpret their findings.

In some cases, the auditors found more than 1,000 dates of birth for patients in the registry that were “unreasonable.” Four records had dates listed in the future, 231 had invalid dates like 01/01/0001, 50 had birthdays before 1900 and the rest had dates before 1912, which the auditors found unlikely to be accurate.

Marcie Bough, executive officer of the Board of Pharmacy, told lawmakers on the Legislative Audit Committee that met Tuesday not all those incorrect dates represent something wrong. Pharmacists, Bough said, would use nonsensical birth dates for things like animal prescriptions, which can be distributed from regular pharmacies.

Opioid-related ER visits decline in Massachusetts

Opioid-related ER visits decline in Massachusetts

BOSTON – A state panel says the number of emergency department visits by people with opioid-related issues dropped by nearly 6 percent in Massachusetts from 2016 to 2017.

The report released Wednesday by the Health Policy Commission is based on a state database of hospital discharges up to 2017, the most recent year available.

The HPC says even though opioid hospitalization rates are down the opioid epidemic is still hitting Massachusetts harder than some other states. And it may be hitting some unintended targets. 

Until recently, professional musician Ellie DeOrsey was able to perform with a Rhode Island Orchestra thanks to the use of oral fentanyl. 

But when she was forced to change doctors because hers moved away, her treatment changed. 

“It didn’t affect my judgment, my thinking, it just took my pain away,” Ellie told Boston 25 News. “And my first office visit with this doctor, his first thing was: I will not prescribe you fentanyl.”

Ellie, like many patients with chronic pain, believes the opioid epidemic is forcing doctors to sometimes turn away from pain-killing drugs that work in favor of ones that won’t draw the attention of the DEA. 

The commission analyzed emergency department visits, and inpatient hospital stays, for people who have an “opioid-related diagnosis,” such as opioid dependence, misuse, or overdose.

Nearly 68,000 opioid-related hospital visits occurred in 2017, a little more than 2 percent of all discharges.

The drop came after years of increases.

Meth cases up 233% in EIGHT YEARS in WISCONSIN

Attorney General Josh KaulAG: Addiction Treatment, Trafficker Arrests Key To Fighting Wisconsin’s Growing Meth Epidemic

In Wausau Stop, Attorney General Josh Kaul Also Advocated Medical Marijuana As Alternative To Opioids
By Rob Mentzer
  • Tuesday, June 25, 2019, 4:35pm

Wisconsin’s growing meth epidemic presents new challenges to law enforcement, state Attorney General Josh Kaul said Tuesday in Wausau.

Twenty percent of 2018 drug cases at state crime labs involved methamphetamine, up from only 6 percent in 2010, according to the Wisconsin Department of Justice. Kaul called methamphetamine use a growing problem across the state, where authorities have spent years working to combat an epidemic of addiction to heroin and other opioids. 

“When you enforce the laws that relate to one particular narcotic, it’s true that other dangerous ones can pop up,” Kaul said.

Kaul spoke to news media after a visit to an addiction treatment center. He said state law enforcement would need to target traffickers of both drugs. He noted opioid overdoses claimed 900 lives in Wisconsin in 2017. Expanded addiction treatment options, he said, are a necessary part of the solution. 

“There are people who have addictions to opioids, to meth and other drugs, and we need to make sure we are doing what we can to get those people substance abuse treatment so that there aren’t the worst possible consequences that result, and instead people are able to beat their addictions and get back on their feet.” he said.

Kaul also spoke in favor of medical marijuana, saying he’d rather see patients dealing with chronic pain be prescribed marijuana than opioid drugs. As attorney general, Kaul joined four other states in filing suit against two Purdue Pharma entities and against Richard Sackler, the company’s former president. The states claim Purdue’s advertising strategy was intentionally deceptive.

“One of the things we’ve alleged in our complaint … is that there was a concerted effort to mislead the public and prescribers about the dangers of opioids — to overstate the benefits of opioids and to downplay the harms that they cause,” Kaul said.

Part of efforts to counter the epidemic, he said, is to ensure the public has accurate information about the risks of any drug they are prescribed.

I wonder who they are going to try and blame this CRISIS on.. Methamphetamine is a legal C-II legend med… but it cost abt $3,000 for a month’s supply and very seldom prescribed. So what drug or issue are they going to try an blame this abuse crisis on ?

Using Opioids and Having a Job—It’s Not Easy

Using Opioids and Having a Job—It’s Not Easy

By Denise Hedley

Those of us with chronic pain are well aware of the new laws that have labeled the opioid crisis and thus punished chronic pain patients. We are all affected in one way or another, and a good number of us have had our medications taken from us. Just today, I was told to take Advil for my pinched nerve and three herniated disks in my back – oh and from now on, I’m supposed to basically live on my heating pad.

