“Pharmacy Crawl” is apparently alive and well …

WE need a class action suit! Pharms arbitrarily denying valid median dose scripts and causing responsible pain patients suffering, anxiety! My usual pharm lied to me said: “Corp wont allow them to dispense my meds” BLATANT LIE CUZ I CALLED COPR AND THEY SAY THYE DIDNT AND DONT DO THAT! She filled the soma, refused my pills and patches! I went up the road another CVS, tried to fill, but he demanded a Dr diagnosis @ 5PM! Why couldn’t the 1st store I called at 9 that day been honest and say we dont have? She went over my refill said we can have patch by Fri. fine have extra! Id had a head start to rat race, why not order extra? CVS always stock oxycodone, and patches! Why cant they think we’re low, better buy more! Then say even though my 3 meds filled same day 4 weeks ago, they wanted me to drive back and forth 3 days for each one! 45 mi round trip! WHY I called in advance. Tech takes ID (only at check out other stores) pharm keeps says you’re not my customer! Must fill out an application? Ive filled before as they are closer. Or if I go to near my dr. is that OK? Theres no law you can only use one store. Why make me wait 30 min? Look @ comp see whats in stock? LIKE SHE DID @ 10 THAT SAME DAY SHE SAY ALL OK BUT PATCH? Then pharm says: No one takes this common med. WTF? She’ill only order if she has a script? Ever hear of having in stock? Or what if you “lose it” before it arrives like before? Their brains are in reverse. Has prior customer unfilled script stuck to her 12″ thick arm, typing one finger at a time! (why i hand carried patches and pills script, as they “lost” my last faxed script, took 3 days find it likely stuck in fattys armpit. Called corp about my usual store, who said CORP called, “talked about me for an hour” and “SAID TO DENY MY MEDS” ON DAY DUE! I CALLED CVS CORP WHO SAYS “THEY DONT DO THAT”! OBVIOUS BLATANT LIE. AT 5! I had no where to go as prior, place lied about having in stock, now will order, but its 3 days. So if Im banned why are other CVS stores filling me? None the less, its day 28 and I will be out! Theres almost 1800 CVS complaints of near death experiences, seizures from fill refusals, wrong med dispensed, pill shortages. I literally went to 4 stores 6x IN 2 DAYS. Then prick wanted me YET AGAIN TO DRIVE 45 MILES after dr sent over diagnosis he asked for. Stupid CVS CORP defends, who cant count said its “too early!” I said “THEY NEVER SAID THAT! FLLED SAME DAY AS THE OTHER ONES “. STILL he tries to justify why i should wait to day 30 for my patch. “Cant dispense 2 meds/1 day”! WTF? I said i cant drive 45 miles another day! as it is my meds are spread out to keep me ball and chained to the store. I had them all filled together then they play tricks so theyre due a day or 2 apart (don’t have, lost it, etc) . I am being targeted for no reason. Im clean, well dressed, upper middle class, don’t look like stereotype of a junkie they treat me like! The fact is Im smarter, CAN COUNT and they hate US and their jobs, cuz theyre just angry, bored, mean pill counters, nothing more. Rude to everyone. Read CVS consumer affairs complaints. 2000 people can’t be wrong. Its horrendous! I smile at stone face who glared at me when I thanked him for filling my meds then denies my remaining order! THEY ARE NO DRS! CANNOT OVERRIDE HIS ORDERS! DEA NEEDS TO PURSUE ILLEGAL DRUG TRAFFICKERS, NOT US OLD CHRONIC PAIN PATIENTS WHO’VE NEVER ONCE MISBEHAVED! I ended up in ER Jan., as I was refused. (a refill transferred was due then,) So that store who had my soma, called CVS who already had my patches and oxy already already processed. Came to pick up the soma with it (I could’ve had the night prior, but didn’t want to wait an hour!) So return next day, they give to me, then take it back!!! I nearly jumped the counter! it was day 29 and the fat cows who had to call there and the other place, literally worked overtime calling everyone to ensure I’d run out, end up in the ER and miss my brother in laws funeral. These are SICK PEOPLE!! I said “Please just fax over my refill, please”. NOTHING MORE. They’re mad cuz they’d filled one I didnt want or need, so she had to put it back. I said “Id get it all together, ELSEWHERE”! They claimed LAST year they filled one day early, (closed for holiday), so now theyre adding a week! I said month before plz don’t fill day early if it throws off due date and they said they’d add 2 days and did to day 29. I went then and they inexplicably added 5 more! I SAW THEM FILL ANOTHER GUY A DAY EARLY, NO PROBLEM! My dr. offce says no one goes thru this but me and I know folks on 2-3 my dose! I felt single out til I read the 1800 horrific complaints Never fill early, lose meds, 0 drug history, just PTSD exacerbated by CVS and other pharms abuse! My opioid equiv. is 