Walmart to restrict opioid dispensing at its pharmacies

Walmart Inc said on Monday it would restrict initial acute opioid prescriptions to no more than a seven-day supply as the retailer aims to curb an opioid epidemic that has plagued the United States.

 The Walmart logo is displayed on a screen on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in New York, U.S., May 1, 2018. REUTERS/Brendan McDermid

The supply limit will begin within the next 60 days, the company said.

 In January , Walmart said it would provide its customers filling prescriptions for opioids with a packet of powder that would help them dispose of leftover medication.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 115 Americans die on average every day from an opioid overdose.

 The company also said on Monday that from Jan. 1, 2020 it would require e-prescriptions for controlled substances, noting that these prescriptions are proven to be less prone to errors and cannot be altered or copied.

The initiatives apply to all the pharmacies of Walmart and its Sam’s Club unit in the United States and Puerto Rico.

(This story has been corrected to add dropped words “initial acute” in first paragraph)

Obama DEA Caused A ‘Raging Inferno Of Tragic Destruction’ By Mishandling The Opioid Crisis, West Virginia AG Says

West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey filed a formal document in support of a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) proposal that would limit opioid manufacturers to producing only enough to fill legitimate medical need.

The DEA proposal is a direct response to a lawsuit Morrisey filed against the agency in December 2017, pushing the agency to review how it determines drug quotas — the amount of opioids manufactures are allowed to produce to meet market demand.

Morrisey, a Republican, blasted the Obama administration for constructing the current process of setting drug quotas and using metrics and methods that inflate opioid production far above the medical need. Extra opioids are sold on the black market and end up in the hands of addicts largely living in depressed communities, according to Morrisey’s formal demand of support.

“The Obama DEA’s broken quota system resulted in unconstrained and unvalidated increases each year for the past decade that fueled the drug epidemic,” Morrisey wrote. “It is as if the Obama DEA soaked our nation with gasoline that puddled and pooled in vulnerable communities where rampant criminal and negligent conduct ignited this dangerous excess opioid supply into a raging inferno of tragic destruction and death.”

 The DEA’s proposal overhauls how drug quotas are determined.

Rather than relying solely on industry input, the DEA would set drug quotas using input from states and other federal agencies as well. The new quota will also account for the number of opioids flowing into the black market. Finally, states will have the ability to call administrative hearing in Washington to show evidence of excess opioids and drug abuse.

The DEA proposal is a huge victory for Morrisey, whose state is one the opioid crisis has hit hardest.

“The excess narcotics supply naturally flowed to the devastated coal fields of West Virginia and other communities that were hardest hit by the recession,” Attorney General Morrisey wrote. “As every West Virginian now knows, next came overdoses, recoveries, and overdoses where no recovery was possible. All of this was made possible because of a broken quota system that failed to protect the public from euphoria producing drugs that also had the power to kill.”


Having part of our judicial system – DOJ – and Pharmas to determine what some 100 million people with chronic pain and untold number dealing with acute pain need in regards of opiate doses… without the ability to do IN PERSON PHYSICAL EXAMS to determine the needs of pts suffering from subjective diseases ?

IF you notice, the DRIVING FORCE behind this is ANOTHER ATTORNEY

A new blog for chronic pain patients by one of Dr. Tennant’s patients

Here is the link


Thank you,



Denise R. Molohon

ASAP – Arachnoiditis Society for Awareness & Prevention

ATIP – Alliance for the Treatment of Intractable Pain

FIPR – Families for Intractable Pain Relief


Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Ingrid Hollis <>
Date: May 6, 2018 at 11:43:55 AM EDT
To: “Denise R. Molohon” <>
Subject: New Blog -Dr.T pt.

Dr.T wanted to make sure everyone knows about this new blog by one of his PTS…can you share ?
Thanks Ingrid


—– Forwarded Message —–

From: Forest <>

To: <>

Sent: Saturday, May 5, 2018, 2:31:00 PM MDT

Subject: Fw: New Blog (typos fixed()




This is a lovely person.  I would like for you to cross-link with anyone.


Best wishes always,
Forest Tennant

“Written but not reviewed.”


