Should those in the chronic pain community pay attention to this

About 40,000 people showed up in D.C., according to organizers, and protests were also planned through the day in major cities including New York, Chicago, Las Vegas and Los Angeles. About 300 people showed up to protest in West Melbourne, Florida, and some 400 people marched through Old Town in Fort Collins, Colorado.
The March for Our Lives events come four years after the organization was founded by teens who survived the 2018 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting that killed 17 people in Parkland, Florida. That year, more than 1 million people rallied in Washington.

This is suppose to be a picture of a protest TODAY (06/11/2022) in DC… estimated 40,000 showed up and their first protest, FOUR YEARS ago … claimed to have ONE MILLION people to show up.  This protest is about gun violence..  In the years between the first protest in 2018 and today… I have not seen anything done about gun violence.

The largest protest/demonstration by any chronic pain group – anywhere in the country – amounted to about SEVEN DOZEN people showing up. If a MILLION PEOPLE show up and there is no real change in anything that will compromise our 2nd amendment.

In our country’s nomenclature the killing of 4 or more people is considered a MASS SHOOTING..   So those four that were murdered and one suicide in St Francis Healthcare in Tulsa, was considered a MASS SHOOTING… but more than four people are shot/killed in Chicago each weekend, but because they are mostly individual shooting/killing… Chicago has very few mass shooting, but in 2021, Chicago had 797 homicides.

It is just my opinion, but I think that members of Congress can be more likely to be influenced by $$$ into their re-election campaign fund… Maybe that is why the lobby industry spend more than NINE MILLION PER DAY to influence the 535 members of Congress to get them to pass bills that will favor those who hire those lobbyists.

Maybe we need to look and follow what the “rich cats do”   Zuckerberg’s election spending was ‘carefully orchestrated’ to influence 2020 vote: ex-FEC member

A former federal election official on Thursday called the $400 million-plus that Mark Zuckerberg spent to help finance local elections a “carefully orchestrated attempt” to influence the 2020 vote

3 Responses

  1. No matter what unfortunately there will always be a reason for people not to attend. HOW ABOUT THEY SWITCH THAT TO REASONS TO ATTEND, LIKE OUR LIVES.

  2. Agree’d w/Dr.Cheek,,those of us who forcible endure physical pain,via force reductions,,its like running a marathon,or working a 80 hour work week in 1 day,,it leaves our bodies exhausted,,,but when we have that effective does,,slowly we recover,get our body back w/energy we should have. PROTEST ARE FOR THOSE WHO STILL HAVE THEIR MEDS<<OR CARETAKERS<<<SADLY<<<.,,THEY GOTTA KNOW THIS IS/WILL KILL US ALL SOONER<<<My Primary notice i looked much older in this last visit,,my face was more drawn etc,,,THATS WHAT FORCED physical pain does,,it ages our bodies quicker,thus quicker we die,,the lies/liars like kolodny have demonly done major harm to all of us,,,,,they recgonize no physical pain past acute,,,thus they do not recgonize knowldege of what is is like to be a CPP,,,,but again as far as protest,,,most that no-longer have thee effective dosage,,,just physically can't do it,,jmo,,maryw

  3. As far as pain people showing up to a march or a gathering, the lack of numbers is do to their conditions. I’m unable to do routine things without discomfort let alone anything requiring more physical output. Quite frankly pain clinics and substance abuse centers are big cash cows for Drs. There are cheap meds for relief but that would defeat the purpose of the powers that be. Until our elected leaders start caring about their constitutes and not super pack money, nothing will get done.

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