Perception worse than reality or is reality bad enough already ?

Pain Physicians and Pharmacists Panned by Patients in Survey

From the article:

Patients Worry about Pharmacists’ Perceptions

While generally liking their current physician, respondents are uneasy about how they are perceived by pharmacists. Over half (52%) said that they are “concerned that I may be viewed as a drug addict” and 29% were concerned that they might be “embarrassed” by their pharmacist.

“I have been degraded, humiliated, called a drug addict, told I take enough meds to kill an elephant,” said one survey respondent.

“The major issue is the pharmacy. Often have to go to several to find the one that will fill,” wrote another.

“This comes as no surprise given the plethora of media attention on prescription pain medicine abuse, addiction and death,” said Bennett. “The vast majority of people who use pain medicine need it and they should not be treated any differently than someone filling a prescription for an antibiotic or an antidepressant..”

While many patients were worried about how they were perceived by pharmacists, nearly two-thirds (62%) said they were treated “well” or “very well” by their pharmacist.

Do you think that a similar survey from your pts that are managing an objective disease state – diabetes, HTN, Lipids, or other diseases that can be objectively measured would turn out with similar numbers ?

2 Responses

  1. I am constantly perplexed why Pharmacists in a Rx dept don’t establish protocols to HELP determine if they will honor a prescription presented. Is the pt more than 2-5 miles from their or doc’s office..WHY ? If the pt needs large qt or high dose… you can almost be assured that they have a whole bunch of other meds – if they are a legit chronic pain pt.. What is wrong with telling the pt.. if you want me to provide your opiates… bring all your meds to me.. I want to be “your pharmacist” Typically, a diverter or drug seeker will decline or make excuses.. a legit pt will typically ask.. :how do I know that you will have my meds in stock and not make me wait for days past their due date to get them ?” Everyone whines, bitches, moans about the problem pts especially those with opiates.. and early refills.. Why not cultivate those pts who want to be compliant.. takes a ton of meds.. and discourage those that are just taking up your time playing games.

  2. I don’t know about other pharmacists, but when patients consistently ask for their narcs to be refilled early, want to make sure we only have the “yellow” Norcos or the 512s, or want to pay cash… well, yeah, I’m going to wonder.

    And yeah, if you’ve never been to my pharmacy before and you’re here with a script from 20 miles south of us and you live 20 miles west of us and it is for a large amount of narcotics, well, yeah, I’m going to wonder.

    Just sayin’

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