Reportedly Kaiser has discharged all chronic pain pts unless cancer or palliative care

Apparently by the date on this letter Kaiser JUMPED THE GUN on the CDC 2022 guidelines and they are referencing the MME system which has no science nor double blind clinical studies supporting its conclusions Looks like Kaiser is practicing medicine by COMMITTEE. I know that the Controlled Substance Act states that no one can prescribe a controlled substance without doing in person exam. And from the second picture, it appears that they have created a “corporate “cookie cutter” treating pain ” book.

I am sure that most of their employee prescribers are ecstatic that Kaiser has taken away their prescriptive authority and professional discretion that they were granted by the state medical license.

Obviously, Kaiser is following the DEA’s opinion of how many subjective diseases should be treated, based on DEA’s observations and opinions of how those people with mental health issues and are considered addicts and the “medical expertise” that the DEA has come to the conclusion by those observations of what drugs addicts take/consume.. disregarding how many tabs/caps/mgs of each are taken at one time.  Which has nothing to do with how they would be prescribed to a pt with valid medical necessity.

It has been my experience that many high acuity pain pts are dealing with multiple pain generating medical issues and often will benefit from having one or all four of meds that Kaiser has declared cannot be prescribed concurrently.  Most of these pts are probably considered DISABLED. Isn’t disabled people protected under the Americans with Disability Act & Civil Rights from being discriminated against ?  Could a corporate edict that certain categories of medications cannot be concurrently be prescribed to a pt that has multiple high acuity health issues whose QOL could be improved … if they were appropriately prescribed one or more of  meds in those categories and any person or entity denying the appropriate medications concurrently… actually be discriminating against them and a civil rights violation of those laws that protect disabled pts.  Kaiser has to have tens of thousands of such pts.  I guess that it would take a law firm that deals with civil rights discrimination issues to figure that out.

Here are a few posts from past post on my blog concerning Kaiser and how they are treating chronic pain pts..these are for 2018 & 2019

Yesterday Kaiser Permanente signed my death warrant

Dying Cancer patient denied Opioids by Kaiser

Kaiser Permanente and the End of Compassionate Care


Canadian panel pushes assisted suicide for minors without parental consent

Canadian panel pushes assisted suicide for minors without parental consent

Canada’s Special Joint Committee on Medical Assistance in Dying recommending allowing euthanasia for some minors

Canada’s Special Joint Committee on Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) recommended assisted suicide for minors without parental consent in mid-February.

A 138-page Canadian Parliament document was shared online called, “Medical Assistance In Dying In Canada: Choices or Canadians.” One part of the report addressed assisted suicide options for “mature” minors in Canada. They considered two tracks, one for whom there is “reasonably foreseeable” death, the second track for those for whom “mental disorder is the sole underlying medical condition.”

The government document explained the debate among government witnesses about expanding assisted suicide to those who are not yet legal adults.

“For MAID and mature minors, the committee heard a mix of views about whether MAID should be available to those under the age of 18. Many witnesses believed that age alone does not determine whether someone is capable of consenting to MAID,” the document’s authors wrote. “At the same time, a cautious approach was recommended, especially since there is little evidence from youth themselves on this topic.”

In 2014, Quebec reported enacted legislation for "end-of-life care," which includes rules relating to "medical aid in dying."

In 2014, Quebec reported enacted legislation for “end-of-life care,” which includes rules relating to “medical aid in dying.” (iStock)


While the paper ultimately did not recommend MAID for children who are mentally ill, “The committee agrees with the many witnesses who opined that MAID for mature minors should be limited to track one [reasonably foreseeable natural death] at this stage, especially given the lack of youth perspectives on the topic.”

Among a list of recommendations was a suggestion that “That the Government of Canada restrict MAID for mature minors to those whose natural death is reasonably foreseeable.”

One critical aspect was that while the government committee supported the concept of consulting parents about administering euthanasia, children would have the final say: “The committee agrees with those witnesses who supported a requirement for parental consultation, but not consent, in the context of MAID for mature minors.”

Judging assisted suicide.

Judging assisted suicide. (iStock)

One recommendation the committee gave was to formalize this idea into law.

“That the Government of Canada establish a requirement that, where appropriate, the parents or guardians of a mature minor be consulted in the course of the assessment process for MAID, but that the will of a minor who is found to have the requisite decision-making capacity ultimately take priority,” the committee advised.

The Daily Mail, after noting children would be “joining the roughly 10,000 adults who end their lives each year by state-sanctioned euthanasia in Canada, quoted multiple critics of the proposal.

“I think it’s horrible,” Amy Hasbrouck, of the anti-MAID group, Not Dead Yet, told the outlet. “Teenagers are not in a good position to judge whether to commit suicide or not. Any teenagers with a disability, who’s constantly told their life is useless and pitiful, will be depressed, and of course they’re going to want to die.”

Multiple activists from organizations concerned about government-assisted suicide condemned the committee's recommendations for minors.

Multiple activists from organizations concerned about government-assisted suicide condemned the committee’s recommendations for minors. (iStock)

Executive director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition Alex Schadenberg told the Daily Mail, “We said we were going to have safeguards and guardrails, but the next government can simply open it up further by making a decision — and that’s exactly what’s happening.”

