Insurance & PBM… being sued for overcharging pts on prescriptions

Class-Action Lawsuit Against Cigna Advances

A federal judge in Connecticut has denied most of Cigna Health and Life Insurance’s claims in the company’s request to dismiss a lawsuit claiming it artificially inflated prescription drug costs. The move, they claim, violates its clients’ health insurance policies.

The ruling by U.S. District Judge Warren Eginton means that the class-action lawsuit against Cigna and OptumRX Inc. will advance. The insurer hired OptumRX as its benefits manager to negotiate drug prices on behalf of the Cigna network.

Eginton wrote in the ruling, “The court finds the plaintiffs have plausibly alleged more than an entitlement to lower-cost prescription drugs or breach of contract. … The complaint plausibly alleges the defendant CIGNA acted with scienter by alleging that it intentionally sought to charge excess amounts for prescription drugs and that it required the pharmacies to conceal from the insureds the amounts of the prescription drug costs.”

The lawsuit was filed in October 2016 on behalf of five individuals covered by Cigna. The suit alleges both companies conspired over several years to make policyholders pay higher prices for prescription drugs. The plaintiffs allege that the companies misrepresented the costs of the drugs through higher charges to patients and efforts to get a larger portion of patient payments.

Eginton denied the motion to dismiss most of the claims, but the RICO claim against OptumRX was dismissed. The RICO claim against Cigna was not dismissed.

The lawsuit notes numerous examples of the defendants and agents of the defendants taking clawback or spread payments from pharmacies across the country thousands of times per day.

One example cited in the suit showed that a class member paid a $20 co-payment for a prescription drug, which was 1,043% more than the actual $1.75 fee that is paid to the pharmacist. The lawsuit claims that the defendants, without disclosing to the consumer, clawed back the $18.25 overcharge.

Pharmacists say corporate greed is pushing up prescription drug prices and them out of business

At 62 years old, Rod Kalbus was looking for a reason to retire. Firing a barrage of bullets, a couple hitting their mark, at three robbers who jumped behind his drugstore counter in December seemed as good reason as any.

But that was just “the final straw,” as Kalbus put it last week. His business — the last independent pharmacy in Akron’s Highland Square neighborhood — closed its doors forever on Tuesday. It was a business decision, and not necessarily one made out of fear.

In the final months of his 27 years filling prescriptions, what state lawmakers now call an “oligopoly” of health management companies, which fellow pharmacists call “too big to fail,” had proved far more effective than masked thieves at skimming profits from Kalbus’ Highland Square Pharmacy cash register.

“It’s a very shady, nontransparent business,” Kalbus said of the companies, known as pharmacy benefit managers, whose success is allegedly built on killing competition and inflating Ohio’s prescriptions drug costs for pharmacies and customers.

Kalbus and other pharmacists interviewed by the Beacon Journal/ say corporate greed is the best explanation for why 164 pharmacies, many of them small and locally owned, have closed in Ohio over the past two years.

PBMs at work

Pharmacy benefit managers, or PBMs, have been a mainstay in the prescription drug industry for decades. They were first introduced to haggle with drug manufacturers to get better prices for pharmacies, insurers, health plan providers, business, workers, the government and — ultimately — patients.

Over time, though, the companies have become integral to the drug prescription industry. Now middlemen in the supply chain, PBMs operate in negotiation between insurance claims, pill prices, which drugs make the cut and what pharmacies get to bottle them up.

This is where pharmacists and lawmakers say the free market can be abused for financial gain. PBMs can push more expensive drugs if they get a bigger cut on the negotiated price. “In any other industry you would call that a kickback,” said Ernest Boyd, executive director of the Ohio Pharmacists Association. “In our industry, they call it a rebate.”

Today, five PBMs are estimated to have a hand in filling half the nation’s prescriptions. Every company authorized to accept state Medicaid dollars for prescriptions uses a PBM, which negotiates drug costs, what insurance covers and how much from state funding or private insurance payouts should trickle to pharmacies.

Pharmacists, and now some pro-business Republicans at the Statehouse, argue that PBMs have unfairly cornered the market. For example, CVS Caremark, which is contracted by four of Ohio’s five Medicaid providers, can charge less for services provided to its CVS-branded pharmacies.

Parent company CVS Health, which responded by email Friday, said a “stringent firewall” keeps the influence of its PBM from unduly benefiting its pharmacies. “We reimburse our participating network pharmacies, including the many independent pharmacies that are valued participants in our network, at competitive rates that balance the need to fairly compensate pharmacies while providing a cost-effective benefit for our clients,” wrote Christine Cramer, the company’s senior director of corporate communications.

