Pain med prescriptions did not cause opioid epidemic, courts rule

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This news report was from – according to YouTube, TWO YEARS AGO. I wonder how many prescribers have been “taken out” by our DEA & judicial system in that time frame this video and that judge’s ruling has been out there. I vaguely remember the trial, I believe that it was in CALF and the “expert witness” for the prosecutor, stated that 25% of pts who took an opioid would become addicted. The judge corrected the witness – on the stand – that the percentage was only 5%. Depending on which study you wish to believe, the real rate is between 0.6% – 2%. In the end, our DEA/DOJ has been using the war on drugs to deny 98+% of pts that have a medical necessity for a controlled med, to ATTEMPT <2% of our population from becoming addicted.

The DEA started escalating the war on drugs after the Decade of Pain Law expired in 2010, when the CDC was reporting about 12,000 OD deaths from ALL DRUG OVERDOSES. I expect the OD/poisoning numbers to be > 100,000 for 2023. The vast majority are from illegal drugs from China and Mex cartels. Could that be considered an ABSOLUTE FAILURE by the DEA/DOJ?

That trial against J&J, was because J&J was the WHOLESALER to the entire pharma industry of RAW OPIOID PRODUCTS. They produced no patient-ready finished opioid product, nor marketed a finished opioid product to prescribers.

4 Responses

  1. Just read an article about Sam Quinines, one who blames OxyContin for the huge OD deaths today.

    • Some don’t need anything but their own biased opinions to pass out accusations, It has been repetitively reported that only 4% of all opioid Rxs were a Purdue Pharma product. Statistics suggests that such a small percentage of all opioid Rxs could cause such a large opioid crisis. The OD/poisoning of opioids have been growing and the primary opioid is illegal fentanyl from China & Mex cartel. It has been reported that the illegal Fentanyl analog is not the same analog that is approved by the FDA for use in humans. According to Wikipedia, there is some >1000 different fentanyl analogs.

  2. I need to know how I can get this spread to all of our states. Governors senators doctor office, anyone who truly cares about us. The shortage is already begun. I am living day-to-day, just worrying. Well I have my medicine tomorrow. I wake up in pain, I go to bed in pain. Put on antidepressants because of pain. I am at their back in call. I just want to spend the rest of my life somewhat happy and have time to play with my lovely grandchildren. Right now I can’t. I want to make cookies with them. Play-Doh take a walk Now I’m stuck in the house all day there’s so much more. I feel people are just getting tired of hearing it from me. I’m not ready to give up when I’m getting close.

  3. Kicking the ball around will get us nowhere. Meanwhile the propaganda against opioids becomes more entrenched. Look up the history of the effects of propaganda. We must end this. The solution is to learn that no drug causes addiction, that the CSA is purely racist, and we need to get it repealed. We hold the key on DoC. Go there and learn the truth and spread that. Join our communication campaign.

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