Walmart lawsuit against U.S. over opioids is dismissed

For those of you who keep talking about suing the Federal Government/DEA – here is how you can sue the government BUT YOU WILL NOT GET PAST FIRST BASE…  the federal government has this “wild card” that they can use to get any case dismissed they want to. It is called sovereign immunity and basically it means that the FEDS can only be sued, when they agree to be sued.

Given the financial resources of Walmart, if any other individual or advocacy group thinks that they could be successful in suing the Feds/DEA… go for it.. but don’t expect any law firm to do it on a contingency basis.



Walmart lawsuit against U.S. over opioids is dismissed

Feb 5 (Reuters) – A federal judge has dismissed Walmart Inc’s (WMT.N)lawsuit seeking to preemptively block the U.S. government from blaming the world’s largest retailer for its alleged role in fueling the nation’s opioid crisis.

U.S. District Judge Sean Jordan said the government had not waived its sovereign immunity from Walmart’s “sweeping” challenge to the Department of Justice’s and Drug Enforcement Administration’s enforcement of laws governing opioid prescriptions by pharmacies and pharmacists.

Walmart said on Friday it will appeal the decision, which the Plano, Texas-based judge issued on Thursday night.

In its Oct. 22 lawsuit, Walmart had said the government’s lax and confusing oversight left pharmacists with an “untenable” choice between filling prescriptions and risking criminal or civil liability, or refusing prescriptions and facing the wrath of patients, doctors and state medical boards.

“Our pharmacists and patients deserve better than the current patchwork of inconsistent, conflicting and contradictory demands from federal and state regulators,” the Bentonville, Arkansas-based retailer said in announcing the planned appeal.

The Justice Department’s lawsuit against Walmart was a significant escalation of its efforts to hold major pharmacies responsible for their roles in an U.S. opioid epidemic in which about 450,000 people died from overdoses from 1999 to 2018.

It is seeking civil damages for Walmart’s alleged violations of the Controlled Substances Act on a “nationwide scale,” both as a pharmacy and as a distributor.


Every time that I sit down at my desk, I am reminded of a couple of movies GROUND HOG DAY and ALICE IN WONDERLAND

Because I seem to go down the same RABBIT HOLE and I keep  giving out the same advice I have posted perhaps hundreds of times before.

I have read where some major chronic pain advocates have stepped back from advocating and some others are talking about stepping back.

Nearly every day I hear or read on various medias the use of the words EQUALITY, EQUITY, INCLUSION, but none of those words apply to the estimated 100 million chronic pain pts. However, people who are abusing and/or addicted to legal & illegal opiates are getting more and more inclusion and equity.

Historically I have seen/heard the quote often used in regards to federal grand juries that “they could indict a ham sandwich”, but I have seen some quotes from prosecutors in grand jury hearing and a highly qualified chronic pain prescriber could be indicted… here is a reported quote from a recent grand jury hearing on such a physician  “The prosecutor argued that prescribing any opioid medication was illegal”

When you dissect that prosecutor’s statement, all opiate prescribing is ILLEGAL… because there are no pts that have a valid medical necessity for being prescribed a opiate – THERE ARE NO VALID CHRONIC PAIN PTS !!

All Chronic Pain Pts need to understand certain FACTS:

All of the media is in lock step with the DEA and their agenda. Here is the DEA website with all their press releases  By and large, the media just regurgitates these press releases and never tries to clarify nor verify their accuracy.

Typically 40% of the members of Congress are attorneys, they are never going to muzzle the DEA

Here is a article that just dropped into my inbox as I was composing this blog post.  If the AMA is having trouble lobbying Congress….

‘Advocacy Is Hard, and Washington Is a Difficult Place’

— AMA president Jack Resneck Jr., MD, opens up about his challenges and successes so far

You CAN’T sue the government, if have a few million dollars lying around you could challenge the constitutionality of the CSA in our court system.

Suing a doctor over malpractice is a lose-lose, many states have limits on malpractice awards, that even if the plaintiff wins, all legal fees will not be covered.

Recently I was informed that two major MCO ( Managed Care Organizations) that operate in 9 states & DC.. have implemented a no opiate or near no opiate policies for pts. Law firms like large corporations with “deep pockets” that have done harm to people.. the more “bodies” the better. Most of those chronic pain pts are considered disabled and a covered entity under American with Disability Act & Civil Rights Act. The MCO putting out a corporate edict that their employee prescribers are not allowed to prescribe opiates for chronic painers.

Most would consider one of the core functions of the practice of medicine is the starting, changing, stopping a pt’s therapy.  I am not aware of any corporation that has a medical degree nor a license to practice medicine.

My money is on that there is at least one MCO in each state doing same,similar things with no opiate prescribing to chronic pain pts.  How many tens of millions of chronic pain pts are suffering because of these corporate edicts ?

here is a chart of possible complications to a pt’s comorbidity issues from under/untreated pain.

All it takes is one or two lead plaintiff in a class action.  But, get off of being a “keyboard warrior” and find a law firm that deals with civil rights violations and may have a interest in talking about suing some of these large MCO over civil rights discrimination, inflicting pain and suffering on tens of millions of chronic pain pts.

