Roe, Kuster, MacArthur Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Manage Opioid Prescribing

Roe, Kuster, MacArthur Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Manage Opioid Prescribing

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Yesterday, Reps. Phil Roe, M.D. (R-Tenn.), Annie Kuster (D-N.H.) and Tom MacArthur (R-N.J.) introduced the Opioid Addiction and Prevention Act of 2017, legislation to limit initial post-acute care opioid prescribing to ten days. The legislation would not preempt state law in states that have more limited timeframes for these prescriptions and would not have any impact on patients who utilize opioids for the regular management of chronic pain.

The members released the following statements:

“The opioid epidemic is devastating communities across the United States, including my home state of Tennessee, with more people dying from opioid overdoses than car wrecks,” said Roe. “As a physician, I am keenly aware that patients may need pain medication following a medical procedure or hospital stay, but patients experiencing intense pain that lasts ten days should be evaluated further by their physician. The reality is too many people become addicted to these drugs because their initial prescriptions keep them on these drugs longer than necessary. Furthermore, excess unused prescriptions too often end up as a supply source for addicts, including family members. This commonsense bill will ensure any patient prescribed opioids after receiving post-acute medical attention will have the close provider supervision required to ensure the responsible management of pain during their recovery. This legislation will help curb the opioid epidemic and will not have any impact on patients who are prescribed opioids for chronic pain, cancer care or end-of-life treatments.”

“The opioid epidemic is having a serious impact on communities in New Hampshire and across the country,” said Kuster. “It is clear that the historic rise of opioid addiction in America was fueled in part by the excessive prescription of opioids drugs. While seeking to relieve patients of their pain after surgery or other procedures is well-intentioned, it is troubling that Americans consume about 80% of the world’s supply of opioid medications. This legislation would address the crisis by encouraging prescribers to provide, when appropriate, non-opioid alternatives prior to opioid medications, and if patients are to receive opioids, they will only receive a dosage and amount necessary to relieve their pain. We need to overcome the prescription opioid crisis, in order to overcome this public health emergency.”

“Drug addiction has impacted so many families in New Jersey and in many communities across the country,” said MacArthur. “For far too many Americans, this addiction is starting not on the streets, but in the medicine cabinet. This legislation will ensure that prescribers limit the initial supply of addictive opioids in order to prevent prescription drug abuse and combat the opioid epidemic. The drug crisis is too big for any of us to fight on our own. We need everyone—federal and local government, members of our communities, and medical professionals working together to overcome this epidemic.”   

Background: A March 2017 article from the Mortality and Morbidity Weekly Report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that there is a sharp increase in the likelihood a patient would use opioids long-term in the first days of prescribing, particularly after five days. A recent Washington Post story found that at least 17 states have taken steps to limit opioid prescribing, many of which limited the prescribing window to five to seven days. This legislation would not impact these existing state laws. 

Another bureaucratic hypocrite, by a educated/trained physician, who is part of a profession that is responsible for 200,000 – 400,000 deaths per year from MEDICAL ERRORS. And his statement:

with more people dying from opioid overdoses than car wrecks.. there are more people dying from ALL DRUG OVERDOSES – than car wrecks… which included drug OD deaths from non-controlled medications – abt 40%…  and an increased number > 50% of the opiate OD’s are from ILLEGAL OPIATES… which means that more people die from CAR CRASHED ….. than legal prescription opiates – and not all OD’s from prescription opiates – were the prescription opiates LEGALLY OBTAINED…  which means that deaths from car wrecks are many times those from legally obtained prescription opiates… so why are we not limiting who can drive cars or selling cars that can go faster than the speed limits.  My 2015 car displays on the dash the speed limit of the street/road that I am driving on… so why can’t the car manufacturers put a speed governor on cars so that drivers CAN’T SPEED ?  How many lives would that save ?

