Sad story at the hands of FLORIDA’S legal system

I remember exchanging emails with Siobhan years ago before her unfortunate demise in a small airplane crash being flown by her boyfriend/fiance

Her husband Richard Paey was convicted of selling drugs.. with no solid evidence… it was reported that law enforcement told the prescriber that if he didn’t deny writing the Rxs for the opiates.. they would go after him… there was reportedly a Pharmacist.. who filled these Rxs… testify at Paey’s trial that he had called the prescriber before filling each..

It was reported that when in prison… they provided Paey.. with a implanted morphine pump and provide him with much more opiates than he was convicted of possessing … in order to properly management his pain..

There was even a report that law enforcement threatened to let his pump RUN DRY.. if he didn’t do, not do or admit something.. can’t remember.. too many years ago of the details.

Another vivid example of our judicial system.. that winning is everything… no matter what it takes…

3 Responses

  1. Wow, is this what our veterans fought for? Story points out truthfully that you can’t believe what the police and power seekers say. The DEA says that they don’t want suffering but then we can’t get our medication filled?

  2. Siobhan Reynolds was not married to Richard Paey. She and her husband, who predeceased her because of a medical problem, did not share surnames. They have a son, Ronan Greenwood, who I believe is in his late teens / early twenties. We miss her.

    • Thanks for setting that straight. Siobhan’s husband Sean Greenwood was a cameraman for WCBS-TV in NYC. He was a big strapping hulk of a man who could carry a TV camera, back when they were heavy like fridges.

      Sean developed a connective tissue degenerative disease and lost most of his strength, gaining a lot of horrible pain.

      I met Siobhan while producing HIGH: The True Tale of American Marijuana. Director John Holowach looked her up and she gave a wonderful interview. Which had to be cut short so she could attend to Sean at home.

      That’s how all of us become pain activists. Somebody starts hurting terribly, and we no longer can ignore the problem, Sean and Siobhan gave it a good fight, against overwhelming odds. They are not forgotten.

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