Narcan-Resistant Fentanyl Found in Pennsylvania

This year has brought a lot of bad news in the world of drugs and drug addiction. First, it was elephant tranquilizers being found in batches of heroin across the nation. Then, the number of deaths related to Fentanyl shot through the roof. And finally, we had fake Xanax make its way around Florida, killing at least 9 people. Drug use is scary these days and it’s astounding that anyone in their right mind would choose to use drugs. It seems like you never know what you’re gonna get. Now, we have another huge problem looming on the horizon and it looks completely dismal.

In Pittsburgh, PA a type of Narcan-resistant Fentanyl has been found in batches of heroin and it’s already causing numerous overdoses and deaths. Apparently, it’s hundreds of times more powerful than morphine and called Acryl-Fentanyl. There is a distinct difference between Fentanyl, Carfentanil and Acryl-Fentanyl. Believe it or not, Fentanyl and Carfentanil actually have legitimate, medical uses. Fentanyl is an extremely strong painkiller that’s usually given to patients before or after surgery and for those who are terminally ill. Carfentanil is, well, an elephant tranquilizer and has veterinary purposes. But Acryl-Fentanyl has no known purpose for even existing… and it’s highly troubling that it’s been synthesized.

You got it, Acryl-Fentanyl is synthesized, which means it’s artificially created and has no natural origin (remember, heroin’s natural origin is a poppy plant). Not only is it manmade, but it’s being created in China, like most other research chemicals and synthetic drugs and being smuggled into the United States.

DEA Special Agent In-Charge, David Battiste said, “If Acryl-fentanyl is introduced into the population, it can have devastating effects. You would have to reuse Narcan if you are revived from Narcan at all.”

That’s right folks, this stuff is completely resistant to Narcan. Like Special Agent Battiste said, it’s unlikely that Narcan will reverse its effects and, if it does, it will take multiple, multiple doses. We’re already having enough of a problem with the strength of opiates these days. Narcan is struggling to keep up and continue to save the lives of those who overdose. Acryl-Fentanyl is going to make this problem a whole lot worse and this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the devastating effects this drug is going to have on our society.

Opiate abuse has reached an all-time high, creating an all-time low for our society. Instead of curbing the problem and reducing use and abuse of painkillers and heroin, the problem only seems to be growing at exponential rates. Instead of halting the importing of these drugs into the country, they just keep flowing in. Want to know why? It’s because we consume this garbage. Manufacturers in China know, in my opinion, that they can keep making ultra-strong and deadly drugs and we’re going to consume it. And not only consume it, but consume it in mass quantities because the world knows that the United States has a completely unquenchable thirst for drugs.

If anyone you know is struggling with painkiller addiction or heroin abuse, get them help now! The opiate problem is getting so bad, you never know who’s going to die. Instead of waiting for that fateful day, get an addict you care about the help that they most desperately need. Before it’s too late.


No one is free from harm

“I want to help doctors understand that an informed patient is your best patient, even if it adds an extra five or 10 minutes to the visit.'”
–Dr. Nicole T. Rochester


Over the years I’ve been in many situations where adult relatives were hospitalized and I would visit and uncover medical errors or communication gaps. I was accustomed to having to intervene occasionally. But when I became a caregiver for my dad, everything was multiplied by 1,000.

I was completely surprised and overwhelmed by the lack of communication between the doctors and my dad and our family members. There were all kinds of medical errors I caught. Often, the questions I asked about his care were ones the average layperson wouldn’t even know to ask. It made me think about what most people deal with when they are hospitalized or caring for an elderly or sick family member.

My father, John W. Twyman III, was a retired Washington, D.C., police officer in his late 60s when my sisters and I became caregivers for him in 2010. He had chronic medical problems including diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, end-stage renal disease and early dementia.


Rochester family

Father’s Day 2009: John W. Twyman III (center) is pictured with his four daughters. Dr. Nicole T. Rochester is to his immediate left.


Initially, I just tried to be his daughter and support him. But as his memory declined, I saw my role as filling in the gaps in his history and telling his story.

When I spoke up as his daughter and pointed out concerns, I would find I was often ignored, until I stated that I was a physician. Then, all of a sudden they would listen and things would happen. I couldn’t imagine what happens to the millions of Americans who don’t have a professional person in the family watching out for them.

Over the three years that I was his caregiver, until he died in 2013, my father had a lot of different specialists. During hospitalizations, it was often very difficult to get information from the doctors. I would ask the cardiologist if he had talked to the nephrologist, because some of their orders were in direct contradiction. I would say, “OK, guys, are you all on the same team? Are you all talking?”

