Opioid Treatment 10-year Longevity Survey Final Report

Opioid Treatment 10-year Longevity Survey Final Report

Patients in this study were found to be functioning quite well after 10 or more years on generally stable opioid dosages—with the vast majority able to care for themselves and even drive.


About eighteen months ago, I approached the publisher of Practical Pain Management to assist in a survey of long-term, opioid-treated pain patients. Rightly, as any good publisher, he asked why should I go to the time and expense to do a longevity survey? I then presented him my laundry list of reasons for doing the survey. Some explanations of my reasons for doing this survey are given here. Quite frankly this survey was needed, since we simply have little data on opioid long-term treatment.1,2 Also, opioid treatment is constantly under attack, so it seems logical to see if the popularity of this treatment is justified.

Reasons for the Survey

First, recall that we have just finished the “Decade of Pain.” Ushering in this decade were many laws, regulations, and guidelines—promulgated in many states—that encouraged physicians to prescribe opioids without fear of legal reprisal. Did anyone get help this decade? Did this political and humanitarian effort pay off?

Secondly, my own experience in practice was the predominant factor. I started my pain practice in 1975 while serving as a Public Health Physician in East Los Angeles County. Cancer and post-polio patients needed ‘narcotics’ (the common name prior to the more correct usage ‘opioids’) treatment for their severe chronic pain. I’ve now followed some chronic pain patients still taking opioids after 25 to 30 years.1 Also, I was a government consultant in the 1970s on Howard Hughes who managed to survive 30 years with intractable pain after a 1946 plane crash. His average opioid dosage over that time period was about 200 mg of morphine equivalence. But are my patients unusual or simply responsive to an overzealous clinician? Do opioid-treated patients in the hands of other physicians do just as well over a long period?

A little over a year ago there was another reason to do a longevity survey. At that time there was a vitriolic, anti-opioid propaganda campaign being waged. Some prominent academic institutions, pharmaceutical companies, professional organizations, and journals, almost in unison, essentially claimed that opioids shouldn’t be prescribed due to hyperalgesia or other as-yet unnamed complications. Some parties stated that opioids, if prescribed at all, should have a dosage restricted to some arbitrary number such as 200mg of morphine equivalence a day. Some claims fundamentally suggested that pain should only be treated with non-opioids, because opioids actually “cause pain.” Amazingly, some detoxification centers actually advertised for “clients” on the basis that the person’s pain would be cured if the patient spent $10K or $20K to detoxify from opioids. Needless to say, the anti-opioid campaign was hardly backed by bonafide medical management pain practitioners or scientific studies. So what was needed was a simple survey to see if there are long-term opioid-treated patients who are still doing well.

What the Survey Can’t Determine

This survey was not intended or designed to answer some ancillary questions. Not answered is which opioids are superior or could patients have done as well without opioids? Also, it wasn’t intended to determine optimal dosage or complications. The intent was clear and simple: Do some opioid-treated patients improve pain control, function better, and enhance their quality of life over a 10-year period?

Survey Methods

In early 2009, an advertisement was placed in this publication to identify any physician who had a cohort of chronic pain patients they had treated with opioids for 10 or more years and were willing to share outcome data. Three physicians, one each from Kentucky, Louisiana, and California, reported a total of 76 patients who have been treated with opioids for 10 or more years. These, together with the 24 patients treated by this author,1 provide a cohort of 100 patients who have been treated with opioids for 10 or more years and serve as subjects for this survey. Physicians completed a survey questionnaire for each patient that inquired about demographic status, cause of pain, opioids currently used, basic physical functions, activities of daily living, and stability of opioid dosage.

Results and Findings

Patients in this study appeared typical of most chronic pain patients in that they are primarily middle age or older and have degenerative diseases of the spine, joints, or peripheral nerves (see Tables 1 and 2). Most have maintained on one opioid, although some patients required two or three. The majority have been on stable dosages for many years (see Table 3). Despite the longevity of treatment, most function quite well. The vast majority of patients report good function in that they can dress, read, attend social functions, drive, and ambulate without assistance (see Table 4). Almost half (45%) reported they had been on a stable opioid dosage for at least 3 years.

Table 1. Demographics of 10-Year Opioid Patients
Age (Yrs) Range 30-83
Males 61 (61%)
Females 39 (39%)
Length of time in opioid treatment 10 – 35 yrs
Stable opioid dosage without significant escalation 3mos – 31 yrs
Table 2. Causes of Chronic Pain in This Population (N=100)
Spine disease 51
Arthritis 16
Peripheral neuropathy 14
Headache 10
Knee diseases 5
Abdominal adhesions 5
Hip diseases 4
Shoulder/arm diseases 4
Fibromyalgia 4
*Adds up to more than 100 as some patients had more than 1 diagnosis.
Table 3. Opioids Currently Used by These 100 Patients
No. of Opioids Currently Used N(%)
1 62
2 26
3 12
Opioids Currently Used
Hydrocodone 56
Oxycodone 25
Fentanyl 15
Morphine 13
Methadone 8
Propoxyphene 8
Hydromorphone 5
Other 6
Table 4. Activities and Functions in These 10-Year+ Opioid Patients (N=100)
Dress without assistance 82
Attend church/social events 89
Read newspapers, books, magazines 97
Gainful employment 25
Care for family 61
Ambulate unassisted 85
Ambulate with cane 5
Drive a car 74


Recent epidemiologic studies indicate that about 10 million Americans now take opioid drugs for chronic pain control. This relatively recent and dramatic occurrence has had little outcome study.1,2 The author recently reported 24 Southern California chronic pain patients who were treated with opioids over 10 years and who had positive social, physical, and functional results.1 Outcomes from other patients treated by other physicians in other geographic areas were needed to confirm or deny the positive outcomes found with one physician in one geographic area. As stated above, this survey was not intended and doesn’t imply that there are patients who may have done as well or better if treated differently. Also this survey does not include patients who did not respond to opioids or stopped them due to complications.

