“Pale Face” speaks with forked tongue !

Time and again .. we have heard the DEA make the statement that they do not want to keep those pts who have a legit medical need for control substances… yet they continue to use a machete to our pharmacy distribution system.


Walgreens’ Florida Pain Pill Woes Mounting

From the article

In April 2012, the DEA had given those three pharmacies and three others, as well as the Jupiter distribution center, Administrative Inspection Warrants (AIWs). These are used to determine whether there are legitimate reasons for the very high number of pain pills being handled by the distribution center and pharmacies.

Previously it was a Cardinal distribution center and two CVS stores in central Florida.

Where in the hell is a wholesaler/distribution center in the physician-patient-pharmacist relationship ? What is next… the DEA will go after a manufacturer because they sold too many opiates to a particular wholesaler/distribution center.

Maybe, the DEA has been such a failure at tracking down and arresting “bad guys” diverting controlled drugs to the street.. that they have not been able to make any huge press releases about them doing their job.

I guess that when you go after entities that are required to keep a detailed paper trail.. making it much easier to “make a case”… I have yet to hear of  any of drug cartels that maintains such a paper trail.

See chart below…

I guess it is difficult to justifying increasing your staffing by three fold and the agency’s budget by THIRTY TIMES in forty years.  You might also notice that when the DEA started there was more special agents than support staff… as opposed to 2011 when the numbers have reversed. Also the cost per employee was $ 23 K in 1972 and $ 202 K in 2011

According the Bureau of Labor Stats …$ 23K in 1972 adjusted for inflation would be $ 124 K in 2011 Not only is the DEA getting BIGGER… their expenditure increases are almost TWICE the CPI increases.

Here is a 13 minute video from a group ..Law Enforcement Against Prohibition  http://www.leap.cc/watch-a-video/  this is a group of x-cops and others in judicial system.. that explains why the war on drugs is a joke and cannot be won..

DEA Staffing and Appropriations
FY 1972-2011 (All Sources)
Total Employees
Special Agents
Support Staff
($ in Millions)
2011 9,906 4,890 5,016 $2,020
2010 9,843 4,926 4,917 $2,270
2009 10,784 5,233 5,551 $2,602
2008 10,774 5,223 5,551 $2,494
2007 10,759 5,235 5,524 $2,346
2006 10,891 5,320 5,571 $2,264
2005 10,893 5,296 5,597 $2,142
2004 10,564 5,194 5,370 $2,040
2003 9,725 4,841 4,884 $1,891.9
2002 9,388 4,625 4,763 $1,799.5
2001 9,209 4,601 4,608 $1,697.4
2000 9,141 4,566 4,575 $1,586.6
1999 9,046 4,527 4,519 $1,477.0
1998 8,452 4,214 4,238 $1,384.0
1997 7,872 3,969 3,903 $1,238.0
1996 7,369 3,708 3,661 $1,050.0
1995 7,389 3,889 3,500 $1,001.0
1994 7,049 3,611 3,438 $970.0
1993 7,266 3,518 3,748 $921.0
1992 7,264 3,696 3,568 $910.0
1991 7,096 3,615 3,481 $875.0
1990 6,274 3,191 3,083 $653.5
1989 5,926 2,969 2,957 $597.9
1988 5,740 2,899 2,841 $522.9
1987 5,710 2,879 2,831 $773.6
1986 4,925 2,440 2,485 $393.5
1985 4,936 2,234 2,702 $362.4
1984 4,093 1,963 2,130 $326.6
1983 4,013 1,896 2,117 $283.9
1982 4,013 1,896 2,117 $244.1
1981 4,167 1,964 2,203 $219.5
1980 4,149 1,941 2,208 $206.7
1979 4,288 1,984 2,304 $200.4
1978 4,440 2,054 2,386 $192.3
1977 4,439 2,141 2,298 $172.8
1976 4,337 2,141 2,196 $161.1
1975 4,286 2,135 2,151 $140.9
1974 4,075 2,231 1,844 $116.2
1973 2,898 1,470 1,428 $74.9
1972 2,775 1,470 1,305 $65.2

One Response

  1. The whole effort by the DEA in Florida is backwards. First, they should inspect prescriptions in the pharmacy. Are they legitimate prescriptions? In other words, did the pharmacist fake those rx’s, or did they come from a physician? If there appears to be a pattern with a physcian where he appears to be catering to druggies, then the DEA should inspect the physicians records. The wholesaler, unless proven to be selling directly to drug dealers, should be totally out of the equation. They are merely supplying the pharmacies with drugs. The wholesaler with valid orders and the pharmacies with valid prescriptions should be out of the equation completely. The DEA is approaching this whole matter in the wrong and ‘illegal’ manner. The real ‘crooks’ are the DEA.

    The war on drugs exists because it feeds the cops with ‘criminals’ so that they can put more people in prison, increase their own payroll, and expand their departments. It exists to feed the DEA with something to do so that they can justify their salaries and their expansion.

    Like the video says, regarding prohibition, we could not stop the sale of liquor and we cannot stop the sale of drugs. The fight only made matters worse with regard to liquor and it is doing the same with drugs.

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