But pharmacists, who now have the attention of lawmakers, allege that recently PBMs have had more than just a thumb on the free market scale.

Price setting

In the fall, PBMs slashed reimbursements for Medicaid-approved prescriptions, cutting 80 percent of revenue in the most egregious cases reported by pharmacists and lawmakers.

And there’s no verifiable evidence that PBMs are setting cost and reimbursement rates according to basic supply-and-demand economics. The rates, instead, are established privately and, critics say, can fluctuate widely from one pharmacy to another, or from one month to the next.

As they allegedly withheld Medicaid dollars, CVS Health sent letters and emails to Ohio pharmacies asking if they would sell their businesses, citing the lower reimbursement rates they controlled “as a reason [the pharmacies] should get out of the market,” state Rep. Scott Lipps, a Franklin County Republican, said at a news conference Wednesday.

“Our retail business’ acquisition activity is completely unrelated to, separated from, and not coordinated with in any way the PBM business’ management of its pharmacy network,” Cramer said.

Dan Jones, a pharmacist and vice president of operations at Klein’s Pharmacy in Cuyahoga Falls, said the buyout request arriving amid lower reimbursement rates sent a clear, coordinated message. “Basically, to me, it seems they are trying to drive out competition.”

Before he closed up shop last week, Kaldus said he was making less than $2 to fill up to 40 percent of his customers’ prescriptions. For some transactions, Kaldus pocketed as little as 57 cents.

Revenues that low are unsustainable, though other area pharmacists, who have closed branch locations, say they refuse to turn away customers just because they’re losing money.

A 2016 study by Mercer Government Human Services Consulting, which was paid by the Ohio Department of Medicaid to investigate the cost of filling prescriptions, found that pharmacists spent between $9 and $10 on average to fill a prescription. That includes on-site consultation, state reporting requirements, monitoring to ensure drugs are used properly, salaries for employees and more.

Pharmacy deserts

Beyond the threat of higher prescription drug costs, shuttering pharmacies has a few other potentially negative consequences for customers and communities.

“The biggest concern that we have had is that, as pharmacies have closed their doors, patients are losing access to health care,” said Jones, who attributed market pressure from PBMs for the closing of a downtown Akron location last year, which was open to the public for 40 years. “These are patients that were already disadvantaged and now have to find access to transportation to fill their prescriptions.”

Similar concerns face rural communities, Boyd of the Ohio Pharmacists Association said. “Pharmacists provide services,” he said of one-stop shops for insulin, heart medication, flu shots and more. “If you check with rural health associations, in many counties we are the only health care provider there.”

Independent pharmacies are more likely to compound drugs on site. As they close, Boyd said customers with — for example — newborn babies may be forced to drive further for drugs requiring special blending and not typically stocked on shelves.

Boyd also warned that PBMs’ influence with drug manufacturers could put profits over patient choice. PBMs negotiate prices with manufacturers. But that doesn’t mean the lowest price prevails.

The PBM is then in the position to steer pharmacies, through variable pricing, toward more expensive drugs even if cheaper generics are available.

“We get a manufacturer’s drug on your formulary, your list” of what satisfies a doctor’s order, Boyd alleged of how PBMs negotiate in their own best interests. “We [the PBMs] win, you [the manufacturers] win. And the only one who gets screwed is the buyer.”

Reach Doug Livingston at 330-996-3792 or Follow him @ABJDoug on Twitter or on Facebook.

Opioid epidemic: Patients who are caught in the middle

“We feel like we have to keep proving we are disabled just to get some level of care to keep making it day to day,” Janet Zureki says.

As the country confronts an ongoing opioid epidemic, law enforcement officials are cracking down on healthcare providers they deem as overprescribing medicines — a practice many say contributes to an increase in drug abuse and overdose deaths.

It’s a problem that deeply affects Monroe County: 44 people died from drug-related overdoses in 2015, with 31 of those deaths tied to opioids. It’s a stark increase compared to earlier years — in 2010 there were 18 drug overdoses, with nine of those deaths caused by opioids.

While officials confront the health crisis, however, patients who suffer from chronic pain or have debilitating illnesses have found themselves caught in the middle.

They are patients who are prescribed opioids; they neither abuse their medications nor distribute them to others. Instead, they rely on them as part of their treatment plans.

Many of those patients feel like they’re the invisible victims in the response to the public health crisis.



Janet Zureki will never know a day without pain.

