Here comes a tsunami of illegal Fentanyl OD’s ?

NEW ORLEANS (WVUE) – “It’s a synthetic opioid very similar in its analog composure to fentanyl, but it’s a lot stronger,” said FBI Associate Special Agent-in-Charge Brad Byerley.

Byerley said the synthetic opioid is 10,000 times stronger than morphine and 5,000 times stronger than heroin. It’s been linked to overdose deaths in cities and towns across the U.S.

“In talking to our lab, 14 exhibits that were seized last year contained carfentanil. Of those 14 exhibits, some were in powder form and some in tablet form. The ones in tablet form each contained a lethal dose of carfentanil,” Byerley said.

Byerley said there are no cases locally, but he worries the deadly drug will eventually show up here. Carfentanil is so potent it can be absorbed through the skin. Often times, it’s sold on the street disguised as heroin.

“It’s not uncommon for us to take down a group and seize a pill press. They’re pressing out heroin, lacing it with fentanyl, and in some cases, the carfentanil, and selling it on the street,” Byerley said.

Byerley said a very small amount can be fatal, and it’s unclear if the opioid antidote, Naloxone, will even be effective.

“The potency of the carfentanil, they’re afraid that Naloxone or the Narcan might not work. Just because it’s so lethal, the fentanyl scares me to death, but the carfentanil takes it to another level,” Byerley said.

The federal agency said carfentanil is coming to the U.S. mainly from China and ordered over the internet.

free lance journalist seeking to talk to chronic pain pts who are being denied pain management

This note will introduce you to a free lance journalist, Bill Myers  (  ).  Like Elizabeth Llorente — who did the excellent series on “Treating Pain In America” in December and January — Mr Myers is putting together a proposal for editors of mass media in which his work has appeared.  To support a future series of articles, he wants to talk with patients or caregivers of patients


       (a) whose doctors have told them that they must taper down on opioid therapy that has been effective in maintaining their quality of life, to meet “CDC Standards” or local State guidelines,

       (b) whose doctors have left pain management practice citing fear for losing their medical license and livelihood if they continue to prescribe, or

       (c) who have been denied or had delays in renewal of a prescription by pharmacist who felt “uncomfortable” with the dose prescribed by their doctors.  If you’ve been denied renewal based on chain pharmacy “policy”, this may be particularly useful to share.


If you are in one of these categories and feel comfortable in talking with a journalist, then please feel free to correspond directly with Bill — whether or not you CC me personally.  Send him your name, the area of the US where you live, and a contact email or phone number where you can be reached.  Don’t send him your entire life story.  Just contact data and maybe a few lines.  We don’t want to drown the man. 


Veteran suicides at VA hospitals “a desperate form of protest”


  • Veterans Administration (VA) hospitals have seen a disturbing trend of veterans committing suicide on hospital property; 17 such suicides took place from October 2017 to November 2018, 7 of them in parking lots, the Washington Post reported.


    • Mental health experts are concerned veterans are taking their lives on VA property as “a desperate form of protest” against a health care system that hasn’t helped them.
    • “These suicides are sentinel events,” said Eric Caine, MD, director of the Injury Control Research Center for Suicide Prevention at the University of Rochester. 
    • “It’s very important for the VA to recognize that the place of a suicide can have great meaning,” he said.
    • The VA started tracking on-campus suicides and attempts in 2017; it stopped 233 attempts since then.
    • The VA now trains parking lot attendants and patrols on suicide intervention.
    • The Post cited cases of veterans who took their own lives after frustrating encounters with the bureaucracy or difficulty getting the mental health care they needed.

Keita Franklin, VA’s executive director for suicide prevention, said the deaths are “beyond frustrating and heartbreaking,” and that local VA facilities must develop good relationships with veterans and their families and check for firearm access.

It would seem that these suicides MAY BE causing some minor changes within the VA system… there seems to be little “over flow” to the general chronic pain community. Two entities that do not seem to be the least bit phased by their otherwise preventable suicides…  Congress and the DEA…  We know that Congress passed the “Decade of pain legislation”  in 2000 and may have contributed the fabricated opiate crisis and did not renew or extend that law when it expired at the end of 10 yrs.  It has also been stated that normally Congress consists of  abt 40% attorneys… part of the same judicial system as the DEA.  What we don’t know is how many closed door meetings between members of Congress and the DEA… We don’t know how much lobbying is done on members of Congress by the DEA.