Each physician worked in a silo, focusing on whatever body part they handled. It was very difficult to coordinate his care.

It was not common for the doctors to read the notes of other members of the team. I did that for my dad, keeping up with all the recommendations and making sure they weren’t conflicting. That can be daunting.

At one point he was on five or six different medications for blood pressure, and he had a lot of dizziness and was falling. We realized he was taking multiple medications that were duplicates with different names. His primary-care doctor should have been the one to keep track, but unfortunately these things often fell through the cracks.

When my dad passed in February 2013, he was in a skilled-nursing facility recovering after a hospitalization. He had a cardiac arrest during dialysis. It’s not clear what triggered that event. We really don’t know if something happened during dialysis.

I was so moved by my experience as my dad’s caregiver that I left my practice as a pediatric hospitalist last year to launch a company to help patients and family caregivers navigate the healthcare system. I provide private patient advocacy services, including helping people find nursing home facilities, researching treatment options, and helping patients and families communicate with the healthcare team during hospitalizations.

My ultimate goal is to teach patients and family caregivers how to be effective advocates for themselves and how to be active partners with their healthcare providers. Doctors are great and mean well, but the system doesn’t allow the time for the type of rich communication that used to embody the doctor-patient relationship.

They are completely overwhelmed jumping through all the hoops required to practice medicine. Sometimes an empowered patient can feel like a threat. I want to help doctors understand that an informed patient is your best patient, even if it adds an extra five or 10 minutes to the visit.

My next phase will be speaking with healthcare providers. I’m trying to figure out the best way to get my message across in a way that will be well-received and won’t alienate my colleagues.

I’ve been approached by many doctors who’ve had similar experiences to mine in caring for aging parents or children with disabilities. Many of them said they experienced exactly what happened to me.

I’m excited that there’s finally a recognition that patients are a vital part of the healthcare team. Things are improving, but it’s going to be a very slow process. At the ground level in doctors’ offices and hospitals, it will take a long time for some of these ideas to become reality.

Could medical marijuana be a solution to the unprecedented opioid epidemic?

Dr. Sanjay Gupta is here to answer your questions. “Weed 4: Pot vs. Pills” premieres Sunday night at 8pET on CNN.


Why Opioid Tapering Makes Me Think of Suicide

By Charlene Bedford, Guest Columnist

I am 40 years old, with two young boys. In 2011, I was diagnosed with ankloysing spondylitis, a severe auto-immune disease for which there is no cure. I have severe damage to my sacroiliac joints. They are fused together, and boy is that painful. It is now traveling up my spine.

I have tried every biologic on the market and almost died from Cosentyx after developing a severe intestinal infection. I also almost died from Humira. I’ve had many medicines over many years, but I am stable on opiates, no longer bedridden and able to keep my job. The opiates take my pain level from a 10 down to a 3 or 4. They’re very effective. Nothing else even comes close in relief.

Then the CDC opioid guidelines came out. Last month my doctor said to me, “According to the CDC, I have to taper you off all opiates.”

I am a government contractor and have colleagues at the FDA, CDC, Medicare and Medicaid. I even emailed my state senator. They ALL told me there is no law that says she can’t prescribe opiates. It is still up to the doctors. But no doctor working within 100 miles of me will prescribe. I have called every single one since she stated she was going to taper me completely. 

So, each day I can’t sleep, worrying about what is going to happen at my next refill. The dosage is being cut each time. I told my boss that once the medicine is gone, I will not be able to mentally or physically deal with the pain.

The pain in my spine is as bad as labor pain. It never goes away. Every minute, every day, all year long. No human can tolerate that kind of pain. I think about suicide, but I can’t leave my children. I’m thinking maybe I could buy heroin and use very little to control my pain. But I have never seen it, wouldn’t know where to get it, and figure I’m just better off dead. 



For 7 years I was a stellar patient. Never failed a drug test. Pill counts were always spot on. But now my life is literally being taken away. I can’t stand without medicine. I can’t walk without medicine. Yet addicts have 13 pages of rights I read about. If an addict is being treated with medication, they can’t be denied a job, housing, etc. But what happened to my rights? I am fully disabled. 

To make matters worse, I asked the doctor about palliative care and she said “No, that is for cancer only.” Which I also found is not true. The three criteria for palliative care describe my illness exactly: no cure, a shortened life span, and a symptom treatment that significantly improves quality of life.

I can’t even oppose or file a complaint against my doctor or she will discharge me. She doesn’t like to be challenged. 

Please, please help us. There will always be addicts. Putting everyone in one category is not right. There are more traffic deaths than overdoses but they’re not banning cars. One million abortions and that’s okay?

