headsand2HEADS UP!!

HERE IS OUR CHANCE TO GET A CLASS ACTION SUIT GOING! Please share this and let everyone know what’s going on!!

Human Rights Watch is collecting letters from pain patients impacted by the CDC, DEA guidelines. They say inadequate pain care is torture and a violation of our right to medical care.

Their address is:
350 5th Ave.
34 th floor
New York, NY 10118-4700

NY Office telephone # 1-212- 216-1832


5 Responses

  1. Besides making your views known on this Surgeon General’s facebook page, YOU CAN ALSO MESSAGE HIM THROUGH HIS PERSONAL FACEBOOK PAGE! Let’s bombard his messaging system with our stories, views, and concerns regarding his irresponsible attitude towards chronic pain patients and the fact that we are collateral damage in his misguided war on addiction.

  2. I support Death with Dignity, because I desperately need and escape from pain of 3 Chronic Diseases and today’s Doctor’s have orders not to give pain meds to anyone. Something has to change, it is hard enough to live in Chronic Pain but to do so knowing that there are med’s out there that could take the pain away and allow me a couple of pain free years before I pass is nuts.

  3. This is a CALL to action for all pain sufferers! It’s time to speak out against the oppression and discrimination that we have all endoured at one time or another. Myself and my fellow members of the Chronic Pain Rights Support Group are calling on our fellow pain suffers to call and email your Senators about all our concerns and issues with the way that several of the Senate Bills regarding opioid medications and addiction treatment and the way they will negatively impact the Chronic Pain Community. Our concerns should be that these Bills spacifically allocate funding for the treatment of addiction with complete and total disregard to the pain community. We should demand that our rights to proper pain relief be guaranteed whether it be from opiod medications, or from natural means such as marijuana. We also need to extremely express our concerns about funding. Research on efficient and safer therapies for treating chronic pain sould be the first concern before prohibiting the use of opiates. The fact that our government is spending more on the treament of those addicted, 28 million people, than they do on finding better treatment, safer and less addictive treatments for chronic pain suffers, over 116 million people is unforgivable. So on Tuesday, June 21st at 3pm eastern standerd time we are asking all those who suffer from pain 24/7, 365 days a year to call and email your US Senators office and demand to be heard. Our goal of course is to make our calls the only ones heard in Washington DC that whole day.
    Please be calm, polite and to the point when you call so we do not fuel the addiction fire any further. If we call and leave angry comments, or just totally be irate and unapproachable, we will appear as we simply want our opiates or Marijuana and are not concerned about anything or anyone else. But if we speak polite and professional, people will listen. Thank you all and we truly hope you can join in.

  4. To all u who said our emails do nothing,,,hmmm,,,lets hope human rights watch stick to there word,,,,,,

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