I think that the imagery of these doctors shedding their white lab coats… suggests that all these doctors are being DEFROCKED!
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I think that the imagery of these doctors shedding their white lab coats… suggests that all these doctors are being DEFROCKED!
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Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, M.D., M.P.H., an anesthesiologist from Wisconsin, was sworn in today as the 178th president of the American Medical Association (AMA), the nation’s premier physician organization. Dr. Ehrenfeld said in prepared remarks. “At a time when so many aspects of society have become dangerously polarized, we have seen the proliferation of medical disinformation, junk science, the criminalization of medical care, and a growing distrust in medical institutions and experts.
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The idea that opioid painkillers are inevitably addictive was put on trial and refuted. But this modern disease theory seemingly can’t be extinguished as long as it is granted “scientific” credibility by prominent experts and unquestioned acceptance by the media.
A 2016 book by Stanford addiction expert Dr. Anna Lembke—Drug Dealer, MD: How Doctors Were Duped, Patients Got Hooked, and Why It’s So Hard to Stop—presented the hard-core, sinister case against drug companies. It’s a case firmly rooted in her view of opioid addiction as an irresistible, irreversible disease.
Meanwhile, the recent, high-profile Hulu series Dopesick is based on the 2018 bestseller by Beth Macy, a journalist who investigated the drug crisis in Appalachia. Macy’s book—Dopesick: Dealers, Doctors and the Drug Company that Addicted America—tells essentially the same story as Lembke’s. The company in question is (or rather, was) Purdue, run by the Sackler family.
The book and series maintain that Purdue/the Sacklers lied that OxyContin was rarely addictive. Instead, people frequently became hooked, and died, because addictiveness is an inherent property of opioids.
Hulu’s Dopesick aims for a feeling of authenticity by, for example, portraying a doctor who had been addicted to OxyContin.
Opponents of the disease model certainly don’t deny that many people become addicted to opioids and other drugs, as well as to powerful non-drug behaviors and experiences. Addiction is fundamental to human experience.
But pointing out the genuine addictive experiences of individuals like Dopesick’s doctor doesn’t shed light on the likelihood of becoming addicted to opioids.
Indeed, we know that likelihood is quite low.
Earlier this month, a court painstakingly ascertained just that, along with dispelling a litany of headline-grabbing claims about opioids
Unlike Macy and Dopesick’s other producers, Lembke is highly credentialed—a psychiatrist, director of the addiction medicine clinic at Stanford University, and a TED speaker. She is thus deemed qualified to offer expert testimony in court.
On November 1, Judge Peter J. Wilson, in Orange County’s California Superior Court, issued a ruling in a case brought by four California jurisdictions against numerous opioid manufacturers over their alleged liability for causing addiction and many resulting deaths.
His ruling: “There is simply no evidence to show that the rise in prescriptions was not the result of the medically appropriate provision of pain medications to patients in need.”
The court rejected the plaintiffs’ claims, which were based primarily on Lembke’s testimony, finding her and the suing jurisdictions to be plainly wrong in four ways: overstating the incidence of prescription opioid addiction; ignoring the medical benefits of opioid pain relief; generalizing inappropriately from drug death “hot spots” to less severely affected jurisdictions; and failing to show that prescribing practices caused the crisis of opioid-related deaths.
Below are several illustrative quotes taken from an interview with drug manufacturers’ attorneys John Heuston and Moez Kaba, together with excerpts from the judge’s decision.
Hueston: “[The key factor] was Stanford professor Lembke. Dr. Lembke was presented as the lead voice by the plaintiffs for their case trying to establish [drug company] misstatements that drove the crisis in California.”
Kaba: “It’s an extraordinarily methodical order. He [the judge] goes through alleged statement after alleged statement and reaches the findings that these are not false statements …”
“The studies relied upon by Dr. Lembke for that conclusion are inadequate to support it.”
The judge, who regularly stopped the trial to hold detailed discussions about evidence, noted in his ruling that Lembke “testified that one in four patients prescribed opioids would become addicted.”
