Someone appears to be at the end of their rope







Someone appears to be at the end of their rope

My mother is 57 years old and not computer savy. So I’m writing you to ask your option to what to do after what happened today at the walgreens pharmacy we’ve used for 3 years now. My mom is on alot of different medications inhalers for C.O.P.D medication for diabetes, synthriod for having no thyroid. But one medication she’s been on & needs for she has super high anxiety. My mom has been on xanex for over 35 years. Well today wasn’t the 1st time this pharmacist has what I believe is very unethical and not legal I believe. This walgreens has filled my mother & I all prescription for over 3years. Mom had medicade, I have caresource. Combined monthly through are insurance company pays most or all for are scripts mom & I do 1,000 a month at least with both of are monthly percriptions. This pharmacist Dr. Michael Cooper is the head pharmacist. 6 months ago my mom picked up 4 percriptions with her co pay they came to $4.80 she didn’t have her purse on her but we had a roll of quarters in the center console. With no one behind mom in the drive through she payed w all quarters the $4.80 in quarters. Left came home to just get a very rude call from the good old Dr. Michael Cooper the pharmacist at are closet walgreens. He called are home line when mom got home cause he didn’t check her out someone else did. So he heard about the paying in quarters called mom, yelled so loud! “How UNEXPECTABLE THAT WAS FOR HER TO PAY IN ALL COINS, all quarters though, he said that is not ok or alright to NEVER DO THAT AGAIN”! then hung up on my mom. So it wasnt pennies, it was quarters money is money right?? So this was 3 months ago. Since then he seems to have a personal vendetta against my mom & I. Before that he was always nice, my mom is a very sweet polite women. But… after like today! I believe he’s crossed the line. Mom I’m not sure if she’s disabled in the eye of the pharmacy board but from what my Dr says a person taking a strong does of anxiety ever day for 35 shouldn’t go with out even for a day. So with that being said, today her xanex was due for refill our Dr faxed in the refill earlier today. She called at 6pm to see if it was ready yet. This pharmacy has filled her  xanex 2 days early every month especially when there is 31 days in last month. So she called the Pharmacy at 6pm spoke to the person who assets the pharmacist not sure there specific title. But that person said no he won’t fill it today. Mom said well why he always has 2 days earlier for the past 3 years check the records. So she asked to speak to Good old Dr Michael Cooper, he put her on hold I timed it 12 mins on hold then he got on the phone He said hello, my mom said hello very kind& asked why wouldn’t he fill them very nice today, again I was right next to her, she then said especially cause there was 31 days in last month. Dr Cooper replied SCREAMED, WELL IF YOUR GOING TO HAVE THAT TONE. I WILL FILL NOTHING FOR YOU TODAY! CLICK THEN HUNG UP! When I swear on everything I love in this world her tone was so sweet and kind no rudness at all. So my mom started to have a panic attack& cry for she was not rude or argumentative just barley got those 2 sentences in b4 he screamed and hung up! So she cried she was afraid to call back. So I said mom call the other walgreens which is alittle further away but we’ve used them b4. Mom spoke to the that pharmacist who called and got the script transferred to that store and they filled them thank God. Or I’d probably be taking mom to the Er. I spoke to that pharmacist when I picked them up cause mom couldn’t drive in her state. I thanked her that pharmacist from the other walgreens & explained the situation of what happened with Dr Michael Cooper the pharmist who refused to fill it today,  2 days early as he always did b4 today. She replied yeah he wasn’t very nice, he wasn’t going to fill it for mom today period! So the nice lady at the other walgreens did & she said from now on use there pharmacy. So we don’t have to deal with pharmacist Dr Michael Cooper. So we will from here on out. But what an inconvenience for us to have to switch cause we believe Dr Cooper since the $4.80 payment in quarters we think he honestly has a vendetta for my mom since especially after today when for years he’s had no problem filling her xanex 2 days early. So the other walgreens nice pharmacist said after I told her what he did and asked if that is? She said Dr Cooper sed my mom was argumentative! Which i can assure she was not at all simple sweet, nice asked a question. Why wouldn’t u fill it told especially if there was 31 days last month. That’s all very kind I was again right next to her. Then he SCREAMED I’M NOT FILLING NOTHING NOW FOR U TODAY AFTER THAT TONE! OR SM THING VERY SIMILAR. So loud it was totally uncalled for then just hangs up?? So after speaking to the other walgreens pharmacist who did fill it told me upon picking it up Dr Cooper sed mom was argumentative! That why he wasn’t filling it, when really she wasn’t at all. So that nice pharmacist said for us to just switch to that walgreens to avoid the wrath of Dr Micheal Cooper, yelling, acting like a police officer, saying he won’t full nothing today so mean it made my mom cry. Now fearing he may do this with all are percriptions. So we are switching to the other walgreens but it’s 10 mins further away from our home. Just to avoid a man who I don’t think is allowed to treat people good people like my mom like that. Sucks ya know. So my question to u is which department should I make a claim with. I’m sure this loose cannon man has done this b4. Plus I m sure he used the mom was being argumentative to cover his ass. But she wasn’t argumentative at all. So how can he refused to refill,plus  now 2xms has yelled, screamed at my mom. How can this be ok? And or legal. So though we are switching pharmacys because of him. How can I make a complaint he lied mom wasn’t an inch argumentative and screamed she’s getting nothing now, and hangs up like he’s control freak or sm thing. So please help me not let this horrible,  bully , mean, pharmacist ever do this to anyone else again. We have to drive 10 more mins away now when Cooper s walgreens is around the corner. It not fair also thank God the other walgreens knows us and filled it for mom cause she told me Cooper wasn’t filling it for mom PERIOD! so what if they didn’t help us. I’d be at the er w her now. This Isn’t right or legal is it? Please help. We live in xxxxxxxx   that’s also where the walgreens Dr Cooper works at. So who do I call to make sure he can’t do this to anyone else. Cause my mom’s the kindest sweetest women. So if he can lie say she was argumentative ect, can’t pay in quarters. And is always just yelling at her, now denied her refills. What do I do who should my mom contact. Thank u so much. Please let me know the proper way to deal with this , cause it really hurt my mom. And pissed me right off as her eldest 33 year old daughter I help take care of her. And I know she didn’t deserve Dr cooper’s wrath like that not tonight not ever. So my point if he yelled at mom like that he must yell at alot of people like this. So please let me know who to contact so I can let them know how this man thinks he’s God. Thank u again so much.