From the moment the 49-year-old Monroe resident wakes up, she grapples with managing pain stemming from a traumatic injury she endured after a botched operation.

Zureki had to have her tailbone surgically removed after it was broken. The injury also resulted in her spine leaking fluid and damaged muscle tissue in her lower back and hips, causing her severe pain.

“My kids would have to watch me crawl around the house,” she said. “There were times I couldn’t even crawl — I would have to stop and wait for it to subside.”

Zureki takes prescribed opioids throughout the day, combining it with physical therapy and exercise to address her pain. A patient of Dr. Lesly Pompy of Monroe, she worked with the doctor for several years to develop a treatment plan to give her “back a quality of life.”

But in 2016, Pompy’s offices were raided by local law officials after a year-long investigation levied accusations of illegal pill distribution and healthcare fraud. His license later was suspended and his case referred to a federal court.

The charges left several of his patients with chronic conditions and severe illnesses adrift, many scrambling to find new pain management specialists, she says.


An Air Force veteran, Zureki worked as an asset collector for the Internal Revenue Service before her injury prompted her to take an early retirement. A wife and mother of two, she says addressing her pain is a part of her daily life, often making it hard to take part in social and family events.

“It’s hard sitting at an event for your kids,” Zureki said. “You don’t get butterflies when your kids are doing good because you want to go home because of the pain.”

Lyn Herrmann, an auto factory worker who lives in Monroe, can relate.

Herrmann suffers from bulging discs and degenerative disc disease. She also has another serious disease that causes her pain. Her job, which she has had for 21 years, requires strenuous physical labor and has long hours, sometimes averaging 10 to 12 hour days.

Herrmann is not a viable candidate for corrective surgery. Instead, she has to rely on a treatment plan that addresses her condition, which includes opioid pain medicine. In addition to complicating her work life, her conditions impact life at home with her husband and 4-year-old daughter.

“Some days my daughter wants me to play with her on the floor and I don’t know if I’ll be able to get back up if I get down there,” she said. “I want to play with my kid, but sometimes I just can’t. It makes me feel like a bad mother.”



A routine operation gone awry resulted in the injury to Zureki’s tailbone. For nine months, her pain grew until it became unbearable. At first, doctors were unable to identify the source of her discomfort.

But as her condition worsened, her primary physician referred her to Pompy, who specialized in pain management. He was the first doctor to find her broken tailbone and helped her come up with a plan on how to address it.

After the raid, Zureki was unable to receive her medications for several months. She tried to find another physician quickly, but many doctors who worked in pain management were leaving the field or weren’t accepting new patients.

Her own primary doctor refused to prescribe her pain medicines and others in the area were wary of taking Pompy’s patients, she said, adding that some doctors even had signs in their windows saying they wouldn’t prescribe opioids.

“We feel like we have to keep proving we are disabled just to get some level of care to keep making it day to day,” Zureki said. “We were treated like we did something wrong. No one would even see us.”

Zureki eventually experienced the effects of withdrawal and the return of her pain. The muscles in her back contracted again and she struggled to breathe while sitting up.

“The vomiting, the pain, the crying — you can’t feel like yourself. To be taken off medication you’ve been on for years isn’t safe,” she said. “Even when you’re back on the medicine, it’s like you have to start all over.”


Herrmann, also a former patient of Pompy, had similar experiences.

Her primary care physician refused to treat her pain and referred her to another doctor, a practice many pain patients face, she said, adding that doctors would rather transfer responsibility of their patients’ pain care to another physician than risk scrutiny.

“Family doctors in Monroe are all afraid to give anyone any pain medicine,” Herrmann said.

It took several months for Herrmann to find a new pain management doctor. During that time she lowered her dosages and rationed her medication as she looked to bridge the gap in care, an act that she says shows she doesn’t abuse her medication.

Even now doctors are reluctant to prescribe pain medicine, often reducing or adjusting her dosages.

“Every month it decreases like I’m magically going to get better,” she said. “I’m not going to get better. I’m going to get worse.”



Zureki said pain management patients face stigmatization for taking medications, sometimes even from their own doctors. Pain patients will minimize the depth of their pain out of fear of being accused of drug seeking, she said.

“You tell your pain doctor about your pain, but you don’t want to tell them the worst of it because they may think you’re trying to get more drugs,” she said. “You’re always walking on egg shells. What if you lose this pain doctor? Where do you turn next?”

Herrmann said people make assumptions about pain patients and patients of Pompy without trying to understand the severity of patients’ pain or conditions.