If you are reading this, you are probably part of the chronic pain community. If everyone in the chronic pain community is waiting for “George” to come save their ass.  Sorry, “George” is have a “bad week” and he is not going to bother !




Coronavirus vaccine: MIT Professor calls for immediate suspension of COVID mRNA vaccine

Coronavirus vaccine: MIT Professor calls for immediate suspension of COVID mRNA vaccine

The number of health professionals urging for the suspension of COVID mRNA vaccine is increasing. The call for withdrawing the vaccine is getting stronger.
Recently, MIT Professor Retsef Levi took to Twitter to share the harm mRNA vaccines are causing in young people. “The evidence is mounting and indisputable that mRNA vaccines cause serious harm including death, especially among young people. We have to stop giving them immediately!,” the MIT Expert in Analytics, Risk Management, Health Systems, Food & Agriculture Systems, Manufacturing & Supply Chain Management has tweeted.

Professor Levi’s video, in which he has warned against the use of mRNA vaccine, has received more than 1 million views so far.
“All COVID mRNA vaccination programs should stop immediately”
“I’m filming this video to share my strong conviction that at this point in time, all COVID mRNA vaccination programs should stop immediately,” Professor Levi has said.
“They should stop because they completely failed to fulfill any of their advertised promises regarding efficacy. And more importantly, they should stop because of the mounting and indisputable evidence that they cause unprecedented levels of harm, including the death of young people and children,” he continued.

“mRNA vaccines indeed cause sudden cardiac arrest”
“I believe that the cumulative evidence is conclusive and confirms our concern that the mRNA vaccines indeed cause sudden cardiac arrest as a sequel of vaccine-induced myocarditis. And this is potentially only one mechanism by which they cause harm,” he said.

“I personally became concerned with vaccine safety around the middle of 2021 when it became known that the mRNA vaccines cause myocarditis, and inflammation of the heart,” he says. “I was very concerned that it would not be detected by the existing vaccine safety surveillance systems. Motivated by that, we decided to analyze the Israel National EMS data to see if there are any signals of increased out of hospital adverse events,” he added and continued to substantiate his claims with the results of several studies.

“We detected an increase of 25% in the cause with cardiac arrest diagnosis”
“The analysis of the EMS calls and diagnosis data from 2018. throughout the first half of 2021 revealed some very concerning signals. We detected an increase of 25% in the cause with cardiac arrest diagnosis among ages 16 to 39. In the first half of 2021, exactly when the vaccination campaign in Israel was launched, a smaller increase was also detected in the older ages. Moreover, we also detected a statistically significant temporal correlation between the number of the Pfizer vaccine doses administered to this population and the number of EMS calls with cardiac arrest diagnosis,” says Professor Levi.

“Data from the UK, Scotland, and Australia replicate the data from Israel. Additional data from Israel indicates that in 2021, the EMS in Israel conducted more than 3,000 more resuscitations compared to 2019, which amounts for an increase of 27%. Two prospective studies from Thailand and Switzerland in which vaccines were tested before and after they received a vaccine, indicate that the rates of heart damage are likely to be significantly higher than the rates detected by clinical diagnosis. This is exactly the same finding that the US. military found in 2015 when it conducted a similar study on the smallpox vaccine.”

He continued, “Another study from the Harvard Medical School detected in the blood of children with vaccine-induced myocarditis, an entire spike, which is another indication of the underlying mechanism of harm, but in fact has even broader implications about the safety of the vaccine given the repeated evidence that we have that the mRNA and the lipids are actually penetrating the blood system.”

“And finally, autopsies of people that died closely after they received the vaccine indicate that in a large number of cases, there is strong evidence that the death was caused by vaccine-induced myocarditis. So presented with all of this evidence, I think there is no other ethical or scientific choice but to pull out of the market these medical products and stop all the mRNA vaccination programs. This is clearly the most failing medical product in the history of medical products, both in terms of efficacy and safety,” he said.

“This is huge”
Sharing Professor Levi’s video on his personal social media accounts, Dr Aseem Malhotra who has been vocal against the administration of mRNA vaccines has posted: “Eminent MIT Professor & expert on drug safety analytics Retsev Levi calls for immediate suspension of all covid mRNA vaccines

‘They should stop because they cause an unprecedented level of harm including the death of young people and children’

mRNA vaccines work by introducing a piece of a lab synthesized mRNA which corresponds to the viral protein. When the cells produce the viral protein using the mRNA an immune response is triggered. Not just COVID, mRNA vaccines have also been studied before for flu, Zika, rabies, and cytomegalovirus (CMV). Cancer research also uses mRNA to trigger the immune system to target specific cancer cells.

How do mRNA vaccines work?

A little portion of a protein typically located on the viral outer membrane is introduced as part of an mRNA vaccine’s delivery mechanism. (People who receive an mRNA vaccination are not exposed to the virus and cannot contract the infection through the vaccine).

There are three different types of COVID vaccine which are administered to improve the immunity against the virus which had emerged in 2019 in Wuhan, China. While mRNA is administered to people, vector vaccine and protein subunit vaccines are also in use.