3 Responses

  1. Thier lieing and they are liars,,They want opiates gone and they are also comparing our MEDICINES to the negative connotations as ,”drugs,” thus,,to ,”look good,” to the public,Furthermore they are purposely portraying all of this as,,we need a babysitter as FREE ADULTS,, when it comes to taking our medicines lawfully,as prescribe..The are purposely making it look like all chronic physical pain patient are like children,,,and since we are children we need to be tortured into submission, by taking away access to our medicine..The federal government ,,thanks to klonodyn willfully discrediting us in the media,in all government setting,,Klonodyn willfully portrayed us as ,nothing more then addicts..Again as his sick calculating methodoly to discredit us,,thus.our voice and justifying to the government to take away medicines!!He also did a beautiful job as discrediting our doctors as well…So our doctors words mean nothing to the federal government. Why do u think the feds have been completely deaf to our petition,our letters…Because klonodyns did a wonderful job as discreting us/words,our knowledge from both us/Pain management doctors.. EVERY PIECE OF DATA THEIR QUOTEING is false,,,a lie,,,by liars,,
    They are making up these ##’s by adding 12 years in on ADULT DATA,, combining heroin in w/legitimate needed medicine prescription,,,Again ever piece of data these bigots opiotephobs are quoting is a lie,,
    Now why isn’t the fda researching this false data,,actually questioning the data,,to find out if it is false,,NOPE.,,, not our fda,,,for their in bed w/the klonodyn,,,and they gotta look good to the public.
    Maybe these politicians need to start looking at klonodyns end game?!Instead of quoting more lies,,more of the same old same crap to look good?!Maybe they should start investigateing thee amount of Money this snake oil sales man has bamboozled out of the federal government?!W/this committee,that committee,,this bias lieful research etc..Start investigating klonodyn and his cronies,,HOW MUCH MONEY HAS THE FEDS GIVING THIS MAN??FALSE ADDICTION WAREHOUSES??FOR THAT IS KLONODYNS END GAME U KNOW,,HAVING ALL CPP’S LOCKED UP IN PENNHURST/TRANALLEGANY WAREHOUSES ON THEE TAX PAYERS DIME…VERSES,,,,SIMPLY ALLOWING FREE ADULTS,,IN PHYSICAL PAIN,,TO HAVE EFFECTIVE MEDICAL CARE AT HOME,,VIA THE MEDICINE SPECIFICALY DESIGN TO LESSEN PHYSICAL PAIN?!!,,U KNOW,, my pain management cost me 250.00 a year,,for almost 11years ,,we have insurance,,it cost them,,nothing,,for 11 years,,250,,00 use to be my deductible,,,1 visit a year,,and 20 bucks amonth on MEDICNE… verses now,,,forced visits,,,forced pee test,,..Doctors who got terrified of the dea taking their lifes work dropping chronic pain people by the 1000 giving them 1 option rehab,,thus admitted to some b.s. treatment center at 40,000 a month,,HOW MUCH MORE MONIES DID THATCOST THE TAX PAYER ???BECAUSE KLONODYN SOLELY WANTED TO GET RICH OFF THE TAX PAYERS BACK./.VERSES ALLOWING THAT MEDICALLY ILL HUMAN BEINF TO STAY IN PAIN MANAGENT,,1 VISIT A YEAR,,AND 20 BUCKS A MONTH ON MEDICINE!!!..
    KLONODYNS fabricated opiate epidemic,,fabricated addicting gimmicks,,,have cost thee insurance companies ,,the tax payers,,thus us,,and LOSS OF HUMAN LIFE,, from his SNAKE OIL,, more then any man in the history of America,,If comparing to cost of lifes,destroyed/tortured to death via klonodyn snake oil/ideology,,they only other man that comes to mind,,that literally tortured human beings to death by forcing his idealogy,,,was Hitler,,and it will keep happening,,until the truth is exposed,Politicians recgonize the reality,klonodyns ideology is the problem,,,for its archaic eugenics,,pennhust all over again,,Until our government kicks klonodyn to the curb,,its only going to get worse,,,maryw

  2. Why are they not talking about and legislating about all the DEATHS from MEDICAL ERRORS!! Now, there is a true epidemic. Never hear much about that.

    THEN SHE TRANSFER ME TO ,,TOM PRICES,,” PHONE,,,,WTH??!!,,SO I LEFT TOM PRIVE A MESSAGE,,,”U QUIT,,SOO I DON’T KNOW WHY YOUR SECRATARY TRANSFER ME TO A PERSON WHO CAN’T HELP ME?! BUT I AMCALLING TO FIND OUT A DATE WHEN THE P.M. COMMMITTE WILL BE FORMED??AND HOW MUCH LONGER ARE GOING TO HAVE TO WAIT?BUT U QUIT,SOO CAN U PLEASE HAVE SOME-ONE GIVE A CALL BACK W.THOSE ANSWERS,,”’,,,,,,,,this was this am,,,still no call,,,maybe others can also call hhs,,,to make sure we get our p.m. committee,,,and they don’t purposedly allow this committee to fall thru the cracks!!!maryw

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