“They think you’re a druggie or just making it up,” she said.

Zureki says it’s easy to became resentful of having to take medications. Her life is regimented around it, often having to plan days in advance what she will do so she can be prepared.

It also takes a mental toll, she said, adding that she sometimes battles depression and anxiety that stems from her condition.

“It’s a constant battle. If the pain would be better, the depression would be better. They feed off of each other,” she said. ” You end up in a vicious cycle.”



Herrmann’s plant is slated to begin production on a new vehicle soon. She is worried about how she will manage her pain as the car parts she works with at the factory will be much heavier. Not working is not an option for her, she says, so she’ll have to work through the pain.

She said a lot of people aren’t abusing their medication and need it to function, which she hopes law enforcement and doctor will better understand in the future.

“Overdose death numbers seem to be rising even though prescriptions are more rare,” she said. “Who do they have to blame now?”

Zureki understands the need to address the opioid problem in Monroe. She supports stricter prescribing guidelines, but she also hopes law enforcement will work more closely with doctors to ensure patients with legitimate needs for medication don’t lose access to care.

“They’re creating a vacuum by just cutting off the doctors,” Zureki said. “They’re potentially making people go from getting the legal medication they need to turn to the streets.”

Zureki hopes to get her doctor back one day. She continues to work on retraining her muscles by going to the gym and hopes to resume the treatment plan she and Pompy created together.


Experts Aren’t Buying Into Trump’s Proposed Opioid Plan

Earlier today, Politico provided a preview of what’s believed to be the broad contours of Trump’s grand plan for addressing the opioid crisis. But while some of the details include common sense measures embraced by public health and opioid experts, others are setting their nerves on edge.

The proposal, which might be fully revealed as soon as Monday, according to Politico, is expected to be a mix of law enforcement and health care policy changes.


On the health side of things, Trump reportedly proposes repealing a Medicaid rule that bars it from being used to pay for addiction treatment at large facilities, will ask the majority of Medicaid and Medicare providers to revamp how they decide to pay for opioid prescriptions to fit “best practices” within three years, and will call for the mandatory screening of new federal prisoners for opioid use along with providing avenues for treatment at halfway houses. Following the lead of many state agencies, Trump would also make it a priority to expand the access first responders have to naloxone, the medication used to rapidly reverse overdoses.

Ideas like expanding naloxone availability and giving Medicaid patients access to more treatment centers have received almost universal support from opioid researchers and doctors. But Stefan Kertesz, a clinical researcher in addiction at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, is suspicious of the proposed changes to Medicare and Medicaid prescription payment criteria.

“What is ‘best practices?’” he said in a email to Gizmodo. “Based on the last few years, I am worried that this expression is code for strict adherence to certain dose and duration thresholds for patients with pain, in violation of the CDC Guideline.”


Kertesz and many of his colleagues have already harshly criticized a proposal by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to impose mandatory restrictions on opioid prescriptions that would come into effect in 2019. These restrictions, while intended to prevent misuse, would also affect stable chronic pain patients on long-term opioid therapy, Kerterz says, and depend on a disingenuous reading of the CDC Guideline on prescribing opioids that was released in 2016.

“The CDC Guideline does NOT say to reduce such patients’ doses against their will, but legislators, health systems, and quality metric agencies have read it that way,” Kertesz said. “What it did say was to reduce our tendency to rely on opioids as first or second line responses to chronic pain and to be very cautious with dose escalation. That’s wise, and doctors had been making that shift since 2010.”

Kertesz is similarly worried about the White House’s claim that their plan will reduce opioid prescriptions by one-third within three years.


“I really do fear that the only way to reduce prescribing by one-third in a few years is forced dose reductions in currently stable patients,” he says. “Forced dose reductions have no data to support them whatsoever and in a number of instances they result in the death of the patient, sometimes due to suicide, sometimes due to overdose as the patient goes into crisis, sometimes due to medical deterioration.”

Kertesz himself has met with and studied some of these patients.

When it comes to law enforcement, Trump’s proposal is said to contain language that would call for the increased use of the death penalty in “certain cases where opioid, including Fentanyl-related, drug dealing and trafficking are directly responsible for death,” according to Politico. The policy reflects rhetoric Trump had spouted earlier this month during an White House Summit on opioid abuse. Another policy would try to make it easier to hand out mandatory minimum sentences for drug traffickers who are believed to knowingly distribute potent, synthetic opioids like fentanyl.


These ideas are unlikely to win much support from those like David Herzberg, a historian at the University at Buffalo who has studied past US drug policy.

