Political corruption at its finest ?

cryingeyevoteCorrections Corporation of America – Official Site


The largest PRIVATE FOR PROFIT PRISON CORPORATION… lobbying for longer prison sentences for non-violent drug offenses. The USA has the HIGHEST percent of our population in prison of any other civilized country.. and now this FOR PROFIT PRISONS is trying to get Congress to increase the penalties for NON-VIOLENT DRUG OFFENSES.. so that they can MAKE A PROFIT… BABY-SITTING these non-violent offenders… as part of fighting the FAILED WAR ON DRUGS.  Do a web search of PRIVATE PRISON SYSTEMS and see all the CRAP that is going on with these outfits trying to get non-violent offenders imprisoned so that they can make a profit.


This week, the U.S. Senate could vote to increase federal drug penalties that would put even more people behind bars in the name of fighting the drug war. U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) is offering amendments to the military spending bill that would trigger a five-year mandatory sentence for people caught with a small amount of fentanyl, a synthetic opioid often added to heroin.

Mandatory minimum sentences for heroin and fentanyl have been in place since 1986, yet these sentencing policies have done nothing to prevent or address the current overdose crisis. These amendments are a huge step backwards. Tell your Senators to oppose this attempt to escalate the failed drug war.

3 Responses

  1. Amen,,Emily,, if u haven’t,,,some time go read the FULL,,declaration of independence,,,what our founding father fought and died for ,,is exactly what we r going thru now,,,Like the Dark Ages For America,,,curious however,,when u look up,,is the Declaration of Independence LAW,, nope,,according TO OUR NEW GOVERNMENT MORAL-LESS IDIOTS,, they have now decide the very laws that founded this country,,are no-longer laws,,, HOWS THAT FOR A OGLIARCHY!!!!mary

  2. So basically the day after the confirmation that the only presidential candidate who recognized publicly that prison reform for nonviolent crimes was a huge issue in government was defeated. The private prisons lobbyists attempt to push a bill through that will net them billions. Our country is dividing so fast that soon we won’t have to worry about terrorism because there will be another Civil War. The shitty thing about all this is that History is only repeating it’s self.

    First the American Revolution was all about taxation without representation and that’s exactly what’s happening today.

    Next, the Civil War was about freeing a repressed people from slavery and we are once again living in a slave state. The entire lower class of the US population lives in poverty. Our families work and live from paycheck to paycheck while still coming up short every month. This is slavery redesigned to look like poor financial decisions by the poor when in fact it’s indentured servitude at its finest. The system is designed for corporate Giants to keep profiting while keeping it’s labor force in depth to them.

    So many people blame the Democrats while the rest blame the Republicans. The truth of the matter is that it’s not party specific, both major political parties are being paid off by corporate lobbyists and we no longer have representation in the government. The election process no longer works because it takes money to run for office. Canidates are no longer loyal to their constituents, their loyalty lays with the corporations that are padding their pockets.

    What this Country needs is a Fucking REVOLUTION!

  3. The fentanyl boom we have now is mostly a result of legit meds not being available (both to legit patients AND addicts I might add) so instead of fixing what was done…. “JAIL MOAR PEPLE”… Real smart there. Glad to know this is mostly about money.

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