What we do know is that a untold number of petitions have been created… that untold number of letters, emails, faxes have been sent to members of Congress

What we do know is that there has been numerous parts of the bureaucracy have had proposals that was open for comments from the general public and generally no matter how many comments against what was proposed… for the most part … things are done as they were originally proposed. What we know is that chronic pain pts are being thrown into under/untreated pain by prescribers mis-applying the CDC opiate dosing guidelines and we know that many are committing suicide, but many of their deaths are not being documented as such. 

There is a lot of jobs attached to the fabricated war on drugs.. .which will soon (2020) reach its 50th anniversary and can anyone even believe that any progress has been made ? The budget for this war started at 42 million/yr and is now stated to be 81 billion/yr.

 A few attorneys are starting to pay attention to what is going on and all the damage being done to people in the chronic pain community and the healthcare providers that are attempting to care for them.  Here is one attorney that has filed his first lawsuit against a pain doc who is mandating that pts MUST HAVE ESI to be able to get oral opiates for their pain

What’s Inside CBD Products May Not Be What’s Advertised

The NBC 6 Investigators found that after testing some CBD products, some had much less CBD than what was listed on the label.
(Published Wednesday, Feb. 6, 2019)

Another drug raid… cop killed… DEA not part of raid ? DEA district office in Milwaukee county !

Suspect charged in fatal shooting of Milwaukee officer

A man who was charged Sunday with killing a Milwaukee officer during a drug raid on his home told investigators that he didn’t realize it was police trying to break down his door, authorities said.

Jordan P. Fricke, 26, is charged with first-degree intentional homicide and other crimes in the fatal shooting of 35-year-old Officer Matthew Rittner, who was part of a tactical unit trying to serve a warrant to search the home for illegal drugs and weapons on Wednesday morning.

According to the criminal complaint, police announced their presence several times and said they had a search warrant, and an officer yelled “police” right before Fricke fired four rounds through a hole in the door that Rittner had made with a battering ram. Rittner died of a gunshot wound to the chest.

Fricke was in bed with his girlfriend when they were awakened by loud noise and yelling. He told investigators that he never heard anyone yell “search warrant.” He said he thought he heard someone say “police” but didn’t think it was actually the police trying to break into his home, the complaint states.

Fricke’s girlfriend said she saw him shoot at the kitchen door and that she knew police were at the door because she heard them identify themselves, according to the complaint.

A $1 million cash bond was set Sunday for Fricke, who remained in jail. A court commissioner found probable cause to hold Fricke for further proceedings, and a preliminary hearing was set for Thursday.

Fricke’s attorney, Michael L. Chernin, declined comment.

Rittner, a 17-year veteran of the force, was the third Milwaukee officer killed in the line of duty in eight months. The department had previously gone more than two decades without such a death.

Rittner’s funeral is scheduled for Wednesday at Oak Creek Assembly of God Church in Oak Creek, Wisconsin.

You just never know where the next “blind-siding” is going to come from

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (KTUU) – An independent pharmacy in Anchorage is suing an international pharmaceutical company for threatening to discontinue its supply of prescription medications and other controlled substances. The drug company says it was concerned with the pharmacy’s increased opioid purchases.

Earlier this year, AmerisourceBergen Drug Company (ABDC) said it would be terminating its supply agreement with Bernie’s Pharmacy because of “an elevated percentage of opioid purchasing.”

“Specifically, it was noted that in recent months between 25% – 50% of all pharmacy purchases of Rx products in dosing units were represented by opioids,” wrote ABDC vice president David May in a letter to Bernie’s dated May 23.

“That percentage significantly exceeds the ratio we typically see in similarly situated pharmacies.”

The pharmacy filed a lawsuit against AmerisourceBergen earlier this month, alleging the “unlawful refusal to provide pharmaceutical products to Bernie’s…. despite a Prime Vendor Agreement that requires [ABDC] to provide the ordered pharmaceuticals through at least November 30, 2018.”

In a complaint filed in court on Aug. 8, Bernie’s Pharmacy argued the drug company’s concerns were “ill-defined” and that no state or federal agency has ever taken, or threatened to take, regulatory action against the pharmacy for its purchasing practices.