5 Responses

  1. 24 extra tablets per year for 3 years = 72 tablets or 2 1/2 extra months of tablets. When you are on state aid, they make the rules….

  2. Report the pharmacist to the state board of pharmacy for unprofessional conduct. I would also call the Walgreen head office and if they do nothing I would go to the press.

  3. So filling it 2 days early everytime for 12 months equals 24 more tablets a year on a controlled Rx?

    • Per Steve: often healthcare professionals fail to realize that many/most controlled substances deal with subjective diseases and no one except the pt can tell exactly what/when the dose needs to be taken. No healthcare professional can accurately judge just how many doses per day – every day – will meet the needs of the pt. Subjective perception of a pt is never a constant just like how much a individual person needs of food/calories, water/liquids or sleep every day. How many of us would put in the hands of someone else… how much each of can eat, drink, sleep every day and believe that they would be adequate to meet our individual needs. Even each of us cannot determine every day how much we need.. for how many of us has taken a NAP for “break-thru” fatigue… or grabbed a snack of food/drink because the meals that we had.. did not “hold us” until the next scheduled/available meal. How many healthcare professionals would “count” every unit of insulin for a pt using a sliding scale dosing ? TWENTY FOUR EXTRA DOSES A YEAR …means that the pt took TWO EXTRA DOSES A MONTH. Anyone who believes that two extra doses a month would cause someone to get “high” or become “addicted” .. needs to depend less on their “book smarts” and work on their clinical experience in how pts deal with subjective diseases.

      • That and since it doesn’t really say where they live, putting a few back as an emergency stash for bad weather is always a recommended idea…such as a snowstorm, tornado, hurricaine (especially if you have to evacuate transportation break down any number of issues that she couldn’t pick it up on time. ….Come on people, so they have a few extra doses..(big whoop in my book) Also in my book, suppose she came down with the GI flu and vomited some doses. Xanax for 35 years is NOT one you want to ‘cold turkey” on being sick, cut off, or anything…can lead to seizures or worse if she misses too many. Being a long time practioner659+, I would not want to her to ever go without such a medication..she would definitely need to be carefully weaned off her Xanax. The Pharm Deity was an A-hole on how she paid for the previous Rx and continuing to take it out on her is so unprofessional. She should file a complaint with corporate for unprofessionalism. She is lucky he didn’t block her from getting her meds from every WAGS in the chain

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