UPDATED: She finally got her unrelenting torturous level of pain “treated” but her family is now in PAIN




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ended her life through intervention assisted euthanasia – suicide.

This poor intractable chronic pain pt, from a work place injury, after having lost all her pain meds,  to be able to put a end to her physical pain.  Now, the family left behind is suffering. Our politicians and bureaucrats talk about HARM REDUCTION, apparently that only applies to those dealing with mental health issues and dealing with some SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER.

This Administration, Congress, and numerous bureaucrats at city/county/state levels are all about DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion). Regardless if the number is 10’s or 100’s of millions of people dealing with chronic pain. The chronic pain community is the largest minority in our country.

The Fed agency in charge of enforcing the Americans with Disability Act is part of the DOJ as is the DEA. Might be the reason that they never have the resources to handle a civil rights violation/discrimination of the chronic pain community.

How many others – like Jessica – is living/existing in a torturous level of pain – NO HARM REDUCTION HERE – NO INCLUSION HERE – NO EQUITY HERE.  How many Jessica’s are no long among us, took a similar path of Jessica and just “faded” from being part of the community.

“The moral test of a government is how it treats those who are at the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the aged; and those who are in the shadow of life, the sick and the needy, and the handicapped.” – Hubert Humphrey, VP Pharmacist

One Response

  1. R.I.P.,,,,,,TRULY torture in the healthcare setting,,is now thee acceptable treatment plan of Americas health care system,,and wrong,,,jmo,,maryw

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