Contact Information:

Forest Tennant M.D., Dr. P.H.
338 S. Glendora Ave.
West Covina, CA 91790-3043
Clinic Ph: 626-919-0064
Clinic Fax: 626-919-0065
Office Ph: 626-919-7476
Office Fax: 626-919-7497


Please review our websites as we recurrently update information.


—– Original Message —–

From: Gabriella Guetzkow

To: Ingrid Hollis ; KRISTEN OGDEN

Cc: Forest Tennant

Sent: Monday, April 16, 2018 12:12 PM

Subject: New Blog (typos fixed()




I launched my blog, finally and have dedicated it to Dr. Tennant.  I am trying to add a section for pain patients their families and caregivers can share their own experiences and information that has been helpful to them. I will be adding videos on YouTube and on the blog under the same name. The blog is for people with chronic health issues/diseases and/or chronic and Intractable pain disease.


As you know all too well, things are at an all time low for us. The myths of the opioid epidemic are adversely affecting so many legitimate patients who are not abusing or misusing their prescriptions. Our lives hang in the balance… our lives literally depend on education and getting the media to change the way they address this crisis to affect constructive policy changes for compassionate care and access to pain medications. People are suffering and are loosing access at alarming rates. I hope to help affect positive changes by starting a conversation about it, sharing information while also creating a place for a supportive community to form.


Thank you Kristen and Hollis for working tirelessly for advocating for our rights. What you’re doing matters!


I was hoping that you could share the link to my blog with your list of Dr. Tennant’s patients and whoever else you think would be interested in it.


Here is the link


Thank you!

Sent from Gmail Mobile

FDA Public Meeting: July 9, 2018 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM (EDT)

Public Meeting for Patient-Focused Drug Development on...

FDA Public Meeting for Patient-Focused Drug Development on Chronic Pain

On July 9, 2018, FDA is hosting a public meeting on Patient-Focused Drug Development for Chronic Pain. FDA is interested in hearing patients’ perspectives on chronic pain, views on treatment approaches, and challenges or barriers to accessing treatments for chronic pain. FDA is particularly interested in hearing from patients who experience chronic pain that is managed with analgesic medications such as opioids, acetaminophen, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), antidepressants; other medications; and non-pharmacologic interventions or therapies.

The questions that will be asked of patients and patient representatives at the meeting are listed below, organized by topic. For each topic, a brief initial patient panel discussion will begin the dialogue. This will be followed by a facilitated discussion inviting comments from other patients and patient representatives in the audience. Webcast participants will also have an opportunity to provide input through webcast comments. 

If you are attending the meeting in person and are interested in providing comments as part of the initial panel discussion on July 9th, indicate so during the registration process. Potential panelists must send a brief summary of responses to the discussion questions below by June 25th to Panelists will be confirmed prior to the meeting.

There will also be an opportunity for patients, patient stakeholders and others to provide comments on issues other than topics 1 and 2 during an Open Public Comment session. Sign-up for Open Public Comment will occur on-site during the day of the meeting.

For more information, please visit the FDA meeting website:


Topic 1: Symptoms and daily impacts of chronic pain that matter most to patients

  1. How would you describe your chronic pain? (Characteristics could include location, radiation, intensity, duration, constancy or intermittency, triggers etc.)
  2. What are the most significant symptoms that you experience resulting from your condition? (Examples may include restricted range of motion, muscle spasms, changes in sensation, etc.)
  3. Are there specific activities that are important to you but that you cannot do at all or as fully as you would like because of your chronic pain? (Examples of activities may include work or school activities, sleeping through the night, daily hygiene, participation in sports or social activities, intimacy with a spouse or partner, etc.)
  4. How has your chronic pain changed over time? (Considerations include severity and frequency of your chronic pain and the effects of chronic pain on your daily activities)

Topic 2: Patients’ perspectives on current approaches to treatment of chronic pain

  1. What are you currently doing to help treat your chronic pain? (Examples may include prescription medicines, over-the-counter products, and non-drug therapies)
  2. How has your treatment regimen changed over time, and why? (Examples may include change in your condition, change in dose, or treatment side effects)
  3. What factors do you take into account when making decisions about selecting a course of treatment?
  4. How well does your current treatment regimen manage your chronic pain? (Considerations include severity and frequency of your chronic pain and the effects of chronic pain on your daily activities)
  5. What are the most significant downsides to your current treatments, and how do they affect your daily life?
  6. What challenges or barriers to accessing or using medical treatments for chronic pain have you or do you encounter?
  7. What specific things would you look for in an ideal treatment for your chronic pain?



