When you turn a MEDICAL PROBLEM over to LAW ENFORCEMENT to take care of … you get a LAW ENFORCEMENT SOLUTION. Which will never solve a medical problem… but.. will guarantee LAW ENFORCEMENT continued EMPLOYMENT.
Filed under: General Problems
“The moral test of a government is how it treats those who are at the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the aged; and those who are in the shadow of life, the sick and the needy, and the handicapped.” – Hubert Humphrey
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When you turn a MEDICAL PROBLEM over to LAW ENFORCEMENT to take care of … you get a LAW ENFORCEMENT SOLUTION. Which will never solve a medical problem… but.. will guarantee LAW ENFORCEMENT continued EMPLOYMENT.
Filed under: General Problems
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[…] This story was covered on all four major TV networks last night in the Louisville, KY metro area. The story concerns Clark Co Indiana which is south central Indiana on the Ohio river bordering Louisville, KY.. and it is connect to Scott County to the north where about 1.5 yrs ago there was a epidemic of 180+ HIV+, Hep B&C in a small 25,000 pop county Scott County Indiana and their opiate epidemic […]
[…] This story was covered on all four major TV networks last night in the Louisville, KY metro area. The story concerns Clark Co Indiana which is south central Indiana on the Ohio river bordering Louisville, KY.. and it is connect to Scott County to the north where about 1.5 yrs ago there was a epidemic of 180+ HIV+, Hep B&C in a small 25,000 pop county Scott County Indiana and their opiate epidemic […]
Im still having a hard time understand part of this,,,,now what happens if it is a true chronic physical pain person,,who’s MEDICINES have been taken from them,,,,,what do they do???I have been reading around the web,,,many are being forced to admit there an addicts when their not,,,,,is this true???U know,,my doc,,when he found out about all this crap,,,he said,,,I never saw the MEDICINES I PRESCRIBE AS terrible street drugs,,,I saw my medicines as a way to stop human sufferring from physical pain,,,,,Sooo why aren’t other Doc’s seeing our medicines in that light??I mean isn’t that the very essence of pain management??The sad thing is in regards to my pmd,,,his son,,,it finishing up his residencey in being specifically in anastethiologist[sp],,w/pain managemwent as his speciality,just like his father,,,,In the time his son has been in school,12 years,,,the field of pain management has been destroyed by the likes of klodynes,opiatephobs etc,,,[I know off topic,,sorry,’],,,,,maryw
Unfortunately, Mary, it’s true. I know of one lady in one of the Facebook chronic pain groups who has been forced to go to the local Methadone clinic more than a few times because she can’t find a doctor to treat her pain. She lives in Washington if I remember correctly. Another lady just received a letter from her pain management clinic “introducing” a new doctor, who prescribes Suboxone, and will be working in the clinic. (I’m not surprised about pain management and medical school. Sad and scary, but I can’t say I’m surprised).