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Filed under: General Problems
“The moral test of a government is how it treats those who are at the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the aged; and those who are in the shadow of life, the sick and the needy, and the handicapped.” – Hubert Humphrey
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So glad I live alone. I’m betting cats don’t count but maybe they do after all we treat our pets in pain better than we treat humans
It’s unfair what is being done to patients. Post surgery I was left to languish – for what? What reason, what good did it accomplish other then make me distrustful of the government and doctors.
It’s all part of Agenda 21.
Well according to his charts it look like the best opiate to take are long acting ones but that is the first thing they want to limit. I see all types of issue with this as usual and they are cherry picking information from studies in study then give you all the information in which the study usually proves not much of anything.
I hopr a letter from rhe higher ups in the pain community wrote a rebuttal
Those PROP bastards dont know when to stop Do They?! They continue to Force torture and more deaths of innocent chronic pain patients by spewing more lies!
I really wish this organization would be audited and found crooked. They NEED their 501 taken YANKED away like APS. The FDA should open it’s eyes and see right through what they’re constantly trying to do. This proves even more they’re was a serious biasness in CDC guidelines created by them. Anti-opiate PROPagendas.
So basically PROP is scrambling to find another excuse as to why the sick & dying deserve to be tortured because the public is starting to figure out that it isn’t pain patients ODing & PROP does not like that because they need all other opioid prescriptions to go away so they can force everyone onto Suboxone & profit. In a way this is good. I’m glad they feel their control, their strange hold on medicine, slipping. Keep fighting human rights advocates, it’s slow but we are making progress.
Don’t know why anyone is upset about the study paper. If you actually read just the abstract conclusion it makes a totally different conclusion than the zealots at PROP. All the paper’s authors’ say is that maybe Narcan should be kept in the home and the drugs should be kept in a safe place where only the patient, or maybe a caretaker, can get to them. ZERO about limiting their use for chronic pain patients.
Again,,,steve nailed it a while back,,,this was never about the truth..It was about kolodny agenda being fulfilled for $$$$$…Thus the reason more are dead,and more will die..It truly is,, money is the root of all evil,,,Prop is making perfectly NORMAL behaviors’ a crime,,ie,,It is normal for human to want their physical pain lessen.It is Normal for us to go to the Doc to get our medicines,,but Kolodny/prop have made perfectly normal behaviours a crime,,thus assuring financial gains for them forever..There are plenty of normal behaviours here,thus normal folks,,it will give thee addiction industry a lifetime of assured patients..Geez look at the new definition of addiction,basically any shrinks can claim anyone a addict..Its like the dea,,thee addiction industry is a self feeding machine for money…The more false addicts,,,false addiction epidemics, they claim,,the more money they all will make,,and thus there feeding themselves like glutens and pigs!!!Prop-klondy is truly the essence a evil genius like hitler..He is giving thee insurance industry what they want,,less pre-exister to pay for,,btw we are pre-exister,,for tht is exactly what chronic is..He is saving medicare/Medicaid $$$ by killing us off ,,and ever time we mention this is truthfully torture and genocide,,,it get willfully ingnored..Look for yourselfs,,,no-where in government paper work does it even mention the word torture or genocide and how many of us have stated exactly that in our comments?!!
They want us all dead,,,,as kolodny stated himself,”until thee entire generation is gone,”unquote,,,,maryw
Still digging for that J&J Trial gold. Kolodny was denounced point blank there. If they win BILLIONS will flow into their itchy little hands.
My money is on … because the judge would not let them have a jury… if the plaintiff wins.. it will be a slam-dunk appeal that will be granted.
That would be great.
Steve How do you even respond to this? This excuse is so absurd I can’t even reply to the stupidness of it. Now we have to suffer because someone might steal a family members medicine? There is something wrong with that whole picture. Sounds to me the family are addicts.Now I have to suffer more because someone in someone’s family might steal medicine? What are we 3 year olds?
Did you notice all the footnotes/references… that is really how those in academia .. when they write … they have this BIG FING PhD degree behind their names and with those references.. they are basically stating that what I have written is not just my opinion, but all the rest of these publish “egg head PhD” concur with the opinions expressed in this paper. Thus the opinions stated in this paper MUST BE CORRECT. Since no one has done or published double blind clinical studies on the use of opiate in chronic pain… No one with academic credentials will put any validity to anecdotal evidence from pts that have been successfully treated for years or decades without complications or drug seeking behaviors. No matter how many hundreds, thousands or millions that you have that evidence from
Thanks Steve, I also was looking for a double blind study and was really angry when I read the names of the Drs and their PhD’s. I wish there was a way to finally gets some validity about what is going on!