“It would be hard to overstate how misguided and destructive the death penalty (and mandatory minimum sentences) idea is,” he told Gizmodo via email. “We’ve tried harsh punishments (including mandatory minimums and, at least on paper, the death penalty) repeatedly over the past century—in the 1920s, in the 1950s, in the 1970s/80s/90s—and every time, they have wreaked more harm rather than helping the communities they were supposed to serve/protect. Total disasters all.”

While some other ideas would be a step in the right direction, Herzberg says it’s unlikely Trump and his administration are capable of pulling them off.


“We clearly need supply-side clampdowns to rein in an out-of-control pharmaceutical industry and to repair medical and pharmacy institutions warped by their influence,” he said. “However, blunt, broad, one-size-fits-all versions of these policies could be incredibly damaging in a variety of ways, and very little that Trump has said makes me think he is interested in careful, nuanced policy implementation.”

And for those living with addiction who lose their suppliers or prescription drugs, Herzberg says, they’ll need more than just expanded access to naloxone or screenings at prisons.

“Even more important would be dramatic (yet careful) expansions of buprenorphine treatment, safe injection sites, etc. Putting more money into treatment is great—but we need to make sure those resources go towards public health approaches proven to save lives and protect health rather than pursuing abstinence (becoming ‘clean’) at any cost,” he said. “A lot of terrible things are done to drug users in the name of ‘treatment’—not just ineffective but, in some cases, tantamount to torture. It matters a lot what kinds of treatment they will make available.”


“And again, Trump does not inspire confidence that he is ready to set aside macho moralism and follow where the public health evidence leads,” he added.

Sudden, Unexpected Death in Chronic Pain Patients

Sudden, unexpected death may occur in a severe, chronic pain patient, and the terminal event may be unrelated to medical therapeutics. Fortunately, sudden death is not as commonly observed in pain patients as in past years most likely due to better access to at least some treatment. Sudden death still occurs, however, and practitioners need to know how to spot an “at-risk” patient.

Unexpected, sudden death due to severe pain is poorly appreciated, since many observers still view severe pain as a harmless nuisance rather than a potential physiologic calamity. In many cases, just prior to death, the patient informs their family that they feel more ill than usual and seek relief in their bed or on their couch. Unfortunately, some of these patients don’t awaken. Other patients die, without warning, in their sleep or are found collapsed on the floor. Modern medicine’s aggressive toxicology and forensic procedures after death have contributed to the poor understanding of pain’s death threat. In some cases, a pain patient that was being treated appropriately with an opioid or other agent with overdose or abuse potential has suddenly and unexpectedly died. Drugs were found in body fluids after death, and in my opinion a coroner wrongly declared the death to be an “accidental overdose” or “toxic reaction” to drugs rather than implicate the real culprit, which may have been an “out-of-control” pain flare.

This article is partially intended to call attention to the fact that the mere finding of abusable drugs at autopsy doesn’t necessarily mean that the drugs caused the death. In fact, the drugs may have postponed death. Some physicians have been falsely accused of causing deaths due to drug overtreatment when, in fact, undertreatment of pain may have caused the death. Additionally, opioid blood levels assessed at autopsy of a patient who died suddenly are all too often wrongfully considered accidental overdoses because the pathologist is unaware that chronic pain patients on a stable dose of opioids can be fully functional with serum levels of their prescribed opioids that far exceed lethal levels in opioid-naïve patients.1

Given here are the mechanisms of sudden, unexpected death in pain patients and some protective measures that practitioners must take to keep from being falsely accused of causing a sudden, unexpected death. More importantly, given here are some clinical tips to help identify the chronic pain patient who is at high risk of sudden, unexpected death so that more aggressive pain treatment can be rendered.

A Brief Anecdotal History
As a senior medical student at Kansas University in the early 1960s, I was required to take a rural preceptorship with a country doctor. In making our rounds one day to the county’s nursing home, I heard a farmer’s wife declare, “pain killed my mother last night.” Since then, I’ve repeatedly heard that pain killed a loved one. Folklore frequently mentions that people die “from,” as well as “in” pain. There is, however, little written detail of these events.

In the early years of my pain practice, which I began in 1975, I had several patients die suddenly and unexpectedly. This rarely happens to me today as I’ve learned to “expect the unexpected” and to identify which patients are at high risk of sudden death. In recent years, I’ve reviewed a number of litigation and malpractice cases of sudden, unexpected death in chronic pain patients. In some of these cases, physicians were accused of over- or misprescribing and causing a sudden, unexpected death, even though the patient had taken stabilized dosages of opioids and other drugs for extended periods. Also, the autopsy showed no evidence of pulmonary edema (a defining sign for overdose and respiratory depression). In cases where the physician was falsely accused, the post-death finding of abusable drugs in body fluids caused a family member, regulatory agency, or public attorney to falsely bring charges against a physician.