The inflated CDC overdose numbers that caused opioid hysteria are all a big fat lie. Yes, people will overdose, but studies show they would have anyway. They have mental health issues or other problems. How many of those deaths were related to patients being denied medicine? A bet there are a lot.

The studies are out there. Prescription opioids have declined, and heroin deaths increased. It’s not that hard to figure out why. The VA denies all opiates now. More vets are committing suicide than ever before.  

This needs to stop. I want a lawsuit against the government. There is a federal law that states the government cannot interfere with doctor-patient care. Their fake hysteria and crisis have scared every doctor and they just aren’t prescribing. This has gone too far. 

suicide hotline.png

Charlene Bedford lives in Pennsylvania.

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The information in this column should not be considered as professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is for informational purposes only and represents the author’s opinions alone. It does not inherently express or reflect the views, opinions and/or positions of Pain News Network.

Untreated Chronic Pain Violates International Law

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Untreated chronic pain is not only an epidemic, it’s a crime. According to a groundbreaking new report by Human Rights Watch, the majority of the world’s population lacks adequate access to narcotic pain relief. Governments are letting their own people suffer needlessly and flouting international law in the process.

In signing the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, the international community acknowledged that narcotic drugs are “indispensable for the relief of pain and suffering.” Signatories committed to making these drugs available to those in need. However, HRW reports that most nations are failing to live up to that commitment. Eighty percent of the world’s population currently has inadequate access to narcotic painkillers.


According to the report:

“The poor availability of pain treatment is both perplexing and inexcusable. Pain causes terrible suffering yet the medications to treat it are cheap, safe, effective and generally straightforward to administer. Furthermore, international law obliges countries to make adequate pain medications available. Over the last twenty years, the WHO and the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), the body that monitors the implementation of the UN drug conventions, have repeatedly reminded states of their obligation.  But little progress has been made in many countries.”

The report blames government inaction and excessively strict drug control policies for the global shortage of medical narcotics. Many governments are so afraid that morphine will be diverted for illicit purposes that they are willing to let sick people go without in order to keep criminals from cashing in. This warped logic is the equivalent of imprisoning the innocent to make sure that the guilty don’t go free.

The report identifies a vicious cycle of low supply and low demand: When painkillers are rare, health care providers aren’t trained to administer them, and therefore the demand stays low. If the demand is low, governments aren’t pressured to improve supply. The 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs set up a global regulatory system for medical narcotics. Each country has to submit its estimated needs to the International Narcotics Control Board, which uses this information to set quotas for legal opiate cultivation. HRW found that many countries drastically understate their national need for narcotic medicines. In 2009, Burkina Faso only asked for enough morphine to treat 8 patients, or, enough for about .o3% of those who need it. Eritrea only asked for enough to treat 12 patients, Gabon 14. Even the Russian Federation and Mexico only asked the INCB for enough morphine to supply about 15% and 38% of their respective estimated needs.


Cultural and legal barriers get in the way of good pain medicine. “Physicians are afraid of morphine… Doctors [in Kenya] are so used to patients dying in pain…they think that this is how you must die,” a Kenyan palliative care specialist told HRW investigators, “They are suspicious if you don’t die this way – [and feel] that you died prematurely.” The palliative care movement has made some inroads in the West, but pharmacological puritanism and overblown concerns about addiction are still major barriers to pain relief in wealthy countries. In the U.S., many doctors hesitate to prescribe according to their medical training and their conscience because they’re (justifiably) afraid of getting arrested for practicing medicine.

Ironically, on March 3, the same day the HRW report was released, Afghanistan announced yet another doomed attempt to eradicate opium poppies, the country’s number one export and the source of 90% of the world’s opium. The U.S. is desperate to convince Afghans to grow anything else: “We want to help the Afghan people make the move from poppies to pomegranates so Afghanistan can regain its place as an agricultural leader in South Asia,” said U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in an address to the Afghan people last December. Pomegranates? Sorry, Madame Secretary, but the world needs morphine more than grenadine.

Photo credit: Flickr user Dano, distributed under Creative Commons. Tweaked slightly by Lindsay Beyerstein for enhanced legibility.

Are You Addicted to Oxygen?

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Official Court Transcript

Presiding Judge — The Honorable Clarence Darrow

Testimony of Dr. Hippocrates of Kos;

Plaintiff— Dr. Hippocrates, do you like coffee, tea or even breathing?

Defense — Objection! The claimant is threatening the witness!

Plaintiff — Objection? It is a simple question simply to determine if the good doctor if he enjoys life’s simpler pleasure. May I explain your Honor?