This survey doesn’t lay claim to any sophisticated epidemiogic methodology or randomization. All this survey intended to do was meet one fundamental goal: “Are there chronic pain patients in the United States who have taken opioids over 10 years and report less pain, better function and have a better quality of life?” This survey satisfies this simple goal.


Patients reported here are functioning quite well after 10 or more years in opioid treatment. The vast majority can care for themselves and even drive. Opioid dosages have generally remained stable for long periods without significant escalation. Given the findings here, there is no obvious reason to discourage opioid use or encourage pain patients to cease opioids.


  • 1. Tennant F. A 10-year evaluation of chronic pain patients treated with opioids. Heroin Addict Relat Clin Probl. 2009. 11: 31-34.
  • 2. Portenoy RK, Farrar JT, Bakonjam M, et al. Long term use of controlled-release oxycodone for noncancer pain: results of a 3-year registry study. Clin J Pharm. 2007. 23: 287-299.

Senator Kamala Harris requested to investigate Medical Board Police Corruption in California

Senator Kamala Harris requested to investigate Medical Board Police Corruption in California



Honorable Kamala D. Harris

United States House of Senate

Washington, DC 20510

URGENT MATTER: Widespread Corruption against Doctors


The Drug Distributors and Big Pharma are unlawfully guiding the Department of Justice (DOJ), Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), Medical Boards (MB), and other Government Taxpaying Agencies (GTA) regulating the Medical Practice Act. The Washington Post and 60 Minutes conducted a joint investigative research and published it in October of 2017, detailing how the Drug Distributors guided top-level officials employed by the DEA and the DOJ.1 The Drug Distributors paid-off 53 of the U.S. top DEA / DOJ Lawyers, Prosecutors, and Chief Executives, from 2000 to 2017, and members of Congress. Evidence shows these top Government employees switched sides and presently employed with the Drug Distributors. When many people think about professional investigative services, the image of a man wearing a long overcoat and sunglasses and conducting a stakeout with a high-powered camera and binoculars comes to mind. The fact is, however, that there are a wide range of investigative services that you may use over the course of your life, to know more refer investigationhotline. The Drug Distributors called for a Nationwide War against American Peoples in Pain and Doctors who treated them.2 Although the Drug Distributors called for this so-called war against doctors and patients; they utilized GTA’s like the DOJ and the DEA to conduct their war by controlling the top employees of these agencies and by controlling and directing the Mainstream Media to provide false narratives and create a false Nationwide crisis of opioid overdose deaths caused by doctors, a fact that has been proven to be false and malicious.3  The Drug Distributors have created and implemented a Coercive Monopoly using the GTA’s to Run Doctors out of Business and clear the way for “RETAIL” clinics to take over the community base clinic market shares, a scheme that violates Antitrust Laws in the United States.4



The Medical Board is a state regulatory agency and they utilize dully sworn peace officers to investigate doctors and other healthcare providers. The DOJ provide lawyers and prosecutors to team-up with MB law enforcement employees. The state Governor oversees the MB and the state Attorney General directs the DOJ employees. The Governor and the state Attorney General contracts with the Office of Administrative Hearings to hire administrative judges to hear complaints made against doctors and healthcare professionals. The MB / DOJ enforcement team can also access other GTA’s to assist, such as the IRS, DEA, FBI, or Local Police units. The Washington Post joint investigation detailed that the Drug Distributors have control over these agencies that are responsible for regulating doctors by virtue of controlling the top GTA employees and personnel. The doctors and healthcare provider’s rights to due process and fair hearings have been placed in jeopardy by enforcement misconduct, special interest agendas, and serious DOJ misconduct, including murdering of doctors and healthcare providers California:

  • Doctor Anthony Jackson of California gathered several black medical associations and Al Sharpton’s group to sue the MB for discrimination and racism in October of 2016.5 A few days later he suddenly died according to Al Sharpton’s group leaders. This is extremely suspicious and foul play is suspected.
  • Cassandra Hockenson, a CBS investigative reporter working for the MB suddenly died months after Dr. Anthony Jackson. She witnessed the MB publish a false report, the mysterious death of Dr. Jackson, and she was at the venue when Dr. Jackson said the MB was engaged is discrimination against Blacks and people of ethnic color. Her death is extremely suspicious.6
  • An open letter was sent to the MB in December of 2017, requesting for an investigation into Dr. Jackson’s and CBS reporter Cassandra Hockenson deaths and demanding them to stop mocking Dr. Jackson’s Death within their agency.



  • A complaint was sent to Governor Jerry Brown, informing him that CVS Health was colluding with the GTA’s to run doctors out of business, with credible evidence to back-up allegations, as the Washington Post provided about the DEA and DOJ. Brown’s office ignored the complaint and CVS Health is a big donor of Brown and a part of his inner circle.
  • The Attorney General of California, Xavier Becerra, is not competent for AG title or position, he was involved with concealing evidence and providing false evidence to Washington State Capitol Police, in the matter of the Awan’s family scandal.7 Becerra’s leadership enables more unlawful misconduct by DOJ employees by allowing misconduct against doctors and patients in the state of California.
  •  The Governor of California and the State Attorney General supports the Sanctuary State initiative executive orders, which violates Federal Laws and hurts American Blacks and people of Ethnic Color like myself. The lack of respect for the laws and the United States Constitution has led to serious misconduct on all levels, (i) Enforcement, (ii) Judicial, and (iii) Constitutional protections for doctors and citizens of this state.



