Putting things into perspective

Orlando nightclub shooting: Read about the victims


It has been FIVE DAYS since this mass shooting happened that ended 49 innocent lives and it is still nearly wall to wall 24/7 on the news channels.. President Obama and VP Biden traveled to Orlando to pay respect..

In the insuring FIVE DAYS.. 13,000+ people have attempted suicide and abt 700 have been successful .. including abt 100 veteran…  there has been a similar 700 homicides and abt 3000+ have been killed by medical errors. Nearly 5000 preventable deaths in those FIVE DAYS.. and I may have missed it.. but.. did not see the first story…  no press conferences by Obama…

It would seem like a lot of  preventable deaths are either just not that important – not sensational enough –  and it is better to just sweep them under the rug ?



One Response

  1. God,,i was thinken ands saying thee exact same thing,,,,Every time cnn was on talking about Orlando,,i heard some politician stand up and talk about humanity this or that,,,I said outloud,,,,BULLSHIT,,,, that politician is full of shit,,they don’t give a dam about humanity,compassion blah blah,,as they all WILLFULLY allowing treatable medically painful illness;s,, allowing people to suffer in physical pain every second of the day,,,because of their policies,,especially in Florida,,As someone right now in florida IS CONTEMPLATING BEING FORCED TO USE DEATH as their only means of stopping their physical pain,,because these very same phony politicians have made rules soooo stupid,,they cannot get access to their NEEDED,,MEDICINES,,,, thinking the same thing,,,how phony,corrupt and outright liers our politician have become!!!!willfully,,,mary

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