Radio host Art Bell died of accidental drug overdose or SUICIDE ?

Radio host Art Bell died of accidental drug overdose    VIDEO ON THIS LINK

Longtime Pahrump radio personality Art Bell died of an accidental overdose from a cocktail of prescription drugs, the Clark County coroner’s office said Wednesday.

Bell died April 13 in a bedroom of his Pahrump home at age 72. The coroner’s office determined he had four prescription medications in his system: the opioids oxycodone and hydrocodone, diazepam (often marketed as Valium) and the muscle relaxant carisoprodol. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and hypertension also contributed to his death, the coroner’s office said.

The drugs that killed Bell were lawfully prescribed to him, the Nye County Sheriff’s Office said in a video posted to Facebook.

Bell was known as the late-night host, engineer and producer of the show “Coast to Coast AM.” He specialized in talking about all things weird, including UFOs, alien abductions and crop circles, on his nationally syndicated show to as many as 15 million people nightly. After retiring from hosting full time in 2003, he started his own satellite radio show from his home.

His work captured the imaginations of long-haul truckers and insomniacs alike during his late-night shows. He was inducted into the Nevada Broadcasters Association Hall of Fame in 2006 and into the National Radio Hall of Fame two years later.

Bell stepped away from radio for good in 2015, about five months after launching “Midnight in the Desert.”

Here you have a 72 y/o dealing with/suffering from  Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and hypertension and had 4 different controlled substances legally prescribed to him…


Was he being prescribed sufficient doses to help him mitigate his pain or was he being cut back by his prescriber likes so many others are experiencing across the country and got to a point where he would no longer tolerate the intensity of pain level that he was now experiencing ?

Did he leave a SUICIDE NOTE – that was not discovered – or just DISAPPEARED ?

Recent coverage of the “other side” of the opiate crisis by KLAS TV in Las Vegas and a new opiate dosing law in Nevada. Did this new dosing law/limits cause this chronic pain pt to END IT ALL ?

I-Team Exclusive: The real numbers behind Nevada’s opioid deaths

Patients, doctors struggle with new law aimed at reducing overdoses


Doctors who fear being arrested for treating pain to get unusual help


“How Doctors Can Avoid Being Arrested by Federal Agents”

This could very well be the title of free training the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration is offering next week to doctors and others who prescribe or store powerful pain pills and other controlled substances.

The federal crackdown on opioids and rogue doctors has caused a divide between physicians and law enforcement who target those who overprescribe highly addictive pain medicines. Many doctors say they’re worried they could be arrested even if they do what they determine is best for their patients.

Legitimate pain patients, many of whom are left adrift when their clinics are raided, become “collateral damage” in the fight against the nation’s worst drug epidemic, said Dr. Wayne Tuckson, president of the 4,000-member Greater Louisville Medical Society.

Good doctors can become collateral damage too, he said.

The DEA training for doctors brings both sides together to discuss what is expected in administering, prescribing or storing controlled drugs. It will include a breakdown of federal laws as well as, “Hey, if you’re doing something wrong, this is what you can be charged with,” said Martin Redd, diversion program manager for DEA’s Louisville Field Division.

A hidden danger: Fentanyl killed 763 people in Kentucky – twice as many as heroin

“We’re not in it to take them to jail,” he said. “Our job is compliance.”

DEA officials are flying in from Washington, D.C., for sessions Monday and Tuesday at the Seelbach Hilton in downtown Louisville to detail what federal law requires and tips on spotting drug seekers.

This is the only time these sessions are planned for Kentucky — the second state to receive training, after Florida. The next training is scheduled for Sept. 29-30 in Charleston, West Virginia.

Across Kentucky, there are more than 19,000 professionals registered with the DEA to administer, prescribe or store controlled drugs, in addiction to pharmacies and clinics, Redd said. They include oral surgeons, pain specialists, addiction-treatment specialists, emergency room physicians, pharmacists, veterinarians and medical researchers. 

The training will detail how to count the quantity of each narcotic, when to do the inventory and how to safely store the medications. 

Doctors agree that there are rogue physicians who value profits over patient care who should be stopped and punished. But many say these criminals in lab coats are outliers.

Dr. James Patrick Murphy, a Kentuckiana pain and addiction specialist, said many well-intended doctors are unfairly arrested “all the time” in the hunt for those who recklessly contribute to patients’ addictions and fatal overdoses.

“I call those the dolphins that get caught in the tuna net,” he said.

Murphy said a few of the chronic pain patients at his New Albany clinic have asked him, “What am I going to do if you get arrested?”

Instead of reassuring them by pointing out that he is well-trained, careful and honest, he vowed to help them find another doctor if he becomes the target of an investigation.

“We’re putting ourselves at risk” by using opioids to treat chronic pain sufferers, Murphy said.

