Prince died of accidental overdose of opioid fentanyl,

Prince died of accidental overdose of opioid fentanyl, medical examiner says

Does anyone know the difference between a accidental overdose and a suicide ?  A suicide note never written… a suicide note that was stolen, destroyed, hidden.. In this case the ME stated that the Fentanyl was SELF ADMINISTERED.. how many chronic pain pts are committing suicide ?

Ramsey, Minnesota (CNN)Toxicology tests for Prince concluded that the entertainer died from an accidental overdose of the opioid fentanyl, according to a report on his death by the Midwest Medical Examiner’s Office.

Fentanyl, prescribed by doctors for cancer treatment, can be made illicitly and is blamed for a spike in overdose deaths in the United States. It’s 25 to 50 times more potent than heroin and 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine, according to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.
Prince, whose full name was Prince Rogers Nelson, died April 21 at age 57, after being found unresponsive in an elevator at Paisley Park, his home and recording studio in Chanhassen, Minnesota.
The report from the medical examiner’s office, which was released on Twitter, didn’t provide many details. “How injury occurred: The decedent self-administered fentanyl,” the report said. For manner of death, a box was marked for “accident.”
The report didn’t specify how the drug was taken and if the fentanyl was prescribed or illegally made.
The music superstar weighed 112 pounds and was 63 inches tall when he died, the report said. He was wearing a black cap, shirt, pants, boxer briefs and socks and a gray undershirt, the report said. His occupation was listed as “artist” and his business as “music.”
The full autopsy and toxicology reports will not be released, the office told CNN.

8 Responses

  1. The rest is none of our business period!

  2. I wonder if he had been getting this from a legit doc or the street? His death could very well be due to LACK of prescribing proper pain care than just the so called overprescribing opioids epidemic. Will have to wait until ALL the facts are out & if that is the case, then maybe we can turn his tragedy into shining a bright light on the needless suffering & deaths of millions! Knowing the way Prince seemed to really care about his body, I believe that the only way he would take ANY kind of drug, was if he were truly & LEGITIMATELY suffering a whole lot of undertreated pain!! We cannot allow them to just turn him into another Anna Nicole cautionary tale (whom, btw, died from a massive infection & NOT a drug OD! & who used drugs to self medicate for undertreated metal illness!) Remember, ALL change begins when 1 person stands up & says ENOUGH!!

  3. Question, Steve: How do they know (as the toxicology report states) that he “self-injected”?

  4. Need a media source with balls to file a FOIA demand for the Toxicology and autopsy report….

  5. So they give a fashion report of what he was wearing when he died but won’t give a toxicology report of how much Fentanyl was actually in his system. CNN and all the others, the ME, the family and the rest of the anti-opiate extremists can say what ever they want when they don’t produce evidence.
    I’m so sick of it all, we write letters, emails and make phone calls to congressmen, Senators and the news media and all we get is called addicts.
    We are alienated by our families, friends and the government representatives we helped to vote into office simply for seeking relief from the pain so many of us suffer from and it’s getting really old.
    We need to quit the bitching and make a difference this November. We can’t vote party ofilliation, we need to confront the candidates running for office about our needs for medical treatments. It’s time to be selfish and get what we need and not what we want. VOTE FOR THE CANIDATES WHO ARE GOING TO MAKE SURE WE GET TREATED AS HUMAN BEINGS! We have the numbers to make a difference and it’s time that we make it known to the rest of the country.

  6. “The full toxicology reports will not be released”?!?! So, basically, like the CDC admitted, no matter what you die of, if there are opioids in your system, you will be categorized as overdose, and if we saw the full toxicology report, we might find that either it was not “accidental,” or that he actually died of a seizure or combination of meds, etc.??! It’s awfully convenient for the CDC that the majority of chronic pain patients are in the age group to have been Prince fans, and they can continue their scare tactics and brainwashing. Also, USA Today and other “news” media are saying that “Fentanyl is made in China and there’s no way of telling what you;re really taking.” They fail to mention that they’re referring to STREET Fentanyl!!! When you have an RX and get it from a pharmacy, it’s made in USA, and approved by the FDA!!

    • I hate the CDC!!!

    • Curious to me also,,there is no box for ,”deseases,,” such as cancer,or heart,I mean all of them could be simple checked as ,”desease,” and a short comment,,ie heart failure,,or cancer,,,why is that not an option either??or am I missing it??As always I request from my senator to add the box,”death due to untreated physical pain,” and was told ,”prove it,” boy wouldn’t wisconsin have a hay day w/that 1,,I also saw a commentore a long time ago.,,,,state if they marked ,”suicide,” 99 % of life insurance policies would not pay out,,soo they do not mark that box,,or thus no suicide notes left,,,maryw

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