But, he continued, “as Defendants point out, the studies relied upon by Dr. Lembke for that conclusion are inadequate to support it … the more reliable data would suggest less than 5 percent, rather than 25 percent.” And even with that much lower figure, “addiction based solely on the patient having been prescribed opioids does not occur in ‘most of these patients.’”
Kaba: “One of the things that Dr. Lembke claimed, for example, was that it was false or misleading to suggest that opioids can improve the function of people who take them. And we had her admit very clearly, very plainly, that not just the FDA but the state of California itself in its own laws acknowledges that opioid medications when properly prescribed do, in fact, improve function.”
Defense attorneys were also at pains to contextualize the California jurisdictions’ claims. That is, opioid addiction and death rates are highly dependent on specific locales and social settings.
Defense attorney Hueston: “We certainly wanted to make sure that a case about the opioid epidemic in California actually related to California. And what we wanted to do was to anticipate and blunt the attack from plaintiffs that California is like Appalachia and Tennessee, or some of the other notorious hot spots.”
Kaba: “There’s another part of his order where he says that there’s no causation, which was another big part of our case. In the examination that [Heuston] did of our economist, we proved that there is no causation …”
Proving causation requires linking more prescriptions to greater addiction and death rates. In fact, while there has been a steady decline in painkiller prescriptions, by nearly half, from 2012 to 2020, drug deaths continued to achieve record levels over that period, more than doubling between 2015 and 2020 alone. Causality—if anything—seemingly flows in the opposite direction. That is, restricting painkiller prescriptions leads to negative outcomes.
The trial additionally highlighted patients’ right to pain relief, and how the disease theory of addiction attacks this right.
Organizations representing pain doctors have strongly objected to draconian limitations imposed on prescribing. The American Medical Association itself has passed “resolutions against the rash of laws and mandatory policies that limit or prevent patient access to opioid painkillers.” Beleaguered pain patients have organized themselves into a grassroots movement.
Heuston: “It was critical to our strategy to ensure that the voices that are in support of proper pain management were heard, that pain management doctors who could help describe the life crises of people who simply have inadequate treatment of pain … the judge’s opinion sets forth not only the understanding of that balance by the FDA and the federal government but how that is enshrined specifically in California in, for instance, the Patients’ Bill of Rights.”
Stanford Medical School and its hospitals, incidentally, subscribe to these rights, including that to opioid medication.
Little wonder that this month, a group representing people with arthritis and rheumatic disease, whose leadership had invited Lembke to present to it, rescinded its invitation: “We understand how some of Dr. Lembke’s previous work and comments can be problematic. Thank you for taking the time and energy to show us articles, interviews, and quotes from Dr. Lembke that are not in keeping with our mission at CreakyJoints.”
The 2020 Netflix series The Pharmacist jumped from a drug-related murder in New Orleans to portray an overwhelming national epidemic of prescription-opioid overdoses due to addiction. This view is put forward in spite of the dominant roles in today’s unprecedented drug-deaths crisis of drug-mixing, of an illicit supply adulterated with fentanyl and its analogues, and of the policies that lead to these conditions. (Due to this toxic combination of factors, it is actually a misnomer to label the deaths simply as “overdoses.”)
Dr. Lembke was interviewed in the Netflix series. “This country has seen two prior opioid epidemics,” she said, citing the Civil War and “when soldiers were coming back from the Vietnam War.”
Most soldiers who used heroin didn’t become addicted, and the overwhelming majority of those who did quickly recovered stateside, without treatment.
But the Vietnam addiction story actually demolishes Lembke’s opioid disease model. As Zach Rhoads and I described in Filter, “Vietnam Vets Proved that Addiction is a Product of Life Circumstances.”
Most soldiers who used heroin didn’t become addicted, and the overwhelming majority of those who did (over 90 percent) quickly recovered stateside, without treatment. The small group whose addictions persisted were identified by their adverse social situations before and after the war.