Judge — Humm… proceed cautiously sir…

Plaintiff — Understood Sir. The thing is, if the good doctor enjoys any one of these items and the courts deny him his guaranteed right to enjoy the pleasures pursuing happiness, then there will be consequences. First, if you deny Dr. Hippocrates either tea of coffee he has been drinking for many years, then the good doctor will experience various physical discomforts. Some of these include elevated blood pressure, severe headaches and even nervous tremors and cravings. These symptoms can even lead to death by heart attack or even stroke if the blood pressure is not controlled sufficiently.

Now breathing, like denial of pain medications for intractable pain, is very similar in that the body does require it in order to maintain normal functioning of the body similar to pain medications. If you deny the body of either, serious side effects will occur. Various organs within the body will start compensating in order to survive and protect the brain from a complete shutdown. With continued oxygen deprivation results in fainting, long-term loss of consciousness, coma, seizures, cessation of brain stem reflexes, and eventual brain death.

Denial of pain medications will lead to chronic cardiovascular stress, hyperglycemia which both predisposes to and worsens diabetes, splanchnic vasoconstriction leading to impaired digestive function and potentially to catastrophic consequence. Unrelieved pain can be accurately thought of as the “universal complicator” which worsens all coexisting medical or psychiatric problems through the stress mechanisms and by inducing cognitive and behavioral changes in the sufferer which can interfere with obtaining needed medical care. The risk of death by suicide is more than doubled in chronic pain patients, relative to national rates.*

Judge — Objection overruled…. I find the Claimant has proven his case and find the defendant guilty of crimes of medical malpractice…. Court Adjourned!!!

  • Alex DeLuca, M.D., FASAM, MPH;Written testimony submitted to the Senate Subcommittee on Crime and Drugs regarding the “Gen Rx: Abuse of Prescription and OTC Drugs” hearing; 2008–03–08.

How CVS protects its Medicare drug records

Outside a CVS pharmacy store.

A document from CVS Caremark shines another small ray of light on how pharmacy benefit managers work within the prescription drug chain.

The big picture: The language is pretty standard and not controversial on its own, according to several lawyers who reviewed the document. But it reinforces the lack of transparency that exists even in taxpayer-subsidized drug programs like Medicare Part D.


The details: The document, obtained from a person who works in the pharmacy industry, is an amendment to an agreement between CVS Caremark and an outside pharmacy. It’s related to Medicare Part D, the $95 billion prescription drug program. The amendment outlines what a pharmacy should do in the event the federal government audits any Part D records tied to CVS.

The pharmacy should:

  • Let CVS know when the feds come knocking.
  • Allow CVS to review the records the government wants to see, before sending them to the feds.
  • Label all the confidential stuff as proprietary and exempt from federal open records law.

CVS spokesman Mike DeAngelis said the amendment was made to stay in lockstep with federal regulations, and that “it simply describes commonplace procedures used by companies of all industries, including the health care industry, to protect their proprietary information.”

The bottom line: Companies obviously want to protect trade secrets, and this language more or less addresses that in a specific instance. But these kinds of situations become more complicated when information, such as

contract details for a large taxpayer-funded program, can’t be obtained under federal open records law.

Gov’t Move to Stop Opioid Abuse Backfires in Horrifying Way… Hell on Earth

There has been much discussion in recent years about the crisis of opioid abuse, and while there is broad agreement that “something must be done,” there are innocent victims of a crackdown on opioid drugs that often go unnoticed.

According to the Cato Institute, those overlooked victims are hospitalized patients recovering from accidents or surgeries who are in serious pain, but are unable to receive necessary doses of powerful painkillers to ease their suffering.

Rather than being administered proper doses of opioid drugs, these patients are instead being treated with less effective drugs like acetaminophin, muscle relaxers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, similar to what one could obtain over the counter at a local drug store.

In other words, while these people are wracked with excruciating pain and legitimately require the powerful opioid drugs to ease their pain, they are instead left suffering in a literal “hell on earth” due to government intrusion into the pharmaceutical market.

The problem stems from a national quota set by the Drug Enforcement Administration that limits the amount of opioid drugs that can be manufactured and sold.

It was first announced in late 2016 that production of opioids would be reduced by at least 25 percent. The DEA then announced in 2017 that it would reduce 2018 production of opioid drugs by at least another 20 percent from earlier reductions.

The cuts have resulted in a shortage of powerful opioid drugs needed for the legitimate purpose of easing the pain of accident victims, cancer patients and those recovering from surgery, leaving them in a world of hurt.

Making matters worse, the DEA’s cuts are fairly misguided, as the real problem of the “opioid crisis” isn’t the drugs themselves, but the results of an addiction to opioids.

