SC: The bill, H.4352 Parents want ban on energy drinks for minors after son’s death

Parents want ban on energy drinks for minors after son’s death

A bill that would ban the sale of energy drinks to those under 18 years of age passed a subcommittee of South Carolina lawmakers Friday. 

The bill, H.4352, was filed by Representative Leon Howard (D-Richland) and Representative Chip Huggins (R-Lexington. It’s also being supported by Sean and Heidi Cripe, two Midland parents who lost their son after he drank too much caffeine. 

Two years ago Davis Cripe, 16 at the time, drank a coffee, soda, and limu drink within two hours. He collapsed in class, and later died. 

RELATED: Excessive Caffeine Led to Death of Midlands Teen, Coroner Says

“He loved life. He lived it loud,” said Sean Cripe as he spoke with the NBC affiliate in Columbia, WIS-TV. “He had drank an energy drink before class and he had gotten sick really quick. Within a matter of minutes, he had lost his life.”

A Richland County coroner ruled Davis died from a caffeine-induced cardiac event. 

His parents are wanting to keep other families from enduring their tragedy. 

However, not everyone agrees, including medical professionals.

“Fatal caffeine overdose from energy drink ingestion is impossible,” said Dr. Ashley Roberts as he testified before the subcommittee. 

“Diagnosis of death caused by a drug is a diagnosis of exclusion. You need to make sure everything else is okay. The heart is okay, the kidney is okay and then you need to look at the drug,” added Dr. Donna Seger, an emergency physician and medical toxicologist.

The Cripe family disagrees. 

“It’ll be huge. Not only for our son Davis but knowing that here on out other kids will be protected,” said Heidi Cripe. 

The bill now moves to full committee. 



Request for Comments: Analgesic Drug Products Advisory Committee

Joint Meeting of the Drug Safety and Risk Management Advisory Committee and the Anesthetic and Analgesic Drug Products Advisory Committee; Notice of Meeting; Establishment of a Public Docket; Request for Comments


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announces a forthcoming public advisory committee meeting of the Drug Safety and Risk Management Advisory Committee and the Anesthetic and Analgesic Drug Products Advisory Committee. The general function of the committees is to provide advice and recommendations to FDA on regulatory issues. The meeting will be open to the public. FDA is establishing a docket for public comment on this document.


The meeting will be held on June 11, 2019, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and June 12, 2019, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


FDA White Oak Campus, 10903 New Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 31 Conference Center, the Great Room (Rm. 1503), Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002. Answers to commonly asked questions including information regarding special accommodations due to a disability, visitor parking, and transportation may be accessed at:

FDA is establishing a docket for public comment on this meeting. The docket number is FDA-2019-N-1646 . The docket will close on June 30, 2019. Submit either electronic or written comments on this public meeting by June 30, 2019. Please note that late, untimely filed comments will not be considered. Electronic comments must be submitted on or before June 30, 2019. The electronic filing system will accept comments until 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time at the end of June 30, 2019. Comments received by mail/hand delivery/courier (for written/paper submissions) will be considered timely if they are postmarked or the delivery service acceptance receipt is on or before that date.

Comments received on or before May 28, 2019, will be provided to the committees. Comments received after that date will be taken into consideration by FDA.

Your Brain On Drug Policy | Rachael Leigh Cook (2017)

CVS limits Insulin Dependent pts to 3 glucose test strips/day billed to Medicare Part B

CVS Introduces Limit on Glucose Strips

According to this report… CVS has decided to only allow 3 glucose test strips for Insulin dependent pts and it is being billed to Medicare Part B. Even though Medicare Part B will reimburse for 4 tests strips a day.

According to this article, the news reporter reached out to CVS and their response was that they suggested that this pt get her glucose test strips at another pharmacy.

I would hope that this woman takes ALL OF HER PRESCRIPTIONS TO ANOTHER PHARMACY and hopes that her doctor suggests to all of her pts that they find another pharmacy to take care of their medication needs.

PRESS RELEASE from Nealy Tynes, President, International OPERATION PAIN RELIEF

PRESS RELEASE from Nealy Tynes, President, International OPERATION PAIN RELIEF


In 2010 the Department of Defense told us there were 18 vets of foreign wars dying by suicide everyday in Washington state.  That is approximately 6,570 per year.

