Should we bring back the firing squad ?

Botched execution of Oklahoma killer raises questions about new 3-drug lethal injection protocol

From the article:

A botched execution using a new drug combination left a convicted killer writhing and clenching his teeth on the gurney Tuesday, leading Oklahoma prison officials to halt the proceedings before the inmate’s eventual death from a heart attack.

Clayton Lockett, 38, who shot a 19-year-old woman and watched as pals buried her alive in 1999, was declared unconscious 10 minutes after the first of the state’s new three-drug lethal injection combination was administered. Three minutes later, though, he began breathing heavily, writhing, clenching his teeth and straining to lift his head off the pillow.

Personally, I am getting tired of this “forget the victim… the victim is the convict”.. This ASS HOLE shot a TEENAGER and was complicit in BURYING HER ALIVE..  That was FIFTEEN YEARS AGO…I wonder how much suffering she did?

All of a sudden it is CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT…  Capital punishment is not a deterrent… because the criminal knows that they are going to sit in jail for decades while the mandatory appeal process drags thru the courts. And the execution is mostly a “private affair”…

Hell … let’s broadcast the execution by firing squad on the internet… maybe that would be more of a deterrent !  Broadcast it in HD ! Give the criminal enough opiates that he can just still stand up.. and half-dozen or so people with long rifles aiming for the heart and it will be swift and mostly painless… a lot less painful than most of the victims suffered for what they did to the victims to deserve to be executed.

9 Responses

  1. The way I look at it is I put myself in the place of the people that where closest to that teenager. I imagine that happening to my brothers daughter and I just cant find any empathy for the person taking away the life of a innocent girl.
    So its not changing my feelings on demand, its the bottom line that people or should I say savages should not cross, their not normal people like you think.
    This is why we have the death penalty, to make savages think twice before they act ,if they can.
    I don’t think people like that feel, their just a empty hull of a person useless to themselves and everyone around them. They enjoy treating people and animals cruelly and violently .

  2. RalPh
    Your correct juries and police have gotten it wrong before.
    But for the cases that are proven positive guilty beyond doubt and have no reason to believe otherwise. I could care less about these botched executions , just like this guy didn’t care about shooting that woman then burying the evidence , I have no feelings for the person accused for murder, botched execution or not. He asked for this ,if the execution gets botched then so be it.

    • If it seems right to you to feel this way, fine for you. I can’t suspend my human empathy on demand. I also don’t believe every sentenced capital offender has had proof positive conviction.

  3. RalPh

    You say , Is it too much to ask to not be cruel even to those who might deserve it

    Suppose the person this guy shot that was a 19 year old woman or still just a child if you ask me and watched as pals buried her alive in 1999 was someone close and dear to you that you loved. Would your feelings be any different ,would you still care about what the constitutional provision states by preventing cruel and unusual punishment to this person that so brutally took away a loved one of yours.
    Or would you still feel the same as now ,would you uphold what the constitutional provision states and feel as though what happen to this guy was cruel and unusual punishment even though he had it coming. Accidents will happen during a execution its not a perfect procedure.

    And I don’t understand the word supposedly that you wrote.
    This word Supposedly means :as people believe, or as people were led to believe.
    Like there might be a chance this guy was innocent of his crime.

    What’s happened is too much time has passed since the crime was committed and we’ve forgotten about the victim and the family of that victim that was so brutally murdered. Way too much time has passed after the fact and too many appeals goes on and on.This needs to be fixed to a certain time period and not 15 years later.

    • The point is that we live our values even in difficult cases. We have decided due process and the 8th amendment says

      ” Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.”

      Perhaps we should revise it, if we no longer subscribe to it.

      Though I could, I’m not even saying no capital punishment, but with proven drugs. Some of these botched executions have clearly been cruel and unusual.

      The “supposedly” was referring to whether the criminal deserves DEATH; I was not referring to whether they committed the crime.

      Though I could refer to that, given the number of exoneration that have occurred. The police and juries aren’t infallible.

  4. All these emotional rantings aside, we humans have the ability to choose how we treat even the worst of people. The constitutional provision of preventing cruel and unusual punishment is there for a reason. We’ve agreed to it as a society. Is it too much to ask to not be cruel even to those who might deserve it supposedly?

    But if we’re going to revisit some amendments, I’m for a debate on any and all. Start with the second. I argue repeal but hey…

  5. This all sickens me ,normal people don’t realize how violent a murderer can become. We will never know if murderers tortured their victim before killing them.
    We will never know the feeling of anxiety or apprehension caused by the presence or anticipation of danger that person was in before being murdered, how they begged for their life ,,, Then for years theses murderers that have no regards for life go through the mandatory appeal process that goes on and on.
    All along getting fed free ,free medical care ,free bed to sleep in.
    This is all wrong people ,so now we have forgotten about the victim that was so violently murdered and years later we suddenly have feelings for this murderer because the drugs didn’t work like they where suppose to executing that person.
    Do you all remember what happen to Saddam Hussein, hung by the neck ,execution over.

  6. If they can humanely euthanize a dog and they can get the drugs for that, use the same cocktail on people and be done with the whole affair. Ridiculous. Better yet, bring the guillotines back. Wouldnt have to spend money on the drugs that way.

  7. I saw this on TV last night, the company that produces the drugs used for executions doesn’t want to provide that type drug for executions in the U.S.
    Steve how many cocktails could you come up with that would work just as well as the drugs needed for these executions. I can think of a few cocktails where there would be no gasping or quivering. Since when do we have compassion for a cold hearted killer. This is what the death penalty is about, its not going to be pretty.
    Let this guy murder someone you love and see if you care how long it took for that death row inmate to die.

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