When a clinic is raided, federal agencies won’t confirm the raid happened. Details are shielded unless there are criminal charges — preserving privacy rights of those under investigation, but contributing to feelings of uncertainly and vulnerability within the medical community.

“The feds came in, shut down an office and we don’t know why,” Tuckson said, referring to news reports after DEA and FBI agents were seen conducting a recent raid on a Louisville pain clinic. “Of course I’m going to be afraid.”

And on the DEA’s website on the Diversion Control Division page, there is a link entitled “Cases Against Doctors” detailing actions taken by the agency across the nation.

“A lot of new doctors, a lot of general practitioners, say: ‘I‘m just not gonna prescribe this stuff. This is out of my comfort zone,’” Murphy said.

Fear has contributed to a local and national shortage of addiction and pain specialists to treat patients coping with chronic pain.

And when a pain clinic or addiction treatment center is raided, more patients must search for another doctor to treat their addiction or chronic pain, saidDr. Kelly Clark, a Louisville addiction specialist who heads the American Society of Addiction Medicine.

Kevin McWilliams, spokesman for the DEA’s Louisville Division, said doctors should know the laws that detail what they can and can’t do with narcotics: “If a doctor is practicing medicine in a responsible and ethical manner, where does the fear come from?”

While fear of arrest may be pervasive, only a small fraction of physicians end up behind bars. 

Last year, five medical professionals registered with the DEA to access controlled substances were arrested across Kentucky, Redd said.

“These doctors we’re taking to jail, civilly fining, bringing administrative actions, it’s probably 2 percent” of all physicians, he said.

Much more often — 40 times last year — the DEA issued letters of admonition, ordering corrective steps, or more formal memorandums of agreement, which can involve federal oversight for months or years.

“I think a lot of the doctors will use the DEA as kind of an out,” Redd said.

Patients will sometimes call agents to complain, “My doctor won’t allow me to get 120 (opioid pain pills). I only got 60 a month,” due to concerns of being arrested, he said.

“We have to reiterate, ‘We don’t dictate what the doctors prescribe.'”

Tuckson disagrees, saying federal agents ultimately are impacting what some doctors do and don’t prescribe.

“Don’t lie to me,” said Tuckson, a colon and rectal surgeon. The arrests send a message: “If you prescribe this, I will come after you and ask questions.”

He said it’s unfair to judge doctors on pain medicine dosages because each case is singular as patients tolerate pain differently and respond differently to various pain medicines.

“I do not have a pain-o-meter in my office,” he said. “There is no objective measure.”

Federal agents have access to databases that analyze which doctors prescribe the highest volume of potentially addictive opioids and other controlled drugs — and which have lost the most patients to fatal overdoses.

Investigators also look for potential red flags, such as patients driving two or three hours to a particular pharmacy or doctor and patients paying cash to fill prescriptions that would have been covered by insurance, Redd said.

During investigations, agents consult with medical professionals. For example, in a recent arrest of a Louisville doctor, they first consulted with a pharmacist and investigator with the state Office of Inspector General. 

“If they’re doing something repetitively, we’ll know if it’s malicious or not,” Redd said.

The training for medical professionals will also include guidance from Jill E. Lee, a pharmacist consultant with the state Office of Inspector General. She will explain how to get the most out of the Kentucky’s prescription monitoring program, which has a new feature to help spot drug abusers. The Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure approved two hours of continuing medical education and promoted the event on its website. 

Tuckson and Murphy said they’re anxious for the DEA’s training.

“I understand medicines, how the body works, how medicines work,” Murphy said. “I do not understand law.”

Conference information and registration is available online under the “Meetings and Events” link at

even explaining my situation to the pharmacist he denied me and told me there’s nothing I can do about it

Sorry to to bother you with this but I don’t really know what else I can do and I’m trying to find other avenues. I live in a small City and my pharmacist keeps refusing to fill my prescriptions for me even with written and verbal consent from my doctor. It’s happened three times in the last year and I do believe he is doing it maliciously and intentionally. I don’t know if he does this to everybody or if he just has something against me that I don’t know about.

  The first time I had to have two teeth pulled and they gave me some hydrocodone for the pain because I got dry socket. It made me extremely sick and I puked so the next day they gave me another prescription for a different pain medicine. These prescriptions were only for like 3 days they weren’t large prescriptions, even explaining my situation to the pharmacist he denied me and told me there’s nothing I can do about it.

  The second time I have lung disease and I’ve had to take prednisone and other steroids to help control it. I had a major flare up and my blood oxygen was tanking every time I would cough I would lose consciousness. I couldn’t get into my pulmonologist so I saw my doctor and she put me on some prednisone, I filled it but the next day I saw my pulmonologist and she told me I needed to be on a much higher dose along with albuterol inhaler and a nebulizing treatment. I went back to the pharmacy and he filled the nebulizers and the inhaler but refused to fill the larger dose of prednisone.

