Stand UP or BEND OVER !


First email in my inbox this AM

I read a very informative piece by you: and I was wondering if you still advocate for rights of those who have been violated by a pharmacist? 

 I just had an incredible experience getting my prescriptions filled at a pharmacy I have used for quite some time. The pharmacists flat out questioned my needs for the medications and asked why my condition didn’t include other medications like cancer related drugs its. He wanted to know what was wrong with me. I asked him to call my doctor and he told me not to come back to that pharmacy for my drugs. My prescription provider, CVS/ Caremark, even called him to ask that he fill the RX and he was rude and abrupt to her too….she documented his attitude and responses and they are on record.

 Problem is I live in Florida and unless you have a standing relationship with a pharmacy, they will not fill your prescriptions. Our AG is on a political expedition to rid our state of pain drug mills and prescription medication abuses ….of course now, our state has a growing heroin problem now. I am having surgery next week and I find myself terrified I will not be able to get medications I need for pain.

 I have Spinal Degenerative Disease. (numerous neck and back surgeries)


I have a handicap parking permit

I am under pain management.

 This complaint is addressed to a CVS pharmacy and I called Corporate from the parking lot and they stood behind the pharmacist claiming they had a right to refuse medications based on any personal discretion. After reading your paper, I am led to believe that is not true.

 Do you ever help anyone directly or are you into promoting advocacy via blogs etc? I would love to speak with you to see if you can offer me more guidance. I already have started complaints with agencies you refereed along with my state’s AG, Pam Bondi and my local US/State rep. I desperately need help and I do believe you have some answers.

 Thank you for all you do!

Second email this Afternoon

What an incredible boatload of great information!

I am not on Medicare (I am 56) but I can easily get a disability designation and after reading your info and some other sites, I am going to start that process right away for added protection against this abuse in the future. 

My insurance is with CVS/Caremark….that is the irony, I was told to use CVS for my needs and now after a year or so, this rogue bozo pharmacist decided he held all of the cards and he literally bullied me. He was horribly mean and I don’t get intimidated easily. I also tend to not let things go without a fight 🙂

Good news though. After reading your page that I referenced in my email, I started the wheels going to the Board of Pharmacy. I called CVS to get their license # that was asked for on the form and I guess that is what did it! All hell broke loose at CVS and I was promised the pharmacist was going to get fired. (relocated is most likely what will happen) and that anytime in the future I need pain RX filled….I won’t even have to wait. 

My problem is I won because there were witnesses and the idiot pharmacist repeated and double-downed to a Caremark employee . She documented that he was rude and abrupt in addition to being unaccommodating. I also had a witness that heard him drill me about what my medical condition was (biggie HIPPA violation) Anyway, I still have a problem that TWO CVS corporate folks stood by him in the beginning and said he had every right to refuse to fill a prescription. THAT is a CVS issue that goes beyond the pharmacist.

I think I am going to try and talk to someone in Pam Bondi’s office. I am still reeling with anger and my friends and family think I still need to pursue my complaint to the various agencies you recommended.

Can I share your info with others? This is the norm now in Florida and you helped me a lot!


3 Responses

  1. Being in pain management since 27,,,now 50,,,I have had my share of idiots,,,Back in 2004,,,our home burnt to the ground,,literaly,,,,fyi,,,if u live in the middle of no-where,,,u have a house fire,,,kiss your home/your financial stabiliy good bye,,,our vo;lunteer fire,,,,could not get a 960 square foot home fire under control in 6 HOURS!!!!,,,,but,,,my MEDICINE was in our home..soo I called my pain doc,,,same 1 have now,,,,no problem,,mailed out a new script 2weeks early,,however…the arrogant ass pharmasist,,,thought I was lying,,,well someone standing behind me…grab the local paper ,sitting in a newspaper bin right next to the pharmacist window,,and handed it to me,,,their was MY house fire on the front page!!! ,, II LITERALLY THREW THE NEWSPAPER AT HIM,,,,,, and I paid cash for my script,,,,called his bosses,,,he transfer’d to Madison,,,turens out I was ot the first to complain about him,,soo,,,just because 10 to 1,,,if your having a problem w/a pharmacist,,,someone else is also,,,,soo file a complaint!!!mary

  2. Ahhh, thanks. That will help if needed. I’ll find out tomorrow morning.

  3. Complaints can be filed against both a company and a business at the Florida Department of Health (DOH) complaint portal. This is where to start. If the patient is covered under Medicare or Medicaid they file a complaint with the CMS website. SAG Bondi has a website to file a complaint but it will probably be forwarded to the MQA- medical quality assurance, of the DOH. Surprisingly, Contacting the Boatd of Pharmacy directly does not start a complaint investigation even if from a professional licensed by that board.
    I have been trying to get someone to “hear” my complaint for 6 months so be sure to follow up again and again.

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