Filed under: General Problems
“The moral test of a government is how it treats those who are at the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the aged; and those who are in the shadow of life, the sick and the needy, and the handicapped.” – Hubert Humphrey
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[…] Drug Enforcement Agency and Health and Human Services pursue similar goals in joint partnerships with Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and the Healthcare Fraud Preventive Partnership (HFPP) “cartel” which is a public-private joint enterprise that seeks to expand economic market share through the elimination of their business competitors by specifically targeting “suspect class” health professionals: Jewish-American physicians and healthcare professionals, American- Black and Brown skin physicians and minority healthcare professionals, immigrant physicians, independent physicians, wealthy physicians, elderly physicians etc. […]
[…] However, allegations have emerged accusing Dr. King of providing false expert testimony and biased opinions that have destroyed the lives of thousands of healthcare […]
[…] However, allegations have emerged accusing Dr. King of providing false expert testimony and biased opinions that have destroyed the lives of thousands of healthcare […]
[…] However, allegations have emerged accusing Dr. King of providing false expert testimony and biased opinions that have destroyed the lives of thousands of healthcare […]
[…] However, allegations have emerged accusing Dr. King of providing false expert testimony and biased opinions that have destroyed the lives of thousands of healthcare […]
[…] allegations have emerged accusing Dr. King of providing false expert testimony and biased opinions that have destroyed the lives of thousands of healthcare […]
We need to get together in a mass and somehow throw andrew kolodney in jail HE INITIATED ALL THIS! I WONDER IF HE IS PROUD?
It was reported – by him – that he got paid $650/hr as being the “expert” when pharma J&J was sued by Oklahoma as being a “public nuisance” for being the wholesaler to the rest of the pharma industry selling raw opioid powder.. it has been stated that he earned abt $500,000 on that case
Gov’t needs to GET out & STAY out of our doctors offices & our medical treatments! Gov’t has completely ruined our relationships with our doctors. We’re afraid to tell our doctors things now. & A lot of people are afraid to even go to the doctors now too. They are putting off going to the doctor because of fear of being degraded, called names or put down. & that didn’t happen pre-“opioid crisis”(rather hysteria).
From Gov’t crack down & restrictions on Rx pain meds & doctors tapers & cut offs, people just don’t feel they need to go to the doctor just to be criticized, cut down, called “drug seekers” & other horrible untrue names & told to take Tylenol & sent home. Why pay $100+ for that? That money can buy some REAL pain relief off the streets.
Prohibition doesn’t work!!! Duh! What’s the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over & over, expecting different results. It just doesn’t work!!!
WE have rights to adequate medical care & treatment. Which are being stripped away from us(or have been stripped away from us).
The govt should be held accountable for MURDER for all who were cut from their once safe & effective Rx pain meds, pushed to illegal street drugs, OD-ed, committed suicide & died. Not to mention the great suffering to the rest!
So, wait. Its fine for the Gov’t to “kill” or “murder” hundreds of thousands of people, but yet if he harm or kill another we’re arrested in the blink of an eye.
The govt are supposed to be our leaders. Leaders are supposed to “lead” by example. Therefore, they should be held accountable for murder!!! ….. for many thousands of people. So really, they’re not just murders, they’re mass murders!!!
all bureaucrats are protected by sovereign immunity.. never have consequences for things they do and/or for people they hurt