Here are the answers to few common questions related to mRNA vaccines:

  1. What is mRNA vaccine?
    mRNA vaccines use a piece of mRNA that corresponds to a viral protein.
  2. How to mRNA vaccines work?
    These vaccines work by using laboratory synthesized mRNA to teach our cells how to make a protein to trigger immune response.
  3. What vaccines are mRNA?
    Pfizer-BioNTech and the Moderna COVID-19 vaccines use mRNA .
  4. What are the other types of COVID vaccines available?
    The other types of COVID vaccine available are vector vaccine and protein subunit vaccine.

Medicare announces plan to recoup billions from drug companies

This graphic represents into whose pockets/coffers where the $$ that the pt pays at the register ends up going.  I think that this proposal clearly explains the power of those companies who has the largest pots of money to pay lobbyists to convince Congress and members of the Administration as to what the big corporations want those bureaucrats to believe as what the corporation wants them to believe as “the truth”.  This is a settlement from the PBM Centene with Indiana Medicaid – just this month – for overcharging the state Medicaid  Centene will pay Indiana $66.5 mln to settle Medicaid overcharge allegations

Centene said in its most recent quarterly filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that it had settled with 13 states, was in talks with others and had set aside $1.25 billion to resolve related claims.

Pharmas, wholesalers, Pharmacies all have the business cost of keeping a inventory. The insurance/PBM has COMPUTERS as the primary business overhead. The pharmas & wholesalers have shipping cost of product to their customers and the PBM charges the Pharmacies $0.25 per Rx electronic submission.  So the FEDS are going after the part of the Rx distribution system, which may have the highest cost of doing business and the lowest net profits… while ignoring the part of the distribution system with the highest net profit.

Just remember their is no prerequisite experience nor educational qualification/certification to become an elected or un-elected bureaucrat


Medicare announces plan to recoup billions from drug companies

Medicare’s historic plan to slow prescription drug spending is taking shape. Thursday federal health officials released proposed guidance that outlines the first of a pair of major drug price reforms contained in the Inflation Reduction Act. Those reforms are projected to save Medicare roughly $170 billion over the next decade.

President Joe Biden touted the effort underway earlier this week in his State of the Union address. “We’re taking on powerful interests to bring your health care costs down so you can sleep better at night,” he said.

Spending on drugs in Medicare, which covers 64 million seniors and people with disabilities, nearly tripled from about $85 billion in 2009 to $240 billion in 2020. Medicare spends an average of $2,700 per beneficiary on retail drugs each year.

A team of roughly two dozen analysts, economists and other technical experts within the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is now knee-deep in the painstaking process of translating the administration’s lofty law into ironclad policy.

This story was produced by Tradeoffs, a podcast exploring health care policy.

The new details released Thursday outline how Medicare will use its new authority to claw back refunds from drugmakers for price increases that outpace the rate of inflation.

Dr. Meena Seshamani, director of the Center for Medicare, called the guidance “an important step in our work to lower out-of-pocket drug costs and strengthen the sustainability of the Medicare program for current and future enrollees.”

The agency is bracing for its work to face legal attacks, gamesmanship and lobbying from a formidable opponent: the pharmaceutical industry. The looming battle between bureaucrats and industry will help determine how much money Medicare saves.

CMS is staring down several challenges. The first is timing.

The authors of the Inflation Reduction Act, which armed Medicare with these new powers last August, gave the agency just a few months to finalize policy details.

“Congress has pushed them very hard,” said Richard Frank, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution who served in HHS under President Obama. “They’re building the ship and trying to sail it at the same time.” To address that pressure, the agency is hiring furiously, working to add another 75 people to its new group overseeing this effort.

Drug companies, which spent $160 million lobbying the government last year, have their own teams working tirelessly. “We are definitely not sitting on our hands,” said Alice Valder Curran, who advises drug companies on pricing strategy at law firm Hogan Lovells. “We’re going to scour the guidance.”

Curran said companies have spent the months since the Inflation Reduction Act passed analyzing its potential impact on drugs they sell now – and those in their pipelines. With today’s release of draft rules, she added, companies can now begin to answer their questions about how the law will be implemented.

Medicare targets drugmakers who hike prices too fast

The new plan to lower drug prices announced Thursday requires drugmakers to refund Medicare for any price increases that outpace the rate of inflation.

“The inflation rebate program intends to hold drug companies accountable,” said Medicare’s Seshamani.

Inflation rebates are expected to deliver $70 billion in savings over the next decade on a large number of drugs – potentially more than 1,000, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. “We’re talking about the same drug from one year to the next – no change to the product – but the price goes up in many cases 10 percent, sometimes even higher,” said Juliette Cubanski, deputy director of the program on Medicare policy at KFF.

The inflation rebate, with its clunky name and complex formulas, has caught less attention than Medicare’s other major new authority to cut drug spending by negotiating directly with drugmakers, which CMS intends to lay out in detail this spring.

That negotiation power is unprecedented and will target some of the country’s biggest ticket drugs, starting with 10 blockbusters in 2026. The number of negotiated drugs will grow to 60 by the end of this decade, and will save Medicare nearly $100 billion by 2031.

Combined, these two new powers represent Medicare’s antidote to drugmakers continuing to raise prices, particularly on products that have no competition.