  • Concealing evidence and exculpatory evidence is extremely common
  • Threatening doctors and witnesses is extremely common
  • Manufacturing evidence against doctors is extremely common
  • Making false statements and committing perjury is extremely common
  • Planting / tampering with chart evidence is extremely common
  • Retaliation, monitoring personal calls, and sending confidential informants to clinics to incriminate doctors unlawfully is extremely common, getting their informants to sue doctors is common, and
  • Colluding with administrative judges to unlawfully remove licenses from doctors in California occurs frequently. Brown appointed Zackery Morazzini, a top AG supervisor to head the Administrative Judges; this is causing a further decline of due process rights for doctors.



In my personal experience with the MB, DOJ, and the Judiciary, I realized there is extreme misconduct and corruption, evidence tampering, retaliation, harassment, manufacturing evidence, perjury, and judicial misconduct was identified.8 I have also looked at numerous cases against doctors like Dr. Ray Salerian, who was sentenced to 4 months in jail in solitary confinement, he was raped, tortured, his attorney Kevin Byers and consultant Siobhan Reynolds were killed in a mysterious plane crash, and then his Centre contributor Dr. Solange McArthur died suddenly. Dr. Salerian life was also threatened and he moved back to his country in Greece.9 The DEA and FBI oversight for government reform also identified innocent peoples murdered by corrupt government employees and confidential informants, who are mostly being deployed towards clinics. Another successful Beverly Hills Turkish doctor, Guven Uzun, sued CVS Health and the MB for telling his patients he was not licensed, for fraud, perjury, and violation of due process rights. CVS attorneys paid-off the judges according to Dr. Uzun and his 10 Million dollar lawsuit against a MB crooked defense attorney whose wife (Dorothy Kim) worked for the prosecution, without his knowledge, and later she was appointed, as a Superior Court Judge, which is outrageous, and Uzun’s lawsuit was thrown out of court on a technicality. Dr. Uzun has written the DOJ and FBI numerous times concerning all the fraud and misconduct going on in California and they intentionally targeted him because of his ethnic background and success as a prestigious Beverly Hills Neurologist.10


CVS Health, is one of the major sponsors of the Tom Marino Bill, they have access to GTA’s confidential investigative files and they are using this unlawfully information to run doctors out of business, like we have seen in the case of Dr. Uzun, and thousands of similar cases by telling patients their doctors are under GTA criminal investigations, this is occurring Nationwide and requires urgent attention.11 This matter is urgent because Drug Distributors are corrupting the Medical Practice Act and destroying the Doctor-Patient relationship by virtue of Fraud and illegal competition.12 The Washington Post Joint Investigation provides substantial proof that the Drug Distributors are controlling GTA’s to create a false opioid crisis concerning doctors and chronic pain patients, and they are using this hysteria to provide accountability for calling patients drug addicts and arresting thousands of U.S. trained doctors, calling them drug dealers, a term coined by the “CVS-DEA” partnership that was identified in 2012 and affirmed in court documents that I received from CVS Attorneys.

Thank you Mr. Barbosa for taking the time to review this important update and sharing this information with Senator Kamala Harris.

Kind regards,

Mr. Billy Z. Earley,

Physician Assistant Healthcare Advocate (PAHA),

National Adviser American Pain Institute (API),

National Adviser Black Doctors Matter (BDM),

Advocate World Sickle Cell Federation (WSCF),

Writer/Contributor Doctors of Courage (DOC).


1The Drug Industry Triumph Over The DEA


2Rx for Danger: CVS’ ‘blacklist’ of some doctors sparks outcry, legal action


3Drug Distributors Behind Massive Fraudulent DEA Arrests Of Doctors In U.S.A., featured presenter: Dr. Michael Schatman.




5Prominent Black Doctor Ends Up Dead After Accusing The Medical Board Of Discrimination


6Black doctors accuse state medical board of racial profiling


7EXCLUSIVE: DWS IT Guy Was Banned From House After Trying To Hide Secret Server


8California Medical Board Accused of Illegally Targeting Black Doctors


9DEA vs Alen J. Salerian, MD


10Beverly Hills Doctor Accuse Medical Board Of Ethnic Cleansing


11Indianapolis doctor wins defamation judgment against CVS


12Governor Jerry Brown Ties To CVS Pharmacy Under Grand Jury Investigation



U.S. Government and Top Mexican Drug Cartel Exposed as Partners

U.S. Government and Top Mexican Drug Cartel Exposed as Partners


For over a decade, under multiple administrations, the U.S. government had a secret agreement with the ruthless Mexican Sinaloa drug cartel that allowed it to operate with impunity, an in-depth investigation by a leading Mexican newspaper confirmed this week. In exchange for information and assistance in quashing competing criminal syndicates, the Bush and Obama administrations let the Sinaloa cartel import tons of drugs into the United States while wiping out Sinaloa competitors and ensuring that its leaders would not be prosecuted for their long list of major crimes. Other revelations also point strongly to massive but clandestine U.S. government involvement in drug trafficking.

Relying on over 100 interviews with current and former government functionaries on both sides of the border, as well as official documents from the U.S. and Mexican governments, Mexico’s El Universal concluded that the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and the U.S. Justice Department had secretly worked with Mexican drug lords. The controversial conspiring led to increased violence across Mexico, where many tens of thousands have been murdered in recent years, the newspaper found after its year-long probe. The U.S. agents and their shady deals with Mexican drug lords even sparked what the paper called a “secret war” inside Mexico.

