Find your local independent pharmacy – typically won’t screw with pt’s medically necessary meds
Filed under: General Problems
“The moral test of a government is how it treats those who are at the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the aged; and those who are in the shadow of life, the sick and the needy, and the handicapped.” – Hubert Humphrey
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This is disgusting! This is NOT the America I grew up in. Greed & corruption are killing the sick & elderly! Shameful!
The Holy Bible says”You are not your own,you were bought with a Price”I think we all know Who paid that price!!!!But at this point-maltreatment,evasion,lies-I have gotten the same treatment this poor soul has.I dont believe Jesus will condemn us for ending our lives prematurely because this is wickedness in high places!For the first time in my life,I am ashamed to be American.The Taliban probably treats their ill better than us.I was just told today that Florida will no longer sell pain meds at ANY pharmacy!!????????????????????Over 60%of the populace here is geriatric and many with terminal painful conditions.Can anyone deliver the truth about it?Cause I dont trust the source.I am well beyond angry……especially after listening to this post.CALL THE WHITE HOUSE AND SCREAM!!!202 456 1111
This woman breaks my heart. For God’s sake, she has terminal cancer. It’s not like she’s going to become a junkie. When my daddy had terminal lung cancer, his hospice nurse told us not to worry about access to the morphine or how much he needed to take, because basically he wasn’t going to live long enough to become addicted to it. It’s cold-blooded – & downright criminal – to deny pain medicine to people who are dying.
My heart breaks,
Iam in tears. This woman,a sister,as I have breast cancer and now lymphodema.
My original Rite Aide didnt carry my pain med strength. I then went to Walgreen’s. They actually bent over backwards to fill my Rx. I hadn’t been to a Walgreen’s in over ten years.
When the following month came, I went to the Rite Aide on the other side of town. Explained my dilemma. They were very kind,kind to the point of last month,the pharmacist took the time to adjust my medication and avoid a $200 cost.
Am on medicaid/disability.
When I was called to pick up and saw it was $1.25, I cried. I just broke down and cried.
God please keep us safe
Rebecca Estock
Steve, we don’t have any mom and pop chains around anymore. They all got bought up by the chains. I use Kroger because they are the smallest chain around. I’ve used them for over 20 years now and they have not given me a problem so for. I agree, CVS, Walgreen’s and any other chain I will Never use.
Says video can’tbe payed??