In 2021, 50 years after Lee Robins’s iconic Vietnam research, science journalist Lauren Aguirre revisited “Lessons learned—and lost—from a Vietnam-era addiction study … It’s too bad this research has been largely forgotten because its lessons can be useful today.”
As Aguirre notes, “many people recover on their own from drug addictions … most of them did not receive formal treatment.” Furthermore, “exposure to opioids doesn’t inevitably lead to a substance use disorder. Some people can use opioids occasionally without becoming addicted [this included veterans who had been addicted in Vietnam]. In fact, a recent analysis found that only about 3 percent of the tens of millions of people prescribed opioids become addicted.”
In this context, Netflix viewers were led to think that the Vietnam narrative supports Lembke’s (and Dopesick’s) underlying assumption of the inescapability of addiction. But their perspective—which dominates the popular and political discourse—is actually the reverse of the meaning we should have taken from the Vietnam opioid experience.
Media of all kinds and all political stripes are typically stalwart presenters of the Dopesick/Lembke demonization of opioid painkillers. Joe Rogan (who interviewed Lembke*), PBS’s Christine Amanpour (who interviewed Macy), and MSNBC commentators (several of whom interviewed Dopesick producer Danny Strong and showed clips from the series) are just a few examples of the worshipful exposure media give to inaccurate suppositions about opioids.
Hulu promoted a clip from Dopesick in which a tearful Appalachian doctor says that most of his patients became addicted. MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough and Nicolle Wallace, to name two, eagerly endorsed this preposterous claim.
It is our obligation to firmly and finally reject the demonization of drugs—including portraying addiction as the inexorable, irreversible, unavoidable consequence of drug use.
Most media’s ignorance of drug issues has long been a given. More exasperating is when people who support drug policy reform implicitly endorse the disease theory. I recall one event in 2017, at which figures from New York government, public health and several harm reduction organizations celebrated successful efforts to reduce painkiller prescribing since 2012—while simultaneously depicting continually rising drug-related deaths over the same period.
It is our obligation instead to firmly and finally reject the demonization of drugs—including portraying addiction as the inexorable, irreversible, unavoidable consequence of opioid and other drug use.
Many harm reduction and reform advocates rightly focus on the critical role of the social, psychological and economic circumstances faced by people who experience drug-related harms. They understand that drug use is not an infection. It is both a normal behavior and a human response to distress. And they see drug use as a human right, and drug users as a constitutionally protected group.
We will never contain our epidemic of drug deaths until these anti-drug war, anti-disease realizations are more widely shared.
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DAVID ABRAMS, ESQ, Office of the Attorney General of the State of New York … First-chair responsibility on complex civil healthcare fraud and criminal investigations
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Welcome to the informational page on Robert Rand MD. Dr. Rand is in a Federal Prison in Los Angeles CA for the act of prescribing pain medications to patients of his that he truly believed needed these medications. Dr. Rand is a loving husband and father first and a doctor second. Dr. Rand’s wife is battling metastatic cancer while he fights for justice in Federal Prison after being railroaded into prison in a court presided over by a judge who had multiple serious conflicts of interest. Dr. Rand pled guilty to the charges against him in a court that he later found out was a court IN WHICH HE WAS DENIED DUE PROCESS OF LAW FROM THE VERY START OF THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST HIM. Just as important, on July 22, 2022 The Supreme Court (SCOTUS) ruled 9-0 that the government must prove criminal intent when making cases against doctors. The case for reference is called the RUAN AND KAHN CASE. In this case lawyers for Dr. Ruan and Dr. Shakeel Kahn (now a close friend of Rand) argued that doctors had a right to prescribe pain medication and that many compassionate doctors do so without being criminally minded. This landmark case literally brought back into the law and the court the concept of mens rea or criminal intent into cases like Rand’s and many other cases and types of legal cases. This is after thousands of doctors like Rand had had their lives and careers shattered and destroyed. Rand has been locked up since 4/29/2016, which is at the time of writing is well over SEVEN FULL YEARS. Dr. Rand was a highly respected physician in Reno NV. Before going too much further we will provide a