Politics… war on drugs/pts… DEA… border security…

cryingeyevoteIt is no small coincidence that the DEA’s timing in changing the scheduling of Kratom… as an emergency ruling… avoiding the public comment period and during a period in which Congress is back in their districts campaigning for the Nov 8th election… and Congress will come back for a couple of weeks in Sept.. to get some agreement on a budget before the end of the federal fiscal year on Sept 30th and avoiding a shutdown of the Fed government.  With this major election a few weeks off… who believes that Congress will screw around and let the bureaucracy be shut down and prevent them from being back campaigning for reelection and having to deal with upset constituents because they let the Federal bureaucracy “run out of money” and shutting down all but essential services

IMO… any politician that is against closing our borders or has no position.. is basically supporting the illegal drugs that are making to our streets and endorsing, condoning or supporting the war on drugs/pts.  We all know that Marijuana, Cocaine, Opiates, Methamphetamine and other synthetic drugs are coming across our borders from both countries south of our border as well as from China.

Politicians that support the “catch and release” Naloxone program , “open borders”… and supports the reduction/denial of appropriate care of chronic painers… Does this describe someone who is interested in the status quo ?  There is going to be a certain per-cent of chronic painers that who lose their pain therapy are going to end up on the street…using Heroin.. and becomes “criminals” in the eye of the law… all the while… they keep reviving those who OD or who have used drugs to commit suicide… to help keep or grow the “substance abuse population” and the reason to increase the size and funding of the DEA ?

Remember, currently 43% of Congress is attorneys and the DEA is LAW ENFORCEMENT… all part of the same judicial system… each supporting the others’ existence ?

3 Responses

  1. ,These are the people who can help us,,,,thee,,Inter-American Commission on Human Rights,,or IACHR,,,, I have emailed them already,,,as u all know,,,the more the better,,,please email these people w/the hopes of getting legal representation against the United States of America for willful torture and genocide onto the medically ill w/painful medical conditions..Steve is rite,1000%%%%,,,if we don’t stop this,,,they will not stop,,,and will kill more of us,,,They are already creating a 2nd Pennhurst,,,for all chronic pain peop[le,,,forcing them to endure their physical pain from medical illness ,,in klodyne rehabs centers,,,,,blamming broken backs on depression,,forcing people to suffer in agonizing physical pain…If your reading this rite now,,its only because your lucky,,,,the dea just hasn’t hit your doctoer yet,,with trump up false charges,,,,anyone left w/meds rite now,,,,they will be gone,,,its just a matter of time,,,,IF WE DO NOT STOP THEM!!mary

  2. BINGO again,,Mr.Steve,,,,they are all guaranteeing employment,retirement,great insurance,,etc,,,all on our dime,,,for life,,,,,don’t u wish we all could have those kinds of guarentees in our lives,,paid for by someone else!.jmo,,,,go back to what r founding fathers stated,,,,We have a rite to live our lifes as Adults AS WE SEEE FIT,, and the freedom to know that rite will never be taken from us,,,,as it already has been by our government ,paid for by our monies,,via taxes,,,,, if WE DO NOT STOP THEM,,THEY WILL NOT STOP,,,mary

  3. Two words: narco submarine. We could build a wall as tall as a skyscraper and wide as a city block, and drugs will still make their way north from Latin & Central America.

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