Now, it’s 2019 and the suicide rate is increasing dramatically in Washington state each day, not only by the vets of foreign wars, but include cancer patients, fibromyalgia patients, RSD/CRPS patients, etc., who are all untreated for their pain.

Washington state was considered the first “Pilot Project” state in America, back in 2010.  Now there are 6 pilot project states in the union.

Whatever passed in Washington state, passed nationwide.  Blame ESHB 2876, sponsored and written by Jim Moeller (House Rep), in 2010.

I read it.  There were no facts, or findings of law in Jim’s Bill.  It was simply hearsay, and a story.  No proof of what he wrote was backed up by any documentation.

ESHB 2876 was about a story of children getting into their parents medicine cabinets, finding pill bottles, overdosing, while their parents were not at home.

And, that my friends, became law.  It was merely a story.

I interviewed each of the House of Representatives in the Washington state, Olympia, legislators’ offices.  Each and everyone of them had a ‘boiler plate’ answer to me.  They said:  “I was told to not read it, and to not research it, but to sign it and send it up the governor’s office.”  Governor Christine Gregoire then passed it into law.

I found out later, during my investigation, that the FDA pressured the legislators into signing ESHB 2876.

I confronted the FDA, and told them they have no jurisdiction over our Washington state legislators, and they need to get the hell out of our state, and don’t ever come back.

In the meantime, the doctors started leaving our state in droves.  There were none to be found who would take chronic pain patients, and the suicide rate climbed even further.

I was sad.  I was angry.  I was in shock.  I felt helpless.

But, God had a plan for me, and I kept advocating anyway, to the best of my ability.

Then I became empowered by FACEBOOK.  A whole new world opened up for me, and now I am on fire, and grateful.

Please share this PRESS RELEASE.

Signed, Nealy Tynes
President, International OPERATION PAIN RELIEF



Oregon: HERC members talking about chronic pain patients after they left the meeting

Published on Apr 3, 2019

Shorter version. HERC Meeting March 14th 2019. HERC members talking about chronic pain patients after they left the meeting. What was expected to be the final vote on the chronic pain task force proposal for medicaid, was paused they say, to investigate a possible conflict of interest by members and staff of HERC. This portion of the HERC meeting was a roundtable style discussion with the Chief Medical Officer of the OHA, and voting members of HERC, some of whom are also members of the chronic pain task force. * Introduction to the HERC meeting begins at the 38 min mark and goes to the 50 min mark. The audio begins with the HERC and OHA Chief discussions and how the HERC profiles and sees patients who testify and who they serve in a public health position. OHA Public News Release on pause:… World renouned pain experts have spoken out – against.. Oregon’s radical medicaid population experiment. Sean Mackey, MD, PHD Chief, Division of Pain Medicine Expert letter and Expert signatures…





Express Scripts won’t cover Eli Lilly’s new generic insulin

Insulin pens on an assembly line.Express Scripts won’t cover Eli Lilly’s new generic insulin

Eli Lilly’s new “authorized generic” of its pricey Humalog insulin, called Lispro, is excluded from the 2019 national list of covered drugs from pharmacy benefit manager Express Scripts.

The big picture: So much for all the fanfare when Eli Lilly unveiled the insulin last month. Lispro’s price doesn’t change net spending on the insulin, even though it is cheaper for people paying cash out of pocket, and PBMs have little incentive to cover the drug if a rebate doesn’t exist or is tiny.


Does this just give everyone just one more proof that the PBM’s  – which Express Scripts is one of the top three, along with CVS’s Caremark and United Health’s Optium Rx – are more part of the problem of high Rx prices than part of the solution.   Apparently Lilly is paying little to nothing in the format of rebates, discounts or KICKBACKS.  The PBM industry was created as an answer to the UAW’s (Ford, GM, Chrysler, International Harvester, John Deere)  new contract in the fall of 1969.  They were suppose to save everyone money…  back then they were < 5% of the Rx business … they are involved in the pricing and paying for 90%+ of all prescriptions and larger percent of the Rx market they got.. the more that they got into “forcing” the pharmas’ to give them discounts, rebates, KICKBACKS if the pharma wanted one or more of their medications on their formulary … meaning that they would be covered without prior authorization or quantity limits.  I have read where some pharmas are have to pay some 40% -50% of the wholesale price to the PBM to get their meds on a particular formulary.



What Is Your State Doing About Pain?

What Is Your State Doing About Pain?