The newspaper’s investigation also confirmed long-held suspicions that U.S. authorities were signing secret agreements with Mexican drug cartels — especially Sinaloa, which CIA operatives have said was a favorite for use in achieving geo-political objectives. Supposedly without the knowledge or approval of officials in Mexico, ICE and DEA, with a green light from Washington, D.C., made deals with criminal bosses allowing them to avoid prosecution for a vast crime spree that has included mass murder, corruption, bribery, drug trafficking, extortion, and more. In exchange, cartel leaders simply had to help U.S. officials eliminate their competitors — certainly a win-win scenario for crime bosses who prefer to operate without competition or fear of prosecution.

As The New American first reported in early 2011, a high-ranking operative with the Sinaloa cartel had outlined elements of the criminal agreements with U.S. authorities in official court documents. “The government of the United States and its various agencies have a long history of providing benefits, permission, and immunity to criminals and their organizations to commit crimes, including murder, in exchange for receiving information against other criminals and other organizations,” trafficker Jesus Vicente “El Vicentillo” Zambada-Niebla argued in U.S. court filings cited by El Universal. The New American has also reported extensively on the Zambada-Niebla case and what it reveals.

Experts quoted in the Mexican paper echoed other analysts who have spoken out in recent years, saying that the U.S. government scheming handed the Sinaloa cartel de facto status as the primary powerhouse. In fact, during the period when El Universal says the relationship between American officials and Sinaloa chieftains was most active — 2006 through 2012 — drug war-fueled violence in Mexico surged to unprecedented levels. There are numerous indications that despite official denials, top Mexican officials may have been aware of the schemes, or even involved in them.

Also part of the U.S. government deal with Sinaloa, analysts and Zambada-Niebla have said, was the Obama administration’s “Fast and Furious” gun-running program to arm Mexican cartels at U.S. taxpayer expense. Most recently, a whistleblower from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) said that U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, killed with a Fast and Furious gun, was murdered by criminals working for the FBI. “It is clear that some of the weapons were deliberately allowed by the FBI and other government representatives to end up in the hands of the Sinaloa Cartel,” stated a motion filed in U.S. court by Zambada-Niebla’s defense team, adding that the U.S. government has documents showing that the weapons were provided by authorities pursuant to the agreement with Sinaloa.

According to former officials and drug kingpins, the agreements between Sinaloa and Washington also allowed the criminal empire to ship multi-ton quantities of hard drugs across the border into the United States. In all, El Universal said there had been at least 50 meetings in Mexico between U.S. government agents and senior Sinaloa bosses, along with many more phone calls and e-mails. The criminal syndicate’s leaders “were given carte blanche to continue to smuggle tons of illicit drugs into Chicago and the rest of the United States and were also protected by the United States government from arrest and prosecution,” Zambada-Niebla’s court filings state, adding that the U.S. government has the documents proving it. “Indeed, United States government agents aided the leaders of the Sinaloa Cartel.”

Unsurprisingly, none of the American federal agencies implicated in the machinations would comment on the revelations. However, citing court documents and official records it published online — as well as numerous interviews with federal agents, convicts, and analysts — the paper was able to conclusively confirm what experts and even officials have been arguing for years: The U.S. government is deeply intertwined with the drug trade. It was not clear what statutory or constitutional authority Washington, D.C., believes would authorize its functionaries to participate in, protect, and facilitate wanton criminal activity.

Mexican authorities, meanwhile, were reportedly kept largely out of the loop surrounding DEA meetings and agreements with top leaders in Mexico’s most notorious criminal syndicates. Officials in Mexico also claimed to be in the dark about the Obama administration’s program to arm the cartels with U.S. weapons. According to analysts quoted in the El Universal report, if it is true that Mexico City was unaware, that only adds to the troubling implications of the unlawful scheming between U.S. officials and criminal bosses from Mexico and Colombia to Afghanistan and Southeast Asia.

Among other concerns, experts highlighted violations of human rights, infringements on the sovereignty of other nations, and more. It also helped fuel the devastating violence that has plagued the nation and claimed the lives of between 50,000 and 100,000 people in less than a decade. If Mexican authorities in fact approved the U.S. government’s drug-running schemes in Mexico, they broke the law, too, legal experts told the paper, saying the Mexican Constitution could not be trumped by bilateral agreements or anything else.

The latest revelations in the El Universal report came just days after the emergence of more explosive information implicating the CIA in drug-trafficking yet again. In an investigative article for Narco News entitled “DEA Case Threatens to Expose US Government-Sanctioned Drug-Running,” veteran drug-war journalist Bill Conroy highlights another U.S. government investigation that, perhaps inadvertently, ended up implicating the infamous American intelligence agency in major cocaine trafficking operations once more. Citing official documents and numerous U.S. officials, the piece also notes that CIA-sponsored drug running has been a persistent and ongoing problem.  

In fact, it would not be the first time that the DEA has stumbled on major CIA drug-running operations. Even former DEA chief Robert Bonner, during an explosive interview with CBS, revealed that his agency had learned that the U.S. intelligence outfit unlawfully imported a ton of cocaine into the United States in cooperation with the Venezuelan government. According to the agency’s inspector general, the CIA was indeed working with traffickers but received a “waiver” from the Justice Department purporting to allow the government crime spree to remain secret. More recently, a Mexican official accused the CIA of “managing” the global drug trade.         