180 mg a day. median for my condition and I’m still barely functioning. I called the DEA, gave no real details other than I ask if they hound pharms about dispensing. NOT UNLESS A PILL MILL REPORTED! (No way is my dr!). She said maybe IM “store hopping” is why they hassle me. What to do if they reject me, don’t have meds, cant find them, “its there” ,then “its lost” or “we must order” or wont order or whatever lies they have for lunch. Because theyre liars and crooks, they think we are too! I have 6 blown discs, osteoarthritis, sciatica, fibromyalgia and anxiety cuz every month i don’t know if Im getting my meds! 60 yrs old, 0 drug issues EVER. Perfect driving record, never a wreck my fault, but due to other reckless drunken drivers, Im forever injured. My other health is good, internal organs better than those of a 20 yr old from clean living dr says. Had cat scan, NO pain med damage to organs. They are not drs. My doc knows Im good, yet they treat us like criminals! ACTOR TRUMP SHOULD ARREST THE PEDOPHILES, TRUE DRUG AND CHILD TRAFFICKERS, NOT HARASS OUR GOOD DRS! TOO BUSY SCREWING TRANNIES AND PAYING THEM OFF. THEY WANT BOOMERS (ALL OF US) DEAD, SO THEY DONT PAY OUR 45 YRS SS SLAVE BENEFITS. 5G, CHEM TRAILS, GMOS ISNT A FAST ENOUGH KILL OFF. GOAL IS MAKE US HURT SO BAD, WE’LL SUICIDE. LIKE MANY HAVE! NO WONDER THEY GO IN WITH GUNS! THEY CANT GET THEIR MEDS LEGALLY. YOUD THINK STORES WOULD WANT THAT $$$!!! and big pharma want theirs! $600 MO FROM ME. Anyone who wants to OD will, one way or the other. Cars kill, but do we take everyones car? 40 X more PROVEN alcohol and cig deaths. Remove that! Why dont parents supervise their kids who OD? NO excuse. They wont admit MANY DEATHS ARE SUICIDES! Retired DR. blew his head doff, denied his meds!After years of saving lives, he couldtn get relief. This is atrocious! Sorry for the rant, but Im sick, tired being stigmatized, stereotyped, treated like a criminal and LIED TOO because I HURT and inoperable. I rubbed backs as a CMT until I couldn’t anymore and so many clients are worse after surgeries. He wants to cut me open and put an electrical device in! 2 – 2×2 incisions, Isn’t but a 70% success, (so they say) I don’t feel good having electrical device buzzing in my body! Likely a tracking transmitter or for electronic torture already used on TI’s. I just want to do my yard, carry in groceries, exercise my limit and SLEEP. Savon near me refuses to order, whereas the Savon I got my patches was very nice man who had the last box by GOD’s grace and will future order! I was in tears by days end praying thanks to God getting my meds. I say only remedy is hit them in the pocket where it hurts like they hurt us! Get a good class action lawyer that’ll sue them contingent! I have enough evidence from my ER visit, etc $1600 bill for writing 2-5 day bridge scripts and with all the other incidents theres mountain against them already. Penalize every dug store who says “we don’t have, won’t order, trying to order”. Theyre lying or somethings horribly wrong! We just need a good lawyer. I heard walgreens is awful, too, but CVS surpasses all with chronic blatant LIES and disregard for human life. Only way make example that we old folks and ALL FOLKS, wont all to be tortured to death! God bless us all in pain and LETS FIGHT BACK! SUE THE BASTARDS!

3 Responses

  1. I am working diligently on a class action tort I have 2 potential firms that may be willing to help us sue the CDC. I will be sure to send yall the info as soon as I get in retainer. #nohopenopeace4cpp

  2. This was not started by actor Trump, this was started under the Obama administration, Obama’s let Hezbella do their drug dealings of heroine and other drugs so he can give nuclear bombs to Iran, that man brought this country almost to its knees. The Trump administration has said the people who need these medicines should be able to get them. You need a pain management specialist doctor first off. Not any other doctor would due. And yes Medicare and Medicaid are doing this along with the big pharmacy companies. We definitely need to all chip in for a lawyer to do a class action suite no doubt, they have created a suicide problem instead of a drug problem that was exaggerated by the cdc who mind you has no buissness over riding the FDA. Believe it or not, MOVEON. ORG which is a Soro’s Organization is also behind this crap. Don’t blame Trump. Blame Obama.

  3. This is scary due to the fact Medicare might be forcing all of us to use chain stores Jan 2019. We love our independent pharmacy and they’re not even in our covered network but they still pass on great savings to us. I really wish we could all pull together like the lady stated above and put a stop to all this nonsensical madness

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