Setting and Cause
Unexpected deaths in chronic pain patients usually occur at home. Sometimes the death is in a hospital or detoxification center. The history of these patients is rather typical. Most are too ill to leave home and spend a lot of time in bed or on a couch. Death often occurs during sleep or when the patient gets up to go to the toilet. In some cases, the family reports the patient spent an extraordinary amount of time on the toilet just prior to collapse and death. Sudden and unexpected death, however, can occur anywhere at any time, as pain patients who have died unexpectedly and suddenly have been found at work or in a car.

Coronary spasm and/or cardiac arrhythmia leading to cardiac arrest or asystole is the apparent cause of death in the majority of these cases, since no consistent gross pathology has been found at autopsy.2-5 Instant cardiac arrest appears to account for sudden collapse or death during sleep. Perhaps constipation and straining to pass stool may be cardiac strain factors as some pain patients die during defecation. Acute sepsis due to adrenal failure and immune suppression may account for some sudden deaths.

Image result for Sudden, Unexpected Death in Chronic Pain Patients

Two Mechanisms of Cardiac Death
Severe pain is a horrific stress.6,7 Severe pain flares, acute or chronic, cause the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis to produce glucocorticoids (cortisol, pregnenolone) and catecholamines (adrenalin and noradrenalin) in an effort to biologically contain the stress.8,9 Catecholamines have a direct, potent stimulation effect on the cardiovascular system and severe tachycardia and hypertension result.10 Pulse rates may commonly rise to more than 100 beats per minute and even rise to more than 130 beats per minute. Blood pressure may reach more than 200 mmHg systolic and more than 120 mmHg diastolic. In addition to adrenal catecholamine release, pain flares cause overactivity of the autonomic, sympathetic nervous system, which add additional stimulation to catecholamine-induced tachycardia and hypertension. Physical signs of autonomic, sympathetic overactivity, in addition to tachycardia and hypertension, may include mydriasis (dilated pupil), sweating, vasoconstriction with cold extremities, hyperreflexia, hyperthermia, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting.


  1. Tennant F. Tennant blood study: summary report. Pract Pain Manage. 2006;6(2):28-41.
  2. Drummond PD. The effect of pain on changes in heart rate during the Valsalva manoeuvre. Clin Auton Res. 2003;13(5):316-320.
  3. Tousignant-Laflamme Y, Rainville P, Marchand S. Establishing a link between heart rate and pain in healthy subjects: a gender effect. J Pain. 2005;6(6):341-347.
  4. Möltner A, Hölzl R, Strian F. Heart rate changes as an autonomic component of the pain response. Pain. 1990;43(1):81-89.
  5. Nyklicek I, Vingerhoets AJ, Van Heck GL. Hypertension and pain sensitivity: effects of gender and cardiovascular reactivity. Biol Psychol. 1999;50(2):127-142.
  6. Lewis KS, Whipple JK, Michael KA, Quebbeman EJ. Effect of analgesic treatment on the physiological consequences of acute pain. Am J Hosp Pharm. 1994;51(12):1539-1554.
  7. Heller PH, Perry F, Naifeh K, Gordon NC, Wachter-Shikura N, Levine J. Cardiovascular autonomic response during preoperative stress and postoperative pain. Pain. 1984;18(1):33-40.

Begging at the pharmacy counter ?

Today I called Walmart Pharmacy to check if my usual monthly refill of Mallickrodt fentanyl patches was in stock. The pharmacist on duty told me that they do not carry the Mallinckrodt brand of fentanyl patches, and they can’t order the patches for me, as they aren’t available due to a recall – but they DO carry Alvogen patches, and they can fill my Rx with those. (I can’t use Alvogen patches; they give me terrible side-effects and leave my skin red and raw.)

I got off the phone with Walmart Pharmacy and immediately called Mallinckrodt’s toll-free number, and found out that I’d been blatantly lied to by the pharmacist. There is no recall. Period. Not on any of Mallinckrodt’s fentanyl patch dosages. After I called Mallinckrodt, I called 5 different area pharmacies, and found that 2 of them carry the Mallinckrodt fentanyl patches I need. So my immediate problem is solved, but I’m really annoyed.