The Mexican investigation follows decades of explosive revelations and accusations, many documented by The New American, suggesting that Washington, D.C., plays a crucial role in facilitating the international drug trade. In fact, more than a few officials, drug lords, and analysts have even said that the CIA and other secretive U.S. and foreign agencies actually run the global trade in narcotics, laundering the profits, and more. The DEA was even investigated by Congress last year for helping to launder drug money, while the ATF was exposed supplying U.S. weapons to Mexican cartels. ICE has reportedly been allowing cartel hit men into the United States to murder. So far, none of the high-ranking officials responsible for the lawlessness have truly been held accountable.

Photo shows alleged hit men working for Sinaloa drug cartel along with grenades, automatic weapons, and body armor: AP Images

Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, is normally based in Europe after growing up in Latin America, including seven years in Mexico. He can be reached at anewman@thenewamerican.com.

Committing suicide use to be ILLEGAL… now states are ENCOURAGING IT

New Jersey approves bill allowing terminally ill patients the right to die


New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D) on Monday announced he will approve a bill that allows physicians to provide lethal prescriptions to terminally ill patients who want to die.

“Allowing terminally ill and dying residents the dignity to make end-of-life decisions according to their own consciences is the right thing to do,” Murphy said Monday. “I look forward to signing this legislation into law.”

Shortly before his statement, the New Jersey state Assembly passed the “Medical Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill Act” in a 41-33 vote on Monday, according to NJ.com.

The state Senate reportedly passed the bill in a 21-16 vote minutes later. 

Susan Boyce, a 55-year-old woman from Rumson who has been diagnosed with a terminal autoimmune disease, told the local publication that she has been “working on this quite a while.” 

Boyce, who needs an oxygen tank in order to breathe, said that having the law is “something I want the option of.”

“I don’t know what’s in store for me,” she said.

During a debate prior to the vote, state Assemblyman Jay Webber (R) called on his colleagues to delay the vote on the measure. 

“Once you cross this line, Mr. Speaker, there is no going back,” Webber said, according to the NJ.com.

Webber argued that some elderly people support assisted suicide because they don’t want to be a burden to their family and friends.

“Don’t make the right to die an obligation to die,” he said.

However, state Assemblyman John Burzichelli (D), who co-sponsored the legislation, argued that the state has enough safeguards in place to protect those most vulnerable.

“The right of self-determination stands firms no matter what … we control our destiny,” Burzichelli said.

The legislation will go into effect four months after being signed by Murphy.

Blaming Prescription Pain Pills For The Opioid Epidemic Is Fake News

Blaming Prescription Pain Pills For The Opioid Epidemic Is Fake News

How negligent media have helped inflate a deadly moral panic over prescription opioids and ignored the real sources of addiction, while hurting people who live with devastating chronic pain.


Angela Kennecke is a popular reporter for a television news station in my hometown of Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Each weeknight, Kennecke is at the anchor desk for KELO, a CBS affiliate, and has been there as long as I can remember. For many people in the “Sioux Empire,” Kennecke’s work on television is a normal part of the day, and they can count on her to tell them how it is.

But Kennecke’s objectivity was shaken in May 2018, when her 21-year-old daughter, Emily, was found dead after overdosing on heroin that had been laced with the opioid fentanyl. This tragedy, which made national news, deeply affected Kennecke and the Sioux Falls community. Now, almost a year since Emily’s death, Kennecke has become South Dakota’s leading reporter on the opioid crisis.

In 2017, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) counted 47,600 opioid-related deaths, three-quarters of which involved heroin or “synthetic opioids other than methadone,” a category that consists mainly of fentanyl or its analogs. In 2011, 2,666 deaths involved drugs in that category; by 2017 the number had increased to 28,466, or 60 percent of opioid-related deaths.

Fentanyl in the medical setting is the narcotic drug most commonly administered during surgery. Outside the surgical room, it is primarily prescribed by doctors in the hospital to palliative care patients due to its high potency, which is 50 to 100 times greater than that of morphine. Unfortunately, fentanyl is also dirt cheap for black-market drug dealers to import from China and Mexico. In recent years, traffickers have increasingly turned to fentanyl as a heroin booster and substitute.

The Rise of Black Market Fentanyl

Although opioid-related deaths are driven mainly by heroin and black-market fentanyl, you would not know that from most of the press coverage, which emphasizes pain medication prescribed to patients who become addicted, overdose, and die. This narrative is “fake news.”

Just 30 percent of opioid-related deaths in 2017 involved commonly prescribed pain pills, and most of those cases also involved other drugs. People who die after taking these drugs typically did not become addicted in the course of medical treatment. They tend to be polydrug users with histories of substance abuse and psychological problems.

Contrary to what you may have read or see on TV, addiction is rare among people who take opioids for pain. In a 2018 study of about 569,000 patients who received opioids after surgery, for example, just 1 percent of their medical records included diagnostic codes related to “opioid misuse.” According to federal survey data, “pain reliever use disorder” occurs in 2 percent of Americans who take prescription opioids each year, including non-medical users as well as bona fide patients.

“The current battle against fentanyl as a street drug has little or nothing to do with American medical practice,” writes Harvard-trained anesthesiologist Richard Novak. “Most of the fentanyl found on the streets is not diverted from hospitals, but rather is sourced from China and Mexico.”

Yet, politicians, law enforcement agencies, anti-drug ad campaigns, movies, and TV shows still put pain treatment at the center of the “opioid crisis.” Kennecke’s reporting has helped perpetuate this false narrative. In a 50-minute news special that aired last December, for instance, representatives of the two largest South Dakotan hospitals brag about cutting opioid prescriptions by a whopping 38 percent. Kennecke asks no questions and shows no skepticism.