Those of us who have lived with chronic pain for quite a while are well aware of what it takes to hold down a job with an invisible illness. Most of us hide it for as long as we are able to work. We are the ones who are not addicts, of course, but there is a new threat to the chronic pain community in the form of proposed legislation and other movements that want to punish those in pain who are still able to work.

The fear of abuse is so rampant, that they want to make pre-employment and random drug screens add opioids to their lists of banned substances for the workplace. In those jobs that have safety concerns this might be understandable that they might worry about impairment. This move, however, seems more like a witch hunt.

What is not understood by many of the parties proposing these actions is that those of us who function only because we have this one tiny tool towards some degree of relief do not find ourselves impaired. We are better able to focus. For some, this relief could be the only thing keeping them in the workforce where they can have a benefits package and better insurance.

It is now recommended that prescription pain killers be considered a violation of the drug-free environment. Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) have now been advised to recommend that any employee who is using prescription painkillers be referred for treatment.

Companies who have thus far avoided drug testing programs may soon be required to begin one. There is a large movement towards taking the war on opioids into the workplace. Companies are now requiring employees to notify their employers if they are placed on prescription painkillers. Most will be required to take leave for the duration of their pain treatment while others may lose their jobs. Ironically, the company does not have the right to ask what those employees are receiving their pain management treatment for.

There have been some moves, as a result of the recent HHS task force activities, to rewrite instructions to primary care physicians as to the prescribing of opioids to those chronic pain patients with a proven history of staying within guidelines. The right to continue treatment seems like it is being excluded for those patients who are still able to work. If all of this new legislation passes, then the war on opioids is taken too far and it seems like it officially becomes a war on chronic pain.

This gives us one more reason why those of us in the chronic pain community need to be more vocal. Even if it is only one person at a time, our voices must somehow be heard.

Denise Hedley

Denise Hedley was initially diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2009. Her condition has worsened, and was diagnosed with bilateral RSD in January, 2019. She also suffers from Osteoarthritis, 2 herniated discs, and Systemic Lupus Erythematosis



DEA RED FLAGS and legit pts getting – OR NOT GETTING – their medical necessary medications


















The DEA has previously stated that a Pharmacist needs to “resolve” issues that the DEA considered RED FLAGS..  One of their RED FLAGS is a pt that travels long distances to get a controlled  Rxs filled… because that is what substance abusers/diverters do… so – according to DEA logic – anyone who does this must be a substance abusers/diverters.

So according to this pt, apparently some RED FLAGS are IMPOSSIBLE for the Pharmacist to resolve USING COMMON SENSE.  The fact that the pt’s insurance company has LOCKED the pt into this pharmacy – for some reason .. makes no difference to the war on drug mafia.

This may answer my concern about pts paying CASH for part or all of the cost of controlled substances because of QUANTITY LIMITS of their insurance companies or the fact that their insurance will no longer pay for a particular medication. This is another RED FLAG according to the DEA

Walmart: more rumors/facts about MASSIVE LAYOFF/DISMISSALS ?

Did the government over correct on the opioid epidemic?

Jun. 26, 2019 – 4:32 – CDC guidelines have led to doctors cutting back on painkiller subscriptions, leaving patients fighting to get the medication they need.

Colorado’s example shows legal issues marijuana could bring to Illinois

Colorado’s example shows legal issues marijuana could bring to Illinois

CHICAGO – For all the back-slapping and applause as Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker signs legalized marijuana into law Monday, local law enforcement is bracing for problems that could come along with it.

Legalization doesn’t suddenly remove the drug trade’s criminal element, they say, while some argue it even inspires it.

As one federal agent told WGN Investigates, “Look to Colorado for signs of some of the trouble ahead.”

Just last month, investigators in that state seized more than 80,000 plants and 4,500 pounds of harvested marijuana in the largest marijuana black market investigation in Colorado’s history.

“The legalization of marijuana has created all kind of problems,” said Jason Dunn, U.S. Attorney for the District of Colorado. “These are pure black markets creating large amounts of marijuana for distribution out of state through criminal enterprises.”

In the Denver area, police say criminals have ignored limits designed to constrain production, growing so much black-market marijuana, it’s being illegally shipped in significant amounts to seven states, including Illinois.

There are also concerns about road safety. In Colorado, marijuana-related driving deaths have more than doubled since legalization. There were 139 in 2017, up from 55 in 2013. Marijuana was involved in 21 percercent of the traffic fatalities in 2017.

In Illinois, the governor and others portray the legalization of marijuana as a new revenue stream – plus a new start for people who have a criminal record for relatively minor amounts of pot possession.

Under federal law, marijuana is still considered to be an illegal controlled substance on par with heroin. But agents are more concerned with large-scale sellers, than recreational users who use these products generated out of hemp cbd flower.