  This last time I was going on vacation my doctor gave me my script and wrote on it that it could be filled early and wrote the date that it could be filled early on, she even called them to confirm that I was going on vacation and they could be filled early. This early fill was one day before I could normally fill it. And he flat refused it no explanation just told me to leave and that there was nothing I could do about it.

  I have since talked to his company Walgreens and they are sticking with him no repercussions they basically said it’s my word against his and he’s a pharmacist even pointing out it was a one day early fill. I’ve sent in the complaint to the Montana board of pharmaceuticals. But they told me before I even filed the complaint that without it being a very egregious Act or video evidence how how he was acting they pretty much never side with the complaint unless he’s had numerous other complaints.

  So my question is do I have any other recourse is there anything else I am able to do to stop this from happening to me and to others. He makes very unprofessional comments about junkies and other things and flat-out tells me there’s nothing I can do about it. I do not believe anybody should be allowed to treat anybody like this and I just need some help if you could find the time to point me in the right direction.



asked to pass this along

Image result for graphic rip

Journalist seeking chronic pain pts in OREGON

Call for Patient Reports. I want to speak with a State Medicaid recipient in Oregon who will be forced to taper their opioid therapy to zero by the rules proposed in the Oregon Opioid Safety Commission. I’m supporting a journalist who will attend their meeting next week, and who is writing an article on the subject. Send me an email with your phone number that I’m allowed to pass on. I can be reached at



Regards and well wishes,

Richard A. “Red” Lawhern, Ph.D.

Co-Founder and Corresponding Secretary,

Alliance for the Treatment of Intractable Pain

Ohio Police Chief: few months on the job.. OD’s on drugs from evidence room

Ohio police chief fatally overdosed on drugs taken from evidence room, investigators say

An Ohio police chief died from an accidental fentanyl overdose after the drugs were removed from his department’s evidence room, officials said Wednesday.

Kirkersville Police Chief James Hughes Jr. was found unresponsive in his home May 25 and pronounced dead shortly after, the Newark Advocate reported. An autopsy revealed he died from “acute intoxication by fentanyl.”

Reynoldsburg Police Department Lt. Ron Wright, whose department is still investigating, told the newspaper that packaging was discovered “that indicated that he was taking controlled substances from” the evidence room.

According to the coroner’s office, a plastic sandwich bag found where Hughes died tested positive for cocaine. A syringe was also determined to be positive for fentanyl, the Newark Advocate reported.

James Hughes, 35, had only been on the job a few months before his death.  (GoFundMe)

Hughes, who was 35 years old, had only been on the job for a few months before he died.

“He was hired in March and wasn’t here that long, but he kept me informed [about] what was going on,” Kirkersville Mayor Terry Ashcraft told the Newark Advocate after Hughes’ death. “A lot of stuff goes on in this town, and he’d come and done his job and never had a complaint on him.”

Hughes left behind a wife and three young children. A GoFundMe account was set up to help the family, and the Kirkersville Village Council provided $1,500 to help cover funeral expenses.

Wright said he plans to contact the state’s attorney general’s office once the investigation is completed so the state can look into the Kirkersville Police Department’s practices, especially when it comes to the evidence room.

He also said this tragedy is proof that the heroin epidemic can affect anyone.

“It’s happening at all different levels and walks of life,” he told the newspaper.

A new police chief has not yet been named.

Kirkersville is less than 30 miles east of Columbus.


Horrendous, disabiliting pain which lead to suicide due to pain… pain is horrific pain is cruel… one day if it happened to you, you are one car accident away from living the rest of your life in torturous torment! These individuals paid the ultimate price for being tapered or taken off their medications that brought them any sense of relief! Until you Journey this particular Road there is no way shape or form you can at all imagine the intensity, exhaustion, relentless unbearable, stabbing, deep-seated screaming pain we live with day in and day out 24/7, 365 days a year! Please be more empathetic and sympathetic if your loved one is afflicted with a chronic pain condition as it is literally hell on Earth! We need our tools our medications to have any form of functionality and quality of life… I do this and honor of these individuals who took the ultimate sacrifice their lives pain is my journey I am praying that the government sees, rectifiers and realize that pain management is a fundamental human right under treatment or not treating pain is a form of torture a crime against humanity! Donald President Donald J. Trump The White House CNN Fox News 60 Minutes ABC 20/20 Huffington Post The New York Times Los Angeles Times U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Health Administration (VHA) – U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA), U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs TIME Sean Hannity Insanity Sean Hannity Fox News Sean Hannity Forum Exiles Cathy Kean Katt Cat McGuire Senator Dianne Feinstein U.S. Senator Kamala Harris Senator U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders #CathyKeanFighterWithPurpose WARONPAINCATHY@GMAIL.COM CATHY Nichole Kean MORE TO COME


U.S. Pain Foundation… changing mission statement… aligning with the NO OPIATES FOR ANYONE GROUP(s) ?

