stage 4 pancreatic cancer has a < 5% 5 yr survival rate

He has stage 4 pancreatic cancer and this is the insanity they put him through here !!! As someone called the police claiming to have “Smelt” Marijuana in his hospital room, He didn’t have any marijuana and had taken THC oil in a capsule while outside. And his doctors were aware of it

Nolan’s Tribe of Warriors Against Cancer

stage 4 pancreatic cancer has a < 5% 5 yr survival rate

5 Responses

  1. Absolutely outrageous! I don’t care if he was shooting heroin while toking on a joint in the hospital room. (He wasn’t btw). Good grief! He’s dying. Leave him alone to die with some dignity! Let him live the rest of his life in peace. If I was one of those cops, I would have felt like the biggest a**hole in the world. I hope the jerk who called the cops experiences karma like no other.

  2. What’s wrong? Have peace? Well who will stop the Attorneys General from suing pharmaceutical manufacturing …who has and HAD ZERO to do with what addicts or illicit pleasure users do or don’t do and have even less to do with the huge increase in overdose death in the last 2 years?

  3. The only dectected smell of marahuana was by the “caller”. The cops didn’t smell anything. Would they still have probable cause for this search?
    Could anyone just say they smelled pot and have the cops search your stuff?
    Would the “seller have to come forth and swear to smelling marahuana before the search?

    I wonder if the patient had refused the search if the cops would have taken him in? In the stretcher?

    It was a scene from “1984” in 2019″ “over the smell of pot.

    I feel so ashamed, but do not know how to express it.

  4. Seriously, just let this dying man have some peace… he’s not bothering anyone so go on and catch some REAL criminals!!

  5. I’m sorry but what is wrong with people!! I’m so fed up with this crap! I would have left that hospital!! If you’re chronically or in this case terminally ill everyone’s jumping all over you but yet there’s dealers & addicts getting away with all kinds of stuff! I’m so disheartened!!!

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