I find myself wondering what kind of a financial deal Walmart has made with Alvogen to only carry their brand of fentanyl patches, and no others. I understand the business practice of changing suppliers to get the best price. But to flat-out lie to me about the availability of my preferred brand – to tell me they’ve been recalled! – is unethical. I’d say they should be ashamed of themselves, but it’s Walmart I’m talking about, and this is far from the first problem I’ve had with their pharmacy. *sigh*

Tomorrow should be interesting. I’m planning to physically go to Walmart’s pharmacy, talk to the pharmacist, and request that they order the Mallinckrodt patches for me. I’m really curious to hear the answer – which probably varies by which pharmacist is on duty. Depending on what response I get, I may be switching one or all of my prescriptions to a different pharmacy.

I’m too old, and in too much pain all the time, to tolerate crappy service – or being lied to.

The above was a comment on the web about a Pharmacist at WalMart “lying to a pt”.. about the ability to get a particular company’s generic. Maybe I am odd man out, but a business – any business – that I catch lying to me… they automatically get a position on my “shit list” and I find another business that welcomes me and my money and obviously appreciates my patronage.

I suspect in the above incident, WalMart has decided that they are only going to stock the particular generic company’s product.. probably because of COST and as far as the buyer is concerned… all company’s generics ARE THE SAME… and they don’t want their 3000 – 4000 pharmacies to be stocking 6-12 different manufacturer’s products of the same generic… just because that is what the pt wants/needs. So they only stock the one in their warehouse and/or if they purchase from a wholesaler, they have instructed the wholesaler to only send that one particular company’s product(s) to their stores.

People are using bug spray to get high and it’s really dangerous

INDIANAPOLIS — In a state where drug overdoses continue to rise, people are finding new ways to get high and emergency crews are warning about one of the latest dangerous trends: bug spray. 

Indianapolis firefighters are making several runs a day because of someone suspected of abusing bug spray, a form of what’s known as KD. 

Indianapolis Fire Department Captain Chris Major said the person just sprays the bug spray onto an item, rolls it up and smokes it and it doesn’t take much for a person to have a severe reaction. 

Some of the symptoms of KD include the patient being catatonic, unable to walk or breathe, hardly speaking or vomiting among dozens of others. 

“Kind of like a zombie,” said Captain Major. “We started describing it like zombielike, where they might be eating the grass that they’re lying in or they are tearing at their clothes.”

The Director of Indiana Poison Center at IU Health Dr. Daniel Rusyniak says the biggest problem is how easily accessible bug spray is to anyone of any age. 

“They no longer have to drive to a shady street corner,” said Dr. Rusyniak. “They can get on the internet and they can order this and it can be delivered to their house by Amazon.”

It’s also becoming popular because it’s one of the many synthetic drugs that can’t be detected on a standard drug test. 

“If you think, ‘well my school is doing drug testing so I don’t have to worry about my kid’ well, some of the drug testings may steer kids into using a lot more of these synthetic type drugs because they’re not detected,” said Dr. Rusyniak. 

And although the trend seems to plague the east side, Dr. Rusyniak says they’ve treated people of all ages and backgrounds for abuse of synthetic drugs and anyone can fall victim to using them. 

“You just kind of wonder what’s going to be the next thing,” said Dr. Rusyniak. “If they’re doing this now, what are they going to do next?”



Forgotten Victims of America’s Opoid Crisis



what you don’t see WILL COST YOU…

You know when you buy/pay premiums for insurance … you sort of expect to get some coverage…  Barb has been on the same Part D program since it started in 2006.. Originally it was a company owned by the National Association of Chain Drugs Stores (NACDS) and National Community Pharmacists Association ( NCPA)..  but the program changed hands several times over the years and ended up several years ago being owned by CVS Health.

Barb went on Medicare Disability in 1996 and for nearly 10 yrs she had no prescription insurance,  I had to become accustomed to paying out $2,000 – $3,000 for a 90 days supply of her meds. Once she got the Part D insurance, I would get her meds filled the first week of Jan – 90 days supply  and she would then be in the “donut hole”..  filling them again the first week of April and she would be in the catastrophic level… where her co-pays were only 5% for the balance of the year.

Over the years, as her brand name meds became available generically, the out of pocket co-pays continued to be less – by and large.  She had a couple of meds that had PA’s and/or had been dropped from they formulary, but I had managed to get them to be covered. So as the end of a year came and went, we stayed on the same program.