What is more important… getting your prescription(s) QUICKLY… or… CORRECTLY ?

“CVS Pharmacy is currently forcing its pharmacy employees, both pharmacists and technicians, to sign off on a learning module that forces them to comply with the company’s limited and dangerous computer downtime procedures. These downtime procedures (RxConnect Offline) include the filling of prescriptions with limited patient history data and no failsafes in place to prevent errors. When CVS’s computer system goes out, a process called Downtime starts up. This Downtime process allows pharmacy employees to fill prescriptions in a very limited capacity. However, all is not well in Whoville… While in Downtime, Brand name drugs will not substitute to their generic counterparts allowing the chance for improper drug pick errors. SIG codes will not populate in the computer allowing the chance for direction input errors. And, perhaps most interesting of all, all patient cost copays will have to be determined at the pharmacy employees’ discretions which, if figured incorrectly, is a breach of the contract pricing agreed upon by federal Medicare plans, state Medicaids, and other 3rd party payors. All hard copy scanning for visual verification of the Rx written info and all drug utilization review functions are disabled, meaning that the pharmacy staff and pharmacists have to fill and check the prescriptions without the whole medical picture. The downtime program has no listings for patient allergies, medical conditions, or past medication usage and history. (The med history only goes back a few months while in downtime… Nevermind that erythromyin Rx the patient could have restarted from last year! That doesn’t cause any interactions, does it?) Also, throw in the fact that CVS purposely understaffs their stores and pharmacies in an attempt to save payroll. A stressful and overworked environment now becomes a hazardous hellhole when the computers are not doing what they are supposed to. What a complete recipe for disaster and another dangerous situation for patients to be in! CVS Learnet module 200017 asks all pharmacy employees to sign off on several pieces of information including an agreement to verify all waiting prescriptions, all prescriptions due within 1 hour, and to data enter all new and incoming prescriptions. This learning module also asks pharmacy employees to sign off on a legal acknowledgement that states: “I acknowledge that I have received and read, and I understand and agree to abide by the policies, procecdures and training set forth in the RxConnect Offline Fills Best Practices (#200017) training.” Let’s not forget CVS’s tag-line of “up to and including termination” if you don’t do what their corporate stooges say! So basically, CVS reserves the right to terminate the employment of any pharmacist or pharmacy technician who refuses to comply with the filling of medications while their computer system is down, no matter how dangerous the consequences could be. They are also using this sign off as an opportunity to shift all blame for medication misfills onto the pharmacist who is being legally forced (at risk of firing) to fill Rxs in this stressful and alarming environment. Here’s an idea, CVS… Stop bringing your crappy computer system down on already busy and stressful Mondays. Stop forcing your pharmacists and technicians to knowingly endanger patient lives. Stop threatening your employees’ jobs to cover your own shortcomings. Stop shifting all blame away from yourselves so your shareholders stay rich. Just because you’ve figured out that medication misfill lawsuits can be bought off cheaper than what it costs to come up with better computer systems and to better staff your pharmacies, doesn’t mean you should do it. We know you corporate slimeballs call it “the cost of doing business”. Will you continue to call it that if it’s your loved one who gets hurt? Come up with a better computer system, one that doesn’t go down regularly, allow proper and safe pharmacy staffing, and keep the people who depend on these medications safe!”

When PUSH comes to SHOVE… PTS needs to SHOVE BACK – HARD !

About 2.5 weeks ago… my sciatic nerve decided to “march to a different drummer”. By now, I have went thru two weeks of  high dose & decreasing Prednisone without much change in my dramatically elevated pain level.  On the “second day”, I could not get in to see any of the seven prescribers in PCP practice that we have been going to for 20 yr+, so I went to the “Urgent Care” in the same bldg – owned by the same hospital – as the PCP group.

I already have a “iffy back” that is subjective to being “painful” because of activity – like yard work and because of that, I typically have a fair amount of opiates and muscle relaxers in the house.  I had already started “treating” the pain at its onset.