The Federation of State Medical Boards is meeting in Fort Worth, Texas this weekend—and the “opioid” crisis is on the agenda.

“The State Medical Boards must lead the effort on regulation of the opioid crisis. The DEA and other federal agencies must work with the Medical Boards to avoid confusion with physicians legitimately taking care of their patients.”

Sherif Zaafran, MD, tweeted out his comments made as the Federation meeting got underway.

Dr. Zaafran is the head of the Texas Medical Board and a member of the HHS Pain Management Best Practices Inter-Agency Task Force and a very important voice

Saturday, he will also moderate a discussion of nationally recognized leaders who will “discuss new steps in the effort to address the nation’s opioid crisis. Included on that panel is Vanila M. Singh, MD, MACM, who is the chair of the Pain Management Task Force that calls for patient-centered approach to improve treatment of pain.

That Task Force Draft Report received some 6,000 public comments and the HHS group will gather again in May to adopt it.

“The action is at the state level,” said Terri Lewis, Ph.D. “Pain patients and physicians need to ask their state medical boards, what are you doing now?”

Just this month, two federal agencies eased some previous guidance on opioid prescribing.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said many physicians have misapplied the 2016 guideline that resulted in a serious reduction on opioid prescribing.  The CDC tacitly acknowledged many physicians’ responses to the opioid crisis went too far.

Earlier this month, the FDA issued a safety announcement that it said “identifies harm reported from sudden discontinuation of opioid pain medicines and requires label changes to guide prescribers on gradual, individualized tapering.”

These agencies have been receiving blowback—and plenty of it—from medical professionals who believe that the reaction to the “opioid crisis” tilted dangerously toward those who become addicted from opioids versus the million of chronic pain patients who were adversely affected by the physicians, insurers and state regulators reaction.

Here’s one of the National Pain Report stories on it.

The question now is what will the state medical boards do with this new information?

The answers may begin to come this weekend in Texas.

The DEA “playing games” most likely is NOT OVER

FDA issues the rules all other agencies must follow. No agency outranks FDA

AMA welcomes CDC’s revised view on opioids guidelines

After posting these last night and pulling the title of the posts from the article itself…  I started reviewing the “whole game” that is being played out between the DOJ/DEA, FDA, CDC  and countless other agencies and healthcare corporations and provider that are struggling with the CDC guideline.

I have stated many times before, that the one agency that is completely silent and/or missing from the conversations is the DEA .

In all of this, what has not been revised is the Controlled Substance Act (1970)  (CSA) and it appears that the DEA’s authority in using the CSA apparently remains UNCHANGED.

This is how the DEA could keep screwing with the chronic pain community:



  • The DEA controls the licenses of those who produce, prescribe or dispense controlled meds.
  •  The Pharmas:  the DEA still can raise/lower the annual production quotas that each pharma is allowed to produce each year. Opiate Rxs peaked in 2012 and end the ensuing years, the DEA has already decreased production quotas have been DECREASED abt 50% of what was allowed in 2012.
  • Wholesalers: the BIG THREE (Amerisource, McKesson, Cardinal controls about 80%+ of the medication market in the USA. Walgreens owns part of Amerisouce – not sure if it is a minority or majority interest. Cardinal is the primary wholesaler for CVS and Mc Kesson is the primary wholesaler for Rite Aid. The wholesaler Rochester Drug Cooperative, Inc – that was recently fined by the DEA for failing to report suspicious large pharmacy orders… it was reported that they are a “major wholesaler”, but they are really part of the “secondary wholesaler market” and are really “small potatoes” in the overall wholesaler market place.  In Jan 2017, Mc Kesson paid 150 million fine ( ) for the same violation that Rochester Drug Cooperative, Inc was accused of and at least one of Rochester’s exec is facing 10 yrs in jail.  DEA licenses wholesalers and can fabricate charges against wholesalers, fine the crap out of them and suspend the DEA licensed to one or more distribution centers.
  • Prescribers:  We have seen the DEA fabricate charges and raid prescribers offices, close their practice down, use civil asset seizure laws to confiscate all their assets and put them in the DEA’S coffer.  We have also seen the DEA use nothing but the number of Rxs and/or doses to justify a raid on a practice.
  • Pharmacies: Pharmacies are licensed by the DEA, Pharmacists do not have a DEA license.  CVS was recently fined 535 million because the DEA claimed that several stores filled a total of 39 bogus C-II Rxs
  • Pharmacy & Medical licensing boards:  These boards usually “play along” with the DEA in fining or “busting” providers.  The Medical board is mostly staffed with DEA licensed prescribers and Pharmacy boards are mostly staffed with non-practicing corporate Pharmacists – whose chains that they work for does have DEA licenses in their pharmacies.
  • Then there is that part of the controlled substance act “Corresponding Responsibility”  ( ) A prescription for a controlled substance to be effective must be issued for a legitimate medical purpose by an individual practitioner acting in the usual course of his professional practice. The responsibility for the proper prescribing and dispensing of controlled substances is upon the prescribing practitioner, but a corresponding responsibility rests with the pharmacist who fills the prescription. An order purporting to be a prescription issued not in the usual course of professional treatment or in legitimate and authorized research is not a prescription within the meaning and intent of section 309 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 829) and the person knowingly filling such a purported prescription, as well as the person issuing it, shall be subject to the penalties provided for violations of the provisions of law relating to controlled substances.  Because the DEA’s statutory authority only concerns the diversion of controlled substances for illegitimate uses.. they have no authority – and thus doesn’t have to care – if valid prescription does not get filled and the valid medical need of a pt is met.