This year, I noticed that her co-pays seemed to be MUCH HIGHER…  what was $15-$20 co-pays now were $30 – $60 co-pays. I started really reading the pharmacy receipts and they put on there what the insurance paid and I was seeing a lot of receipts with SILVER SCRIPTS PAYING $0.00. In fact, in 2018 out of 13 Rxs… SILVER SCRIPTS paid $0.00 on ELEVEN OF THEM..

So I went to SILVER SCRIPTS website and downloaded Barb’s medication records for 2017 and 2018… and put them on a spread sheet.

In 2017, there were 37 prescriptions.. and SILVER SCRIPTS paid just at 50% of the total.  When I totaled up 2018… SILVER SCRIPTS paid abt 15%… since all but one of Barb’s medications in 2018 was the same as in 2017.  I was basically comparing apples to apples.

After digging a little deeper, it would appear that the independent pharmacy that we use.. is not one of their “preferred pharmacies”… in fact the county in which we live – population about 80,000 there are only TWO PREFERRED PHARMACIES… BOTH CVS’.. about 8 miles from our house and they are about 3 blocks apart… on one of the busiest and congested roads int the county, one is a former Target pharmacy, and her co-pays would be LESS, up to 40% less..  if I went to one of their PREFERRED PHARMACIES. In fact, in three adjacent counties, there is only TWO INDEPENDENT PHARMACIES that are part of their preferred pharmacy network.

Apparently, in previous years, rural pharmacies were automatically included in their preferred network. The independent pharmacy that we use, is the only pharmacy in about 5 miles.. about 2 miles from our house and if I can’t get out… Barb doesn’t drive anymore.. .they would deliver prescriptions to our home.

Digging some more, I found that if we paid twice as much monthly premiums, – a “different plan” .. that their PREFERRED PHARMACY NETWORK… included most of the chain pharmacies in the county, but not the independent pharmacy that we prefer to patronize.

Normally under Medicare/Medicaid… prices/allowables are FIXED and pts have a freedom of choice of providers. There is no such thing as “preferred providers”… the provider either participates in Medicare/Medicaid or they don’t. Is CVS HEALTH/CAREMARK/SILVER SCRIPTS making up their own rules as they go along ?

I was under the impression that Medicare Part D was suppose to be moving towards a straight 75%/25% or 80%/20% payments by 2020 and Pres Trump stated today on TV that Seniors were going to start paying LESS for their medications…  Maybe SILVER SCRIPTS has raised prices so that they can claim to have lowered them when the President makes them go lower ?

I intend to make some phone calls..


This morning I had Fox Business on and Dr Marc Siegel was on Varney & Co… Apparently Dr Siegel has been indoctrinated by someone who is on “team Trump”… but.. I did notice that on most statements that he made he put a “qualifier” on his statements… “.. this will work sometime…”… ” I think that this will work..”.. he stated that a recent studied indicated that IBUPROFEN was as effected as opiates… most people that… that study was a “JUNK STUDY “…and was still using the 250 million opiate Rxs being prescribed/dispensed… when the latest figure – that I have seen – is 215 million. And he stated that Trump wants opiate prescriptions reduced by 1/3 – ANOTHER 70 MILLION GONE ???

After that show.. I went out to run some errands and when I got back a couple of hrs later, I flipped on the TV and there is TRUMP… who is proposing to “execute drug dealers”.. and who is going to be the judge, jury and executor ? the DEA… we know that they only go after those who they have very SOLID evidence that they are, in fact, prescribing/dispensing opiates excessively. NOT !!!

Then Trump pulled up a couple who lost their young son to a Heroin overdose.. and his Mother admitted that he started taking opiates out of the family’s medicine cabinet and moved on to street drugs and OD. If those opiates were not prescribed to him.. then the opiates that he started experimenting with… were ILLEGAL OPIATES… just like those bought on the street, or was robbed from a pharmacy… but that really didn’t seem to make much of a difference to those in attendance. All that seemed to matter was at ONE TIME.. they were legal pharmaceutical opiates.

Somewhere along the line ..TRUMP stated that we were going to have a “addiction free generation”… My only thought was… “what has he been smoking…” ?

I hate it that there is a growing “roar” of vote the Republicans out.. has anyone noticed that there seems to be TWO PLAY BOOKS… one for the party in the majority and another one for the party in the minority and they just seem to “play their role” depending if they are in the majority or the minority.

In the longer term, it doesn’t seem to do much by kicking one of the two political parties out of the majority and put the other one in… Is it time for putting a NEW THIRD POLITICAL PARTY IN POWER ?