PAIN PATIENTS Washington State!
On Friday July 19th the Washington Medical Commission held their regularly scheduled meeting.
During this meeting was continued discussion about changes being made to the opioid prescribing rules/laws in Washington State.
With the help of Kat Hatz & APDFoundation I submitted a Petition to the WMC requesting more explicit changes to the rules/laws.
At the beginning of this meeting several patients made public comments. There were also written comments. These can be heard at approximately 1.33 (1 minute 33 seconds) into the recording.
At 1:55 (1 hr 55 minutes) The commission begins discussing my Petition and changes to the prescribing law, it was great to hear their support!!
Please know that this was an extremely positive meeting and the commission has agreed that changes need to be made to stop harms to chronic pain patients.
You can also read the transcript on the YouTube video and please also feel free to comment on YouTube BUT be sure to send in your testimony directly to WMC
PLEASE continue to send comments to:
There will be a hearing in October to discuss comments and changes!
Thank you everyone!! Via email (above) contact Maria Higginbotham for details 

Filed under: General Problems
I am glad their meeting went well.Im wondering if there was a clerk present that recorded it ever happened???I hope it goes well for them,,and not just smoke and mirrors as soon as it hits the powers to be desks,,,ie stake holders,,I HOPE IT TRULY WORKS,,,maryw
Glad to hear it seems to have gone well. I meant to be there, but several major, potentially life altering problems arose all at once and I forgot about it. I still would have been there had I not forgotten. I am well aware of how important events like these are. Now that I think about it, though, perhaps it’s better that I wasn’t there. I feel like Schleprock right about now. Anyway, I am grateful to anyone who was there in support Maria and any changes that she proposed. Thank you to all who participated. A special thank you to Maria, as well. You’re a gem, dear lady! I would be more than happy to write a comment to send in to the Commission as soon as I possibly can. Thank you for posting this information, Steve. I will certainly do whatever I can to help!