Anthony Calamunci, the Ohio-based attorney representing Bernie’s Pharmacy in this case, said the drug company’s decision was ill-informed and a breach of the contract.

“At a 30 thousand foot view, they were basing their decision off of purchase orders or purchase records and not really, we believe, truly accurately reflecting the dispensing information from the pharmacy,” Calamunci told Channel 2 by phone Tuesday afternoon.

Despite the drug company’s concerns, AmerisourceBergen will be required to supply Bernie’s with prescription medication for the time being, after U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Burgess granted the pharmacy’s preliminary injunction on Friday. ABDC will continue supplying Bernie’s until Nov. 30, or until they can secure a new supplier.

AmerisourceBergen released the following statement in response to the judge’s decision:

“The conclusion by the US District Court of Alaska that AmerisourceBergen must ship opioid based products to a pharmacy our systems have flagged is illustrative of the fact that distributors should not be asked to function as law enforcers or regulators. Distributors like AmerisourceBergen walk a legal and ethical tightrope between providing access to necessary medications and preventing diversion of controlled substances. Greater regulatory guidance on how to execute our responsibilities is both welcome and necessary.”

Calamunci meanwhile praised the judge’s decision, calling it imperative to the pharmacy’s existence and the health of the customers it serves.

“Unilaterally, AmerisourceBergen attempted to terminate the supply of opioids and controlled substances in violation of the agreement and we’re just happy that judge Burgess ruled and made the findings that he did based on the evidence before him,” Calamunci said.

A manager at Bernie’s Pharmacy on Tuesday declined to speak on camera, citing the ongoing litigation.

Board advises pharmacists: ‘Patients first’ over ‘refusals to fill’ opioid prescriptions

The above hyperlink was to a recently published letter from the Alaska board of pharmacy warning pharmacist about the “irrational denial of filling controlled meds Rxs”…  Today I got the letter that the Alaska pharmacy BERNIE’S had sent it out to their pts.

There are three major pharmacy wholesalers (Amerisouce, Cardinal, Mc Kesson) that control some 80%-90% of the entire pharmacy market – at the wholesale level.

This is not the first time that I have seen this done…there was a “rash” of them some 5-6 yrs ago, and surprisingly when one of the majors cuts a pharmacy off … the other two … don’t want to have a thing to do with that particular pharmacy.

As far as I know, all wholesalers are licensed by the board of pharmacy in each state… if the Alaska BOP is going to warn pharmacies .. why are they not warning the wholesalers of the abrupt cutting off supplying a pharmacy that has been in business for several decades ?

I suspect that this pharmacy could not “stock up” on control meds because of the rationing that the wholesalers are doing with community pharmacies.

i was a FL BOP meeting in the summer of 2015 to witness a rather “heated” exchange of words between a Pharmacist/Attorney VP of Cardinal and a DEA agent … the VP was stating that the DEA was forcing the wholesalers to ration controls to pharmacies and the DEA was denying any such thing.

All the major wholesalers are doing it and they all started doing it about the same time.  Some would think that such actions by 3 majors that control the majority of the pharmacy wholesale distribution could have been viewed as COLLUSION and restraint of trade which are both ILLEGAL ACTIONS… but.. I guess when part of the DOJ is causing this to happen… who is going to enforce the violation of the laws ?

Maybe this has nothing to do with this action by in the new video they mention that the wholesaler that has cut this independent pharmacy off is Amerisource – which Walgreens owns a substantial share of and according to this Walgreens has 4 stores in Anchorage

Hidden camera investigation: Nursing home abuse, violence


“I’m writing because of something that occurred in the medical clinic I work at today. Our medical staff intercepted a serious and potentially fatal 3-letter pharmacy chain error.

A young child was brought into our office by his non-English speaking parent for a follow up visit for allergy testing. He had been previously prescribed an epi-pen for anaphylactic reactions and brought said pen to the appointment. Upon inspecting the pen, the nurse working with the patient determined it to be a Glucagon device in a red container rather than an epi-pen. The original pharmacy label was still attached to the device box and it was labeled as an epi.