After a few days, the intensity of the pain hadn’t lessened, I was concerned that the Prednisone that I had received from the Urgent care was “too low a dose “.. so I was able to get an appt with the PCP group and the prescriber that I saw agreed on the low Prednisone dose and TRIPLED the dose.

Another week had passed and no change in the intensity of my pain and our PCP decided that it was time to get a MRI..  Had the MRI on Wednesday and had the last appt of the day with our PCP on this past Friday.  It would seem that the “spongy fibrocartilaginous material” between L4-L5 had bulged and had impinged on the sciatic nerve.

I am now waiting for a referral to a neural surgeon and hopefully will be seeing him this coming week.

Our PCP has always let me titrate my own opiate dose when I have had painful flares over the years.  By this point, I was running low on opiates.  I was using a rather low dose of a IR opiate and in it would now appear that I am a fast/ultra fast opiate metabolizer.  Taking a dose, it would “kick-in” in about 30 -45 minutes and start to dramatically “peter-out” about 2.5 hrs after taking the dose.  So a IR dose that should have been providing 4-6 hrs of some pain management… was providing only about TWO HRS.

Our PCP gave me a paper Rx to take to the pharmacy to get filled for enough to last me about 3 weeks.  At the pharmacy, the pharmacist told me that SILVER SCRIPTS has a QUANTITY LIMIT of SIX DOSES IN 24 HRS… and I am taking TEN DOSES every 24 HOURS !

So I go home and call Silver Scripts and talk to the PA dept… I am first told that it would take at least 72 hrs…   they would have to talk to the doctor…  I did not have 72 hrs of medication left and I was the last appt for the weekend.

I pointed out to the PA dept customer service that running out of medication would cause my pain level to go to the upper end of the pain scale, and I could be dependent enough that I could be thrown into withdrawal if I ran out of medication.

I identified myself as a Pharmacist whose specialty was pain management and intentionally throwing me into withdrawal resulting in a torturous level of pain and withdrawal that could be considered pt/senior abuse and that torture in this country is still considered ILLEGAL..   I sensed that I was not getting very far with this person.. 

So… I stated that one of the basics of the practice of medicine is the starting, changing or stopping a pt’s medication and that Silver Scripts did not have a license to practice medicine and that their chief Medical Director Dr Brennan… only had a license to practice medicine in MASS as well as having a law degree.. so he should be well aware what is legal or illegal and being done under his name.

I also told the CS person that it is ILLEGAL – under the controlled substance act – for a prescriber to prescribe controlled substance for a person that he/she had not done a in person physical exam and that Dr Brennan does not have a license to practice medicine in the state of Indiana – where I live.

The CS person asked me if I wanted them to process the PA even if they couldn’t get a hold of the prescriber….. and that would be 24 hrs… and I repeated that I would be out of medication before the 72 hr time frame.  This was about 6 PM on Friday and was assured that I would receive a determination by 6 PM on Saturday.

About 11 AM on Saturday, I got a voice mail…that the PA has been approved 🙂

In the interim, I went to the Silver Scripts formulary (2018) on the web.. and found the following:

Notice that their QL’s have nothing to do with mgs/day but tablets/caps/day.  And if your necessary dose of Oxycodone is 10 mg/dose… they will only pay for Oxy/APAP 10/325 and allow enough APAP/day that could harm your LIVER.  Of course, if this destroys your liver and you need a transplant… then it is Medicare that has to pick up the cost… since they only have to worry about the cost medications.

oxycodone hcl
(generic of
15mg, 30mg
QL (180 tabs / 30 days)
oxycodone hcl
TABS 10mg,
QL (180 tabs / 30 days)
oxycodone w/ acetaminophen
(generic of
QL (360 tabs / 30 days)
oxycodone w/ acetaminophen
(generic of
QL (360 tabs / 30 days)

oxycodone w/ acetaminophen
(generic of
QL (360 tabs / 30 days)
oxycodone w/ acetaminophen
(generic of
QL (360 tabs / 30 days)