little background on Dr. Rand. Dr. Rand is in need of financial assistance for legal fees and for living and medical expenses for his wife who is bravely battling cancer while raising their daughter who is now eight years old. Dr. Rand was born and raised in NY City (Brooklyn) and later Northern NJ (Morristown NJ). His family always emphasized education as a value of paramount importance as is true with many if not most Jewish families. Rand had an uncle who he admired quite a bit. His uncle was a very prominent cancer specialist and scientist. Additionally Rand of course admired both his mother and his father, both highly educated. Rand’s father, a man who came here to the United States as a boy, not knowing word of English having escaped almost certain death from the Nazis Here in the US he became a lawyer. Dr. Rand always jokes that he was told that he could be anything he wanted to be when he grows up as long as he chooses to be a doctor or a lawyer. Dr. Rand chose somewhat of an alternate route in life and in college (Boston University) where he initially studied Anthropology and earned a BA. This prompted him to travel to East Africa, specifically to Kenya shortly after graduating with his degree in Anthropology. Dr. Rand ( Rand) had an epiphany on his first day in Africa, in Nairobi Kenya after seeing people living with medical conditions that the average American will never see. For Rand it was like “going back into the Bible”. There were men, women, and children with every affliction known to man, right there in open view. People that were suffering from all sorts of exotic tropical ailments and even Leprosy, seen on every street corner. The pain and suffering were immediately overwhelming to Rand, then about 23 years old. Robert Rand decided right then and there that he would some day “return to school to become a doctor”. He would devote his life to being a deeply compassionate doctor and care for the sick and infirm. After returning from Africa Rand initially become an Emergency Medical Technician and worked in various jobs related to being a first responder for several years. Later Rand returned to college to do the “premed” curriculum and then medical school. Rand went to medical school first in Mexico and then for two years on a Caribbean Island called Dominica. He completed his 3rd & 4th years of medical school in California but still noticed that there was a real issue with how doctors treated or in reality did not treat pain. This was true in the undeveloped Island of Dominica but also true right here in in the USA. In medical school both here in the US and overseas he noticed that there was a reoccurring theme with what he considered to be under-treated pain, both acute pain and chronic pain. This series of observations was reinforced when his mother was diagnosed with cancer and he noted that the doctors were to a large degree ignoring the pain that she was suffering from. By this point Rand was half way through medical school and knew enough to ensure that his own mother did not suffer. Her doctors considered him somewhat of a pest but she did not suffer because he was vigilant at her bedside. The theme of under-treated pain is something that he recognized throughout his entire medical education and into his career being a doctor who both ran a clinic and worked in several hospitals which he did right up until his arrest in 2016. As a matter of fact one of the most notable things was that the nurses at the hospital where Rand worked would literally wait until he was on call and then call to request various orders and medications including pain medications for their patients as the nurses often felt that their patients needed these medications including “pain meds”. Indeed the pain crisis is not just in the outpatient setting but it effects patients in every hospital in the USA. Dr. Rand ran a practice in Reno NV, which had become a large practice in part due to referrals from other doctors in the community. As mentioned above Dr. Rand also had “admitting privileges” in four local hospitals in the Reno/Sparks NV area and in actuality had been working consistently at one of the hospitals for 5 years prior to his arrest, working about 200 shifts per year in addition to running his busy clinic. Since “the FEDS” (and the states) have “cracked down on pain doctors” overdose rates have gone up, not down. This is especially true amongst VETERANS often injured in war. Veterans suicide rates have been shown to go substantially up when their pain medications were taken away. Rand took in many Veterans who had been on pain medications for years or decades and were made to quit cold turkey due to draconian governmental policies. In addition many people have finally decided that they want LESS GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION into their lives when medical decisions are on the table. On a another note as mentioned above, Rand’s beloved wife is battling metastatic breast cancer and now has a significant case of