Horrendous, disabiliting pain which lead to suicide due to pain… pain is horrific pain is cruel… one day if it happened to you, you are one car accident away from living the rest of your life in torturous torment! These individuals paid the ultimate price for being tapered or taken off their medications that brought them any sense of relief! Until you Journey this particular Road there is no way shape or form you can at all imagine the intensity, exhaustion, relentless unbearable, stabbing, deep-seated screaming pain we live with day in and day out 24/7, 365 days a year! Please be more empathetic and sympathetic if your loved one is afflicted with a chronic pain condition as it is literally hell on Earth! We need our tools our medications to have any form of functionality and quality of life… I do this and honor of these individuals who took the ultimate sacrifice their lives pain is my journey I am praying that the government sees, rectifiers and realize that pain management is a fundamental human right under treatment or not treating pain is a form of torture a crime against humanity! Donald President Donald J. Trump The White House CNN Fox News 60 Minutes ABC 20/20 Huffington Post The New York Times Los Angeles Times U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Health Administration (VHA) – U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA), U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs TIME Sean Hannity Insanity Sean Hannity Fox News Sean Hannity Forum Exiles Cathy Kean Katt Cat McGuire Senator Dianne Feinstein U.S. Senator Kamala Harris Senator U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders #CathyKeanFighterWithPurpose WARONPAINCATHY@GMAIL.COM CATHY Nichole Kean MORE TO COME


U.S. Pain Foundation… changing mission statement… aligning with the NO OPIATES FOR ANYONE GROUP(s) ?

Author and Actress, Karen Duffy, to be a Focal Point & Consulting Producer for Documentary BALANCING THE PAIN SCALE

A new documentary will combine the talents of author and actress Karen Duffy, two-time Emmy and seven-time Telly Award winning filmmaker Yellow Dog Productions and author, advocate and Interim CEO of U.S. Pain Foundation Nicole Hemmenway. In “Balancing the Pain Scale,” Duffy and Hemmenway, along with other chronic pain patients, will retrace their inspiring relationships with chronic pain as they reveal treatments and therapies ultimately finding balance.

Duffy says, “I think a great way of dealing with a chronic illness is finding a purpose and a way to keep yourself amused.” Duffy, Author of “Backbone: Living with Chronic Pain without Turning into One” and former MTV VJ, Revlon model and actress has managed to live life fully despite chronic sarcoidosis, an inflammatory disease primarily affecting her brain.

After hearing Duffy’s account on Puck Soup – a hockey-focused podcast – fellow hockey parent Marv Turner of Yellow Dog Productions approached Duffy about being involved with the film. “I immediately agreed to be a part of this film,” said Duffy. “I believe there is a way for pain patients to find a meaningful life and purpose while managing chronic illness. Opioids are just one option. This film is so important and will present insight that will help others with chronic pain have hope.”

Hemmenway, author of, “No, It Is NOT In My Head: THE JOURNEY of a Chronic Pain SURVIVOR from Wheelchair to Marathon,” was diagnosed with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), a debilitating neurological disorder in her teens. She says, “Too often during my own journey with pain, I felt alone, misunderstood and unheard. I felt as if others were belittling and mocking my health when I desperately wanted validation. I believe that no one should have to face the DARKNESS alone.”

“Everyone will be inspired by the courage and perseverance these two women – and others portrayed in the film – have demonstrated throughout their lives while staying positive. I’m hopeful that their approach to better living will provide viewers tangible ways to look BEYOND the pill bottle,” says filmmaker Turner. Netflix distribution plans are underway along with targeted film festivals across the United States and Canada.

“Balancing the Pain Scale” features inspiring people living with chronic pain. It shares their individual journeys from opioids to alternatives and reveals how their choices and struggles impact their daily life in profound ways. From New York to California and in-between, “Balancing the Pain Scale” depicts the ups and downs of pain management and highlights complementary therapies to provide solace and hope for more than 100 million Americans living with chronic pain.

Financial contributions towards the making of the film are tax deductible. Learn more at

About Yellow Dog Productions (
Yellow Dog Productions is a two-time Emmy and seven-time Telly Award Winning production company based in Madison, Wisconsin with over 23 years of award winning video production throughout the world.

About U.S. Pain Foundation (
The mission of U.S. Pain Foundation is to educate, connect, inform and empower those living with pain while also advocating on behalf of the entire pain community.


Ohio: Medicaid Managed care cutting opiate Rxs… like doing surgery with a CHAINSAW ?

Medicaid plan says opioid use down 40 percent

DAYTON, Ohio (AP) — Ohio’s largest Medicaid plan says the amount of opioids prescribed to its members has decreased 40 percent over the past 18 months.

CareSource announced Monday it plans to reduce that number by 50 percent by the end of this year.

The Dayton-based organization privately manages 1.8 million Medicaid plans. It says it notifies providers who prescribe a large amount of opioids to members, and can identify members at risk for substance misuse.

CareSource says it has decreased long-term opioid prescriptions and noted other efforts, such as transportation to recovery services.

The organization says it also will start monitoring teens and young adults for opioid risks.