Buffington: Drug laws just clogging up courts

America’s war on drugs has been a catastrophic failure. Look at the arrest and incident reports in this week’s newspaper to see just how little impact the current legal system has had on illegal drug use and abuse.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. There’s a massive amount of abuse of legal drugs across the country, as evidenced by the ongoing opioid epidemic.
It’s time the nation, from the federal government down to local governments, re-think these misguided efforts.
We are clogging up our courts and jails with people who often need addiction treatment, not a cell. In the process, we are sometimes ruining the lives of young people whose only “crime” was to get caught with a marijuana joint.
There has to be a better way to deal with serious drug addictions and minor recreational drug use in this country than to push citizens through the legal system’s meat grinder.
At the federal level, there are two things that need to happen:
•Remove marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug. As currently classified by the DEA, Schedule 1 drugs are supposed to have no accepted medical use and have a potential for abuse. Marijuana clearly doesn’t meet that standard. There’s a growing body of evidence that the chemicals found in the cannabis plant do have medical value. But medical research on cannabis has been stymied by its being classified by the federal government as a Schedule 1 compound. The reason marijuana is a Schedule 1 drug today has nothing to do with medical or scientific evidence and everything to do with politics. Before 1942, marijuana was listed as a legal medicine in the U.S. It was removed as a legal substance following the 1930s “reefer madness” propaganda. (That movement was rooted in an anti-Mexican sentiment sweeping California at the time. That grew into a national movement fueled by “yellow journalism” publisher William Randolph Hearst.) In the early 1970s, President Richard Nixon went on a rampage against drugs, especially against marijuana which was connected to the anti-Vietnam War “hippie” movement. Nixon punished that movement, which didn’t support him politically, by having cannabis listed as a Schedule 1 drug under the DEA, an agency which his administration had helped create. It’s very clear that cannabis should not be listed as a dangerous, addictive drug that has no medical value. Congress should force the DEA to change that.
•In addition to ending the farce about marijuana, the federal government should crack down harder on the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture addictive opioid drugs and market them as being harmless. Some of that is happening and big pharma is increasingly coming under scrutiny for its role in creating the opioid crisis. (There isn’t space here to outline all those details, but if you’re interested look up Purdue Pharma and see how that company marketed OxyContin in the 1990s and early 2000s.) But more can be done by the feds to hold big pharma accountable for its misleading marketing of dangerous, addictive drugs.
At the state and local level, there are things that can also be done differently:
•Marijuana use should be decriminalized by state and local law enforcement. That’s already being done in some jurisdictions. Locally, the Town of Braselton has stopped arresting for minor marijuana possession and just issues a citation (like a speeding ticket) instead. The City of Jefferson does that sometimes, depending on who the arresting officer is. But too many other local law enforcement agencies continue to arrest people for having a small amount of marijuana. That’s nuts. It’s clogging up our courts and ruining the lives of people whose only offense is having a bag of weed in their car. Issue a ticket and unless someone is clearly under the influence of drugs, let them go on their way.
•The state government should put much more funding into mental health and addiction programs. Many of those who have addiction problems have other mental health or life problems. Putting these people in jail isn’t getting them the help they need.
•The state should continue to open the door to cannabis for medical use despite its conflicted status at the federal level. State legislators often say they can’t expand medical cannabis because of the feds, but that’s just a copout. State legislators are often willing to give their middle-finger to the feds on other issues, so why not this?
•More drug courts that focus on changing behavior rather than criminal punishment need to be created and funded by the state.
•Every local government should join in the class-action lawsuit that is aimed at suing the pharmaceutical companies that helped the opioid crisis. Several area governments have already signed on and those that haven’t should do so.
There are no magic formulas to ending drug addiction, just as there has never been a way to stop alcoholism. The nation tried Prohibition for 13 years and that only led to more crime and public corruption. The current prohibition on drugs has not been successful, either. Since 1973, we’ve had a sustained “war on drugs” where we’ve tried to use law enforcement as a weapon to change social behavior. It hasn’t worked. Screaming “law and order” failed.
It’s time to try something new.

Perhaps the “war on drugs” is just a methodology for our judicial system to become self-perpetuating industrial complex ?

Thousands of N.C. doctors are over-prescribing opioids despite a new state law

Thousands of North Carolina doctors appear to be breaking a new state law that limits opioid prescriptions for patients using the addictive drugs for the first time, according to preliminary data from the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services and the state’s largest health insurer, Blue Cross and Blue Shield.

