Patient safety is everything ?

From article:
the Florida State House of Representatives passed a bill in April 2013 that revised the pharmacy technician-to-pharmacist ratio from 3:1 to 6:1. In the Florida State Senate version of the bill, legislators considered increasing the ratio 6-fold without approval from the Florida Board of Pharmacy.
I wonder who was pushing this law? Could it have been NACDS ( The National Associations of Chain Pharmacies) ? Last time I looked, all the board members in Florida worked for corporate pharmacy.. maybe that is why the BOP didn’t bother getting involved ? Of course, the primary charge of the BOP is to protect the health and safety of the general public.
Just ask any Pharmacist how safe they think things will be if they have to supervise six technicians and at the volume that would be required for the chains to justify six technicians were on duty at one time.  IMO, this law has more to do with corporate profits… than patient safety… and corporate profits.. helps assure political election contributions

3 Responses

  1. Interesting enough, California has rules on ratios too. Now clerks, cashiers,,trainees are different. My independent owner/pharmacist has as many as 5 or 6 at once. Two or three techs, one trainee, one tech delivery, a total of 5 in pharmacy ancillary personnel to one RPh. What’s the guidelines say in California on total ancillary personnel or techs to RPh`s?

  2. Wasnt this the state the firefighter got the wrong patients bottle that was Adderall instead of his bottle for Mobic and he was taking Adderall 30mg twice a day?? Yeah that 6:1 ratio is going to work out well.

    • Aren’t firefighters and police two of the groups advertised greatly for sympathomemeticamines such as Nuvigil ? Off subject yes, but flight surgeons are required to dose jet firefighters with anorexics like Desoxyn and Adderall as a requirement. Dangerous , don’t you think. Work shifts can be a problem with firefighters who are on call 24/7 sometimes. These stimulants may be useful, but are used frequently by ADHD KIDS, TEENS, and many for off labeled reasons for adults. Phendizimetrazine and phentermine too.

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