Ohio’s Board of Pharmacy says about 225 million fewer opioid doses were dispensed to patients in the state in 2017 than in 2012.

CDC Opioid Restrictions Reading List – collateral damage

CDC Opioid Restrictions Reading List

CDC Opioid Restrictions Reading List
(as of June 22, 2017)

In March 2016, the CDC published a guideline for opioid prescribing, which is being codified into laws, even though it was intended only as a guideline for PCP doctors.

Pain itself is hard to live with but the latest restrictions on opioid doses are imposing serious suffering on pain patients.

The posts below are all about the consequences of the guideline so far.

CDC Guideline for Opioid Prescribing

The numbers/statistics

Response to CDC Guideline on Opioid Prescribing

Impact of opioid restrictions on pain patients

Media hype against opioids is not based on facts

For information about opioids used for pain management:

Chronic Pain and Opioids Reading list


Mom given emergency C-section without anesthesia, lawsuit claims

A California mom who welcomed a baby girl in November is suing her doctor and the hospital she gave birth in after she claims she underwent an emergency caesarian section without anesthesia.

According to the lawsuit obtained by NBC 7 and filed on July 13, Delphina Mota and her fiancé, Paul Iheanachor, arrived at Tri-City Medical Center in Nov. 15 for the birth of their daughter and requested an epidural before a planned vaginal delivery.

Mota contends that Dr. Sandra Lopez oversaw her care, and that Dr. David Seif administered the epidural to numb her from the waist down. She also says she was given Pitocin to help advance her labor.

However, on Nov. 16, it was determined that Mota’s blood pressure dropped and that the baby’s heart rate was difficult to read, prompting Lopez to call for an emergency C-section, in which the baby is taken out through the mother’s abdomen.

C-sections account for about 1 in 3 births in the U.S., with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reporting that in 2016, C-sections accounted for 31.9 percent of all U.S. births. 

According to the lawsuit, Seif was paged multiple times, but did not respond, so nine minutes later, “the C-Section was performed by Defendant Sandra Lopez, M.D.” without anesthesia. Mota claims Lopez instructed staff to “strap her down” to the operating table before cutting her open.

The lawsuit claims Seif entered the room after multiple incisions were made, and that Mota had been crying and screaming because she could “feel everything that was happening, and was also pleading for help, and for Defendants to stop cutting and hurting her.”

“If somebody put a knife in your stomach and cut you open, and had their hands on your insides, and ripped your baby out, you know,” Iheanachor told NBC 7. “I just tried to put myself in her shoes. Just tried to wrap my mind around how it would feel to basically be gutted like a fish.”

Mota and Iheanachor, whose baby did not suffer any complications during the delivery, allege that the hospital and staff were careless and negligent and that Mota suffered permanent and significant injuries and emotional distress.

“As a direct and legal result of the above described negligence, Plaintiff Delphina Mota, underwent excruciating and unnecessary pain and suffering, until she eventually passed out from the pain,” the lawsuit said.

Patient and Provider Experience with PDMPs

We are a group of attorneys, researchers, and journalists concerned about unintended consequences of prescription drug surveillance. We are looking for patients or health care providers who have had negative personal experiences with Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs. Answers are confidential. For some respondents we may request a follow-up.


Musician Prince’s death: caused by illegal/counterfeit “Norco” tabs containing illegal Fentanyl analog

New Documents Describe Prince’s Stay in an Illinois Hospital

On Tuesday, KSTP received documents specifically to the death of Prince in the days before he was found dead at Paisley Park.

The documents touch on Prince’s plane making an emergency landing in Moline, Illinois. The DEA documents indicate Prince had to be carried off that plane and placed on a cot. The documents indicate he was only taking three to five breaths per minute. Paramedics had to give him four milligrams of Narcan for him to regain consciousness.

RELATED: Trustee for Prince’s Next of Kin Files Wrongful Death Lawsuit 

KSTP spoke with Prince’s cousin Charles ‘Chaz’ Smith on his thoughts about the new information.

“After you’ve taken a Narcan shot, they should observe you. You should be somewhere where they can check on you 24 hours to 48 hours,” he said.

Hospital paperwork says Prince was suffering from a drug overdose. That same paperwork indicates throughout his stay Prince continuously refused blood draws and EKG tests even after several doctors and a nurse told him of the importance of having it done.

Smith was asked whether religion or a distrust of medical professionals played a part in Prince refusing help.

TIMELINE of Events Surrounding Prince’s Death

“I would say it was both of them things and then it might have been the entourage maybe not knowing what to do to override something like that. Religion’s pretty heavy and he was a spiritual man,” Smith said.

The documents go on to say Prince or someone with him arranged for a jet card program like Jettly to bring him back to Chanhassen.


Suffolk woman receives 9,000 emails from pharmacy company

SUFFOLK, Va. (WAVY) — Stephanie Godfrey says she was eating dinner last week when emails started flooding her inbox.

“I have watch, so it started vibrating a lot, so I look down and it was Express Scripts, Express Scripts, Express Scripts,” said Godfrey

Godfrey says she uses the company Express Scripts, which is a pharmacy benefit manager that provides people access to medicine they need.