So with this revision of the CDC guidelines and the FDA getting on board, the authority and the actions of the DEA against all DEA license holders and chronic pain pts could remain unchanged.

We know that the DEA abt 4 yrs ago “forced” all of the drug wholesalers to RATION controlled substances to pharmacies which is a violation of the Interstate commerce law ( ) but when the entity (DOJ) that is suppose to be enforcing this law is the same entity that is causing the law to be violated… who do you turn to ?

You can ask the same question about the Americans with Disability Act and the discrimination against chronic pain pts when they are denied acceptance into a practice, a Rx filled at a pharmacy or some other issue ?

Hypothetical:  FDA/CDC and other oversight agencies implement policies and procedures that legit chronic pain pts are entitled to getting adequate pain therapy, but the DEA has continued to lower the pharma’s annual quota… wholesalers don’t have to forcibly ration controls to pharmacies …there will not be enough production to cover all the needs of acute and chronic pain pts.

Previously, I have been told that some pharmacies made sure that their “regular pts” got their pain meds and others fill controlled meds on a first come … first serve basis… when they ran out of a particular med towards the end of the month… everyone of their regular pts are just OUT OF LUCK ?

We all hear routinely, that the illicit use/abuse of controlled substances has DESTROYED families, but no one talks about how the CDC opiate dosing guidelines and their implementation has destroyed families as chronic pain pts have had their pain management therapy reduced or totally taken away.  

Let’s hope that the changes that are coming out from the CDC and FDA do not end up doing more damage than the original launch of the CDC opiates dosing guidelines has caused over the past three years because of the DEA, DOJ and our politicians being entrenched in believing that opiate prescribing to treat chronic pain is the gateway to people using/abuse illicit drugs and ODing.

They are using laws and breaking laws to deny pain pts their necessary medications… and IMO… the chronic pain community is never going to get justice and their needed medications unless they get their dollars together into a legal defense fund to level the playing field by engaging law firms or lobbyists to help us do that.

FDA issues the rules all other agencies must follow. No agency outranks FDA

CDC Officially Begins Issuing Corrections to Opioid “Guidelines”

Guideline Corrections Issued Three Years after Catastrophic Damage Wrought on Chronic Disease Community

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) released an official statement to the mainstream media on Wednesday, April 24, 2019, with “clarification” regarding their 2016 Guidelines for Opioid Prescribing for Treatment of Chronic Non Cancer Pain.

To wit, they caution against forced tapers, discontinuing opioid therapy in patients who have been on opioid therapy long term, and against lowering doses to low levels that cause patient harms.

In perusing the linked page to the 2016 guidelines, which this author has visited several times a week for well over a year, it must be noted that the page has undergone an overhaul in the new year. It is much more “friendly” than previously, with kinder language, explanations contained on the landing page and site links that were not there before. One can use the Internet archive to look back and see the changes from previous.

CDC has announced they are in line with FDA regarding forced tapering of opioid medication in long time opioid therapy patients. This should not come as a surprise to anyone. What is a surprise is that any announcement is being made at all in this fashion by the CDC.

FDA is the authority in the Unites States regarding all prescribed medication and rules governing medication.

