Pt abuse … no charges filed…. license not suspended/revoked… allows to resign ???

VA doctor accused of poor care resigns

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. (WLFI) – A doctor at the West Lafayette VA Outpatient Clinic accused of giving poor care has resigned.

You may remember Iraq veteran Alexander Vancel from a story News 18 broke in July. Vancel told us he endured months of excruciating pain because of a cancer and infection that was undiagnosed by Dr. Min Choi.

News learned Wednesday night that Dr. Choi resigned from the VA late last month. She had been on administrative leave pending the results of her review.

News 18 spoke with Vancel’s father who tells us that Alexander had been doing well recently. He had been gaining strength with a trial immunotherapy.

But earlier this week, his bilirubin levels got too high so the infusion had to stop and was hospitalized at the Indianapolis VA hospital. He’s hopeful to be able to go back home in another couple days.

Meanwhile, he’s enjoying life as a new father. His wife Amanda gave birth to a healthy girl named Luna who is now 6 months old. He also qualified for 100 percent service-connected disability for which he’s thankful.

One Response

  1. A big congratulations to the family for the new baby.
    Now let me just say that I am so disgusted with the treatment of our nations veterans. These are people who have sacrificed their lives, not by choice I would like to add, for a country that has only used them when they were useful and now just want to throw them away like an old pair of underware. Sure, the government builds monuments for them and once a year gives them a holiday, but that’s a sad thank you. These great people should be treated with the highest level of respect and their medical treatment should be the best. The VA and their bureaucrats should be prosecuted for the way that these American heroes are treated and instead of jail, they should be given a weapon and put on the front lines.

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