Potential loopholes jeopardize size of savings

The guidance answers important mechanical questions about these rebates. For example, beginning April 1, some refunds will be passed directly on to seniors, lowering their out-of-pocket costs for certain drugs, which could include expensive cancer treatments. The guidance outlines exactly how those rebates will be calculated, passed through providers and into people’s pockets – no small logistical feat.

Also tucked inside the 71 pages of guidance are details that highlight potential loopholes in the law that could be exploited by drugmakers, representing another key challenge CMS faces in maximizing savings.

Anna Kaltenboeck, who helped craft the Inflation Reduction Act as a senior health advisor to the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance and is now a principal at the health research firm ATI Advisory, said lawmakers and regulators tried to learn from other federal programs that use inflation rebates.

Medicaid, which covers 82 million low-income Americans, has clawed back very similar inflation rebates for 30 years. While doing so has effectively lowered Medicaid’s spending, drugmakers have successfully avoided hundreds of millions of dollars in payments by taking advantage of flexibilities built into the law. Similar gamesmanship could be magnified in Medicare, which spends three times more on drugs than Medicaid.

While Kaltenboeck believes Medicare’s inflation rebate rules effectively close some known loopholes, she admits others may be lurking. “There are almost an infinite number of ways [that] a manufacturer might think of to evade these new policies,” Kaltenboeck said.

The Office of Inspector General for the Department of Health and Human Services has said it’s on high alert and has published multiple reports warning about potential weaknesses in the rebate law.

Finally, industry advisor Curran said, this new guidance also offers a first highly anticipated look at the federal government’s broader philosophical approach to wielding its pair of new powers. “Everyone is going to be reading the tea leaves – are they being strict or less strict – and trying to draw conclusions from that.”

The rebate law gives Medicare discretion to reduce or waive rebates for companies whose drugs experience shortages or a supply chain disruption. If, for example, an earthquake hits a company’s lone manufacturing plant, they may need to hike prices to recover economically and invest in plant upgrades. But a waiver that is too lenient, said economist Richard Frank, could also incentivize bad behavior by manufacturers. “You’re trying to find that balance.”

Industry turns its attention toward negotiation

The public has until March 11 to comment on the details released Thursday, after which Medicare will revise and publish final guidance on the inflation rebate provision. “It’s very important to us to hear from all interested parties and incorporate all of those perspectives and expertise and experiences as we thoughtfully implement this law,” said Medicare’s Seshamani.

Medicare now turns its attention to finalizing and publishing similar guidance on price negotiation. It’s an authority the industry is still surprised lawmakers managed to pass. “​​We’re having to wrestle with responding to guidance about something we never thought was going to happen,” said Jenny Bryant, Executive Vice President for Policy and Research at the industry trade group PhRMA.

Bryant said the forthcoming guidance, which targets some of the industry’s top sellers, has the group’s full attention. “Our energy is going into thinking about this completely novel thing we know extraordinarily little about how the agency is going to approach.”

Many experts believe that manufacturers will comb through those details looking not only for loopholes, but also for ammunition. “Manufacturers are absolutely going to be looking to mount a legal challenge,” said former Senate advisor Kaltenboeck. PhRMA said it expects pressure for legislative change to grow too.

Those legal stakes are one more reason people like former HHS official Richard Frank worry about the agency moving so fast through such technical work. The Affordable Care Act , the last health care law this consequential, was also written and implemented in a hurry. A few words mistakenly included in the final language of that law ultimately landed it before the Supreme Court.

“I do think the lessons learned from the ACA are fresh on people’s minds,” Richard Frank said.

Seshamani, who helped implement the ACA, said that’s why the agency has “set up monthly technical calls with drug manufacturers [and] regular strategic policy meetings with patients groups, providers [and insurance] plans.”

Dan Gorenstein and Leslie Walker are producers with Tradeoffs, a podcast exploring health policy.

Just because someone has a Medicaid health insurance card does not mean they have access to health care

States have better options than expanding Medicaid to care for their poor

More than a decade after the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, became law, most states — red and blue alike — have concluded that the law’s offer of federal money to cover Medicaid expansion is just too good to pass up.

Medicaid is the joint federal-state program that provides health insurance for low-income individuals and children.

Originally designed as a safety-net program, it has ballooned to cover well over a quarter of the United States population. A central part of the Affordable Care Act was a provision allowing states to expand Medicaid coverage to working-age, able-bodied adults, with the federal government covering at least 90% of the cost.


Originally, state decisions about whether to expand fell along the traditional red-blue divide, but as the years have gone by, more GOP-led states have embraced expansion.

Today, only 11 states have refused to expand their Medicaid program. Apparently, even red states found the money irresistible — what’s not to love about spending $1 and receiving $9?

As it turns out, there’s a lot not to love about expanding Medicaid, starting with how it hurts those who most need help.

Americans for Prosperity’s Senior Health Policy Fellow Dean Clancy sums up the problems facing Medicaid:

Medicaid is a broken program, overly bureaucratic with weak cost controls and no accountability for results. It provides notoriously substandard care for patients and yet also manages to waste one of every five dollars it spends. Medicaid should be fixed, not expanded.