FDA issues the rules all other agencies must follow. No agency outranks FDA.

Astonishingly, the CDC guidelines have been adhered to across the board without a single document or rubber stamp from FDA.

This is a grave matter to consider. One that all Americans should really think about.

The regulatory agency that issues all rules regarding medications never once issued any official permissions from their agency for the wholesale application of the CDC guidelines for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain.

Yet, the United States has across the board clinically applied these harmful guidelines. What does this say about authority?

To include over 30 states basing erroneous and extremely harmful legislation upon these guidelines. What does this mean? We need to really think about this.

It appears that some of the stakeholders ignored the hierarchy of government agency structure in their zeal to throttle opioids — even in the face of all that data we showed them time and again proving that what we were saying was true, that painful disease patients were not causing their “opioid crisis”.

They completely ignored the authority of the FDA.

It appears that those in the know counted on “Everyday Joe American” not understanding the rules around prescribed medication policy.

What is worse, the American public has passively allowed some to practice medicine via legislation in over half of our 50 states… all based on these guidelines issued by the CDC, which were never officially endorsed by the regulatory body FDA.

When advocates pointed out medicine was being practiced without a license, that FDA had never officially adopted the CDC guidelines as policy; they were demonized, ridiculed, and discredited.

What do we have left today?

A situation where an agency that has no business issuing policy statements on any drugs walking back a massively misapplied guideline that was blanket enforced across the United States without approval by the very government agency created to keep citizens from harm due to thoughtless policy such as this.

We must be serious and thoughtful about this going forward.

Why was this patently ignored by all involved?

Why were stakeholders encouraged to practice medicine without a license based on these guidelines, not based on thoughtful guidance from the actual rule making and regulatory agency on drugs — FDA?

It makes little sense, unless you view it through the lens of the population based study discovered by CIAAG and confirmed in DC on April 8, 2019.

F. Arcaeus, pages from ‘A most excellent and compendius….’. Credit: Wellcome Collection

The current narrative CDC is promulgating places the blame for the guideline fiasco, patient deaths, misery and force tapering on “physician misapplication”.

This is nothing more than artful deflection and political pandering at the highest levels.

Firstly, why would the CDC place a disclaimer on their work in the first place? Surely, if they were confident in their contracted work and guidance, there would be no need for a CYA.

Also, one needs to look no further than the DEA and their unhinged arresting of physicians, left and right, through PDMP (prescription drug program monitoring) targeting.

If physicians have “been allowed” all along (per what the CDC is now saying) to prescribe opioids at the amounts patients require to relieve their pain, then why is the DEA using the PDMP to target physicians who… prescribe any opioids?

In fact, isn’t the PDMP supposed to be an aid for doctors to keep drug addicts from working the system, not a tool for law enforcement (99.9% of whom are clueless about pharmacology and medicine, dosages) to use to target doctors in some kind of fantastical “pre-crime” Minority Report profiling system?

Social engineering has conditioned society at this point to view any person who needs or uses opioids in a negative, dim way. Therefore the CDC knows that they can wholesale push anything onto the public at this point and it will be believed by most, unquestioned.

Please start asking questions.

Don’t let these agencies attempt to talk their way, shame patients and doctors, and weasel around their extremely questionable actions and culpability.

It makes virtually no sense at all, the way this has all unfolded. Now it appears that it will be rugswept and hopefully no one with a credible reach will point it out to the public.

To illustrate how nonsensical the entire scenario has been and still is, think of it in this way:

Insurers are tired of paying out claims on texting and driving accidents. They want to reduce the numbers of teenagers even getting licenses in the first place. Stakeholders reach out to FCC.

In response, the FCC issues a broad guidance on driver’s licenses, across the country. All drivers license centers that test people for drivers licenses have a list of suggestions, 18 to be precise, of things that FCC thinks are pertinent to the fight against texting and driving.

These suggestions are not laws. They are not issued by Congress. However, the drivers license centers notice that if they don’t implement the suggestions, their funding is denied at the state level. Many of the centers have had to close in the wake of the suggestions. Some of the drivers license test implementers think the suggestions are unfair. These people have gotten visits from the government. They have been threatened with early retirement from government service or loss of their pension if they don’t go along with the suggestions from FCC. Whistleblowing does nothing. Whistleblowing only works if one can whistle blow to an agency that isn’t in on the scam… if they are all in, it does nothing but put a target on one’s back.

