Plan B Kratom ?

I was 2 weeks away from my PM appointment and have been so stressed reading all these negative articles and wanted some type of piece of mind to know that if my  medications were pulled because of all the fake news on pain meds and no concern for chronic pain people I decided to give a full blown try at kratom. I take a high MME and didn’t have confidence in the substance.To know before hand that I could walk away from a horrible detox would be pretty powerful info(IMO)!

So after playing with dosage based on readings from internet as well as all the symptoms of detox,I was able to stop ALL my opiate based medication within a day and stayed off it for 8 full days.After the 6th day I stopped all kRATOM and had no physical need for my pills or kRATOM!. I don’t intend to stop , this was just a reality check nothing more but a very lite ,almost no detox was my findings. After I adjusted for my body which took one day, I had no RLS, no spasms, no vomiting,no diarrhea, no dry heaves really no detox except for a bad headache from time to time,a little sneezing,watery eyes I also had more body pain in my joints and returned to my bed because of pain and lethargy.I was on edge though and a little hard to deal with attitude wise. But I’ve been though full blown detox in the past and this time was almost laughable in a good way compared to the past which almost killed me years ago.Each day got better and better after the 4th day. My blood pressure this time was not bad, my temperature didn’t change and my appetite stayed the same.I had a changed sense of smell that was not too pleasant. My sleep patterns were interrupted but only a slight problem. Not too hard to deal with. If I were to pick a percentage I would say that 80-85 percent of the total detox issues were gone once  KRATOM was introduced and it had a chance to build in my blood stream. I’m not a doctor and I am not suggesting to anyone that you do this. I’m just sharing one persons experience. KRATOM is legal in my state and I am not suggesting that kRATOM is harmless, but for me I had no negative issues that I’m aware of.

The dosage was easy to figure and I found that when It didn’t feel like it was working I took a capsule or two or three and waited 20 or 30  minutes. The full amount used in my test was approximately 10 ounces. Capsules were the only way my body was able to hold down the kRATOM because of it horrible taste! I knew when I took too much because got slightly dizzy and just waited before any more was needed. Milk also made kRATOM go down without trouble.Lots and lots more of water.

So now I know that kRATOM is a real way to escape a doctor who will not do the right thing by me. I still believe weening is the correct way but kRATOM does have a place in my emergency drawer! If meds were stolen or doctor just walks away This is not the best way because there are definitely feelings that are not pleasant but much much lighter than a FULL BLOWN DETOX. I hope this is info that someone is interested in.

I am now back on my medication and have almost a pound of kRATOM stashed in a seal airtight pouch for emergency!!!God Bless!

One Response

  1. After cut off of all meds w/o notice,kratom does help manage my chronic pain with zero side effects.
    Yes,MS Contin and IR Oxycodone worked much better-but kratom is my only option at this point.
    The opioidhysteria is out of control,the treatment-or lack of treatment of chronic pain pts is inhumane and barbaric.
    I peed in a cup on demand,was subject to random pill counts,had all scripts filled at same pharmacy,and got no scripts from other doctors for 12 years-“passed” all with no “infractions”.

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