anemia. All of this while raising their beautiful daughter with only limited help from her husband who can only help so much from inside prison. A few facts to consider: Pain can and does effect all types of people from all walks of life. (PAIN DOES NOT PLAY POLITICS !) RAND TREATED EVERYONE WITH COMPASSION. The overdose rates have sky rocketed since the FEDS started to incarcerate doctors. Suicide rates of pain patients including Veterans have also sky rocketed since the FEDS went to war against pain doctors and pain patients. Rand’s legal fees have already gone above an estimate of about 750,000. That is over 3/4 of a million dollars. There were very serious conflicts of interest that Rand discovered after the proceedings were finished. When Rand via his lawyer brought that up the Judge initially punished (sanctioned) Rand’s lawyer. When it comes to conflicts of interest Rand’s same judge has written a specific legal opinion that completely contradicts her statements in Rand’s case. The Department of Justice and Court system have been weaponized against Rand and he was denied due process of law. Rand himself has a history of fracturing his own spine in FOUR places and also has developed complex regional pain syndrome in his right foot. He knows what it is like to be ignored and disbelieved by doctors. RAND’S FATHER ESCAPED FROM THE NAZIS TO COME HERE BUT GENUINELY KNEW THAT AMERICA HAD TURNED INTO A POLICE STATE AND STATED THAT PLAINLY PRIOR TO HIS DEATH IN 2020. Rand is well aware of the financial burden on chronic pain patients and the state of the economy and is grateful for any donations toward his case and this important cause. Finishing off with a couple of poignant quotes: “Pain is a more terrible Lord of man than even death itself.” Albert Schweitzer, a famous humanitarian physician, missionary. Dr. Schweitzer went to prison camp for a bit himself. First they came for the communists and I did not speak out because I was not a communist. Then they came of the Socialists and Trade Unionists but I did not speak out because I was neither. Then they came for the Jews but I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. And when they came for me there was no one left to speak out. Martin Niemoller German WWI Submariner who despite being a WWI Hero spoke out against the Nazis and himself was put into a concentration camp for doing so. Thank you for your time in reading this and again any donations and or even prayers are appreciated.
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Some may think that this could really open a can of worms, but could be a can of “dead worms”. Most law firms – particularly the ones who will take a case on a contingency basis – look for some “deep pockets” to go after. I may be wrong, but I suspect that when we see a LARGE SETTLEMENT from some bureaucracy… those $$$ may come from some insurance policies. However, states that go down this path, the premiums for those policies may GO THRU THE ROOF.
New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) signed a bill Wednesday ending qualified immunity for all government workers, including police.
Grisham signed the New Mexico Civil Rights Act, which ends the use of qualified immunity as a defense for depriving a person of their civil rights, her office said.
Qualified immunity shields state and local police from civil suits unless they violated a clearly established constitutional right, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.
New Mexico is the first state to end qualified immunity for all public bodies, the New Mexico House Democrats said on Twitter. However, it is not the only state to end the practice in some capacity.
Colorado banned the use of qualified immunity for police officers in June. New York City also ended qualified immunity for New York Police Department officers late last month.
The bill permits “an individual to bring a claim against a public body or person acting on behalf of or under the authority of a public body for violation of the individuals’ rights, privileges or immunities arising pursuant to the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of New Mexico,” according to its text.
These entities cannot “enjoy the defense of qualified immunity for causing the deprivation of any rights, privileges or immunities secured by the bill of rights of the constitution of New Mexico.”
The New Mexico House of Representatives passed the bill in February by a vote of 39-29, while the state senate passed it in March by a vote of 26-15, according to records on the state legislature’s website.
The law goes into effect on July 1 and claims from incidents prior to that date may not be brought.
Qualified immunity shields state and local police from liability unless they violated a clearly established civil right. It came under scrutiny last year amid a national conversation about police brutality sparked by the killings George Floyd and other Black Americans in police custody.
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