Author and Actress, Karen Duffy, to be a Focal Point & Consulting Producer for Documentary BALANCING THE PAIN SCALE

A new documentary will combine the talents of author and actress Karen Duffy, two-time Emmy and seven-time Telly Award winning filmmaker Yellow Dog Productions and author, advocate and Interim CEO of U.S. Pain Foundation Nicole Hemmenway. In “Balancing the Pain Scale,” Duffy and Hemmenway, along with other chronic pain patients, will retrace their inspiring relationships with chronic pain as they reveal treatments and therapies ultimately finding balance.

Duffy says, “I think a great way of dealing with a chronic illness is finding a purpose and a way to keep yourself amused.” Duffy, Author of “Backbone: Living with Chronic Pain without Turning into One” and former MTV VJ, Revlon model and actress has managed to live life fully despite chronic sarcoidosis, an inflammatory disease primarily affecting her brain.

After hearing Duffy’s account on Puck Soup – a hockey-focused podcast – fellow hockey parent Marv Turner of Yellow Dog Productions approached Duffy about being involved with the film. “I immediately agreed to be a part of this film,” said Duffy. “I believe there is a way for pain patients to find a meaningful life and purpose while managing chronic illness. Opioids are just one option. This film is so important and will present insight that will help others with chronic pain have hope.”

Hemmenway, author of, “No, It Is NOT In My Head: THE JOURNEY of a Chronic Pain SURVIVOR from Wheelchair to Marathon,” was diagnosed with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), a debilitating neurological disorder in her teens. She says, “Too often during my own journey with pain, I felt alone, misunderstood and unheard. I felt as if others were belittling and mocking my health when I desperately wanted validation. I believe that no one should have to face the DARKNESS alone.”

“Everyone will be inspired by the courage and perseverance these two women – and others portrayed in the film – have demonstrated throughout their lives while staying positive. I’m hopeful that their approach to better living will provide viewers tangible ways to look BEYOND the pill bottle,” says filmmaker Turner. Netflix distribution plans are underway along with targeted film festivals across the United States and Canada.

“Balancing the Pain Scale” features inspiring people living with chronic pain. It shares their individual journeys from opioids to alternatives and reveals how their choices and struggles impact their daily life in profound ways. From New York to California and in-between, “Balancing the Pain Scale” depicts the ups and downs of pain management and highlights complementary therapies to provide solace and hope for more than 100 million Americans living with chronic pain.

Financial contributions towards the making of the film are tax deductible. Learn more at

About Yellow Dog Productions (
Yellow Dog Productions is a two-time Emmy and seven-time Telly Award Winning production company based in Madison, Wisconsin with over 23 years of award winning video production throughout the world.

About U.S. Pain Foundation (
The mission of U.S. Pain Foundation is to educate, connect, inform and empower those living with pain while also advocating on behalf of the entire pain community.


Ohio: Medicaid Managed care cutting opiate Rxs… like doing surgery with a CHAINSAW ?

Medicaid plan says opioid use down 40 percent

DAYTON, Ohio (AP) — Ohio’s largest Medicaid plan says the amount of opioids prescribed to its members has decreased 40 percent over the past 18 months.

CareSource announced Monday it plans to reduce that number by 50 percent by the end of this year.

The Dayton-based organization privately manages 1.8 million Medicaid plans. It says it notifies providers who prescribe a large amount of opioids to members, and can identify members at risk for substance misuse.

CareSource says it has decreased long-term opioid prescriptions and noted other efforts, such as transportation to recovery services.

The organization says it also will start monitoring teens and young adults for opioid risks.

Ohio’s Board of Pharmacy says about 225 million fewer opioid doses were dispensed to patients in the state in 2017 than in 2012.

CDC Opioid Restrictions Reading List – collateral damage

CDC Opioid Restrictions Reading List

CDC Opioid Restrictions Reading List
(as of June 22, 2017)

In March 2016, the CDC published a guideline for opioid prescribing, which is being codified into laws, even though it was intended only as a guideline for PCP doctors.

Pain itself is hard to live with but the latest restrictions on opioid doses are imposing serious suffering on pain patients.

The posts below are all about the consequences of the guideline so far.

CDC Guideline for Opioid Prescribing

The numbers/statistics

Response to CDC Guideline on Opioid Prescribing

Impact of opioid restrictions on pain patients

Media hype against opioids is not based on facts

For information about opioids used for pain management:

Chronic Pain and Opioids Reading list