So she thought the emails could be about prescription for her household.

But when the emails kept coming in in bulk, and she ended up with 9,000 of them, she knew something was wrong. 

She realized these emails were about other people’s prescriptions.

“When you open it you can just see the last four of the prescription number and it’ll say credit card and that’s when we realized these aren’t ours,” said Godfrey.

Godfrey called the company.

“I spent an hour and 24 minutes on the phone with them,” she said.

But the emails kept coming. 

“The whole time I’m thinking what if I’m not the only one?” said Godfrey.

Godfrey knew she wouldn’t do anything with the emails, but was worried someone else was getting them too.

10 On Your Side reached out to the company on Friday, and Godfrey says it was only after our call that the emails stopped.

Express Scripts sent 10 On Your Side these statements:

“We are aware of the issue. It was caused by an error in our system which has been addressed. It is very limited in scope – only two Express Scripts members have received emails in error and we have been in contact with both of them to ensure no information is compromised. We regret the error, and reacted as soon as we were made aware of it.

As always, we are committed to protecting patient information. Our initial research indicates that limited personal information was in the e-mails.  Additionally, our research indicates that no individual last names or identification numbers were included.”

They later added, “In talking to our information security team, a few more things to share.
The member’s email preferences were to not receive personal health information, and from our analysis, it appears that she did not receive any PHI in the emails that were sent to her.While it is regrettable this happened, it is important to understand that PHI — like a name of a medicine or a medical condition — does not appear to have been shared in the emails.”

CBS46 investigation finds VA pharmacy isn’t properly filling vet’s medical prescriptions, GA News Weather & Sports


CBS46 reporter Natalie Rubino is spearheading an in-depth investigation.  

It centers on the VA Pharmacy in Decatur and accusations it failed to properly fill prescriptions for a veteran in constant pain.

James Yarbrough is on several different medications to manage his pain. We investigated his claims for three months.  The documents show Yarbrough sometimes receives his meds from the VA Pharmacy late or he’s given the wrong prescription. This has all caused even more pain and has taken an emotional toll on Yarbrough. Right now he doesn’t see an end in sight.

Yarbrough enlisted in the Air Force in the 90s. 

“I was at my duty station at Tyndall Air Force base in Panama City, Florida. I got into a bad car wreck and I also hurt my back loading an A-9,” Yarbrough told Rubino.

Most of the pain is in Yarbrough’s neck and back.

“I’ve got three blown disks, at T-8, T-9 in the center of my back. I got peripheral nephropathy down both of my my legs and yesterday I just got nerve burns, they hit four in my leg,” he said of his condition.

Dr. David Rosenfeld of Alliance Spine and Pain helps manage the veteran’s pain.

“He’s on a medication called Gabapentin which is used to stabilize nerves. He also uses a little bit of opioid and then probably most notably he has what’s called an intrathecal drug reservoir. So, he’s got a pump that delivers pain medication around the clock into his spinal fluid,” Rosenfeld said.

For years those medications have been crucial to Yarbrough getting through every day life.

Until last October, when the VA suddenly failed to fill some of the veteran’s life saving prescriptions.

“This is neglect. And it’s the pure definition of abuse,” Yarbrough said.

A freedom of information act request filed by CBS46 shows that the Atlanta VA Pharmacy mailed Yarbrough’s meds to the wrong veteran instead of to Yarbrough’s father’s home as instructed.

“I started calling and calling because I did not get that medication.”

Yarbrough corrected his address with the VA and filed a HIPPA violation against the pharmacy. But since then it’s only gotten worse.

“My doctor faxes it in. Then I have to call the pharmacy. They say we didn’t get it. I have to call the doctor again and say, ‘did you get a fax receipt?’ He says, ‘yes.’ I say can you fax it again and then I have to call everybody, anybody and everybody.”

Yarbrough says this happens every month.

According to the documents CBS46 obtained, some months the VA fails to fill certain prescriptions, other months, the meds arrive far too late.

“When they did send the medications, they’d send it so far out I’d have to withdraw off of it,” Yarbrough said.

But that’s not all.

Yarbrough has an internal pump that can dispense Narcan in the case of an overdose.

“[This is post marked] April 17th, 2018. I was supposed to have this by January.”

Our Freedom of Information Act request revealed that in April of 2018 the V.A mailed Yarbrough his Narcan not only four months late but it was only a fraction of his prescribed dose and it had expired 6 months prior.

It took over a month for the VA to fulfill CBS46’s request for the documents.  When we did receive them, an entire page was redacted. Raising the question, what is the VA holding back?

A spokesperson for the VA tells CBS46 the redacted information is protecting the VA employees involved.

Yarbrough says he feels retaliated against.

“I do sometimes feel what did I do wrong? What have I done?”

He says he doesn’t know how much longer he can take the pain.

“The end all could’ve been death and it still can be if they continue down the road they’ve taken,” Yarbrough said.

CBS46 made multiple requests to interview the director of the Atlanta VA and the director of VA Pharmacy about Yarbrough’s case. We were denied each time.