Pharmacist Almost Commits Suicide Until Former Patient Saves Her Life

2 Responses

  1. WOW!!! I had NO idea….then please all of us,take the time to thank your local pharmacist!Starting with me,I am going to my local Publix to do just that.And FYI-Optum RX has made monumental efforts to do right,and they finally have!If you’ve had bad experience w/Optum,pls.give them another chance.It is the CDC and DEA that has compounded chronic pain victims to extreme measures.I often wonder why terroristic mass shootings happen at schools,malls,worship centers,etc.They should target the demons running the moronic and sadistic drug “control” centers!Sickening that it happens at all,but we are now in the last days as warned by the Holy Bible.

  2. If I didn’t no any better I would think this is happening in another country
    Then I realized we are in the crosshairs of being that other country!
    Never thought I would see so many try to destroy a great country
    With there communist ideas

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