When patients who have been prescribed opioid painkillers can no longer receive those powerful drugs, they often turn to illegal drugs obtained on the street like heroin and fentanyl, which are totally unregulated and when not properly administered, can result in fatal overdoses.

The highly addictive nature of opioid drugs and a tendency for doctors and hospitals to over-prescribe the drugs as a sort of panacea for all health issues is a legitimate problem.

But that problem would likely be better addressed by more stringent oversight in regard to the prescribing of these powerful drugs, not in a blanket reduction of the overall production of the drug that has caused shortages and left legitimate patients in need.

It should also be noted that the DEA alone isn’t responsible for this terrible turn of events, as other factors are most certainly also at play, such as the ongoing consolidation of the pharmaceutical industry, the unfathomable length of time it takes the Food and Drug Administration to approve new drugs and, of course, the typical ebb-and-flow of supply and demand in a market economy.

But the mandated production cuts by the DEA has exacerbated the problems surrounding opioid abuse. Aside from leaving legitimate patients in pain, the move could also result in more patients turning to alternatives like heroin or fentanyl to deal with their incredible pain on their own, which raises the risk of overdose or running afoul of the laws against illicit drug use.

RELATED: Mother Weeps in Court After Allegedly Recording Herself Giving 16-Month-Old Child Drugs

Many people have viewed the overarching “war on drugs” as largely being a failure — drug abuse rates have remained steady despite the expenditure of hundreds of billions of dollars to combat the problem — and this recent move to crackdown on the opioid crisis is simply the latest such misguided government effort to combat drug abuse and addiction.

The opioid abuse crisis deserves plenty of attention, but keep in mind there are legitimate purposes for such drugs and a blanket reduction in their availability does nothing to solve the underlying problem. In fact, it only makes things worse for those truly in need.

Let’s remember those hospital patients in severe pain as we continue to debate the best way to reduce addiction and dependence on powerful drugs.

What do you think? Scroll down to comment below!

ACLU is making a difference for those whose rights are most at risk: chronic pain pts NOT CONSIDERED AT RISK ?

Every day we hear new evidence of how the Trump administration’s policies are trampling on people’s rights, ripping families apart, and destroying the very fabric of our democracy.

It’s maddening. But, we can fight back.

With 137 legal actions challenging the Trump administration, the ACLU is making a difference for those whose rights are most at risk.

Here’s the important step we need you to take right now.

Support the ACLU by becoming a Guardian of Liberty with a monthly pledge of $15 or more.

Your monthly support will ensure that ACLU advocates can respond quickly whenever people’s civil liberties are under attack — and keep fighting for as long as it takes.

And thanks to a group of generous donors, your first three monthly Guardian of Liberty gifts will be matched dollar-for-dollar, up to the match limit of $25,000.

That means a monthly gift of $15 will translate to an additional $45 for the ACLU, multiplying your impact on time-sensitive work like protecting the right to vote, challenging Trump’s transgender military ban, fighting for criminal justice reform — to name a few.

With so many assaults on people’s rights coming every day, there couldn’t be a better time for you to act.

Everything we believe in is on the line. Please become a Guardian of Liberty today:

Thanks in advance,

Anthony D. Romero
Executive Director, ACLU


do members of Congress every see your correspondence ?

Given today’s technology, one wonders what path a constituent’s correspondence takes.  Each Member of the House represents 710,000 constituents.  Senators’ numbers are a bit different… Since TWO SENATORS represent a state and the most populous state is CALF with 40 million and then there is little old Wyoming  with a 589,000 population.

There may be exceptions, but normally I read about a constituent contacting someone in Congress about denial of chronic pain meds .. only to get back a letter discussing what is being done in fighting the opiate crisis.

I think that it would be interested to see a study on what the constituent correspondence asks and what comes back..  I suspect that we know the answer.. without a study.

Correspondence could take one of two paths… gets scanned into a computer and the computer looks for “key words” in the text and generates a “form letter” based on the key words. Or the same task is done manually using office staff.. to pick the form letter and/or choosing specific form paragraphs to compose a return letter.

In turn, there is data on a spread sheet collected based on the key words for the member of Congress to review. So that they can be “in-sync” with his/her constituent’s concerns.

IF you pay attention to what “big business” does to get things their way on the hill… they hire lobbyists… who does their lobbying IN PERSON.. Many lobbyist firms will generate proposed bills and presents them to member of Congress and ask them to sponsor the bill.

Maybe the chronic pain community needs to come up a “proposed bill” to benefit those in the chronic pain community and ask – IN PERSON – various members of Congress to sponsor/co-sponsor the bill. 

May be a better outcome, than what has been done in the past… ?