Others have pointed out that FCC has zero jurisdiction over drivers licenses. That is under the jurisdiction of the DMV.

Anyone who points this out finds themselves the target of attacks, personal and professional. The person finds their reputation is quickly destroyed in an insidious, relentless manner.

Soon the vast majority of the United States public believes that driver’s licenses are a very expensive and time consuming ordeal to obtain, versus what they used to be, a rite of passage for a teenager- something a parent would look forward to doing with their child as the age approached. People on social media view and attack others who speak out on this issue as non-conformist, elitist, or conspirators, as well as horrible parents for allowing their children to even drive, thanks to being socially engineered by government hired influencers.

The fact that a federal agency that had no invitation or business injecting themselves into rules and regulations of another agency is not even noted by anyone. It was worked out behind closed doors as usual.

The goal was obtained. Reducing the number of driver’s licenses being sought in the first place.

A simple analogy to illustrate.

It is this big, and the loss of critical thinking skills is how we have gotten to this point as a society.

No one thinks thoughtfully anymore before they make a judgment on an issue in today’s culture, largely because everything is designed to be “up to the minute, blink and you’ll miss it, move out of the way, so fast”.

Consider the idea pushed so heavily regarding opioid addiction — that “addiction will happen in three days exposure”.

Addiction will happen in three days exposure, to a person predisposed to addiction to any substance, guaranteed, for sure. Whether it be alcohol, nicotine, methamphetamines, cocaine, opioids… if one is an addict, it will happen.

However, most of the adult population of the United States has been exposed to an opioid medication at some point of their life by age 30. We do not have a society of 350 million opioid addicts.

This is a classic example of the social engineering promulgated upon society laid bare for all to see. Our parents and grandparents were not opioid addicts. They would not have entertained the notion that this was true. Why do we?

We hear stories of the infamous “morphine addicts” of long ago before morphine was made a prescription item — the women (of course) who were “addicted” to the cough syrups loaded with morphine and sold by country peddlers.

I have read these stories myself. I always think:

  • “How many of these women had untreated painful disease? Is it hard to imagine many did?”
  • “How presumptuous is it to assume all these women were ‘addicts’ and not merely dependent upon these medicines, went through withdrawal and were fine? I have never once read the word dependent in a single account.”
  • “Did these women destroy their lives, their families, after these medicines were put behind the counter? Or did they carry on with life? No one has much to say after the dramatic proclamation that there were ‘hoards of female morphine addicts.”
  • “Who is to say they were all ‘morphine addicts’? (Only those with an agenda to push).”
  • “Misogyny is alive and well, even in historical storytelling. Women were “hysterical patients and exaggerating their symptoms” throughout history. Why would today’s women expect any different treatment?”

Please unite, stand up against these false narratives, these untruths, these engineered stories, and demand action for patients and society in the name of informed consent and truth in health care decision making.

Allowing our physicians to practice medicine without state sponsored restrictions, free and unfettered, should be first and foremost.

They are licensed and trained. They should be allowed to fully practice medicine under the law, as they are trained to do.

The legislation proposed and put into place in over half the states that is based upon guidelines that weren’t even approved by the regulatory body overseeing medications in the United States could be challenged at the very least. Legislation that was written by people not trained or licensed to practice medicine, I might add.

The forced compliance of society to participate in a study that was engineered into place without their informed consent is also a grave concern.

The PDMP system stand alone is wrought with privacy issues. It is extremely vulnerable to attack, easy to exploit, has very sensitive patient information contained within and no one in a position of authority seems to care that all of it is on the cloud without a single signature of informed consent.

The vast majority of patients do not even realize this system exists or what it even is or contains! I fail to see how any insurer or healthcare system could possibly think this falls under informed decision making or consensual care, or possibly justify this system as any kind of team building with the patient included.

These are but a couple of very real concerns that are glaringly obvious. Consider these, read the linked documents, and consider what I have said some more.


Photo by JJ Jordan on Unsplash

I don’t want any person to make quick decisions. I want every person to be thoughtful and deliberate in how they decide to proceed. I hope that all who read my work decide to unite behind the message — that we are taking our patient power back, as free American citizens, and demanding truth and transparency in our healthcare going forward.

CIAAG has the full dossier of Violation of a Nation at their website. Please download all documents and spread the truth of the government population study/clinical trial.

The only truly free society is an informed society.