I worked in pharmacy several years and only recently moved to the medical office setting. After experiencing retail Hell and continually hearing the recent troubles with overworked and overwhelmed staff at certain chains, I am not at all surprised at this event. I am just very happy the error was caught before the pen was needed and that little kid was spared a potentially awful fate.”

Zurik: HHS Secretary says ‘revolutionary’ changes to come for drug prices


METAIRIE, LA (WVUE) – A law signed by President Donald Trump as a result of the ‘Medical Waste’ Investigation is the start of ‘revolutionary’ changes to drug prices in the United States, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar told Louisiana pharmacists Wednesday.

Azar was in New Orleans to speak to the Association for Accessible Medicines and to meet with Louisiana pharmacists about the progress that has been made following the extensive ‘Medical Waste’ Investigation by FOX 8 News.

Click here to watch our ‘Medical Waste’ Investigative Series

Much of the years-long investigation focused on pharmacy benefit managers – or PBM’s – middlemen often in control of how much you pay for prescription medications.

“The biggest PBM is bigger than Walt Disney, McDonalds and Eli Lilly combined,” Doug Hoey, with the National Community Pharmacists Association, said during our investigation. “Those three iconic companies together are not as big as the biggest PBM, Express Scripts – yet most consumers have no idea what Express Scripts is.”

The PBM’s set up a system where they get rebates – or kickbacks – from drug companies. That money they collect, helps pad the PBM’s books.
HHS Secretary Alex Azar speaks to Louisiana pharmacists during a visit to a Metairie pharmacy on Feb. 6.
HHS Secretary Alex Azar speaks to Louisiana pharmacists during a visit to a Metairie pharmacy on Feb. 6.

“Right now drug companies are giving kickbacks or rebates to middlemen who decide which drugs you get to take. But when you show up here at a pharmacy, you don’t get a benefit of that kickback or that rebate as a discount, it stays there with the middleman,” Azar said Wednesday in an exclusive interview with Chief Investigative Reporter Lee Zurik. “As of January 1, you would get that discount when you show up at the pharmacy.”

Azar told the pharmacists the savings for their customers could be significant. He said the average could be twenty to thirty percent in savings, but in some cases the discount could be much larger.

The directive from the President only applies to the Medicare Part D Program. But Secretary Azar thinks the savings will trickle down to other private plans too.

“We don’t directly regulate the private plans but we think the changes we’re making in Medicare will cause the private plans to change their practices also,” Azar said. “We’d ask Congress to take a look at this — Congress could make that happen across the plans immediately.”

Among the pharmacists at Wednesday’s meeting of pharmacists was Hammond pharmacist Ricky Mannino. He’s the pharmacist who initially tipped us and started the Medical Waste investigative series, resulting in a law signed by the President. The pharmacists believe the HHS Secretary received their message about help for prescription drugs.

“Transparency is key. We have been saying that all along,” Randal Johnson, president and CEO of the Louisiana Independent Pharmacies Association, said. “Let’s not be able to call a dog a cat. Let’s not use a term that you can change the definition on with a whim. We need transparency to take out these price concessions and we need to get down to where a patient is able to afford to maintain their health by going to their pharmacy and getting the lowest cost drug.

At Tuesday night’s the State of the Union Address, President Trump also had a message for drug companies.

“It is unacceptable that Americans pay vastly more than people in other countries for the exact same drugs,” he said.

The FOX 8 Medical Waste investigative series found drugs priced far more in the U.S. compared to other countries. Our investigation found a diabetes drug that cost $106 in the United States and $2 in Canada. We also found an antibiotic for $143 in the U.S. and $33 in Canada.

“Will there be a time where you can buy a drug in America and Canada or somewhere else and they will be relatively the same price?” Zurik asked Secretary Azar.

“Well, that’s our goal is to end this foreign free-riding,” Azar said. “The President [Tuesday night] gave a call to action to Congress — end foreign free-riding off of American research and development.
The American patient should not have to pay the cost of development for the rest of the world.
Alex Azar, U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary

Last year, Congress passed a bill which President Trump signed that prevented Pharmacist gag clauses. The bill was sponsored by Louisiana Senator Bill Cassidy after he watched the Medical Waste stories with Hammond pharmacist, Ricky Mannino.

The Trump Administration said the steps highlighted to the pharmacists Thursday in New Orleans are the next steps to lower the cost of healthcare for consumers, whose lives may be in danger because of drug companies pricing them out of the market.

