Quality of life when denied certain things a person’s body is dependent on ?

Everyone is dependent on numerous things to assure their quality of life… All of us are DEPENDENT on food, water, sleep.  NO ONE is ADDICTED to these things… but a individual’s quality of life or life itself suffers if these are not available in adequate quantity and quality.

While most babies are born “perfect”…  life’s path that each of us much take can lead in different directions… “bad genes”, infections, diseases, accidents, aging… all take their toll on a individual’s quality of life

Both nurture and nature can affect us both physically and mentally… Luckily our pharmaceutical/medical industry has developed means of diagnosing and treating many of the maladies that impact all too many people. Without many of these products we may have more suicides than the 40K -50K that we already have.

Many people are dependent on certain medication, not only for their quality of life but could also shorten their life expectancy as well, if they didn’t have access to them.

Things such as insulin for diabetics and Warfarin and other blood thinners for those who suffer from A-Fib and/or their body  – for some reason – tends to develop blood clots that could end up in their lungs, heart, brain and the result could be FATAL.

Many physical impact on many disease when properly treated becomes “invisible” to the pt’s friends and relatives and typically eliminates/minimizes the physical/mental impact on the pt themselves.

It is both unfortunate and inhumane that some in our bureaucracy have a self-serving agenda that they have developed various rules/laws/programs that in all too many ways… deny care to untold numbers of people.

3 Responses

  1. Thank you Steve for this article! So very true. I wrote to you last month about my pain doctor taking away my alprazolam I use just for sleep because they said there is a new ruling by the FDA that oxycodone, & alprazolam cannot be taken together. You answered my question correctly by giving me the information about AGS Beers Criteria. I took this info to my next appointment, but they refused to look at any of my medical tests, & information that I took with me. I was given the choice that time that I had to give up one or the other. I choose after only sleeping for 9 1/2 hours the whole entire month of April to keep taking the alprazolam. I was told they would wean me off of the oxycodone at one pill a month. So far I am doing fine with this ( thank God!) A good nights sleep also helps the pain. I also found a product at Dollar General called Leg Cramps. Made by Hyland’s. I actually got it for my husband because they will NOT give him anything for his pain. He took 2 as directed, & within 30 minutes he felt better than he has in years! I then tried it myself, & low & behold, it did more for my pain than oxycodone has ever done. It’s an all natural ingredients as far as I can ascertain. It is used for pain or cramps in the legs, calves, feet, pain in limbs, joints, legs, & general pain, & stiffness. It works as well as oxycodone or better without any side effects. The only warning that is listed is not to use if pregnant or breast feeding or if your are sensitive to quinine. It’s like the wonder drug of the 21st century! I just wonder if you know about it, & is it safe to continue to use. I have looked elsewhere for this product, but could only find it at Dollar General. They do list the ingredients, & have a 1800-624-9659 phone number to call with any questions. I want to know if this is safe to continue to take all the time. I am into natural ingredients anyway, & it would surely help a lot of patients that are being taken off their medications. Here is a list of ingredients: Aconitum Napellus 6X HPUS, Cinchora Offcinallis 3X HPUS, Gnaphallum Polcephalam 3X HPUS,Ledum Palustre 6X PHUS,Magnesia Phosphororia 6X HPUS,Rhuis toxicodentron 6X HPUS,Viscum Abum 3X HPUS. HPUS indicates the active ingredients are in the official Homeopathic Pharmacopzia of the United States. Your input would greatly be appreciated. It appears to be made in Mexico.

  2. Holocaust, indeed. they’re going in swiftly, without leaving any time or room for any further analysis.

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