Medicaid fails those who need it most

The argument for expanding Medicaid is straightforward: Low-income Americans lack access to health insurance and, as a result, lack access to care. Medicaid solves this problem by providing them essentially free health insurance.

This argument runs aground, however, on the rocky shoals of Medicaid’s realities. Just because someone has a Medicaid health insurance card does not mean they have access to health care.

Everybody knows that health care in the United States is expensive, and so full access to care depends on having health insurance. But Medicaid does not come close to providing the kind of coverage that private insurance does.

Medicaid’s payment rates to health care providers are so low — one figure puts them at a quarter of private insurance rates — that many doctors won’t take on Medicaid patients.

  • A 2014 government study found that only half of doctors who claim to take Medicaid patients are actually accepting new ones.
  • A 2019 study found that Medicaid patients are 1.6 times less likely to successfully schedule a primary care appointment, and 3.3 times less likely to see a specialist.
  • Wait times for Medicaid patients are also substantially higher.

As a result, those with Medicaid are too often left out in the cold, so they turn to the one place they know they can get treatment whenever they want: the emergency room, the most expensive kind of care.

A 2021 study found that “Emergency department wait times increased 10% under Medicaid expansion.”

Medicaid fails those who need it in another way, too.

Medicaid too often fails to improve the health of those who have it

Oregon ran an experiment on its Medicaid program, randomly selecting some people to enroll and tracking their health versus those who could not enroll — the gold-standard in experimental design.

The results were startling.

According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, enrollment in Medicaid “produced no statistically significant effects on physical health.”

More specifically, while enrollment reduced depression, it had “no statistically significant effects on blood pressure, cholesterol, or cardiovascular risk.”

These results show that those with Medicaid are no better off than those with no insurance at all

Oregon is just one state, but Medicaid care elsewhere has proven disastrously bad, too.

A group of patients in California, for example, has sued that state’s Medicaid program for sub-standard care — despite the fact that California’s private Medicaid insurers are raking in billions of dollars in profits.

But Medicaid’s problems extend even further.

Expanding Medicaid has unintended consequences that hurt the most vulnerable

Medicaid expansion promises states health insurance expansion on the cheap, but not without a cost on those who need help the most.

A landmark report from the Mercatus Center examined whether Medicaid expansion altered states’ Medicaid spending. It found that expansion states spent significantly less on vulnerable populations than non-expansion states.

The study’s authors write:

Per capita Medicaid spending growth on children in expansion states was less than one-third what it was in non-expansion states and less than one-quarter of national average per-capita healthcare spending growth.

Children in expansion states received $500 less in state funding over the first six years of expansion than those in non-expansion states. The study also found cuts for the disabled and elderly.

Another study from Harvard found a similar dynamic at work in education. A $1 increase in social-services spending — driven by Medicaid — resulted in $2.44 less being available for higher education.

These results aren’t surprising: Unlike the federal government, states can’t put higher costs on a limitless credit card. Budget management demands that resources spent on one priority must be inevitably pulled from others.

Yet states have more to fear than redirected resources.

Medicaid expansion threatens the fiscal stability of states, both short-term and long-term

Short term, states that expand Medicaid are likely to see substantially higher costs than they expect

At an alarming rate, states that have expanded Medicaid have seen actual enrollment vastly outstrip projections, meaning Medicaid punches a bigger hole in state budgets than lawmakers expected.

Medicaid spending comprises, on average, 27% of state budgets, making it the largest spending category. So even if the federal government picks up 90% of the tab for all the new enrollees, the 10% state portion is still a very large sum of money and can bust state budgets.

  • According to one study, enrollment of the newly eligible population is 160% above projections — 16.7 million people instead of 6.5 million.
  • Per-person costs are also 64% above estimates.
  • And expanding Medicaid has led to more people enrolling in Medicaid who already qualified for the program pre-expansion. This “woodwork effect” leads to about a 10% rise in traditional Medicaid rolls on top of expansion.

Long term, there is little that states can do to cap their costs, which makes Medicaid a massive liability to their fiscal stability

The federal government restricts how states can modify their Medicaid programs. They can’t limit enrollment and haven’t been allowed to remove ineligible individuals for the past three years thanks to a federal provision that Congress wisely voted to sunset beginning in  April.

As a result, if Medicaid becomes fiscally unsustainable, states have essentially no choice but to quit the program or the expansion altogether — a politically unpalatable move at best.

What’s more, there is nothing to prevent Congress from lowering the federal reimbursement rate for the expansion population, which could leave states on the hook for billions more.

These high costs might be worth it if the money were well-spent, but it isn’t.

  • Federal data uncovered by Americans for Prosperity Foundation show that more than 1 in 5 dollars spent on Medicaid in 2020 were spent improperly, with $86 billion spent wastefully.
  • The expansion seems to be fueling improper payments.
  • The improper-payment rate has more than tripled, from under 6% before Medicaid expansion to more than 20% now.

With all these problems, lawmakers would do well to look beyond the dangling federal dollars of Medicaid expansion.

Lawmakers can follow a better path: a Personal Option

Medicaid expansion might seem like the only game in town, but the reality is state lawmakers have a number of different options for expanding access and reducing costs, many of which are part of the Personal Option.