Antidepressants Can Interfere With Pain Relief Of Common Opioids

Combining some common antidepressants and opioids can undercut the relief of the painkillers.

Antidepressants may dampen the effects of some common opioids, resulting in less effective pain management according to research findings published Wednesday. The researchers suggest physicians should consider alternative pain management strategies for patients on antidepressants.

Opioids come in two broad varieties: those that act directly and others that have to be chemically processed by the body before they can begin to relieve pain. Direct-acting opioids, like morphine or oxycodone, can get right to work.

The other kind are called “prodrugs” and include hydrocodone, the opioid ingredient in Vicodin. Prodrugs need to be metabolized in the liver before they’re able to bind with pain receptors in the brain.

The problem, according to Tina Hernandez-Boussard, the Stanford computational biologist who co-led the study published Wednesday in the journal PLOS ONE, is that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs, like Prozac or Zoloft, inhibit the activity of an enzyme in the liver, called CYP-2D6, that metabolizes prodrug opioids.

If the enzyme can’t do its job, then the opioid can’t either — or at least not as well.

Prodrug opioids and SSRIs are two of the most commonly prescribed medications in the US, meaning this interaction could potentially affect millions, according to Hernandez-Boussard.

“There was theoretical evidence that suggested SSRIs might block prodrug opioids, but we didn’t know if it actually affected patient outcomes,” says Hernandez-Boussard.

To find out, Hernandez-Boussard and her team mined the electronic medical records of 4,300 surgical patients who had previously been diagnosed with depression. About half of those patients were taking an SSRI antidepressant. The researchers used a machine learning approach to tease apart the effects of SSRI use, opioid type, and pre- and postoperative pain, as measured on a 0-10 scale.

The researchers found that patients on an SSRI who were prescribed a prodrug opioid, such as Vicodin, had significantly more pain after surgery than all other groups when they left the hospital. This effect persisted up to two months after surgery. “On average, SSRI and prodrug opioid patients had 1 point worse pain on the 0 to 10 scale,” says Hernandez Boussard.

One specific result of their analysis underlined the dampening effect of SSRIs for Hernandez-Boussard. As a rule, patients with higher pre-operative pain tend to have higher post-operative pain.

The researchers found that patients on SSRI medication with higher pre-operative pain tended to get prescribed non-prodrug opioids, which are often considered stronger. Despite having more pain before surgery, these SSRI/non-prodrug patients fared better than the lower preoperative pain SSRI/prodrug patients.

“This is an important study,” says Jenny Wilkerson, a professor of pharmacodynamics at the University of Florida who wasn’t involved in the study. She says that genetic variations in the CYP-2D6 enzyme can interfere with opioid metabolism in other ways, and that this study advances our understanding of how SSRIs alter the effectiveness of opioids. She adds that she’d like to more studies in different populations to better understand the impact of this interaction on patients.

Hernandez-Boussard says these results could lead to better pain management and reduce opioid prescriptions. “If the opioids aren’t being activated and you’re not getting appropriate pain management, you’re going to take more opioids and you’re going to take them for a longer period of time,” she says. Apart from patients simply being in more pain than they need to be, this interaction “could lead to misuse or abuse down the road.”


“This combination of SSRIs and prodrug opioids is likely pretty common,” says Hernandez-Boussard. Consequently, she says the potential interaction should be recognized and discussed at the point of care.

“Every opioid has a side effect, not one opioid that is better than another,” says Hernandez-Boussard. “Possibly for patients taking SSRI, morphine or oxycodone, direct-acting drugs which don’t need to be broken down by the liver might be a better choice.”

Wilkerson echoes the importance of a discussion between physicians and patients about SSRI use and pain management options, a conversation that can be complicated by mental illness. “Patients shouldn’t feel stigmatized for being depressed or in pain,” she says, “patients have to advocate for their best personal care.”

Patients who are depressed and taking SSRIs are already a vulnerable population, known to experience more pain, and to have more trouble managing it. Hernandez-Boussard hopes that this study will help doctors tailor pain treatment towards the millions of Americans taking antidepressants.

“We need to think about how we can tailor treatment towards more vulnerable groups,” she says. “More work needs to be done, but this is a good first step.”