While fentanyl is mentioned as a cause of the crisis, prescription analgesics gets much of the blame. A viewer only needs to see the opening image of a black background covered in a waterfall of pills to understand the correlation being made. In her news reports and work for her opioid-addiction charity, Emily’s Hope, Kennecke frequently refers to prescription opioids while talking about deaths caused mostly by fentanyl and heroin.

To be fair, her reporting and charity work are done with good intent, and Kennecke is far from alone in reporting this narrative. You can almost count on two hands the number of journalists in the country reporting on this issue responsibly. But this kind of thing—where someone pushes a specific narrative for a cause without regard to the full context and facts of a story—isn’t journalism, it’s activism.

No one can blame Kennecke, Eric Bolling (a national conservative personality whose son died from a fentanyl overdose in 2017), or any other journalist whose life is affected by a fentanyl death for getting emotional. It is understandable that they feel as strongly as they do. But reporting one-sided and biased information is unethical because their reporting is influential.

For example, Bolling reportedly has President Trump’s ear and helped influence an anti-opioid bill package that Congress passed last year. Activism like this comes with a heavy price.

Cracking Down in the Wrong Areas

Thirty-three states have now created laws that severely restrict opioid prescriptions in response to the hysteria. Most of these laws put hard day limits on prescribers. In Florida, for example, they impose a three-day limit on any prescription opioid for acute pain. The combination of these laws, plus overactive Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents, has made pain specialists scarce in states such as Montana and Tennessee.

Due to the media hysteria which in turn inspires political hysteria, it is now harder than ever to get an opioid prescription for those in chronic pain, even though there is currently no equivalent medical treatment to replace the prescription opioids used by 18 million Americans for long-term pain. In 2017, a New England Journal of Medicine study found, the number of doctors who prescribed opioids at all fell by 29 percent. That same journal in a more recent study found a decline of 54 percent in prescription opioids by doctors for first-time-opioid patients between 2012 and 2017.

A nationwide survey of almost 4,000 pain patients by Dr. Terri Lewis found that 56 percent reported either disruption in pain treatment or outright abandonment by their once trusted doctors.

So awful is the reaction against chronic pain patients that 300 drug policy, addiction, and pain treatment experts, including three former White House drug czars, recently urged the CDC to clarify its 2016 opioid prescription guidelines, which have been widely interpreted as imposing arbitrary limits on average daily doses. Last November, the American Medical Association approved a resolution noting that guidelines had been read “by pharmacists, health insurers, pharmacy benefit managers, legislatures, and governmental and private regulatory bodies in ways that prevent or limit access to opioid analgesia.”

While the news media aren’t to blame for the backlash against doctors and their chronic pain patients, they are guilty of sustaining the moral panic underlying it—a panic that is causing many needless deaths. Just go to any chronic pain patient forum, social media group, or even the federal government’s regulatory website to read the thousands of stories of quality-of-life reductions and suicide plans.

Kelly Goricki, a mother of four, offered this account on Chronic Pain Reddit:

It pisses me off when I get treated like a drug-seeking junkie by doctors who can CLEARLY see my well-documented injuries in my medical files. It pisses me off when my doctor, who doesn’t have chronic pain and has watched my injuries worsen dramatically over the last decade+ tells me I/my injuries ‘shouldn’t hurt that bad/aren’t that bad,’ as she watches my physical decline and takes away pain meds that allowed me to care for myself, my home, and my family, just so she ‘doesn’t have to deal with the paperwork.’ It pisses me off I’m treated like a junkie bad mother because someone finds out I take pain medication. It pisses me off that people assume the same meds I have been prescribed for (years) ….. make me high, or that I abuse them to get high.

An anonymous commentator had this to say on the government website regulations.gov:

I have fibromyalgia, arthritis, depression and diabetes. About 2 years ago my physician decided to take all of (his) patients off of pain meds. … The pain level is very extreme and it is 24/7 chronic pain. I can not function with this pain at a level that I could full time. I live by myself and can no longer support myself. I feel that eventually suicide may be my only option. I never abused my meds and I was able to function.

All this misery for this patient, Goricki, and an untold number of other patients is happening because the media and the CDC have made their physicians’ jobs impossible.

Desperation for Chronic Pain Patients?

Many of these patients used their prescriptions responsibly for decades, but they are now being pushed into trying dangerous surgical interventions or desperately buying drugs off the street. Reporters like Kennecke are helping to push chronic pain patients past their breaking point. It’s a pointless sacrifice, since opioid-related deaths have continued to rise even as prescriptions of pain medication have fallen dramatically.

As someone who is disabled and suffering from intractable pain, I know this problem keenly. For more than a year, I have lived without a prescription of low-dose oxycodone I responsibly used for almost nine years.

While not a perfect treatment for my pain, oxycodone did allow me enough function to survive. While on it, I attended college, served a mission, obtained my bachelor’s and master’s degrees, and ran for school board twice. All that was taken away from me a year ago by a doctor who didn’t want to deal with the hassle that now comes with opioid prescriptions.

Reporters like Kennecke are doing what they think is right. The deaths caused by fentanyl are real and atrocious. But what she and too many of our leaders are doing by associating prescription opioids with fentanyl deaths is unethical and inaccurate. And the deaths of innocent pain patients will be the price of it. Journalists must ask themselves: Does our misreporting have a cost?