The NC STOP Act, enacted June 29 and effective Jan. 1, limits opioid prescriptions to five days for first-time patients with short-term pain, or seven days if the patient had surgery. The law, which is intended to stop patients from getting more opioids than they need, is a response to a grave public health concern that leftover narcotics could be taken recreationally or sold, feeding an opioid epidemic that claimed 12,590 lives in North Carolina between 1999 and 2016.

The data from the state health department shows that in March more than 16,000 physicians across the state prescribed opioids for over a week to at least one patient who had not had a prescription in six months. But the agency noted that additional information was needed to determine if those prescriptions actually violated the law.

The agency presented its preliminary report Tuesday to the staff of the N.C. Medical Board, the state body that licenses and disciplines the 27,000 doctors working in the state. It was the first time DHHS had provided the Board with such a list. The data comes from the state’s controlled substances reporting system, a database of prescriptions doctors and pharmacists can use to see if a patient is getting opioids from multiple doctors. The challenge for DHHS and the Medical Board is that the database does not contain the medical details necessary to filter out irrelevant cases and determine if the prescription violates the STOP Act.

The Medical Board’s spokeswoman noted that thousands of the prescriptions are likely legitimate, but said that the scale of the problem is challenging the organization to find alternative ways to enforce the law.

“Investigating every prescriber on the DHHS report is simply not feasible,” said Jean Fisher Brinkley.

The Medical Board, which opened 2,500 investigations last year, lacks the staff and resources to investigate tens of thousands of doctors and does not expect to be ready to start warning or censuring doctors until this fall at the earliest.

“We have this big new law that changes how doctors prescribe for acute pain,” Brinkley said. “It turns out it’s a bear to enforce.”

N.C. DHHS declined to provide The N&O with a total number of opioid prescriptions with the same parameters for January through April, which would give a more accurate picture of the difficulty officials will have enforcing the law. But it’s clear that the total number of prescriptions is much bigger than that provided to the Medical Board. The DHHS list, while statewide, covers only one month and only physicians and excludes other medical professionals authorized to prescribe opioids.

The Blue Cross answer

A Blue Cross analysis of all medical practitioners in its commercial plans released Monday shows that about 4,500 doctors, dentists and other medical professionals have written prescriptions exceeding the law’s limits between Jan. 1 and April 13. This data is also limited because it represents just the insurer’s commercial plans, which cover 1.3 million people in North Carolina. About 9,000 Blue Cross members received the prescriptions.

“Doctors are writing them, pharmacies are filling them,” said Estay Greene, Blue Cross’s vice president of pharmacy programs. “If a prescription is written and you only end up using it for three days, and the doctor wrote it for 30 days, you have 27 days of opioids sitting in your medicine cabinet.”

In April, Blue Cross started electronically blocking prescriptions from being filled beyond seven days. The insurer says the policy blocked more than 1,100 prescriptions and prevented between 25,000 and 30,000 opioid pills from being dispensed to patients in the first two weeks of its implementation. Based on that figure, the company estimates that 225,000 to 275,000 opioid painkillers have been over-prescribed on its commercial plans between Jan. 1 and mid-April.

Under the NC STOP Act, after the initial five- and seven-day limit, the patient can receive another prescription if the pain continues and requires medication.

Questioning the data

Related stories from Raleigh News & Observer

“Large numbers of the names on that [DHHS] list we would expect to be found to have prescribed appropriately,” Brinkley said. “We need a way to generate a report that filters out the appropriate prescribers.”

Rep. Greg Murphy, a Republican and urologist from Pitt County who co-sponsored the opioid law, said he expected it would take some time for all doctors to understand the new law, but high numbers reported by Blue Cross don’t match his personal experience in talking with doctors and the medical profession’s concern about opioid abuses.

“I can’t expect everyone to change their prescribing pattern overnight,” Murphy said. “Those numbers look very high to me. … It may not be what it’s being portended to be.”

Blue Cross spokesman Austin Vevurka said the company is confident its data is accurate.

However, Blue Cross acknowledges its data does not present a complete picture. For example: The data, which comes from claims filed by pharmacies, includes acute pain patients, whose prescriptions are limited by the NC STOP Act, along with chronic pain patients, whose prescriptions don’t fall under the new law. Including the chronic patients inflates the total, but Blue Cross can’t filter the data without reviewing every claim.