As for the impact on the drug trade?

A top official with the DEA in Chicago tells WGN Investigates: “These are trans-national criminal organizations. They’re in it to generate revenue and they’re not going to stop.”

Iowa veteran’s survivors sue over VA’s illegal hiring of troubled neurosurgeon

Iowa veteran’s survivors sue over VA’s illegal hiring of troubled neurosurgeon

The survivors of an Iowa veteran who died after brain surgery at the Veterans Affairs hospital in Iowa City are suing the VA for illegally hiring a surgeon with a history of malpractice allegations.

Army veteran Richard Hopkins, 65, of Davenport died in 2017 after developing a post-surgery infection. His family’s federal lawsuit, filed this month, blames neurosurgeon John Henry Schneider, who performed four brain operations on Hopkins.

Hopkins and other VA patients didn’t know that Schneider’s medical license had been revoked in Wyoming in 2014 over allegations of poor patient care. The Iowa City VA hospital hired Schneider in spring 2017 at an annual salary of $385,000 — despite a law saying doctors whose state licenses had been revoked could not work for the VA.

Schneider resigned in late 2017, after USA TODAY inquired about his status and the VA moved to fire him.

The new federal lawsuit, filed by Hopkins’ three daughters, blames his infection on “medical negligence,” and says at least three other Iowa City VA hospital patients suffered such complications.

Hopkins’ family said he developed the infection after his first surgery for a non-cancerous brain tumor. He died a few weeks later, after undergoing three more surgeries.

“Rick was strong, he was a bull,” his sister, Annette Rainsford, said in a 2017 interview with USA TODAY. “Why would you go into someone’s head four times?”

Schneider told USA TODAY that the infections suffered by his patients were complications that can occur in neurosurgery. He said Hopkins’ case was a “tragic” example, in which the patient developed two brain bleeds and then fluid buildup, each requiring another surgery.

“I’ve had a great run at the VA with zero issues,” Schneider said in the 2017 interview. “Have I had to take patients back (for surgery) for post-op infection? Yes. I mean, I can’t prevent every infection.”

Schneider maintained a Montana medical license after his Wyoming license was revoked. Generally, physicians may work at any VA hospital in the country as long as they have a medical license from any state. But under federal law, they are not supposed to be hired if they’ve had a license revoked.

Schneider disclosed his licensing history when he applied for the Iowa City job, but he was hired anyway. A USA TODAY investigation found several similar examples nationally. In response to the USA TODAY findings, the VA pledged to review its hiring practices to ensure they comply with the law.

Schneider was sentenced last year to spend two years in federal prison after pleading guilty to fraudulently hiding assets in a bankruptcy case in Montana. His bankruptcy filing came while he was facing medical malpractice judgments from earlier cases. Online records show his Montana medical license was revoked in 2018.

A spokesman for the Iowa City VA hospital declined to comment on the new lawsuit. 

FDA releases millions of adverse event reports on medical devices

FDA releases millions of adverse event reports on medical devices

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has released more than 20 years of reports detailing adverse events involving medical devices, ending a program that allowed some manufacturers to keep safety issues from the public.

The agency announced on Friday it has made publicly available approximately 6 million adverse event reports dating back to 1999 that were previously not included in the federal database Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience, or MAUDE. Those reports previously were exempted under the FDA’s Alternative Summary Reporting program.

Established in 1997, the ASR program allowed exemptions for individual adverse events involving certain devices with “well-established risks.” Manufacturers were instead told to write quarterly summary reports of such events. This did not include events involving patient deaths and “unusual, unique or uncommon adverse events,” according to the agency.

In a statement, Dr. Jeffrey Shuren, director of the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health, said the FDA also has informed 13 manufacturers that they’ve lost ASR exemptions for devices that included implantable cardiac defibrillators and pacemaker electrodes.

“We believe these steps will improve our ability to identify and address device safety signals and provide patients and healthcare professionals with important information they can use to make better informed health care decisions,” Shuren wrote on Friday.

The FDA first announced it was ending the ASR program in May. At that time the agency announced it was ending all adverse event summary reporting for breast implants in response to concerns over related anaplastic large cell lymphoma, which forms in the scar tissue around a breast implant.

Shuren said the FDA has been working on sunsetting the ASR program since 2017 as it developed the recently-unveiled Voluntary Malfunction Summary Reporting Program where devicemakers report events in a quarterly summary that’s made publicly available through MAUDE.

In addition, Shuren said the FDA will make the MAUDE database more user-friendly over the next few years.

“Our goal is to make MDR (medical-device reporting) data more usable and easier to find, furthering our efforts to increase transparency in medical-device reporting,” Shuren wrote.