Peter Vaughn Pischke is a journalist and podcast host for TheSiouxEmpire.com. He can usually be found manning the Happy Warrior Podcast: providing commentary on conservative and nerd-culture news and ideas. You can find him on Twitter: @happywarriorp.

CVS asked us to fill out a “safety” survey

CVS asked us to fill out a “safety” survey and how well our teams adhered to policies and procedures for safe practices… Then they left a comment space at the end, which I dutifully filled in.

This is a CVS pharmacist’s response to the corporation’s how Rx dept staff are:

how well our teams adhered to policies and procedures for safe practices

This is just one of their pharmacist’s opinion but from what I have heard others share to a major degree the same feelings and you as a pt… are you putting your health/safety at risk by having your prescriptions filled there ?

Here is a link to help you find a independent pharmacy – by zip code – where you will be dealing with the pharmacist/owner


Bayer, J&J settle thousands of US Xarelto lawsuits for $775 million

Bayer, J&J settle thousands of US Xarelto lawsuits for $775 million


Bayer AG and Johnson & Johnson have agreed to settle more than 25,000 US lawsuits alleging that their blockbuster blood thinner Xarelto (rivaroxaban) caused unstoppable and in some cases fatal bleeding for a total of $775 million, court documents on Monday showed.

The amount will be shared equally between the two companies that jointly developed the drug. Bayer and J&J do not admit liability under the agreement.

The settlement will resolve all pending US lawsuits over rivaroxaban, which plaintiffs claimed caused uncontrollable and irreversible bleeding leading to severe injuries and even death among thousands of patients. Plaintiffs accused the drugmakers of having failed to warn about the bleeding risks, claiming their injuries could have been prevented had doctors and patients been provided adequate information.

Bayer in a statement on Monday said it continues to believe the claims are without merit. “However, this favorable settlement allows the company to avoid the distraction and significant cost of continued litigation,” the company said. Lawsuits over rivaroxaban began piling up in 2014, and the companies had so far won all six trials over rivaroxaban’s alleged bleeding risk.

J&J in a statement said it continued to believe in the safety of rivaroxaban but that the settlement was the right thing to do for patients and their doctors.

Rivaroxaban is Bayer’s best-selling drug. It contributed 3.6 billion euros ($4.07 billion) in revenue to the German group’s pharmaceutical business last year. Bayer said its share of the settlement amount will be partially offset by product liability insurance.

Bayer jointly developed rivaroxaban with J&J’s Janssen Pharmaceuticals unit, which sells the blood clot preventer under a licensing agreement in the United States. J&J reported 2018 rivaroxaban sales of $2.47 billion.

The US Food and Drug Administration approved rivaroxaban in 2011. It is prescribed for people with atrial fibrillation, and to treat and reduce the risk of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. The companies in the past have said rivaroxaban’s warning label provides “complete, accurate, and science-based information on the medicine’s benefits and risks.”

The majority of the claims were consolidated in New Orleans federal court, where three cases were selected as so-called bellwether trials, aimed to help determine the range of damages and define settlement options. The companies won those three trials throughout 2017. J&J and Bayer were also cleared of liability in three other state court trials in 2018.

Rivaroxaban is among a class of oral blood thinners, including Bristol-Myers Squibb and Pfizer’s Eliquis (apixaban), that are alternatives to decades-old warfarin. Most of the lawsuits over apixaban have been dismissed by US judges.

A similar drug, Boehringer Ingelheim’s Pradaxa (dabigatran), also became the subject of thousands of lawsuits claiming the company understated its bleeding risk. Boehringer in 2014 reached a $650 million settlement to resolve more than 4,000 of those cases.

Why did these companies agree to make these settlements ??.. because in MY PROFESSIONAL OPINION – they are dangerous…  A number of years ago, Barb had A-Fib and her then cardiologist wanted to discharge her from the hospital on one of these “new oral anticoagulants” that – at the time – had no way to reverse of a pt started bleeding… I reluctant to allow her to be discharged on the one that could at least be reversed with dialysis  – on top of that  – the particular med he wanted her on has a LEVEL ONE DRUG INTERACTION with one or more of her other meds – LEVEL ONE is DO NOT GO THERE.

Once I got her into the PCP… I got her switched to Warfarin… our PCP really kinda of defended using these new meds but he caved to my persistence. Thru a medical procedure, Barb was able to get her A-Fib correct and no longer on Warfarin…

A few years later, I showed up with some clots and had to go on a blood thinner and our PCP – either remembered me be “hard-headed” about using Warfarin  – or he had seen the problems with these new blood thinners and never discussed me being on anything but Warfarin.  A Warfarin bleed can be quickly reversed with Vit K and while there is a new reversal agent for these blood thinners… the studies I have seen suggests that it works so slow that 17% of the pt will still BLEED OUT !

I can do home testing with a meter http://www.coaguchek.com/coaguchek_patient/landing and with Medicare and a Supplement… the cost is paid 100% and it takes maybe a total of 5 minutes to do the test



Just how important are the CIVIL ASSET FORFEITURES to the feds ?

For those who are skeptical about how important the $$$ collected by the FEDS using CIVIL ASSET FORFEITURE ACT…  here is a list from SEVEN DIFFERENT FEDERAL AGENCIES and the lists of property that was seized/confiscated by the FEDS




Does it remind you of the WILD WILD WEST ?


Purdue Pharma, state of Oklahoma reach settlement in landmark opioid lawsuit


Purdue Pharma and the state of Oklahoma have agreed to settle a lawsuit over the drugmaker’s role in the deadly opioid crisis, a milestone in the legal effort to force pharmaceutical companies to pay some of the costs of the epidemic, people familiar with the matter said.