At the same time, however, the company could be understating the problem because it excluded all newly enrolled customers from its tally, so that long-term pain patients would not automatically show up as new patients just because they’re new to Blue Cross. That precaution excluded acute pain patients whose prescriptions may be out of compliance with the law.

The state data was generated using the same algorithm as Blue Cross and contains the same potential inaccuracies, Brinkley said.

State can’t enforce the law

Once doctors, dentists and other health care practitioners are flagged in the database for potential violations of the law, DHHS does not have the authority to fine or otherwise discipline them. The law allows the agency only to notify the practitioners and their various licensing boards about opioid prescriptions that look suspicious.

The law also does not include criminal penalties for practitioners whose opioid prescriptions exceed the new limits. Criminal penalties are reserved for drug trafficking and drug diversion; questions of professional judgment are best left to medical licensing boards, said Laura Brewer, spokeswoman for N.C. Attorney General Josh Stein. Stein’s office helped draft the legislation. Stein has said over-prescribing is the main cause of the nation’s opioid crisis.

The first notices and warnings to doctors are not expected to go out from the N.C. Medical Board for months. In order to receive information from the Controlled Substances Reporting System to conduct investigations, the Medical Board has to adopt regulatory guidelines for the disclosure of confidential information, a process that needs to go through public hearings and be approved by the N.C. Rules Review Commission.

The Medical Board is discussing its options now and could vote as early as this month. If it doesn’t, it won’t have another opportunity until its meeting in July. Still, the board lacks the resources to double or triple its workload. One option might be to send alerts or warnings to doctors and to investigate only chronic offenders, who could be subject to harsher discipline, such as a suspended license.

Doctors in difficult position

Blake Fagan, a family physician in Asheville, said some doctors are still unaware of the new prescribing limits under the NC STOP Act. Fagan teaches courses on opioids and pain for the Mountain Area Health Education Center and has given about 30 presentations across the state on the NC STOP Act since Jan. 1.

At a February presentation to 500 podiatrists in Charlotte, at least several dozen said they had not heard about the new law, he said.

In more recent presentations, doctors say they know about the law but then ask questions — such as: How many pills can I write? What happens after seven days? — betraying their confusion about the details.

Fagan said that the law puts some surgeons in a difficult position, because they don’t want their patients to get just seven days of painkillers after a mastectomy, knee replacement or gall bladder removal. Getting painkillers beyond seven days requires another consultation and a new prescription.

The law defines acute pain as pain that’s expected to last less than three months. Such pain is treated by short-acting opioids like Percocet, Vicodin and Demerol.

The NC STOP Act does not apply to pharmacists who fill inappropriate prescriptions that a doctor writes in violation of the new prescription limits.  Why it’s so hard to break an opioid addiction


The average prescription length in Blue Cross’s electronically denied cases was 19 days of opioids, said the insurer’s spokesman Vevurka. When Blue Cross started blocking prescriptions in April, some customers challenged the move as an error, and Blue Cross reversed initial denials for 151 customers between April 1 and April 16, approving opioid prescriptions for longer than seven days for those customers.Because the law doesn’t define what a first-time patient is but limits controlled substances to patients after an “initial consultation,” Blue Cross and DHHS defined that period as 180 days since the last opioid prescription for that patient. The law’s five-day and seven-day opioid prescription limits don’t apply to hospitals, nursing homes, hospices and residential care facilities.

Pharmacists say that the law’s opioid prescription limits don’t fit the definition of every new patient. Some undergo difficult surgeries and will experience more than seven days of pain, said Penny Shelton, executive director of the N.C. Association of Pharmacists.

People with rheumatoid arthritis and others have chronic pain symptoms that flare up infrequently enough to render the patient classified as a new prescription under the NC STOP Act, Shelton said. In those cases, the doctor can write a subsequent prescription, but it complicates life for people in extreme physical discomfort.

“Ninety-five percent are in legitimate pain and have a legitimate need for the medicine,” said Jonathan Harward, pharmacy manager at Josefs Pharmacy in Raleigh.

Your Government is LYING To YOU….REALLY LYING…to all of US…..

How would I prosecute a Federal prosecutor?