“States don’t have to wait for Washington,” AFP’s Clancy says. “They can do a number of things right now to help promote access and lower costs while shielding individuals from risk.”

  • Repeal Certificate of Need laws that make it difficult to open new doctors’ offices and hospitals.
  • Increase the supply of doctors and nurses by allowing them to practice across state lines.
  • Expand the scope of work for nurses and physician’s assistants so they can do all they are trained to do.
  • Allow pharmacists to administer shots and prescribe low-risk medications.
  • Loosen telehealth regulations to give patients access to medical experts across the state.
  • Enable access to farm bureau (or other nonprofit membership organization) health insurance plans, which can be much cheaper than normal insurance.
  • Promote charitable care as an option for uninsured or underinsured people who struggle to afford quality health care.
  • Promote direct primary care as a viable option for Medicaid patients, freeing them from the burden of using insurance as a middleman.


These reforms would increase the number of options and reduce costs — changes that, while helping everyone, would have an outsized impact on low-income individuals. And a number already have a track record of success.

In Dallas, for example, Carrell Clinic Foundation is demonstrating the effectiveness of the charitable care model, offering high quality care at little to no cost.

But state lawmakers can push further.

One innovative option is to allow Medicaid beneficiaries to enroll in a direct primary care arrangement using Medicaid funding.

Such a reform would ensure Medicaid patients have access to doctors while cutting out insurance and giving beneficiaries more control over their health care long-term, building on the success of direct primary care providers such as Camino Health Center in North Carolina.

This reform might require, however, a federal waiver.

For its part, the federal government could do a variety of things to help reduce costs and improve access, from getting rid of the rules that limit who can have a health savings account to promoting price transparency to streamlining drug approval — all part of the Personal Option.

States must resist the siren song of federal funds if they truly want to help people

At the end of the day, Medicaid is a federal program, and any major reform will require cooperation from Washington.

To help low-income people the most, state lawmakers will need to do more than resist the siren song of federal funds in Medicaid expansion.

They will need to enlist the federal government’s help in pursuing sensible reforms that promote access while reducing costs.

“Instead of putting more people on the Medicaid rolls,” says Clancy, “states need a lot more flexibility from Uncle Sam to eliminate waste and target scarce resources to the truly needy.”

Medicaid was meant to be a safety net for the truly vulnerable. Misguided expansions have turned it into a sprawling, wasteful entitlement that fails to ensure timely access to needed care.

We can do better. Instead of expanding Medicaid, we should reform it to be worthy of the vulnerable families who need it most.


Covert genocide has evolved into FED sanctioned GENOCIDE what is next tattooed numbers on our forearms ?


DEA Manual Changes Cause Uproar Over Pseudoephedrine Dispensing

DEA Manual Changes Cause Uproar Over Pseudoephedrine Dispensing

A change in the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)’s 2022 Pharmacist’s Manual is creating confusion about dispensing of pseudoephedrine products.

Three key pharmacy groups—the American Pharmacists Association (APhA), the National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA), and the National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS)—sent a letter to Thomas W. Prevoznik, deputy assistant administrator, Office of Diversion Control Policy at the DEA, seeking clarification. The manual states that the federal daily sales quantity limit of 3.6 g applies when a pharmacist dispenses pseudoephedrine pursuant to a prescription that federally does not require a prescription.

In the letter, the pharmacy groups argued that it has been previously understood that the federal daily sales quantity limit does not apply when dispensing pseudoephedrine products pursuant to a prescription.

“It has been our understanding since the Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act (CMEA) passed into law over 15 years ago that the federal daily sales quantity limit does not apply when dispensing pseudoephedrine products pursuant to a prescription,” according to the letter. “Based on discussions among our different associations and DEA officials contemporary with the passing of the CMEA and DEA’s promulgation and finalizing of implementing regulations, it has been our understanding that any SLCP [scheduled listed chemical product] that is dispensed pursuant to a prescription order is not subject to any of the requirements of the CMEA, irrespective of whether the product is a legend drug under federal law. We believe that DEA’s apparent policy reversal, seemingly announced in 2022 version of the Pharmacist’s Manual, will cause great harm to patients that rely on pseudoephedrine products to treat chronic medical conditions.”

The pharmacy groups pointed out that those patients would have to make additional office visits to their prescribers for much more frequent prescriptions and much more frequent visits to their pharmacies to receive their pseudoephedrine medications. “Notably, this apparent policy change would likely provide little to no additional benefit, as we are not aware that patients taking pseudoephedrine products pursuant to a prescription, without a federal sales limit for the past 15 years, have been even a minor contributor to the problems of methamphetamine abuse, production, or diversion,” the letter added.

The NACDS specifically questioned the legality of the change, explaining, “Considering that sales of SLCPs pursuant to a prescription result from a professional evaluation and through a learned intermediary, we do not believe that these types of transactions could be construed as being with a ‘walk-in customer or in face-to-face transactions by direct sales.’ When a patient presents a prescription to a pharmacy for a SLCP, such as pseudoephedrine, they are not merely walking into the pharmacy to conduct a transaction upon their own accord. Rather, they are presenting to the pharmacist an order given to them from a prescriber that has conducted a medical examination and evaluation. Consequently, we do not believe that CMEA sales limits would apply in these circumstances.”