The deal, which is scheduled to be announced at a news conference Tuesday, will require Purdue and the family that owns the company to pay approximately $270 million. Most of the money will fund a new center for research, education and treatment of addiction and pain at Oklahoma State University in Tulsa.

Oklahoma is free to continue its lawsuit against two other defendants and their subsidiaries — Johnson & Johnson, the 37th-largest company in the United States, and Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, an Israel-based manufacturer that focuses mainly on generic drugs. The two companies, which have asked to be tried separately from Purdue, are slated to go to trial on May 28.

Lawyers in the case and a spokesman for Purdue declined to comment ahead of the planned announcement Tuesday.

Oklahoma contends that Purdue, Johnson & Johnson and Teva bear some responsibility for thousands of opioid deaths across the state, in addition to the health care, law enforcement and treatment costs of the state’s addiction crisis. Purdue and others face similar claims in several other courts, and the first major settlement in the flood of lawsuits could help set the bar for compensation sought by hundreds of states, cities, counties and Native American tribes for the costs incurred in responding to the epidemic.

About 1,600 of those cases are consolidated in one enormous case — known as multidistrict litigation — before a federal judge in Cleveland. That action targets companies that manufactured, distributed and dispensed narcotic painkillers across the country, and those cities, towns and tribes are seeking damages in what some believe is the most complex litigation in U.S. history.

Thirty-six states have chosen to bring separate lawsuits in their own court systems, believing they have better chances there.

Purdue’s recent acknowledgment that it is considering bankruptcy as an option could influence strategy in those lawsuits; Oklahoma’s settlement ensures it will receive at least some compensation for its claims.

Under the terms of the settlement, Purdue will contribute $102.5 million to establish the new addiction center. Members of the Sackler family, who own the company but were not defendants in the case, will pay another $75 million in personal funds over five years, people familiar with the agreement said. Purdue also will provide $20 million worth of treatment drugs, will pay $12 million to cities and towns, and will cover about $60 million in pay to private attorneys from two law firms that have represented Oklahoma in the case.

The addiction center would be housed at Oklahoma State University’s Center for Wellness and Recovery and would be overseen by an independent board.

Nearly 400,000 people in the United States died of opioid overdoses between 1999 and 2017, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, including a record 47,600 in 2017. Purdue is widely blamed for helping to start the epidemic after it introduced the powerful opioid OxyContin to the market in 1996. The company allegedly persuaded doctors to prescribe — and overprescribe — the drug for a wide variety of ailments. In 2007, Purdue and three of its executives pleaded guilty to misconduct in their marketing of OxyContin and paid more $600 million in fines.

Authorities have argued that Purdue used deceptive marketing tactics and a sizable workforce of representatives to repeatedly visit physicians to sell them narcotics, assuring them that the drugs were rarely addictive. Many patients became addicted to the potent painkillers, and large amounts of the drug were diverted to the black market.

More than 2 million Americans now suffer from an opioid use disorder, according to government data. The epidemic has evolved to encompass illicit use of fentanyl, a synthetic ultrapowerful opioid that has caused a spike in overdoses and fatalities.

Three years ago, the CDC estimated the cost of the opioid epidemic at $78.5 billion for calendar year 2013. In 2017, the White House Council of Economic Advisers placed the price tag much higher, at $504 billion for 2015.

A consultant’s report that Oklahoma filed in court estimated that abating the opioid crisis in that state would cost more than $8.7 billion during the next 20 years.

Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter sued the three drug companies in June 2017, and the two sides have been taking depositions and jousting over pretrial issues for nearly two years. As other cases lagged, Oklahoma judge Thad H. Balkman set a May 28 trial date, agreed to televise the proceedings live and refused drug company requests to postpone the trial. That ensured that the Oklahoma case would be the first major test of whether the companies would be forced to pay for the crisis.

According to a lawsuit filed by the state of Massachusetts, Sackler family members received nearly $4.3 billion in payouts from Purdue between 2008 and 2016. But the family-owned company has suffered heavy blows to its image in recent months as litigation has advanced. Three museums in Britain and the United States have turned down donations from the Sacklers, longtime patrons of the arts, in recent days.

And documents released in the Massachusetts lawsuit, brought by state Attorney General Maura Healey, depicted some of the Sacklers as insatiably greedy and uncaring about the human toll of their product.

“Millions of dollars were not enough. They wanted billions,” the lawsuit charges. “They cared more about money than about patients, or their employees, or the truth.”

Another Vet left being tortured by the VA & the govt that promised to take care of him

Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting, living room and indoor

It’s OFFICIAL the VA has now fully tapered my dad. His last RX is coming and that’s the end. Their intentions were all along to kill my father, even after the family begging them not to take away his pain medication. It was the VA who put my father on the pain program now they are taking away their promise to treat him.
I hold the VA and the #opioidhysteria responsible for the extreme suffering my father is going through. I will be outside the VA center everyday in protest and will shame this facility for the entire Pensacola area to see!!!!!

Another Vet left being tortured by the VA & the govt that promised to take care of him.
Please speak up and share this post, this has to end. I’m sure this woman would appreciate some help in protesting outside the VA in Pensacola as well, if anyone is in the area, contact her or stop by & show some support for those being harmed by #opioidhysteria and the false narrative being perpetuated by Andrew Kolodny, his cohorts at PROP, their PR team and the CDC & DEA who is their own personal terrorist army.
Please join the special class action lawsuit against the govt and help stop the torture! Visit www.sickofsuffering.com for more info!