The letter goes on to say that since the CMEA does not apply to legend drugs, the pharmacy groups maintain that it should also not apply to nonlegend drugs that are dispensed under the same procedures as a legend drug, “which are more stringent than the requirements of the CMEA.”

“APhA, NACDS, and NCPA thank DEA for the consideration of our concerns about its apparent policy change announced in the 2022 version of its Pharmacist’s Manual,” the letter concluded. “We urge DEA to issue official guidance clarifying that the federal sales limits of the CMEA, including the federal daily sales quantity limit of 3.6 grams, does not apply when a pharmacist dispenses pursuant to a [pseudoephedrine] prescription…”

The content contained in this article is for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. Reliance on any information provided in this article is solely at your own risk.

Bureaucrats are telling your doctor how to treat pain. And patients suffer needlessly

Bureaucrats are telling your doctor how to treat pain. And patients suffer needlessly.

Thanks to pressure from lawmakers, government agencies and policymakers who inserted themselves into the patient-doctor relationship, patients became the victims of the never-ending war on drugs.

Jeffrey A. Singer and Josh Bloom
Opinion contributors

A decade ago, most people thought of Tylenol (acetaminophen) as a medicine for fever, malaise and minor aches and pains. Nobody imagined that it would become the go-to drug for treating moderate, let alone severe, postoperative pain. 

But this is just what has happened. Thanks to pressure from lawmakers, government agencies and policymakers who inserted themselves into the patient-doctor relationship, patients became the victims of the never-ending war on drugs.

Now, doctors frequently offer only acetaminophen to treat painful conditions despite the drug’s inability to remedy them. 

Doctors pressured to avoid pain medication

Policymakers’ exaggerated fear of opioids has pressured hospitals, doctors and dentists to switch to acetaminophen, no matter how severe the patient’s pain. Sometimes, the drug is given intravenously in high doses as part of “opioid-sparing protocols.” We believe using the drug in this way is ill-advised, cruel and borders on malpractice. 

Lawmakers believed they had to do something about the opioid overdose crisis, which has grown exponentially since the 1970s. The crisis was driven by a growing population of nonmedical drug users accessing drugs from the black market.

Lawmakers believed they had to do something about the opioid overdose crisis, which has grown exponentially since the 1970s. The crisis was driven by a growing population of nonmedical drug users accessing drugs from the black market.  

States dictate rules on prescriptions

Now, nearly 40 states have passed laws dictating the maximum number and dose of opioids that doctors are permitted to prescribe to their patients, all based on the misguided notion that medical use of prescription pain pills caused the crisis.

But what’s really fueling overdose deaths is drug prohibition and the dangerous black market that it creates. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention got into the act by guiding doctors in treating pain, an area not in the agency’s wheelhouse.  

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The evidence clearly shows that acetaminophen alone is a poor choice for treating most types of pain. Multiple literature reviews show that the drug has limited analgesic utility. Several Cochrane systematic reviews, which are highly regarded, evidence-based analyses that carefully evaluate the quality of data in numerous studies, have questioned its ability to relieve pain caused by a variety of conditions. With few exceptions, it fails miserably. 

For example, studies reveal that acetaminophen effectively reduces fever in children. But, while the drug is frequently recommended for headache pain, its efficacy is mostly imaginary. A 2016 Cochrane review examined 23 studies, including more than 8,000 people with tension headaches. While 59% of the participants experienced relief within two hours, so did 49% of the group that received a placebo. 

The authors concluded, “Only 10% people with tension-type headaches get a benefit from (acetaminophen).” 

‘Do I need to go to the basement??’:President Biden, please get down to earth with Americans about the threats up in the air

A  2013 Cochrane review found the drug inferior to ibuprofen for reducing dental pain at all doses studied.  

Perhaps most telling is a 2021 review that included 36 systematic studies of 44 painful conditions. It concluded that acetaminophen provided modest pain relief for one of them, osteoarthritis of the hip and knee. There was no sound evidence of the drug’s ability to treat any other painful condition.

Yet now, some doctors give it intravenously for postsurgical pain, a cruel and unethical practice if there ever was one. 

Patients suffer agonizing pain

The government promulgates an erroneous fear of opioids that makes patients often endure agonizing postoperative pain they never would have experienced a decade ago, a violation of basic medical standards.

Yet, contrary to politicians’ beliefs, data show that the addiction rate of medically used opioids has been about 1%. Government data also show no correlation between the volume of opioids prescribed and the rate of abuse or addiction. 

The treatment and management of acute and chronic pain involve the same nuanced medical decision-making as treating hypertension, diabetes, infectious diseases and psychiatric disorders. Just as it is wrong for the government to dictate how doctors treat those conditions, it should butt out when doctors treat pain.

Doctors take an oath to ease suffering and do no harm. Government meddling is causing doctors to violate their professional credo. 

Dr. Jeffrey A. Singer practices general surgery in Phoenix and is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute. Josh Bloom is director of chemical and pharmaceutical science at the American Council on Science and Health